function [] = displaytiles(A) % Display tiled field. % % Dimensions of A must be (n,n,6) global cmin cmax clf cmin=min(min(min(A))); cmax=max(max(max(A))); if isnan(cmin) cmin = 0; end if isnan(cmax) cmax = 1; end if cmin==cmax cmax = cmin+1; end subplot(3,4,9) myplot(A(:,:,1)') subplot(3,4,10) myplot(A(:,:,2)') subplot(3,4,6) myplot(A(:,:,3)') subplot(3,4,7) myplot(A(:,:,4)') subplot(3,4,3) myplot(A(:,:,5)') subplot(3,4,4) myplot(A(:,:,6)') %Colorbar subplot(3,10,30) x=1; y=(0:63)'/63*(cmax-cmin)+cmin; pcol(x,y,y); set(gca,'XTickLabel',[]); function [] = myplot( Q ) global cmin cmax pcol( Q ); caxis([cmin cmax])