!> \mainpage !! This is a Fortran9X adaptation of the functionality of Revolve; see Alg. 799 published as \cite Griewank2000ARA . !! The interface of the routines differs from the cited revolve implementation !! found in Adol-C and has been designed to be more in line with the !! Fortran 9X language features. A minor extension is the optional `bundle` parameter that allows to treat as many loop !! iterations in one tape/adjoint sweep. If `bundle` is 1, the default, then the behavior is that of Alg. 799. !! !! The implementation (written by J. Utke) is contained in revolve.f90, the use is illustrated in the `Examples` directory. !! !! The mercurial repository with the latest version can be found at: !! http://mercurial.mcs.anl.gov/ad/RevolveF9X !! !> the module containing the revolve implementation !! MODULE revolve IMPLICIT NONE PUBLIC :: rvInit, rvVerbose, rvNextAction, rvGuess, rvFactor, & rvStore, rvRestore, rvForward, rvFirstUTurn, rvUTurn, rvDone, rvError PRIVATE :: & ourSteps, ourACP, ourCStart, ourCEnd, ourVerbosity, & ourNumFwd , ourNumInv, ourNumStore, ourRWCP, ourPrevCEnd, ourFirstUTurned, & chkRange, forwdCount !> store a checkpoint now !! equivalent to TAKESHOT in Alg. 799 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: rvStore =1 !> restore a checkpoint now !! equivalent to RESTORE in Alg. 799 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: rvRestore =2 !> execute iteration(s) forward !! equivalent to ADVANCE in Alg. 799 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: rvForward =3 !> tape iteration(s); optionally leave to return later; and (upon return) do the adjoint(s) !! equivalent to FIRSTTURN in Alg. 799 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: rvFirstUTurn =4 !> tape iteration(s) and do the adjoint(s) !! equivalent to YOUTURN in Alg. 799 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: rvUTurn =5 !> we are done with adjoining the loop !! equivalent to the `terminate` enum value in Alg. 799 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: rvDone =6 !> an error has occurred !! equivalent to the `error` enum value in Alg. 799; !! see also `errorMsg` in \ref rvAction INTEGER, PARAMETER :: rvError =7 !> this encapsulates all the information needed to perfrom the correct action !! an instance is returned from \ref rvNextAction TYPE rvAction !> the action that is to be implemented, termination, or error; !! the value must be one of: !! `rvStore`, `rvRestore`, `rvForward`, !! `rvFirstUTurn`, `rvUTurn`, `rvDone`, `rvError` INTEGER :: actionFlag = 0 !> assumptions: !! - the loop iterations are numbered in range [0,`ourSteps`-1] !! - the model state is the input to the iteration numbered `startIteration` !! !! the interpretation is as follows based on the value of `actionFlag`: !! - `rvForward`: execute iterations as the loop: `do currentIteration=startIteration, iteration-1` !! - `rvRestore`: restores model state at `iteration` (here it has the same value as `startIteration`) !! - `rvFirstUTurn`/`rvUTurn`: tape iterations in loop: do currentIteration=startIteration, iteration-1` !! followed by adjoint sweep over iterations in loop: do currentIteration=iteration-1,startIteration,-1 !! !! for all other values of `actionFlag` the value of `iteration` is meaningless INTEGER :: iteration = 0 !