C $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/verification/OpenAD/code_oad_all/Attic/ctrl_pack.F,v 1.1 2009/01/29 21:46:50 utke Exp $ C $Name: $ #include "PACKAGES_CONFIG.h" #include "CTRL_CPPOPTIONS.h" subroutine ctrl_pack( first, mythid ) c ================================================================== c SUBROUTINE ctrl_pack c ================================================================== c c o Compress the control vector such that only ocean points are c written to file. c c started: Christian Eckert eckert@mit.edu 10-Mar=2000 c c changed: Patrick Heimbach heimbach@mit.edu 06-Jun-2000 c - Transferred some filename declarations c from here to namelist in ctrl_init c c Patrick Heimbach heimbach@mit.edu 16-Jun-2000 c - single file name convention with or without c ALLOW_ECCO_OPTIMIZATION c c G. Gebbie, added open boundary control packing, c gebbie@mit.edu 18 -Mar- 2003 c c heimbach@mit.edu totally restructured 28-Oct-2003 c c ================================================================== c SUBROUTINE ctrl_pack c ================================================================== implicit none c == global variables == #include "EEPARAMS.h" #include "SIZE.h" #include "PARAMS.h" #include "GRID.h" #include "ctrl.h" #include "optim.h" #ifdef ALLOW_COST # include "cost.h" #endif #ifdef ALLOW_ECCO # include "ecco_cost.h" #else # include "ctrl_weights.h" #endif c == routine arguments == logical first integer mythid #ifndef EXCLUDE_CTRL_PACK c == local variables == _RL fcloc integer i, j, k integer ii integer il integer irec integer ig,jg integer ivartype integer iobcs logical doglobalread logical ladinit integer cbuffindex logical lxxadxx integer cunit integer ictrlgrad character*(128) cfile character*( 80) weighttype c == external == integer ilnblnk external ilnblnk c == end of interface == #ifndef ALLOW_ECCO_OPTIMIZATION fmin = 0. _d 0 #endif c-- Tiled files are used. doglobalread = .false. c-- Initialise adjoint variables on active files. ladinit = .false. c-- Initialise global buffer index nbuffglobal = 0 c-- Assign file names. call ctrl_set_fname(xx_theta_file, fname_theta, mythid) call ctrl_set_fname(xx_salt_file, fname_salt, mythid) call ctrl_set_fname(xx_hflux_file, fname_hflux, mythid) call ctrl_set_fname(xx_sflux_file, fname_sflux, mythid) call ctrl_set_fname(xx_tauu_file, fname_tauu, mythid) call ctrl_set_fname(xx_tauv_file, fname_tauv, mythid) call ctrl_set_fname(xx_atemp_file, fname_atemp, mythid) call ctrl_set_fname(xx_aqh_file, fname_aqh, mythid) call ctrl_set_fname(xx_precip_file, fname_precip, mythid) call ctrl_set_fname(xx_swflux_file, fname_swflux, mythid) call ctrl_set_fname(xx_swdown_file, fname_swdown, mythid) call ctrl_set_fname(xx_lwflux_file, fname_lwflux, mythid) call ctrl_set_fname(xx_lwdown_file, fname_lwdown, mythid) call ctrl_set_fname(xx_evap_file, fname_evap, mythid) call ctrl_set_fname(xx_snowprecip_file, fname_snowprecip, mythid) call ctrl_set_fname(xx_apressure_file, fname_apressure, mythid) call ctrl_set_fname(xx_runoff_file, fname_runoff, mythid) call