This verifcation run is set up to run on two processers. The atmosphere and seaice run in the top directory; the ocean runs in a subdirectory rank_1. This rank_1 directory must be created - with appropriate input files - prior to running. A sample script to execute the mpirun command is run_cpl. It is also possible to run the full coupled model on a single processor, or to distribute the ocean to several nodes, with subdirectories rank_1 to rank_n, although the atmosphere/seaice cannot be parallelized. (additional documentation forthcoming) ----------------------------------------------------------------- To build the atmospheric/seaice code: The atmospheric code is located at: Here, there is a source and include directory, and a makefile which builds an atmospheric library LIBATM.a To make the atmice executable, there is a script (which runs a makefile) in the verification exp. directory exe_atmice. This script first makes a ocean library LIB3DO.a from the build_atmice *.o files. The MITGCM options turn off pretty much everything except packages THSICE and ATM2D. The ocean code should be built in build_ocn, and the mitgcmuv executable which results is used directly. There are no special options needed (except the generic coupling option) in the ocean-only code. Pickups (to get you started) for the GISS atmosphere are located at: (these are fairly large and thus not included in input_atmice) Support files for the GISS atmosphere (referenced in name.dat) are in the tar ball: This verification experiment was run with CLM off, i.e. using a simple bucket model included in the GISS atmosphere. Support for using CLM with be forthcoming. name.dat notes: --------------- These are output files, and must be not present before running: ocndata4atm = 'ocnd4a0001.01' plotfl = 'plot0001.01' nwrfl = 'nwr0001.01' These are the atmos. pickups, which are continuously overwritten: file1 = 'pov10001.01.bin', file2 = 'pov20001.01.bin', These support files are needed (in addition to some others): bgrghg_data = '../ATM2D_DATA/INIT/forcing/ghgdata.GISS.2005.dat' fprratio = '../ATM2D_DATA/CLMDATA/pcp2lnd-data.001x046.txt' There are many other options to the 2D atmosphere; further support forthcoming. Questions: