#!/bin/csh -f # # $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/tools/Attic/genmake,v 1.1 1998/07/08 15:24:05 cnh Exp $ # # Makefile generator for MITgcm UV codes # created by cnh 03/98 # adapted by aja 06/98 # Process command-line arguments set allargs=( $argv ) while ($#allargs) set arg = $allargs[1] switch ($arg) case -makefile*: if ($arg == "-makefile") then set mfile = ( Makefile ) else set mfile = ( `echo $arg | sed 's/-makefile=//' `) endif breaksw case -platform: case -platform=: echo "To change platform you must specify one with -platform=" echo "eg. -platform=sparc or -platform=mips" exit breaksw case -platform*: set platform = ( `echo $arg | sed 's/-platform=//' `) breaksw case -mpi: echo "Enabling MPI options" set USEMPI breaksw case -help: echo "usage: $0 [-help] [-makefile[=...]] [-platform=...] [-mpi]" exit breaksw default: echo "Unknown command-line option: " $arg echo $0 "-help to show usage" exit breaksw endsw shift allargs end if ($?platform == 0) set platform = (`uname -p`) if ($?mfile == 0) set mfile = ( Makefile.$platform ) set mach = ( `uname -a` ) echo Operating system: $mach # Directories for source, includes, binaries and executables # Note # o If you prefer/need everything under a single directory # copy everything in ../eesupp/src, ../model/src, # ../eesupp/inc and ../model/inc into a directory and then # edit the paths below to ./ set SOURCEDIRS = ( ../eesupp/src/ ../model/src/ ../diags/src/) set INCLUDEDIRS = ( ../eesupp/inc/ ../model/inc/ ../diags/inc/) set BUILDDIR = ( ../bin/ ) set EXEDIR = ( ../exe/ ) set EXECUTABLE = ( mitgcmuv ) # This is the generic configuration. # Platform specific options are chosen below set LN = ( 'ln -sf' ) set CPP = ( '/lib/cpp -P' ) set KPP = ( ) set FC = ( 'f77' ) set LINK = ( 'f77' ) set DEFINES = ( ) set INCLUDES = ( ) set FFLAGS = ( ) set FOPTIM = ( ) set KFLAGS1 = ( ) set KFLAGS2 = ( ) set LIBS = ( ) set KPPFILES = ( ) set NOOPTFILES = ( ) set NOOPTFLAGS = ( ) set RMFILES = ( ) # We often want to use different compile/link options is using MPI if ($?USEMPI) then set USEMPI = ( '+mpi' ) set DEFINES = ( ${DEFINES} '-DALLOW_USE_MPI -DALWAYS_USE_MPI' ) else set USEMPI # set DEFINES = ( ${DEFINES} '-UALLOW_USE_MPI -UALWAYS_USE_MPI' ) endif # Platform specific options switch ($platform$USEMPI) case alpha: case alpha+mpi: echo "Configuring for DEC Alpha" set CPP = ( '/usr/bin/cpp -P' ) set DEFINES = ( ${DEFINES} '-DTARGET_DEC' ) set KPP = ( 'kapf' ) set KFLAGS1 = ( '-scan=132 -noconc -cmp=' ) set FC = ( 'f77' ) set FFLAGS = ( '-convert big_endian -r8 -extend_source -u -automatic -call_shared -notransform_loops -align dcommons -p1' ) set FOPTIM = ( '-O5 -fast -tune host -inline all' ) set NOOPTFLAGS = ( '-O0' ) set LIBS = ( '-lfmpi -lmpi -lkmp_osfp10 -pthread' ) set KPPFILES = ( 'main.F' ) set NOOPTFILES = ( 'barrier.F different_multiple.F load_external_fields.F') set RMFILES = ( '*.p.out' ) breaksw case mips+mpi: echo "Configuring for SGI Mips with MPI" set DEFINES = ( ${DEFINES} '-DTARGET_SGI' ) set INCLUDES = ( '-I/usr/local/mpi/include' ) set FC = ( 'mpif77' ) set LINK = ( 'mpif77' ) set FFLAGS = ( '-extend_source -bytereclen -r10000' ) set FOPTIM = ( '-O3' ) set RMFILES = ( 'rii_files' ) breaksw case mips: echo "Configuring for SGI Mips" set