function [hc,hh,hcf] = contourfv(x,z,h,a,varargin) % CONTOURFV(X,Z,H,A) % % Is the same as CONTOURF except it automatically extends the dataset % to the depth of the topography "H". This is srictly for plotting % vertical (x,z) sections in conjuction with "partial cells" in the MITgcm. % % X is horizontal coordinate (vector) % Z is vertical coordinate (vector) % H is depth of bottom (vector) % A is field to be plotted (matrix) % % Optional arguments are passed on to CONTOURF % % $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/utils/matlab/contourfv.m,v 1.1 2001/11/21 17:56:43 adcroft Exp $ nx=prod(size(x)); nz=prod(size(z)); %max(size(h)) %prod(size(h)) if max(size(h)) ~= prod(size(h)) | prod(size(h)) ~= nx error('H must have dimensions of size(X)'); end ndims(squeeze(a)) size(squeeze(a)) if ndims(squeeze(a)) ~= 2 | sum(size(squeeze(a)) ~= [nx nz]) error('A must have dimensions of size(X) x size(H)'); end % Create extended Z coordinate zz=zeros(1,nz+2); zz(2:nz+1)=z; zz(1)=0; zz(nz+2)=1.5*z(nz)-0.5*z(nz-1); [Z,X]=meshgrid(zz,x); aa=squeeze(a); au=aa(:,[1 1:nz-1]); aa(isnan(aa))=au(isnan(aa)); A=zeros(nx,nz+2); A(:,2:nz+1)=aa; A(:,1)=aa(:,1); A(:,nz+2)=aa(:,nz); clear aa au [Hz,Hx]=meshgrid(zz,h); clear Hz % H might be positive... if min(z)*min(h) > 0 Z=max(Z,Hx); else Z=max(Z,-Hx); end clear Hx [hc hh hcf]=contourf(X,Z,A,varargin{:});