ctrl_set_fname(xx_uwind_file, fname_uwind, mythid) call ctrl_set_fname(xx_vwind_file, fname_vwind, mythid) call ctrl_set_fname(xx_obcsn_file, fname_obcsn, mythid) call ctrl_set_fname(xx_obcss_file, fname_obcss, mythid) call ctrl_set_fname(xx_obcsw_file, fname_obcsw, mythid) call ctrl_set_fname(xx_obcse_file, fname_obcse, mythid) call ctrl_set_fname(xx_diffkr_file, fname_diffkr, mythid) call ctrl_set_fname(xx_kapgm_file, fname_kapgm, mythid) call ctrl_set_fname(xx_kapredi_file, fname_kapredi, mythid) call ctrl_set_fname(xx_tr1_file, fname_tr1, mythid) call ctrl_set_fname(xx_sst_file, fname_sst, mythid) call ctrl_set_fname(xx_sss_file, fname_sss, mythid) call ctrl_set_fname(xx_depth_file, fname_depth, mythid) call ctrl_set_fname(xx_efluxy_file, fname_efluxy, mythid) call ctrl_set_fname(xx_efluxp_file, fname_efluxp, mythid) call ctrl_set_fname(xx_bottomdrag_file, fname_bottomdrag, mythid) call ctrl_set_fname(xx_edtaux_file, fname_edtaux, mythid) call ctrl_set_fname(xx_edtauy_file, fname_edtauy, mythid) call ctrl_set_fname(xx_uvel_file, fname_uvel, mythid) call ctrl_set_fname(xx_vvel_file, fname_vvel, mythid) call ctrl_set_fname(xx_etan_file, fname_etan, mythid) call ctrl_set_fname(xx_relaxsst_file, fname_relaxsst, mythid) call ctrl_set_fname(xx_relaxsss_file, fname_relaxsss, mythid) call ctrl_set_fname(xx_siarea_file, fname_siarea, mythid) call ctrl_set_fname(xx_siheff_file, fname_siheff, mythid) call ctrl_set_fname(xx_sihsnow_file, fname_sihsnow, mythid) cHFLUXM_CONTROL call ctrl_set_fname(xx_hfluxm_file, fname_hfluxm, mythid) cHFLUXM_CONTROL c-- Only the master thread will do I/O. _BEGIN_MASTER( mythid ) if ( first ) then c >>> Initialise control vector for optimcycle=0 <<< lxxadxx = .TRUE. ictrlgrad = 1 fcloc = fmin write(cfile(1:128),'(4a,i4.4)') & ctrlname(1:9),'_',yctrlid(1:10), & yctrlpospack, optimcycle print *, 'ph-pack: packing ', ctrlname(1:9) else c >>> Write gradient vector <<< lxxadxx = .FALSE. ictrlgrad = 2 fcloc = fc%v write(cfile(1:128),'(4a,i4.4)') & costname(1:9),'_',yctrlid(1:10), & yctrlpospack, optimcycle print *, 'ph-pack: packing ', costname(1:9) endif call mdsfindunit( cunit, mythid ) open( cunit, file = cfile, & status = 'unknown', & form = 'unformatted', & access = 'sequential' ) c-- Header information. write(cunit) nvartype write(cunit) nvarlength write(cunit) yctrlid write(cunit) optimCycle write(cunit) fc C place holder of obsolete variable iG write(cunit) 1 C place holder of obsolete variable jG write(cunit) 1 write(cunit) nsx write(cunit) nsy write(cunit) (nWetcGlobal(k), k=1,nr) write(cunit) (nWetsGlobal(k), k=1,nr) write(cunit) (nWetwGlobal(k), k=1,nr) #ifdef ALLOW_CTRL_WETV write(cunit) (nWetvGlobal(k), k=1,nr) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_OBCSN_CONTROL write(cunit) ((nWetobcsnGlo(k,iobcs), k=1,nr),iobcs= 1,nobcs) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_OBCSS_CONTROL write(cunit) ((nWetobcssGlo(k,iobcs), k=1,nr),iobcs= 1,nobcs) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_OBCSW_CONTROL write(cunit) ((nWetobcswGlo(k,iobcs), k=1,nr),iobcs= 1,nobcs) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_OBCSE_CONTROL write(cunit) ((nWetobcseGlo(k,iobcs), k=1,nr),iobcs= 1,nobcs) #endif write(cunit) (ncvarindex(i), i=1,maxcvars) write(cunit) (ncvarrecs(i), i=1,maxcvars) write(cunit) (ncvarxmax(i), i=1,maxcvars) write(cunit) (ncvarymax(i), i=1,maxcvars) write(cunit) (ncvarnrmax(i), i=1,maxcvars) write(cunit) (ncvargrd(i), i=1,maxcvars) write(cunit) #ifdef ALLOW_THETA0_CONTROL ivartype = 1 write(weighttype(1:80),'(80a)') ' ' write(weighttype(1:80),'(a)') "wthetaLev" call ctrl_set_pack_xyz( & cunit, ivartype, fname_theta(ictrlgrad), "maskCtrlC", & weighttype, wtheta, lxxadxx, mythid) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_SALT0_CONTROL ivartype = 2 write(weighttype(1:80),'(80a)') ' ' write(weighttype(1:80),'(a)') "wsaltLev" call ctrl_set_pack_xyz( & cunit, ivartype, fname_salt(ictrlgrad), "maskCtrlC", & weighttype, wsalt, lxxadxx, mythid) #endif #if (defined (ALLOW_HFLUX_CONTROL) || defined (ALLOW_HFLUX0_CONTROL)) ivartype = 3 write(weighttype(1:80),'(80a)') ' ' write(weighttype(1:80),'(a)') "whflux" call ctrl_set_pack_xy( & cunit, ivartype, fname_hflux(ictrlgrad), "maskCtrlC", & weighttype, lxxadxx, mythid) #endif #if (defined (ALLOW_SFLUX_CONTROL) || defined (ALLOW_SFLUX0_CONTROL)) ivartype = 4 write(weighttype(1:80),'(80a)') ' ' write(weighttype(1:80),'(a)') "wsflux" call ctrl_set_pack_xy( & cunit, ivartype, fname_sflux(ictrlgrad), "maskCtrlC", & weighttype, lxxadxx, mythid) #endif #if (defined (ALLOW_USTRESS_CONTROL) || defined (ALLOW_TAUU0_CONTROL)) ivartype = 5 write(weighttype(1:80),'(80a)') ' ' write(weighttype(1:80),'(a)') "wtauu" call ctrl_set_pack_xy( & cunit, ivartype, fname_tauu(ictrlgrad), "maskCtrlW", & weighttype, lxxadxx, mythid) #endif #if (defined (ALLOW_VSTRESS_CONTROL) || defined (ALLOW_TAUV0_CONTROL)) ivartype = 6 write(weighttype(1:80),'(80a)') ' ' write(weighttype(1:80),'(a)') "wtauv" call ctrl_set_pack_xy( & cunit, ivartype, fname_tauv(ictrlgrad), "maskCtrlS", & weighttype, lxxadxx, mythid) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_ATEMP_CONTROL ivartype = 7 write(weighttype(1:80),'(80a)') ' ' write(weighttype(1:80),'(a)') "watemp" call ctrl_set_pack_xy( & cunit, ivartype, fname_atemp(ictrlgrad), "maskCtrlC", & weighttype, lxxadxx, mythid) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_AQH_CONTROL ivartype = 8 write(weighttype(1:80),'(80a)') ' ' write(weighttype(1:80),'(a)') "waqh" call ctrl_set_pack_xy( & cunit, ivartype, fname_aqh(ictrlgrad), "maskCtrlC", & weighttype, lxxadxx, mythid) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_UWIND_CONTROL ivartype = 9 write(weighttype(1:80),'(80a)') ' ' write(weighttype(1:80),'(a)') "wuwind" call ctrl_set_pack_xy( & cunit, ivartype, fname_uwind(ictrlgrad), "maskCtrlC", & weighttype, lxxadxx, mythid) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_VWIND_CONTROL ivartype = 10 write(weighttype(1:80),'(80a)') ' ' write(weighttype(1:80),'(a)') "wvwind" call ctrl_set_pack_xy( & cunit, ivartype, fname_vwind(ictrlgrad), "maskCtrlC", & weighttype, lxxadxx, mythid) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_OBCSN_CONTROL