DEFINES = ( ${DEFINES} '-DTARGET_SGI' ) set INCLUDES = ( '-I/usr/local/mpi/include' ) set FFLAGS = ( '-extend_source -mp -mpio -bytereclen -r10000 -mips4' ) set FOPTIM = ( '-O2' ) set NOOPTFLAGS = ( '-O0' ) set NOOPTFILES = ( 'barrier.F different_multiple.F ' \ 'load_external_fields.F' ) set RMFILES = ( 'rii_files' ) breaksw case sparc: set LN = ( '/usr/bin/ln -fs' ) set CPP = ( '/usr/ccs/lib/cpp -P' ) set DEFINES = ( ${DEFINES} '-DTARGET_SUN' ) set INCLUDES = ( '-I/usr/local/mpi/include' ) set FFLAGS = ( '-stackvar -explicitpar -vpara -e -u -noautopar') set FOPTIM = ( '-O5' ) set NOOPTFLAGS = ( '-O0' ) set LIBS = ( '-L/usr/local/mpi/lib/solaris/ch_shmem -lmpi -lthread' \ '-lsocket -lnsl -fast' ) set NOOPTFILES = ( 'barrier.F different_multiple.F load_external_fields.F') breaksw default: echo "Error: platform not recognized: uname -p = " $platform$USEMPI exit breaksw endsw ############################################################################### ## ## ## Everything below here should not need to be changed. Platform specific ## ## changes and code specific changes should be configured above this line. ## ## ## ############################################################################### # Create list of files set flist = `ls -1 ${SOURCEDIRS} | grep '.*\.F'` if ( $#flist ) then echo -n "SRCFILES = " > srclist.inc echo -n "F77FILES = " > f77list.inc echo -n "OBJFILES = " > objlist.inc foreach ff ( ${flist} ) set fname = ( ${ff:t} ) echo ' \' >> srclist.inc echo -n " " ${fname:r}.F >> srclist.inc echo ' \' >> f77list.inc echo -n " " ${fname:r}.f >> f77list.inc echo ' \' >> objlist.inc echo -n " " ${fname:r}.o >> objlist.inc end echo " " >> srclist.inc echo " " >> f77list.inc echo " " >> objlist.inc else echo No source files found...\! exit endif # Convert lists of directories into command-line options foreach inc ($INCLUDEDIRS) set INCLUDES = ($INCLUDES -I$inc) end set SRCSTARS = ( ) foreach dr ($SOURCEDIRS) set SRCSTARS = ("${SRCSTARS}" $dr/\*.F) end set THISHOSTNAME = ( `hostname` ) set THISCWD = ( `pwd` ) set THISDATE = ( `date` ) ########################################### ## This is the template for the makefile ## ########################################### echo Creating makefile: $mfile echo "# Multithreaded + multi-processing makefile for $mach" > ${mfile} echo "# This makefile was generated automatically pn" >> ${mfile} echo "# $THISDATE" >> ${mfile} echo "# by the command:" >> ${mfile} echo "# ${0} $argv" >> ${mfile} echo "# executed by:" >> ${mfile} echo "# $USER@${THISHOSTNAME}:${THISCWD}" >> ${mfile} cat >> ${mfile} <> ${mfile} cat f77list.inc >> ${mfile} cat objlist.inc >> ${mfile} rm -f srclist.inc f77list.inc objlist.inc cat >> ${mfile} < \$@ .f.o: \$(FC) \$(FFLAGS) \$(FOPTIM) -c \$< # Special exceptions that use the ( .F - .p - .f - .o ) rule-chain .F.p: \$(CPP) \$(DEFINES) \$(INCLUDES) \$< > \$@ .p.f: \$(KPP) \$(KFLAGS1)\$@ \$(KFLAGS2) \$< EOF # Make list of "exceptions" that need ".p" files foreach sf ($KPPFILES) set fname=( ${sf:t} ) echo "${fname:r}.f: ${fname:r}.p" >> ${mfile} end foreach sf ($NOOPTFILES) set fname=( ${sf:t} ) echo "${fname:r}.o: ${fname:r}.f" >> ${mfile} echo ' $(FC) $(FFLAGS) $(NOOPTFLAGS) -c $<' >> ${mfile} end echo >> ${mfile} echo "# DO NOT DELETE" >> ${mfile} exit