#!/bin/bash # $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/tools/build_options/linux_ia32_ifort,v 1.18 2013/07/22 18:40:45 jmc Exp $ # $Name: $ # Build options for the intel fortran compiler - version 9.0 (and earlier) - # on Linux IA32 platform # tested on faulks (FC.6), with OpenMP, using: # (sh, bash): source /usr/local/pkg/intel/intel_fc_90/bin/ifortvars.sh # (csh,tcsh): source /usr/local/pkg/intel/intel_fc_90/bin/ifortvars.csh # [was also tested on hugo (FC.4, FC.9), eddy (FC.5)] # and on aces-grid cluster, with OpenMP, using: # module add ifc/9.0.021 icc/9.0.021 intel/9.0 # module add netcdf/3.6.1/icc # MPI : Tested on aces-grid cluster, using: # a) default intel (v8.1) and default mpich/intel: # module add mpich/intel # module add netcdf/3.6.1/icc # e.g.(sh,bash): # export MPI_INC_DIR='/usr/local/pkg/mpich/mpich-intel/include' # (and run using: mpirun -machinefile my_list_of_nodes) # # b) intel v9.0 and mpich2-intel (+ OpenMPI or not) using, in this order: # module add ifc/9.0.021 icc/9.0.021 intel/9.0 # module add mpich2/1.0.3/intel # module add netcdf/3.6.1/icc # module add mpiexec (<-- to run with mpiexec) # e.g.(sh,bash): # export MPI_INC_DIR='/usr/local/pkg/mpich2/mpich2-1.0.3/intel/include' # (and run using mpiexec) # OpenMP : not working well with version earlier than v.9 #------- # run with OpenMP: needs to set environment var. OMP_NUM_THREADS # and generally, needs to increase the stack-size: # - sh,bash: # > export OMP_NUM_THREADS=2 # > export KMP_STACKSIZE=400m # - csh,tcsh: # > setenv OMP_NUM_THREADS 2 # > setenv KMP_STACKSIZE 400m #------- if test "x$MPI" = xtrue ; then CC='mpicc' FC='mpif77' F90C=$FC #F90C='mpif90' LINK=$FC else CC='icc' FC='ifort' F90C=$FC LINK="$FC -i-static" fi DEFINES='-DWORDLENGTH=4' CPP='cpp -traditional -P' F90FIXEDFORMAT='-fixed -Tf' EXTENDED_SRC_FLAG='-132' GET_FC_VERSION="--version" OMPFLAG='-openmp' NOOPTFLAGS='-O0' NOOPTFILES='' FFLAGS="$FFLAGS -w95 -W0 -WB -convert big_endian -assume byterecl" #- might want to use '-r8' for fizhi pkg: #FFLAGS="$FFLAGS -r8" if test "x$IEEE" = x ; then #- with optimisation: F90OPTIM='-O3' FOPTIM='-O3 -align' #P3 FOPTIM=$FOPTIM' -tpp6 -xWKM' #P4 FOPTIM=$FOPTIM' -tpp7 -xWKM' else F90OPTIM='-O0' if test "x$DEVEL" = x ; then #- no optimisation + IEEE : # "-mp" is for ieee "maintain precision" FOPTIM='-O0 -noalign' #FFLAGS="$FFLAGS -mp" else #- development/check options: #FOPTIM='-O0 -noalign -CB -CU -CV' FOPTIM='-O0 -noalign -check all' FFLAGS="$FFLAGS -xN -pc64" NOOPTFILES='mds_byteswapr8.F mds_byteswapr4.F mds_byteswapi4.F' NOOPTFILES=$NOOPTFILES' mitcplr_char2real.F mitcplr_real2char.F' NOOPTFILES=$NOOPTFILES' mitcplr_char2int.F mitcplr_int2char.F mds_byteswap.F' fi fi F90FLAGS=$FFLAGS #F90OPTIM=$FOPTIM INCLUDEDIRS='' INCLUDES='' LIBS='' if [ "x$NETCDF_ROOT" != x ] ; then INCLUDEDIR="${NETCDF_ROOT}/include" INCLUDES="-I${NETCDF_ROOT}/include" LIBDIR="${NETCDF_ROOT}/lib" LIBS="-L${NETCDF_ROOT}/lib" elif [ "x$NETCDF_HOME" != x ]; then INCLUDEDIR="${NETCDF_HOME}/include" INCLUDES="-I${NETCDF_HOME}/include" LIBDIR="${NETCDF_HOME}/lib" LIBS="-L${NETCDF_HOME}/lib" elif [ "x$NETCDF_INC" != x -a "x$NETCDF_LIB" != x ]; then NETCDF_INC=`echo $NETCDF_INC | sed 's/-I//g'` NETCDF_LIB=`echo $NETCDF_LIB | sed 's/-L//g'` INCLUDEDIR="${NETCDF_INC}" INCLUDES="-I${NETCDF_INC}" LIBDIR="${NETCDF_LIB}" LIBS="-L${NETCDF_LIB}" elif [ "x$NETCDF_INCDIR" != x -a "x$NETCDF_LIBDIR" != x ]; then INCLUDEDIR="${NETCDF_INCDIR}" INCLUDES="-I${NETCDF_INCDIR}" LIBDIR="${NETCDF_LIBDIR}" LIBS="-L${NETCDF_LIBDIR}" elif test -d /usr/include/netcdf-3 ; then INCLUDES='-I/usr/include/netcdf-3' LIBS='-L/usr/lib/netcdf-3 -L/usr/lib64/netcdf-3' elif test -d /usr/include/netcdf ; then INCLUDES='-I/usr/include/netcdf' elif test -d /usr/local/netcdf ; then INCLUDES='-I/usr/local/netcdf/include' LIBS='-L/usr/local/netcdf/lib' elif test -d /usr/local/include/netcdf.inc ; then INCLUDES='-I/usr/local/include' LIBS='-L/usr/local/lib64' fi if [ -n "$MPI_INC_DIR" -a "x$MPI" = xtrue ] ; then INCLUDES="$INCLUDES -I$MPI_INC_DIR" INCLUDEDIRS="$INCLUDEDIRS $MPI_INC_DIR" #- used for parallel (MPI) DIVA MPIINCLUDEDIR="$MPI_INC_DIR" #MPI_HEADER_FILES='mpif.h mpiof.h' fi