> assuming the loop iterations are in [0,ourSteps-1] and `currentIteration` variable is maintained, !! the interpretation is as follows based on the value of `actionFlag`: !! - `rvForward`: execute iterations as the loop: `do currentIteration, iteration-1` !! - `rvRestore`: set `currentIteration=iteration` !! !! for all other values of `actionFlag` the value of `iteration` is meaningless INTEGER :: startIteration = 0 !> the checkpoint number to be stored to restored !! the value is meaninfull only if `actionFlag` is set to `rvStore` or `rvRestore`; !! !! This is approximately equivalent to `checks` in Alg. 799. INTEGER :: cpNum = 0 !> if an error has occurred `actionFlag` will be set to `rvError` and this will contain an error message CHARACTER(80) :: errorMsg END TYPE rvAction !> the number of iteration steps; set by calling \ref rvInit; not supposed to be set/used directly by the user; !! note that the iterations are expected to range in [0, ourSteps-1]; !! !! equivalent to `steps` in Alg. 799 INTEGER :: ourSteps = 0 ! number of steps !> the number of iterations that may be bundled for a taping/adjoining sweep; !! set by calling \ref rvInit; not supposed to be set/used directly by the user; !! !! the default is 1 loop iteration which makes it equivalent to Alg. 799 INTEGER :: ourBundle = 1 !> the number of iterations in the last bundle !! set by calling \ref rvInit; not supposed to be set/used directly by the user; !! !! the default is 1 (for `ourBundle` = 1) which makes it equivalent to Alg. 799 INTEGER :: ourTail = 1 !> the number of checkpoints (ACP=AllowedCheckPoints) that can be stored at any time during the loop execution !! set by calling \ref rvInit; not supposed to be set/used directly by the user !! !! equivalent to `snaps` in Alg. 799 INTEGER :: ourACP = 0 !> current subrange start; !! not to be set/referemced directly by the user !! !! approximately equivalent to `capo` in Alg. 799 INTEGER :: ourCStart = 0 !> current subrange end; !! not to be set/referemced directly by the user !! !! approximately equivalent to `fine` in Alg. 799 INTEGER :: ourCEnd = 0 !> count of the forward steps; diagnostic only INTEGER :: ourNumFwd = 0 !> count of invocations to \ref rvNextAction ; diagnostic only INTEGER :: ourNumInv = 0 !> count of checkpoint stores; diagnostic only INTEGER :: ourNumStore = 0 !> checkpoint currently (re)stored - the first checkpoint is numbered 0; !! not to be set/referemced directly by the user INTEGER :: ourRWCP = -1 !> previous subrange end; !! not to be set/referemced directly by the user INTEGER :: ourPrevCEnd = 0 !> have we first uturned already?; !! not to be set/referemced directly by the user LOGICAL :: ourFirstUturned = .FALSE. !> vector of step numbers indexed by checkpoint; !! not to be set/referemced directly by the user INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: ourStepOf !> for debugging purposes; values imply: !! - 0 includes errors !! - 1 includes summary info !! - 2 includes iterations with checkpoints stored !! - 3 includes all action results !! !! set via \ref rvVerbose INTEGER :: ourVerbosity = 0 CONTAINS !--------------------------------------------------------------------* !> method to initialize the internal state; must be called before any call to \ref rvNextAction !! @param steps the total number of steps in the iteration; equivalent to `steps` in Alg. 799 !! @param checkpoints the total number of checkpoints allowed to be stored at any time; equivalent to `snaps` in Alg. 799 !! @param errorMsg set when an error condition occurs; else set to `"none"` !! @param anActionInstance if supplied initializes its contents !! @param bundle if supplied initializes `ourBundle` !! @return `.true.