ivartype = 11 write(weighttype(1:80),'(80a)') ' ' write(weighttype(1:80),'(a)') "wobcsn" call ctrl_set_pack_xz( & cunit, ivartype, fname_obcsn(ictrlgrad), "maskobcsn", & weighttype, wobcsn, lxxadxx, mythid) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_OBCSS_CONTROL ivartype = 12 write(weighttype(1:80),'(80a)') ' ' write(weighttype(1:80),'(a)') "wobcss" call ctrl_set_pack_xz( & cunit, ivartype, fname_obcss(ictrlgrad), "maskobcss", & weighttype, wobcss, lxxadxx, mythid) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_OBCSW_CONTROL ivartype = 13 write(weighttype(1:80),'(80a)') ' ' write(weighttype(1:80),'(a)') "wobcsw" call ctrl_set_pack_yz( & cunit, ivartype, fname_obcsw(ictrlgrad), "maskobcsw", & weighttype, wobcsw, lxxadxx, mythid) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_OBCSE_CONTROL ivartype = 14 write(weighttype(1:80),'(80a)') ' ' write(weighttype(1:80),'(a)') "wobcse" call ctrl_set_pack_yz( & cunit, ivartype, fname_obcse(ictrlgrad), "maskobcse", & weighttype, wobcse, lxxadxx, mythid) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_DIFFKR_CONTROL ivartype = 15 write(weighttype(1:80),'(80a)') ' ' write(weighttype(1:80),'(a)') "wdiffkr" call ctrl_set_pack_xyz( & cunit, ivartype, fname_diffkr(ictrlgrad), "maskCtrlC", & weighttype, wdiffkr, lxxadxx, mythid) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_KAPGM_CONTROL ivartype = 16 write(weighttype(1:80),'(80a)') ' ' write(weighttype(1:80),'(a)') "wkapgm" call ctrl_set_pack_xyz( & cunit, ivartype, fname_kapgm(ictrlgrad), "maskCtrlC", & weighttype, wkapgm, lxxadxx, mythid) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_TR10_CONTROL ivartype = 17 write(weighttype(1:80),'(80a)') ' ' write(weighttype(1:80),'(a)') "wtr1" call ctrl_set_pack_xyz( & cunit, ivartype, fname_tr1(ictrlgrad), "maskCtrlC", & weighttype, wunit, lxxadxx, mythid) #endif #if (defined (ALLOW_SST_CONTROL) || defined (ALLOW_SST0_CONTROL)) ivartype = 18 write(weighttype(1:80),'(80a)') ' ' write(weighttype(1:80),'(a)') "wsst" call ctrl_set_pack_xy( & cunit, ivartype, fname_sst(ictrlgrad), "maskCtrlC", & weighttype, lxxadxx, mythid) #endif #if (defined (ALLOW_SSS_CONTROL) || defined (ALLOW_SSS0_CONTROL)) ivartype = 19 write(weighttype(1:80),'(80a)') ' ' write(weighttype(1:80),'(a)') "wsss" call ctrl_set_pack_xy( & cunit, ivartype, fname_sss(ictrlgrad), & "maskCtrlC", weighttype, lxxadxx, mythid) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_DEPTH_CONTROL ivartype = 20 write(weighttype(1:80),'(80a)') ' ' write(weighttype(1:80),'(a)') "wdepth" call ctrl_set_pack_xy( & cunit, ivartype, fname_depth(ictrlgrad), & "maskCtrlC", weighttype, lxxadxx, mythid) #endif /* ALLOW_DEPTH_CONTROL */ #ifdef ALLOW_EFLUXY0_CONTROL ivartype = 21 write(weighttype(1:80),'(80a)') ' ' write(weighttype(1:80),'(a)') "wefluxy0" call ctrl_set_pack_xyz( & cunit, ivartype, fname_efluxy(ictrlgrad), "maskCtrlS", & weighttype, wunit, lxxadxx, mythid) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_EFLUXP0_CONTROL ivartype = 22 write(weighttype(1:80),'(80a)') ' ' write(weighttype(1:80),'(a)') "wefluxp0" call