#!/bin/bash # # $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/tools/build_options/Attic/linux_ia32_ifort.aces+mth,v 1.3 2006/08/08 01:59:52 jmc Exp $ # # get 1 node with 2 cpu : qsub -I -l nodes=1:ppn=2 # on computer node: # needs to load intel compiler version 9: # > module load ifc/9.0.021 icc/9.0.021 intel/9.0 # and set for 2 threads, # + in many cases, need to increase the stack-size: #- sh,bash: # > export OMP_NUM_THREADS=2 # > export KMP_STACKSIZE=400m #- csh,tcsh: # > setenv OMP_NUM_THREADS 2 # > setenv KMP_STACKSIZE 400m FC='ifort' CC='icc' LINK='ifort' INCLUDES='-I/usr/local/pkg/ifc/ifc-9.0.021/include' LIBS='-L/usr/local/pkg/ifc/ifc-9.0.021/lib' DEFINES='-DWORDLENGTH=4 -DUSE_OMP_THREADING' CPP='cpp -traditional -P' NOOPTFLAGS='-O0' NOOPTFILES='mds_byteswapr8.F mds_byteswapr4.F mds_byteswapi4.F' if test "x$IEEE" = x ; then FOPTIM='-O3 -align' FFLAGS='-132 -r8 -i4 -w95 -W0 -WB -openmp -convert big_endian -assume byterecl' else FOPTIM='-O0 -noalign' FFLAGS='-132 -r8 -i4 -w95 -W0 -WB -openmp -pc64 -xW -convert big_endian -assume byterecl' fi NOOPTFILES=$NOOPTFILES' mitcplr_char2real.F mitcplr_real2char.F' NOOPTFILES=$NOOPTFILES' mitcplr_char2int.F mitcplr_int2char.F mds_byteswap.F'