function [] = merccube(XX,YY,C) % merccube(x,y,c) % % Plots cubed-sphere data in mercator projection. (x,y) are % coordinates, c is cell-centered scalar to be plotted. % All arrays (x,y,c) should have dimensions of NxNx6 or 6NxN. % % The default plotting mode is shading faceted. Using this or % shading flat, (x,y) should be the coordinates of grid-corners % and can legitimately have dimension (N+1)x(N+1)x6. % % If using shading interp, then (x,y) must be the coordinates of % the cell centers. % % e.g. % % xg=rdmds('XG'); % yg=rdmds('YG'); % ps=rdmds('Eta.0000000000'); % mercube(xg,yg,ps); % colorbar;xlabel('Longitude');ylabel('Latitude'); % % xc=rdmds('XC'); % yc=rdmds('YC'); % mercube(xc,yc,ps);shading interp if max(max(max(YY)))-min(min(min(YY))) < 3*pi X=XX*180/pi; Y=YY*180/pi; else X=XX; Y=YY; end Q=C; if ndims(X)==2 & size(X,1)==6*size(X,2) disp('1'); [nx ny nt]=size(X); X=permute( reshape(X,[nx/6 6 ny]),[1 3 2]); Y=permute( reshape(Y,[nx/6 6 ny]),[1 3 2]); Q=permute( reshape(Q,[nx/6 6 ny]),[1 3 2]); elseif ndims(X)==3 & size(X,2)==6 X=permute( X,[1 3 2]); Y=permute( Y,[1 3 2]); Q=permute( Q,[1 3 2]); elseif ndims(X)==3 & size(X,3)==6 [nx ny nt]=size(X); else size(XX) size(YY) size(C) error('Dimensions should be 2 or 3 dimensions: NxNx6, 6NxN or Nx6xN'); end if size(X,1)==size(Q,1) X(end+1,:,:)=NaN; X(:,end+1,:)=NaN; X(end,:,[1 3 5])=X(1,:,[2 4 6]); X(:,end,[2 4 6])=X(:,1,[3 5 1]); X(:,end,[1 3 5])=squeeze(X(1,end:-1:1,[3 5 1])); X(end,:,[2 4 6])=squeeze(X(end:-1:1,1,[4 6 2])); Y(end+1,:,:)=NaN; Y(:,end+1,:)=NaN; Y(end,:,[1 3 5])=Y(1,:,[2 4 6]); Y(:,end,[2 4 6])=Y(:,1,[3 5 1]); Y(:,end,[1 3 5])=squeeze(Y(1,end:-1:1,[3 5 1])); Y(end,:,[2 4 6])=squeeze(Y(end:-1:1,1,[4 6 2])); end [nx ny nt]=size(X); Q(end+1,:,:)=0; Q(:,end+1,:)=0; Q(end,:,[1 3 5])=Q(1,:,[2 4 6]); Q(:,end,[2 4 6])=Q(:,1,[3 5 1]); Q(:,end,[1 3 5])=squeeze(Q(1,end:-1:1,[3 5 1])); Q(end,:,[2 4 6])=squeeze(Q(end:-1:1,1,[4 6 2])); hnx=ceil(nx/2); hny=ceil(ny/2); for k=1:6; i=1:hnx; x=longitude(X(i,:,k)); pcolor(x,Y(i,:,k),Q(i,:,k)) axis([-180 180 -90 90]) hold on if max(max(max(x)))>180 pcolor(x-360,Y(i,:,k),Q(i,:,k)) end i=hnx:nx; x=longitude(X(i,:,k)); pcolor(x,Y(i,:,k),Q(i,:,k)) if max(max(max(x)))>180 pcolor(x-360,Y(i,:,k),Q(i,:,k)) end end hold off