ctrl_set_pack_xyz( & cunit, ivartype, fname_efluxp(ictrlgrad), "maskhFacV", & weighttype, wunit, lxxadxx, mythid) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_BOTTOMDRAG_CONTROL ivartype = 23 write(weighttype(1:80),'(80a)') ' ' write(weighttype(1:80),'(a)') "wbottomdrag" call ctrl_set_pack_xy( & cunit, ivartype, fname_bottomdrag(ictrlgrad), "maskCtrlC", & weighttype, lxxadxx, mythid) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_HFLUXM_CONTROL ivartype = 24 write(weighttype(1:80),'(80a)') ' ' write(weighttype(1:80),'(a)') "whfluxm" call ctrl_set_pack_xy( & cunit, ivartype, fname_hfluxm(ictrlgrad), "maskCtrlC", & weighttype, lxxadxx, mythid) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_EDDYPSI_CONTROL ivartype = 25 write(weighttype(1:80),'(80a)') ' ' write(weighttype(1:80),'(a)') "wedtaux" call ctrl_set_pack_xyz( & cunit, ivartype, fname_edtaux(ictrlgrad), "maskCtrlW", & weighttype, wedtaux, lxxadxx, mythid) ivartype = 26 write(weighttype(1:80),'(80a)') ' ' write(weighttype(1:80),'(a)') "wedtauy" call ctrl_set_pack_xyz( & cunit, ivartype, fname_edtauy(ictrlgrad), "maskCtrlS", & weighttype, wedtauy, lxxadxx, mythid) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_UVEL0_CONTROL ivartype = 27 write(weighttype(1:80),'(80a)') ' ' write(weighttype(1:80),'(a)') "wuvel" call ctrl_set_pack_xyz( & cunit, ivartype, fname_uvel(ictrlgrad), "maskCtrlW", & weighttype, wunit, lxxadxx, mythid) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_VVEL0_CONTROL ivartype = 28 write(weighttype(1:80),'(80a)') ' ' write(weighttype(1:80),'(a)') "wvvel" call ctrl_set_pack_xyz( & cunit, ivartype, fname_vvel(ictrlgrad), "maskCtrlS", & weighttype, wunit, lxxadxx, mythid) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_ETAN0_CONTROL ivartype = 29 write(weighttype(1:80),'(80a)') ' ' write(weighttype(1:80),'(a)') "wetan" call ctrl_set_pack_xy( & cunit, ivartype, fname_etan(ictrlgrad), & "maskCtrlC", weighttype, lxxadxx, mythid) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_RELAXSST_CONTROL ivartype = 30 write(weighttype(1:80),'(80a)') ' ' write(weighttype(1:80),'(a)') "wrelaxsst" call ctrl_set_pack_xy( & cunit, ivartype, fname_relaxsst(ictrlgrad), & "maskCtrlC", weighttype, lxxadxx, mythid) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_RELAXSSS_CONTROL ivartype = 31 write(weighttype(1:80),'(80a)') ' ' write(weighttype(1:80),'(a)') "wrelaxsss" call ctrl_set_pack_xy( & cunit, ivartype, fname_relaxsss(ictrlgrad), & "maskCtrlC", weighttype, lxxadxx, mythid) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_PRECIP_CONTROL ivartype = 32 write(weighttype(1:80),'(80a)') ' ' write(weighttype(1:80),'(a)') "wprecip" call ctrl_set_pack_xy( & cunit, ivartype, fname_precip(ictrlgrad), & "maskCtrlC", weighttype, lxxadxx, mythid) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_SWFLUX_CONTROL ivartype = 33 write(weighttype(1:80),'(80a)') ' ' write(weighttype(1:80),'(a)') "wswflux" call ctrl_set_pack_xy( & cunit, ivartype, fname_swflux(ictrlgrad), & "maskCtrlC", weighttype, lxxadxx, mythid) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_SWDOWN_CONTROL