function [AA] = rdmds(fname,varargin) % % Read MITgcmUV Meta/Data files % % A = RDMDS(FNAME) reads data described by meta/data file format. % FNAME is a string containing the "head" of the file names. % % eg. To load the meta-data files % T.0000002880.000.000.meta, % T.0000002880.001.000.meta, % T.0000002880.002.000.meta, % T.0000002880.003.000.meta, % use % >> A=rdmds('T.0000002880'); % % A = RDMDS(FNAME,MACHINEFORMAT) allows the machine format to be specified % which MACHINEFORMAT is on of the following strings: % % 'native' or 'n' - local machine format - the default % 'ieee-le' or 'l' - IEEE floating point with little-endian % byte ordering % 'ieee-be' or 'b' - IEEE floating point with big-endian % byte ordering % 'vaxd' or 'd' - VAX D floating point and VAX ordering % 'vaxg' or 'g' - VAX G floating point and VAX ordering % 'cray' or 'c' - Cray floating point with big-endian % byte ordering % 'ieee-le.l64' or 'a' - IEEE floating point with little-endian % byte ordering and 64 bit long data type % 'ieee-be.l64' or 's' - IEEE floating point with big-endian byte % ordering and 64 bit long data type. % % $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/utils/matlab/rdmeta.m,v 1.2 2001/05/29 14:01:41 adcroft Exp $ % Default options ieee='b'; % Check optional arguments args=char(varargin); while (size(args,1) > 0) if deblank(args(1,:)) == 'n' | deblank(args(1,:)) == 'native' ieee='n'; elseif deblank(args(1,:)) == 'l' | deblank(args(1,:)) == 'ieee-le' ieee='l'; elseif deblank(args(1,:)) == 'b' | deblank(args(1,:)) == 'ieee-be' ieee='b'; elseif deblank(args(1,:)) == 'c' | deblank(args(1,:)) == 'cray' ieee='c'; elseif deblank(args(1,:)) == 'a' | deblank(args(1,:)) == 'ieee-le.l64' ieee='a'; elseif deblank(args(1,:)) == 's' | deblank(args(1,:)) == 'ieee-be.l64' ieee='s'; else error(['Optional argument ' args(1,:) ' is unknown']) end args=args(2:end,:); end % Match name of all meta-files eval(['ls ' fname '*.meta;']); allfiles=ans; % Beginning and end of strings Iend=findstr(allfiles,'.meta')+4; Ibeg=[1 Iend(1:end-1)+2]; % Loop through allfiles for j=1:prod(size(Ibeg)), % Read meta- and data-file [A,N] = localrdmds(allfiles(Ibeg(j):Iend(j)),ieee); bdims=N(1,:); r0=N(2,:); rN=N(3,:); ndims=prod(size(bdims)); if (ndims == 1) AA(r0(1):rN(1))=A; elseif (ndims == 2) AA(r0(1):rN(1),r0(2):rN(2))=A; elseif (ndims == 3) AA(r0(1):rN(1),r0(2):rN(2),r0(3):rN(3))=A; elseif (ndims == 4) AA(r0(1):rN(1),r0(2):rN(2),r0(3):rN(3),r0(4):rN(4))=A; else error('Dimension of data set is larger than currently coded. Sorry!') end end %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function [A,N] = localrdmds(fname,ieee) mname=strrep(fname,' ',''); dname=strrep(mname,'.meta','.data'); % Read and interpret Meta file fid = fopen(mname,'r'); if (fid == -1) error(['File' mname ' could not be opened']) end % Scan each line of the Meta file allstr=' '; keepgoing = 1; while keepgoing > 0, line = fgetl(fid); if (line == -1) keepgoing=-1; else % Strip out "(PID.TID *.*)" by finding first ")" %old ind=findstr([line ')'],')'); line=line(ind(1)+1:end); ind=findstr(line,')'); if size(ind) ~= 0 line=line(ind(1)+1:end); end % Remove comments of form // line=[line ' //']; ind=findstr(line,'//'); line=line(1:ind(1)-1); % Add to total string allstr=[allstr line]; end end % Close meta file fclose(fid); % Strip out comments of form /* ... */ ind1=findstr(allstr,'/*'); ind2=findstr(allstr,'*/'); if size(ind1) ~= size(ind2) error('The /* ... */ comments are not properly paired') end while size(ind1,2) > 0 allstr=[allstr(1:ind1(1)-1) allstr(ind2(1)+3:end)]; ind1=findstr(allstr,'/*'); ind2=findstr(allstr,'*/'); end % This is a kludge to catch whether the meta-file is of the % old or new type. nrecords does not exist in the old type. nrecords = -987; % Everything in lower case