# Diagnostic Package Choices #----------------- # for each output-stream: # filename(n) : prefix of the output file name (only 8.c long) for outp.stream n # frequency(n):< 0 : write snap-shot output every |frequency| seconds # > 0 : write time-average output every frequency seconds # timePhase(n) : write at time = timePhase + multiple of |frequency| # levels(:,n) : list of levels to write to file (Notes: declared as REAL) # when this entry is missing, select all common levels of this list # fields(:,n) : list of diagnostics fields (8.c) (see "available_diagnostics" file # for the list of all available diag. in this particular config) #----------------- &diagnostics_list frequency(1) = 4500,, levels(1,1) = 1., fields(1,1) = 'ETAN ','ETANSQ ','DETADT2 ', filename(1) = 'surfDiag', frequency(2) = 4500., levels(1,2) = 1.,2.,3.,4.,5., fields(1,2) = 'UVEL ','VVEL ','WVEL ','THETA ','SALT ', 'UVELSQ ','VVELSQ ','THETASQ ','UV_VEL_Z', 'UVELMASS','VVELMASS', 'UTHMASS ','VTHMASS ','WVELTH ', 'USLTMASS','VSLTMASS','WVELSLT ', filename(2) = 'dynDiag', frequency(3) = 4500., levels(1,3) = 1., fields(1,3) = 'UFLUX ', 'VFLUX ', 'OSR ', 'OLR ', 'RADSWG ', 'RADLWG ', 'HFLUX ', 'EVAP ', 'PRECON ', 'PRECLS ', # 'CLDFRC ', 'CLDPRS ', 'CTPCNT ', 'CLDMAS ', 'CLDFRC ', 'CLDPRS ', 'CLDMAS ', 'KM ', 'WINDS ', 'TS ', 'QS ', 'ENPREC ', 'ALBVISDF', 'SDIAG1 ', # 'OSRCLR ', 'OLRCLR ', 'SWGCLR ', 'LWGCLR ', filename(3) = 'aimDiag', frequency(4) = 4500., levels(1,4) = 1.,2.,3.,4.,5., fields(1,4) = 'RELHUM ', 'DIABT ', 'DIABQ ', 'RADSW ', 'RADLW ', 'DTCONV ', 'DTLS ', 'DQCONV ', 'DQLS ', # 'SWCLR ', 'LWCLR ', filename(4) = 'aimDDT', frequency(5) = 4500., fields(1,5) = 'SI_Fract', 'SI_Thick', 'SI_SnowH', 'SI_Tsrf ', 'SI_Tice1', 'SI_Tice2', # 'SI_Qice1', 'SI_Qice2', 'SIsnwAge', 'SIsnwPrc', 'SIalbedo', 'SIflx2oc', 'SIfrw2oc', 'SIsaltFx', # 'SIflxAtm', 'SIfrwAtm', # 'SItOcMxL', 'SIsOcMxL', filename(5) = 'thSIceDiag', &end