function [nt,nf] = mnc_assembly(fpat,vars, fout,fsize) % Function [nt,nf] = mnc_assembly(fpat,vars, fout,fsize) % % INPUTS % fpat string containing the file pattern % vars cell array of variable names % % fout output file pattern (DEF: "") % fsize max output file size (DEF: 2.0e+9 = +/-2GB) % % OUTPUTS % nt number of usable tiles found % nf number of output files written % % This function "assembles" MNC output. It finds all the per-tile % NetCDF files that match the input pattern, does some basic "sanity" % tests to determine whether the files have compatible sizes, and % then assembles all of the requested data (all of the variables) % into one or more "global" NetCDF files. The global files have % the following dimension conventions: % % "exch 1": all values are within a global horizontal grid % and indicies are (X,Y,Z,T) % % "exch 2": all values are within one of up to six "faces" % of a global cube with indicies (Xf,Yf,F,Z,T) % % where "X,Y.Z,T" are global space/time indicies, "Xf,Yf" are local % per-face spatial indicies, and "F" is a face index. %===== Argument checking and defaults ===== if nargin < 2 disp('Error: there must be at least 2 arguments!'); return end if nargin < 3 fout = ''; end if nargin < 4 fsize = 2.0e+9; end %===== Find and open all the matching files ===== nt = 0; nf = 0; all_ncf = struct([]); % Find all of the files exch2_msg = 0; tmax = 200; frdone = 0; it = 0; while frdone == 0 it = it + 1; fnm = sprintf(fpat,it); % disp(fnm); % Check that the file exists fid = fopen(fnm, 'r'); if fid < 0 if it >= tmax frdone = 1; end continue; end % Open the NetCDF file fnc = netcdf(fnm, 'nowrite'); if length(fnc) == 0 continue; end % Check for exch1/exch2 grid exch = 1; exch2_myFace = fnc.exch2_myFace(:); if length(exch2_myFace) ~= 0 exch = 2; if exch2_msg == 0 exch2_msg = 1; disp(' Grid type appears to be: "exch2"'); end end n = length(all_ncf) + 1; all_ncf(n).name = fnm; all_ncf(n).nc = {fnc}; all_ncf(n).exch = exch; all_ncf(n).tile_number = fnc.tile_number(1); all_ncf(n).bi =; all_ncf(n).bj =; all_ncf(n).sNx = fnc.sNx(1); all_ncf(n).sNy = fnc.sNy(1); all_ncf(n).Z = fnc.Z(1); if exch == 2 all_ncf(n).exch2_myFace = exch2_myFace; all_ncf(n).exch2_tbasex = fnc.exch2_tbasex(1); all_ncf(n).exch2_tbasey = fnc.exch2_tbasex(1); end clear fnc end %===== Do some basic sanity checks ===== % check for number of files/tiles found if length(all_ncf) == 0 disp('Error: no tiles found--no need to do any assembly!'); return elseif length(all_ncf) == 1 disp('Error: one tile found--no need to do any assembly!'); return else disp(sprintf(' Found %d files matching the pattern: "%s"', ... length(all_ncf), fpat )); end % check for consistent "exch" version if prod(double([all_ncf.exch] == all_ncf(1).exch)) ~= 1 disp('Error: not all the "exch" types of the files match.'); return; end % check for consistent sNx,sNy if (prod(double([all_ncf.sNx] == all_ncf(1).sNx)) ~= 1) ... || (prod(double([all_ncf.sNy] == all_ncf(1).sNy)) ~= 1) disp('Error: the "sNx,sNy" values for all the tiles are not'); disp(' uniform. Future versions