# Diagnostic Package Choices #----------------- # for each output-stream: # filename(n) : prefix of the output file name (only 8.c long) for outp.stream n # frequency(n):< 0 : write snap-shot output every |frequency| seconds # > 0 : write time-average output every frequency seconds # timePhase(n) : write at time = timePhase + multiple of |frequency| # levels(:,n) : list of levels to write to file (Notes: declared as REAL) # when this entry is missing, select all common levels of this list # fields(:,n) : list of diagnostics fields (8.c) (see "available_diagnostics" file # for the list of all available diag. in this particular config) #----------------- &diagnostics_list frequency(1) = 4500., levels(1,1) = 1., fields(1,1) = 'ETAN ','ETANSQ ', filename(1) = 'surfDiag', frequency(2) = 4500., levels(1,2) = 1.,2.,3.,4.,5., fields(1,2) = 'UVEL ','VVEL ','WVEL ','THETA ','SALT ', 'UVELSQ ','VVELSQ ','THETASQ ','UV_VEL_Z', 'UVELMASS','VVELMASS', 'UTHMASS ','VTHMASS ','WVELTH ', 'USLTMASS','VSLTMASS','WVELSLT ', filename(2) = 'dynDiag', frequency(3) = 4500., levels(1,3) = 1., fields(1,3) = 'UFLUX ', 'VFLUX ', 'OSR ', 'OLR ', 'RADSWG ', 'RADLWG ', 'HFLUX ', 'EVAP ', 'PRECON ', 'PRECLS ', # 'CLDFRC ', 'CLDPRS ', 'CTPCNT ', 'CLDMAS ', 'CLDFRC ', 'CLDPRS ', 'CLDMAS ', 'KM ', 'WINDS ', 'TS ', 'QS ', 'ENPREC ', 'ALBVISDF', 'SDIAG1 ', 'OSRCLR ', 'OLRCLR ', 'SWGCLR ', 'LWGCLR ', filename(3) = 'aimDiag', frequency(4) = 4500., levels(1,4) = 1.,2.,3.,4.,5., fields(1,4) = 'RELHUM ', 'DIABT ', 'DIABQ ', 'RADSW ', 'RADLW ', 'DTCONV ', 'DTLS ', 'DQCONV ', 'DQLS ', 'SWCLR ', 'LWCLR ', filename(4) = 'aimDDT', &end