Starting a configuration for OpenAD 19-Aug-2005,,, ############################################################ This experiment is derived from global_ocean.90x40x15, but excludes packages gmredi, kpp. STEP 1: ###### To bypass incomplete canonicalizer, convert COMMON blocks to MODULES. Successfully completed. The built process needed to be modified, and some routines needed changes. Most changes were commited to default routines, the remaining changes are kept in code/ for now. To build: -------- o short version: --------------- make makefile ; make depend ; make cb2m ; make makefile ; make small_f ; make allmods ; make o long version: -------------- # (chdir to built/; assume we are in built/) # # generate makefile using ifort and modified genmake2 in ../code/ ../code/genmake2 -of ../../../tools/build_options/linux_ia32_ifort -mods ../code # # make dependencies make depend # # invoke script to convert COMMON block headers to MODULE headers # converts FILE.h to FILE_mod.h which uses newi module FILE_mod.F90 make cb2m # # re-generate makefile which takes into account newly created files # FILE_mod.h, FILE_mod.F90 make makefile # # make .f, .f90 make small_f # # first compile all module files .f90 make allmods # # compile everything else make To clean: -------- # Since soft links get overwritten, for now do: make CLEAN ; rm *.F *.F90 *.h to run: ------ # paremeter files are in input/ ln -s ../input/* . # initial and forcing fields are elsewhere; # get these from verif. exp. global_ocean.90x40x15/input/*.bin ln -s ../../global_ocean.90x40x15/input/*.bin . ./mitgcmuv >! output.txt STEP 2: ###### Generate code for AD-related routines. Similar to step 1, but look in code_ad/ instead of code/ To build: -------- o short version: --------------- ../code_ad/genmake2 -of ../../../tools/build_options/linux_ia32_ifort -adof ../../../tools/adjoint_options/adjoint_f95 -mods ../code_ad make depend ; make cb2m ; \rm adcost_mod.F90 make makefile ; make small_f make ad_input_code.f make adopen make allmods make adall TAF-generated adjoint code has one bug: line adfc = 0.d0 needs to be replaced by adfc = 1.d0 (corresponds to seeding of dependent variable).