# AIM physics package parameters: #-- Physical constants # P0 = reference pressure # GG = gravity accel. # RD = gas constant for dry air # CP = specific heat at constant pressure # ALHC = latent heat of condensation # SBC = Stefan-Boltzmann constant #-- Constants for forcing fields (namelist AIM_PAR_FOR): # SOLC = Solar constant (area averaged) in W/m^2 # ALBSEA = Albedo over sea # ALBICE = Albedo over sea ice (for ice fraction = 1) # ALBSN = Albedo over snow (for snow depth > SDALB) # SDALB = Snow depth corresponding to maximum albedo # SWCAP = Soil wetness capacity # SWWIL = Soil wetness at wilting point &AIM_PAR_FOR & #-- Constants for surface fluxes (namelist AIM_PAR_SFL): # FWIND0 = ratio of near-sfc wind to lowest-level wind # FTEMP0 = weight for near-sfc temperature extrapolation (0-1) : # 1 : linear extrapolation from two lowest levels # 0 : constant potential temperature ( = lowest level) # FHUM0 = weight for near-sfc specific humidity extrapolation (0-1) : # 1 : extrap. with constant relative hum. ( = lowest level) # 0 : constant specific hum. ( = lowest level) # CDL = drag coefficient for momentum over land # CDS = drag coefficient for momentum over sea # CHL = heat exchange coefficient over land # CHS = heat exchange coefficient over sea # VGUST = wind speed for sub-grid-scale gusts # SWMAX = Soil wetness (in mm) corresp. to potential evapotranspiration &AIM_PAR_SFL FWIND0 = 0.42, FTEMP0 = 0., CHL = 2.0e-3, CHS = 0.9e-3, VGUST = 4., & #-- Convection constants (namelist AIM_PAR_CNV): # RHBL = relative hum. threshold in the boundary (lowest) layer # TRCNV = time of relaxation (in hours) towards neutral equilibrium # ENTMAX = max. entrainment as a fraction of cloud-base mass flux &AIM_PAR_CNV & #-- Constants for large-scale condendation (namelist AIM_PAR_LSC): # RHLSC = Relative humidity threshold # TRLSC = Relaxation time (in hours) for supersat. specific humidity &AIM_PAR_LSC & #-- Radiation constants (namelist AIM_PAR_RAD): # ABSSW = shortwave absorptivity for dry air (per dp = 10^5 Pa) # ABSLW = longwave absorptivity for dry air (per dp = 10^5 Pa) # ABWSW = shortwave absorptivity for water vapour (per dq = 1 g/kg) # ABWLW = longwave absorptivity for water vapour (per dq = 1 g/kg) # ABCSW = shortwave absorptivity for cloud fraction # ABCLW = longwave absorptivity for cloud fraction # EPSSW = fraction of incoming solar radiation absorbed by ozone # EPSLW = fraction of surface LW radiation emitted directly to space # ALBCL = cloud albedo (for cloud cover = 1) # RHCL1 = relative hum. corresponding to cloud cover = 0 # RHCL2 = relative hum. corresponding to cloud cover = 1 # QACL = specific hum. threshold for cloud cover &AIM_PAR_RAD ABWLW = 0.60, ALBCL = 0.34, RHCL1 = 0.50, RHCL2 = 0.90, QACL = 0.50, & #-- Constants for vertical dif. and sh. conv. (namelist AIM_PAR_VDI): # TRVDI = relaxation time (in hours) for moisture diffusion # TRSHC = relaxation time (in hours) for shallow convection &AIM_PAR_VDI TRVDI = 48., TRSHC = 12., &