of this function will be'); disp(' able to handle non-uniform grid sizes but this'); disp(' feature is not yet implemented.'); return; end % check for redundant tiles and "time series" output if length(all_ncf) ~= length(unique([all_ncf.tile_number])) disp('Error: redundant tiles were found. Please check that'); disp(' the file pattern does not specify output spanning'); disp(' multiple model runs or even multiple time series'); disp(' within a single model run. For multi-time-series'); disp(' data sets, EACH "LEVEL" IN THE OUTPUT SERIES MUST'); disp(' BE ASSEMBLED SEPARATERLY.'); return end %===== Get the dims/vars associations ===== mydims = struct('names', {}, 'lens', {}); myvars = struct([]); clear tncf; for ivar = 1:length(vars) mydim_names = {}; mydim_sizes = {}; myatt.names = {}; myatt.types = {}; = {}; myname = vars(ivar).name; disp([' Looking for variable: ' myname]); itile = 1; tncf = all_ncf(itile).nc{1}; ncv = tncf{myname}; len = length(ncv); if length(ncv) == 0 warns = [' Warning: variable "%s" is not defined in "%s"\n' ... ' so it will be ignored.']; disp(sprintf(warns,myname,all_ncf(itile).name)); continue end mytype = datatype(ncv); tmpdims = dim(ncv); for inm = 1:length(tmpdims) mydim_names{inm} = name(tmpdims{inm}); mydim_sizes{inm} = tmpdims{inm}(:); end for iat = 1:length(att(ncv)) aaa = att(ncv); myatt.names(iat) = { name(aaa{iat}) }; myatt.types(iat) = { datatype(aaa{iat}) }; aab = aaa{iat}; = { aab(:) }; end % confirm: vars have same dim names across all files ierr = 0; for itile = 2:length(all_ncf) tncf = all_ncf(itile).nc{1}; ncv = tncf{myname}; len = length(ncv); if length(ncv) == 0 warns = [' Warning: variable "%s" is not defined in "%s"\n' ... ' so it will be ignored.']; disp(sprintf(warns,myname,all_ncf(itile).name)); continue end tmpdims = dim(ncv); for inm = 1:length(tmpdims) if mydim_names{inm} ~= name(tmpdims{inm}) warns = ... [' Warning: variable "%s" is not CONSISTENTLY defined.\n' ... ' It has different dimensions in different files so\n' ... ' so it will be ignored.']; disp(sprintf(warns,myname)); ierr = 1; break end mydim_sizes{inm} = max([ tmpdims{inm}(:) mydim_sizes{inm} ]); end end if ierr == 0 % check: does the variable have a "horizontal" component has_horiz = 0; horiz_names = { 'X' 'Y' 'Xp1' 'Yp1' }; for id = 1:length(mydim_names) if length([intersect(horiz_names,mydim_names{id})]) > 0 has_horiz = 1; end end % disp([ ' ' myname ' ' sprintf('%d',has_horiz) ]); imy = length(myvars) + 1; myvars(imy).name = myname; myvars(imy).type = mytype; myvars(imy).dim_names = mydim_names; myvars(imy).dim_sizes = mydim_sizes; myvars(imy).atts = myatt; myvars(imy).has_horiz = has_horiz; addl = setdiff(mydim_names,[mydims.names]); for iaddl = 1:length(addl) np1 = length(mydims) + 1; mydims(np1).names = addl(iaddl); mydims(np1).lens = mydim_sizes(find(strcmp(addl(iaddl),mydim_names))); end end end % For exch == 2, we need to add a "face" dimension if all_ncf(1).exch == 2 np1 = length(mydims) + 1; mydims(np1).names = { 'iface' }; mydims(np1).lens = { length(unique([all_ncf.exch2_myFace])) }; end % % myvars.dim_names % myvars.dim_sizes % myvars(2).dim_names % myvars(2).dim_names(4) % mydims % length(mydims) % [ mydims.names ] % [ mydims.lens ] %===== Assemble! ===== if all_ncf(1).exch == 1 % exch "1": bi_max = max([]); bj_max = max([]); Xmax = bi_max * all_ncf(1).sNx; Ymax = bj_max * all_ncf(1).sNy; horzdim = struct('names',{},'lens',{}); horzdim(1).names = { 'X' }; horzdim(1).lens = { Xmax }; horzdim(2).names = {'Xp1'}; horzdim(2).lens = { Xmax + 1 }; horzdim(3).names = { 'Y' }; horzdim(3).lens = { Ymax }; horzdim(4).names = {'Yp1'}; horzdim(4).lens = { Ymax + 1 }; horzdim(5).names = { 'T' }; horzdim(5).lens = { 0 }; iseq = 0; foutnm = sprintf(fout, iseq); fonc = netcdf(foutnm,'clobber'); % Should append-or-create! for idim = 1:length(mydims) dname = mydims(idim).names{1}; ind = find(strcmp(dname,[horzdim.names])); if length(ind) ~= 0 dlen = horzdim(ind).lens{1}; else dlen = mydims(idim).lens{1}; end comm = sprintf('fonc(''%s'') = %d;',dname,dlen); eval(comm); end for ivar = 1:length(myvars) comm = sprintf('fonc{''%s''} = nc%s( ',myvars(ivar).name,myvars(ivar).type); id = 1; comm = [ comm sprintf('''%s''',myvars(ivar).dim_names{id}) ]; for id = 2:length(myvars(ivar).dim_names) comm = [ comm sprintf(',''%s''',myvars(ivar).dim_names{id}) ]; end comm = [ comm ' );' ]; eval(comm); for iat = 1:length(myvars(ivar).atts.names) comm = sprintf( ... 'fonc{''%s''}.%s = nc%s( myvars(ivar){iat} );', ... myvars(ivar).name, ... myvars(ivar).atts.names{iat}, ... myvars(ivar).atts.types{iat} ); eval(comm); end end % for itime = 1:Tmax % Here is where we need to check the output file size and start % another file in the sequence, if necessary. for ivar = 1:length(myvars) disp(sprintf(' Copying variable: %s',myvars(ivar).name)) for itile = 1:length(all_ncf) if (myvars(ivar).has_horiz == 1) || (itile == 1) clear nct; nct = all_ncf(itile).nc{1}; ox_off = (all_ncf(itile).bi - 1)*all_ncf(itile).sNx; oy_off = (all_ncf(itile).bj - 1)*all_ncf(itile).sNy; diml_in = ''; diml_out = ''; for jj = 1:length(myvars(ivar).dim_names) doff = 1; if jj > 1 diml_in = sprintf('%s,',diml_in); diml_out = sprintf('%s,',diml_out); end dlen = myvars(ivar).dim_sizes{jj}; diml_in = sprintf('%s%s',diml_in, ':'); fchar = myvars(ivar).dim_names{jj}(1); % disp([' fchar = ' fchar ' ' myvars(ivar).dim_names{jj}]); if strcmp(myvars(ivar).dim_names{jj}(1),'X') == 1 doff = ox_off + doff; dlen = ox_off + dlen; end if strcmp(myvars(ivar).dim_names{jj}(1),'Y') == 1 doff = oy_off + doff; dlen = oy_off + dlen; end diml_out = sprintf('%s%d%s%d',diml_out,doff,':',dlen); end comm = sprintf( ... 'fonc{''%s''}(%s) = nct{''%s''}(%s);', ... myvars(ivar).name, diml_out, myvars(ivar).name, diml_in ); % disp([ ' comm: ' comm ]); eval(comm); end end end % end fonc = close(fonc); elseif all_ncf(1).exch == 2 % exch "2": Xmax = 0; Ymax = 0; for ii = 1:length(all_ncf) Xmax = max(Xmax, (all_ncf(ii).exch2_tbasex + all_ncf(ii).sNx)); Ymax = max(Ymax, (all_ncf(ii).exch2_tbasey + all_ncf(ii).sNy)); end horzdim = struct('names',{},'lens',{}); horzdim(1).names = { 'X' }; horzdim(1).lens = { Xmax }; horzdim(2).names = {'Xp1'}; horzdim(2).lens = { Xmax + 1 }; horzdim(3).names = { 'Y' }; horzdim(3).lens = { Ymax }; horzdim(4).names = {'Yp1'}; horzdim(4).lens = { Ymax + 1 }; horzdim(5).names = { 'T' }; horzdim(5).lens = { 0 }; iseq = 0; foutnm = sprintf(fout, iseq); fonc = netcdf(foutnm,'clobber'); % Should append-or-create! for idim = 1:length(mydims) dname = mydims(idim).names{1}; ind = find(strcmp(dname,[horzdim.names])); if length(ind) ~= 0 dlen = horzdim(ind).lens{1}; else dlen = mydims(idim).lens{1}; end comm = sprintf('fonc(''%s'') = %d;',dname,dlen); eval(comm); end for ivar = 1:length(myvars) comm = sprintf('fonc{''%s''} = nc%s( ',myvars(ivar).name,myvars(ivar).type); id = 1; comm = [ comm sprintf('''%s''',myvars(ivar).dim_names{id}) ]; for id = 2:length(myvars(ivar).dim_names) dname = myvars(ivar).dim_names{id}; if (dname(1) == 'Y') && (myvars(ivar).has_horiz == 1) comm = [ comm sprintf(',''%s''','iface') ]; end comm = [ comm sprintf(',''%s''',dname) ]; end comm = [ comm ' );' ]; eval(comm); for iat = 1:length(myvars(ivar).atts.names) comm = sprintf( ... 'fonc{''%s''}.%s = nc%s( myvars(ivar){iat} );', ... myvars(ivar).name, ... myvars(ivar).atts.names{iat}, ... myvars(ivar).atts.types{iat} ); eval(comm); end end % Here is where we need to check the output file size and start % another file in the sequence, if necessary. for ivar = 1:length(myvars) disp(sprintf(' Copying variable: %s',myvars(ivar).name)) for itile = 1:length(all_ncf) if (myvars(ivar).has_horiz == 1) || (itile == 1) clear nct; nct = all_ncf(itile).nc{1}; ox_off = all_ncf(itile).exch2_tbasex; oy_off = all_ncf(itile).exch2_tbasey; diml_tin = ''; diml_res = ''; diml_in = ''; diml_out = ''; if length(myvars(ivar).dim_names) < 2 comm = sprintf( ... 'fonc{''%s''}(%s%d) = nct{''%s''}(:);', ... myvars(ivar).name, '1:', myvars(ivar).dim_sizes{1}, ... myvars(ivar).name ); % disp([ ' ' comm ]); eval(comm); else for jj = 1:length(myvars(ivar).dim_names) doff = 1; if jj > 1 diml_tin = sprintf('%s,',diml_tin); diml_res = sprintf('%s,',diml_res); diml_in = sprintf('%s,',diml_in); diml_out = sprintf('%s,',diml_out); end dnam = myvars(ivar).dim_names{jj}; dlen = myvars(ivar).dim_sizes{jj}; dlenr = dlen; fchar = myvars(ivar).dim_names{jj}(1); % disp([' fchar = ' fchar ' ' myvars(ivar).dim_names{jj}]); if strcmp(dnam(1),'X') == 1 doff = ox_off + doff; dlen = ox_off + dlen; end if strcmp(dnam(1),'Y') == 1 diml_res = sprintf('%s%s',diml_res, '[],'); diml_in = sprintf('%s%s',diml_in, ':,'); diml_out = sprintf('%s%d%s',diml_out,all_ncf(itile).exch2_myFace,','); doff = oy_off + doff; dlen = oy_off + dlen; end diml_tin = sprintf('%s%s',diml_tin, ':'); diml_res = sprintf('%s%d',diml_res, dlenr); diml_in = sprintf('%s%s',diml_in, ':'); diml_out = sprintf('%s%d%s%d',diml_out,doff,':',dlen); end comm = sprintf( ... 'tmp = reshape(nct{''%s''}(%s), %s); fonc{''%s''}(%s) = tmp(%s);', ... myvars(ivar).name, diml_tin, diml_res, myvars(ivar).name, ... diml_out, diml_in ); % disp([ ' ' comm ]); eval(comm); end end end end % end fonc = close(fonc); end