# Coupling package parameters, ATM component: # cpl_oldPickup :: restart from an old pickup (= until ckpt 59h) # useImportMxlD :: True => use Imported Mix.Layer Detph from coupler # useImportSST :: True => use the Imported SST from coupler # useImportSSS :: True => use the Imported SSS from coupler # useImportVsq :: True => use the Imported Surf. velocity^2 # cpl_atmSendFrq :: Frequency^-1 for sending data to coupler (s) &CPL_ATM_PARAM # cpl_oldPickup=.TRUE., # useImportMxlD=.FALSE., # useImportSST =.FALSE., # useImportSSS =.FALSE., # useImportVsq =.FALSE., cpl_atmSendFrq=3600., &