` if successfull, else `.false.` ansd `errorMsg` will be set FUNCTION rvInit(steps,checkpoints,errorMsg,anActionInstance,bundle) IMPLICIT NONE LOGICAL :: rvInit INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: steps INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: checkpoints CHARACTER(*), INTENT(OUT) :: errorMsg type(rvAction), optional :: anActionInstance INTEGER, INTENT(IN), optional :: bundle INTEGER :: predFwdCnt ! predicted forward count rvInit = .TRUE. errorMsg ='none' IF (present(anActionInstance)) THEN ! same as default init above anActionInstance%actionFlag = 0 anActionInstance%iteration = 0 anActionInstance%cpNum = 0 END IF IF (present(bundle)) THEN ourBundle = bundle END IF IF (ourBundle<1 .OR. ourBundle>steps) THEN rvInit=.FALSE. errorMsg = "revolve::rvInit: bundle parameter out of range [1,steps]" ELSEIF (steps<0) THEN rvInit=.FALSE. errorMsg = 'revolve::rvInit: negative steps' ELSEIF (checkpoints<0) THEN rvInit=.FALSE. errorMsg = 'revolve::rvInit: negative checkpoints' ELSE ourCStart = 0 ourSteps = steps IF (ourBundle .gt. 1) THEN ourTail=modulo(ourSteps,ourBundle) ourSteps=ourSteps/ourBundle IF (ourTail>0) THEN ourSteps=ourSteps+1 ELSE ourTail=ourBundle END IF END IF ourCEnd = ourSteps ourACP = checkpoints ourNumFwd = 0 ourNumInv = 0 ourNumStore = 0 ourRWCP = -1 ourPrevCEnd = 0 ourFirstUTurned = .FALSE. IF (ALLOCATED(ourStepOf)) THEN DEALLOCATE(ourStepOf) END IF IF(.NOT.ALLOCATED(ourStepOf)) THEN ALLOCATE(ourStepOf(0:ourACP)) END IF IF (ourVerbosity>0) THEN predFwdCnt = forwdCount(steps,ourACP,ourBundle) IF (predFwdCnt==-1) THEN errorMsg='revolve::rvInit: error returned by revolve::forwdCount' rvInit=.FALSE. RETURN ELSE WRITE (*,'(A)') 'prediction:' WRITE (*,'(A,I7)') ' overhead forward steps : ', predFwdCnt WRITE (*,'(A,F8.4)') ' overhead factor : ', dble(predFwdCnt)/(steps) END IF END IF END IF END FUNCTION rvInit !--------------------------------------------------------------------* !> method to set the verbosity to a level in [0-3] as described for `ourVerbosity` SUBROUTINE rvVerbose(level) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: level ourVerbosity=level END SUBROUTINE rvVerbose !--------------------------------------------------------------------* !> the method to determine the next action; to be called in an unbound loop after \ref rvInit !! @return an instance of `rvAction` set to describe the next action (see the member documentation); !! !! this method modifies the internal state; it is approximately equivalent to the method `revolve` in Alg. 799 FUNCTION rvNextAction() IMPLICIT NONE REAL :: bino1, bino2, bino3, bino4, bino5 !> available checkpoint slots INTEGER :: availCP !> local copy of previous subrange start INTEGER :: prevCStart INTEGER :: range INTEGER :: reps INTEGER :: i INTEGER :: ourRWCPinBd type(rvAction) :: rvNextAction IF (ourNumInv==0) THEN ! first invocation DO i = 0, ourACP ourStepOf(i) = 0 END DO ourStepOf(0) = ourCStart - 1 END IF prevCStart = ourCStart ourNumInv = ourNumInv + 1 ! make sure ourRWCPinBd stay within bounds of array ourStepOf: ourRWCPinBd = MIN( MAX( ourRWCP, 0 ), ourACP ) IF ((ourCEnd-ourCStart)==0) THEN ! nothing in current subrange IF ((ourRWCP==(-1)) .OR. (ourCStart==ourStepOf(0))) THEN ! we are done ourRWCP = ourRWCP - 1 IF (ourVerbosity>2) THEN WRITE (*,FMT='(A)') ' done' END IF IF (ourVerbosity>0) THEN WRITE (*,'(A)') 'summary:' WRITE (*,'(A,I8)') ' overhead forward steps:', ourNumFwd WRITE (*,'(A,I8)') ' CP stores :', ourNumStore WRITE (*,'(A,I8)') ' rvNextAction calls :', ourNumInv END IF rvNextAction%actionFlag = rvDone ELSE ourCStart = ourStepOf(ourRWCP) ourPrevCEnd = ourCEnd rvNextAction%actionFlag = rvRestore END IF ELSE IF ((ourCEnd-ourCStart)==1) THEN ourCEnd = ourCEnd - 1 ourPrevCEnd = ourCEnd IF ((ourRWCP>=0) .AND. (ourStepOf(ourRWCP)==ourCStart)) ourRWCP = ourRWCP - 1 IF (.NOT.ourFirstUTurned) THEN rvNextAction%actionFlag = rvFirstUTurn ourFirstUTurned = .TRUE. ELSE rvNextAction%actionFlag = rvUTurn END IF ELSE IF ((ourRWCP==(-1)) .OR. (ourStepOf(ourRWCPinBd)/=ourCStart)) THEN ourRWCP = ourRWCP + 1 IF (ourRWCP+1>ourACP) THEN rvNextAction%actionFlag = rvError rvNextAction%errorMsg='revolve::rvNextAction: insufficient allowed checkpoints' RETURN ELSE ourStepOf(ourRWCP) = ourCStart ourNumStore = ourNumStore + 1 ourPrevCEnd = ourCEnd rvNextAction%actionFlag = rvStore END IF ELSE IF ((ourPrevCEnd1) THEN bino2 = bino1*availCP/(availCP+reps-1) ELSE bino2 = 1 END IF IF (availCP==1) THEN bino3 = 0 ELSE IF (availCP>2) THEN bino3 = bino2*(availCP-1)/(availCP+reps-2) ELSE bino3 = 1 END IF bino4 = bino2*(reps-1)/availCP IF (availCP<3) THEN bino5 = 0 ELSE IF (availCP>3) THEN bino5 = bino3*(availCP-1)/reps ELSE bino5 = 1 END IF IF (ourCEnd-ourCStart<=bino1+bino3) THEN ourCStart = ourCStart + bino4 ELSE IF (ourCEnd-ourCStart>=range-bino5) THEN ourCStart = ourCStart + bino1 ELSE ourCStart = ourCEnd - bino2 - bino3 END IF IF (ourCStart==prevCStart) THEN ourCStart = prevCStart + 1 END IF IF (ourCStart==ourSteps) THEN ourNumFwd = ourNumFwd + ((ourCStart-1) - prevCStart)*ourBundle + ourTail ELSE ourNumFwd = ourNumFwd + (ourCStart - prevCStart)*ourBundle END IF rvNextAction%actionFlag = rvForward END IF END IF rvNextAction%startIteration=prevCStart*ourBundle IF (rvNextAction%actionFlag==rvFirstUTurn) THEN rvNextAction%iteration=(ourCStart)*ourBundle+ourTail ELSE IF (rvNextAction%actionFlag==rvUTurn) THEN rvNextAction%iteration=(ourCStart+1)*ourBundle ELSE rvNextAction%iteration=(ourCStart)*ourBundle END IF IF (rvNextAction%actionFlag /= rvError) THEN IF (ourVerbosity>2) THEN SELECT CASE( rvNextAction%actionFlag) CASE (rvForward) WRITE (*,FMT='(A,I8,A,I8,A)') ' run forward iterations [', & rvNextAction%startIteration, ',', rvNextAction%iteration-1,']' CASE (rvRestore) WRITE (*,FMT='(A,I8)') ' restore input of iteration ',& rvNextAction%iteration CASE (rvFirstUTurn) WRITE (*,FMT='(A,I8,A,I8,A)') ' 1st uturn for iterations [',& rvNextAction%startIteration, ',', rvNextAction%iteration-1,']' CASE(rvUTurn) WRITE (*,FMT='(A,I8,A,I8,A)') ' uturn for iterations [',& rvNextAction%startIteration, ',', rvNextAction%iteration-1,']' END SELECT END IF IF ((ourVerbosity>1) .AND. (rvNextAction%actionFlag == rvStore)) THEN WRITE (*,FMT='(A,I8)') ' store input of iteration ',& rvNextAction%iteration END IF END IF rvNextAction%cpNum=ourRWCP END FUNCTION rvNextAction !--------------------------------------------------------------------* !> estimates the number of checkpoints required; equivalent to `adjust` in Alg. 799 !! @param steps is the number of iterations !! @param bundle is optional; detaults to 1, if specified indicates the number of iterations bundled in one tape/adjoint sweep !! @return the number of checkpoints such that the growth in spatial complexity is balanced with the growth in temporal complexity !! !! this method does not change the internal state and does not require \ref rvInit FUNCTION rvGuess(steps,bundle) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: steps, bundle OPTIONAL :: bundle INTEGER :: reps, s, checkpoints, b, tail, bSteps INTEGER :: rvGuess b=1 bSteps=steps IF (present(bundle)) THEN b=bundle END IF IF (steps<1) THEN WRITE (*,fmt=*) 'revolve::rvGuess: error: steps < 1' rvGuess = -1 ELSE IF (b<1) THEN WRITE (*,fmt=*) 'revolve::rvGuess: error: bundle < 1' rvGuess = -1 ELSE IF (b .gt. 1) THEN tail=modulo(bSteps,b) bSteps=bSteps/b IF (tail>0) THEN bSteps=bSteps+1 END IF END IF IF (bSteps==1) THEN rvGuess=0 ELSE checkpoints = 1 reps = 1 s = 0 DO WHILE (chkRange(checkpoints+s,reps+s)>bSteps) s = s - 1 END DO DO WHILE (chkRange(checkpoints+s,reps+s)=bSteps) IF (checkpoints>reps) THEN checkpoints = checkpoints - 1 s = 0 ELSE reps = reps - 1 s = 1 END IF END DO IF (s==0) THEN checkpoints = checkpoints + 1 END IF IF (s==1) reps = reps + 1 rvGuess = checkpoints END IF END IF END FUNCTION rvGuess !--------------------------------------------------------------------* !> computes the run time overhead factor; equivalent to `expense` in Alg. 799 !! @param steps is the number of iterations !! @param checkpoints is the number of allowed checkpoints !! @param bundle is optional; detaults to 1, if specified indicates the number of iterations bundled in one tape/adjoint sweep !! @return the estimated runtime overhead factor (does not account for the time needed to write checkpoints) !! !! this method does not change the internal state and does not require \ref rvInit FUNCTION rvFactor(steps,checkpoints,bundle) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: checkpoints, steps, bundle OPTIONAL :: bundle INTEGER :: b, f DOUBLE PRECISION :: rvFactor b=1 IF (present(bundle)) THEN b=bundle END IF f=forwdCount(steps,checkpoints,b) IF (f==-1) THEN WRITE (*,fmt=*) 'revolve::rvFactor: error returned by revolve::forwdCount' rvFactor=-1 ELSE rvFactor = dble(f)/steps END IF END FUNCTION rvFactor !--------------------------------------------------------------------* !> internal method not to be referenced by the user FUNCTION chkRange(ss,tt) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: ss, tt DOUBLE PRECISION :: res INTEGER :: i INTEGER :: chkRange res = 1. IF (tt<0 .OR. ss<0) THEN WRITE (*,fmt=*) 'revolve::chkRange: error: negative parameter ' chkRange = -1 ELSE DO i = 1, tt res = res*(ss+i) res = res/i IF (res>=2.0D0**31) EXIT END DO IF (res<2.0D0**31-2) THEN chkRange = res ELSE chkRange = 2.0D0**31 - 3 WRITE (*,fmt=*) 'revolve::chkRange: warning: returning maximal integer ',& chkRange END IF END IF END FUNCTION chkRange !--------------------------------------------------------------------* !> internal method not to be referenced by the user; !> predicts the number of recomputation-from-checkpoint forwards steps (overhead) FUNCTION forwdCount(steps,checkpoints,bundle) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: checkpoints, steps, bundle INTEGER :: range, reps,s,tail INTEGER :: forwdCount IF (checkpoints<0) THEN WRITE (*,fmt=*) 'revolve::forwdCount: error: checkpoints < 0' forwdCount = -1 ELSE IF (steps<1) THEN WRITE (*,fmt=*) 'revolve::forwdCount: error: steps < 1' forwdCount = -1 ELSE IF (bundle<1) THEN WRITE (*,fmt=*) 'revolve::forwdCount: error: bundle < 1' forwdCount = -1 ELSE s=steps IF (bundle .gt. 1) THEN tail=modulo(s,bundle) s=s/bundle IF (tail>0) THEN s=s+1 END IF END IF IF (s==1) THEN forwdCount = 0 ELSE IF (checkpoints==0) THEN WRITE (*,fmt=*) & 'revolve::forwdCount: error: given inputs require checkpoints>0' forwdCount = -1 ELSE reps = 0 range = 1 DO WHILE (range