ivartype = 34 write(weighttype(1:80),'(80a)') ' ' write(weighttype(1:80),'(a)') "wswdown" call ctrl_set_pack_xy( & cunit, ivartype, fname_swdown(ictrlgrad), & "maskCtrlC", weighttype, lxxadxx, mythid) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_LWFLUX_CONTROL ivartype = 35 write(weighttype(1:80),'(80a)') ' ' write(weighttype(1:80),'(a)') "wlwflux" call ctrl_set_pack_xy( & cunit, ivartype, fname_lwflux(ictrlgrad), & "maskCtrlC", weighttype, lxxadxx, mythid) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_LWDOWN_CONTROL ivartype = 36 write(weighttype(1:80),'(80a)') ' ' write(weighttype(1:80),'(a)') "wlwdown" call ctrl_set_pack_xy( & cunit, ivartype, fname_lwdown(ictrlgrad), & "maskCtrlC", weighttype, lxxadxx, mythid) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_EVAP_CONTROL ivartype = 37 write(weighttype(1:80),'(80a)') ' ' write(weighttype(1:80),'(a)') "wevap" call ctrl_set_pack_xy( & cunit, ivartype, fname_evap(ictrlgrad), & "maskCtrlC", weighttype, lxxadxx, mythid) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_SNOWPRECIP_CONTROL ivartype = 38 write(weighttype(1:80),'(80a)') ' ' write(weighttype(1:80),'(a)') "wsnowprecip" call ctrl_set_pack_xy( & cunit, ivartype, fname_snowprecip(ictrlgrad), & "maskCtrlC", weighttype, lxxadxx, mythid) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_APRESSURE_CONTROL ivartype = 39 write(weighttype(1:80),'(80a)') ' ' write(weighttype(1:80),'(a)') "wapressure" call ctrl_set_pack_xy( & cunit, ivartype, fname_apressure(ictrlgrad), & "maskCtrlC", weighttype, lxxadxx, mythid) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_RUNOFF_CONTROL ivartype = 40 write(weighttype(1:80),'(80a)') ' ' write(weighttype(1:80),'(a)') "wrunoff" call ctrl_set_pack_xy( & cunit, ivartype, fname_runoff(ictrlgrad), & "maskCtrlC", weighttype, lxxadxx, mythid) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_SIAREA_CONTROL ivartype = 41 write(weighttype(1:80),'(80a)') ' ' write(weighttype(1:80),'(a)') "wunit" call ctrl_set_pack_xy( & cunit, ivartype, fname_siarea(ictrlgrad), & "maskCtrlC", weighttype, lxxadxx, mythid) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_SIHEFF_CONTROL ivartype = 42 write(weighttype(1:80),'(80a)') ' ' write(weighttype(1:80),'(a)') "wunit" call ctrl_set_pack_xy( & cunit, ivartype, fname_siheff(ictrlgrad), & "maskCtrlC", weighttype, lxxadxx, mythid) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_SIHSNOW_CONTROL ivartype = 43 write(weighttype(1:80),'(80a)') ' ' write(weighttype(1:80),'(a)') "wunit" call ctrl_set_pack_xy( & cunit, ivartype, fname_sihsnow(ictrlgrad), & "maskCtrlC", weighttype, lxxadxx, mythid) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_KAPREDI_CONTROL ivartype = 44 write(weighttype(1:80),'(80a)') ' ' write(weighttype(1:80),'(a)') "wkapredi" call ctrl_set_pack_xyz( & cunit, ivartype, fname_kapredi(ictrlgrad), "maskCtrlC", & weighttype, wkapredi, lxxadxx, mythid) #endif close ( cunit ) _END_MASTER( mythid ) #endif /* EXCLUDE_CTRL_PACK */ return end