function [varargout] = stats(A) % stats(A) writes the basic statistics of the A to the terminal which % are i) the minimum finite value % ii) the maximum finite value % iii) the mean of the finite values % iv) the S.D. of the finite values ( RMS of [A-mean] ) % v) the fraction of non-finite elements excluded from calculations % % e.g. % >> stats(topo) % Min -4555 Max 0 Mean -2331.07 SD 1207.3441 N-Z 1024/1024 % % [Min Max Mean SD]=stats(topo); returns the statistics in Min, Max, % Mean and SD and does not write to the terminal. % $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/utils/matlab/stats.m,v 1.5 2007/02/17 23:49:43 jmc Exp $ % $Name: checkpoint65e $ A=A(:); %ii=find(A~=0); ii=find(isfinite(A)); if isempty(ii) ii=1; end sZ=prod(size(A)); minA=min(A(ii)); maxA=max(A(ii)); meanA=mean(A(ii)); sdA=sqrt( mean( (A(ii)-meanA).^2 ) ); rmsA=sqrt( mean( A(ii).^2 ) ); nZ=sum(~isfinite(A)); switch max(nargout) case {0} % disp( ... % sprintf('Min %0.5g Max %0.5g Mean %0.5g SD %0.5g NaN %i/%i',... % minA,maxA,meanA,sdA,nZ,sZ) ); disp( ... sprintf('Min %0.5g Max %0.5g Mean %0.5g RMS %0.5g NaN %i/%i',... minA,maxA,meanA,rmsA,nZ,sZ) ); case {1} varargout(1)={minA}; case {2} varargout(1)={minA}; varargout(2)={maxA}; case {3} varargout(1)={minA}; varargout(2)={maxA}; varargout(3)={meanA}; case {4} varargout(1)={minA}; varargout(2)={maxA}; varargout(3)={meanA}; varargout(4)={sdA}; otherwise error('Too many return arguments requested') end