HOW TO RUN AND ANALYZE A 11,000 TIME STEP EXPERIMENT JAN 23, 2013 MITgcm checkpoint 64c. seaice_growth.F version: 1.185 (2012/12/27) 1) Make the following changes to the input_ad/data* files for the 11,000 time step simulation. a) data > nTimeSteps= 11000, > monitorFreq=0. > adjMonitorFreq = 1., b) data.autodiff > useKPPinAdMode = .FALSE., c) data.diagnostics > frequency(1) = 86400, > fields(1,1) = 'EXFuwind','EXFvwind','EXFlwdn', 'EXFswdn','EXFatemp','EXFaqh','EXFevap','EXFpreci','EXFempmr','EXFhl ','EXFhs ', > filename(1) = 'EXF_avg_daily', > frequency(2) = 86400, > fields(1:3,2) = 'SIarea ','SIheff ','SIhsnow ', > filename(2) = 'ICE_avg_daily', d) data.pkg > useGrdchk = .FALSE., > useMNC = .TRUE, > useDiagnostics = .TRUE., 2) Make the following changes to packages.conf in code_ad: a) packages.conf > diagnostics > mnc 3) After running, use the two matlab scripts (analyze_forward_run_general.m, analyze_adjoint_run_general.m) in ./matlab_scripts to plot the results. Be sure that the helper script, 'tenPercentAboveBelowLeftRight.m' is in your matlab path.