allstr=lower(allstr); % Fix the unfortunate choice of 'format' allstr=strrep(allstr,'format','dataprec'); % Evaluate meta information eval(allstr); N=reshape( dimlist , 3 , prod(size(dimlist))/3 ); if nrecords == -987 % This is the old 'meta' method that used sequential access A=allstr; % Open data file fid=fopen(dname,'r',ieee); % Read record size in bytes recsz=fread(fid,1,'uint32'); ldims=N(3,:)-N(2,:)+1; numels=prod(ldims); rat=recsz/numels; if rat == 4 A=fread(fid,numels,'real*4'); elseif rat == 8 A=fread(fid,numels,'real*8'); else sprintf(' Implied size in meta-file = %d', numels ) sprintf(' Record size in data-file = %d', recsz ) error('Ratio between record size and size in meta-file inconsistent') end erecsz=fread(fid,1,'uint32'); if erecsz ~= recsz sprintf('WARNING: Record sizes at beginning and end of file are inconsistent') end fclose(fid); A=reshape(A,ldims); else % This is the new MDS format that uses direct access ldims=N(3,:)-N(2,:)+1; if dataprec == 'float32' A=myrdda(dname,ldims,1,'real*4',ieee); elseif dataprec == 'float64' A=myrdda(dname,ldims,1,'real*8',ieee); else error(['Unrecognized format in meta-file = ' format]); end end %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % result = RDDA( file, dim, irec [options] ) % % This routine reads the irec'th record of shape 'dim' from the % direct-access binary file (float or double precision) 'file'. % % Required arguments: % % file - string - name of file to read from % dim - vector - dimensions of the file records and the resulting array % irec - integer - record number in file in which to write data % % Optional arguments (must appear after the required arguments): % prec - string - precision of storage in file. Default = 'real*8'. % ieee - string - IEEE bit-wise representation in file. Default = 'b'. % % 'prec' may take the values: % 'real*4' - floating point, 32 bits. % 'real*8' - floating point, 64 bits - the efault. % % 'ieee' may take values: % 'ieee-be' or 'b' - IEEE floating point with big-endian % byte ordering - the default % 'ieee-le' or 'l' - IEEE floating point with little-endian % byte ordering % 'native' or 'n' - local machine format % 'cray' or 'c' - Cray floating point with big-endian % byte ordering % 'ieee-le.l64' or 'a' - IEEE floating point with little-endian % byte ordering and 64 bit long data type % 'ieee-be.l64' or 's' - IEEE floating point with big-endian byte % ordering and 64 bit long data type. % % eg. T=rdda('',[64 64 32],1); % T=rdda('',[256],4,'real*4'); % T=rdda('',[128 64],2,'real*4','b'); function [arr] = myrdda(file,N,k,varargin) % Defaults WORDLENGTH=8; rtype='real*8'; ieee='b'; % Check optional arguments args=char(varargin); while (size(args,1) > 0) if deblank(args(1,:)) == 'real*4' WORDLENGTH=4; rtype='real*4'; elseif deblank(args(1,:)) == 'real*8' WORDLENGTH=8; rtype='real*8'; elseif deblank(args(1,:)) == 'n' | deblank(args(1,:)) == 'native' ieee='n'; elseif deblank(args(1,:)) == 'l' | deblank(args(1,:)) == 'ieee-le' ieee='l'; elseif deblank(args(1,:)) == 'b' | deblank(args(1,:)) == 'ieee-be' ieee='b'; elseif deblank(args(1,:)) == 'c' | deblank(args(1,:)) == 'cray' ieee='c'; elseif deblank(args(1,:)) == 'a' | deblank(args(1,:)) == 'ieee-le.l64' ieee='a'; elseif deblank(args(1,:)) == 's' | deblank(args(1,:)) == 'ieee-be.l64' ieee='s'; else error(['Optional argument ' args(1,:) ' is unknown']) end args=args(2:end,:); end nnn=prod(N); [fid mess]=fopen(file,'r',ieee); if fid == -1 error('Error while opening file:\n%s',mess) end st=fseek(fid,nnn*(k-1)*WORDLENGTH,'bof'); if st ~= 0 mess=ferror(fid); error('There was an error while positioning the file pointer:\n%s',mess) end [arr count]=fread(fid,nnn,rtype); if count ~= nnn error('Not enough data was available to be read: off EOF?') end st=fclose(fid); arr=reshape(arr,N);