! $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/tools/OAD_support/ad_template.active_read_xy.F,v 1.5 2015/04/05 07:06:45 dgoldberg Exp $ ! $Name: checkpoint66a $ #include "OPENAD_OPTIONS.h" subroutine template() C !FUNCTIONS use OAD_tape use OAD_rev use OAD_cp ! original arguments get inserted before version ! ! and declared here together with all local variables ! ! generated by xaifBooster !use mode_variables !$TEMPLATE_PRAGMA_DECLARATIONS type(modeType) :: our_orig_mode integer iaddr external iaddr !LOCAL VARIABLES: CHARACTER*(2) adpref CHARACTER*(80) fname INTEGER il INTEGER myNr LOGICAL useCurrentDir Real*8 active_var_p(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy) INTEGER ILNBLNK EXTERNAL ILNBLNK #ifdef ALLOW_OPENAD_ACTIVE_READ_XY myNr = 1 useCurrentDir = .FALSE. if (our_rev_mode%plain) then our_orig_mode = our_rev_mode ! original function active_var_p = active_var%v ! set up for plain execution our_rev_mode%arg_store=.FALSE. our_rev_mode%arg_restore=.FALSE. our_rev_mode%plain=.TRUE. our_rev_mode%tape=.FALSE. our_rev_mode%adjoint=.FALSE. call ACTIVE_READ_3D_RL( & active_var_file, active_var_p, doglobalread, & useCurrentDir, lAdInit, iRec, myNr, & FORWARD_SIMULATION, myOptimIter, myThid ) ! reset the mode our_rev_mode=our_orig_mode ! copy back active_var%v = active_var_p end if if (our_rev_mode%tape) then ! taping our_orig_mode=our_rev_mode ! original function active_var_p = active_var%v our_rev_mode%arg_store=.FALSE. our_rev_mode%arg_restore=.FALSE. our_rev_mode%plain=.TRUE. our_rev_mode%tape=.FALSE. our_rev_mode%adjoint=.FALSE. if (oad_st_sz.lt.oad_st_ptr) call oad_st_grow() oad_st(oad_st_ptr) = active_var_file oad_st_ptr = oad_st_ptr+1 if (oad_it_sz.lt.oad_it_ptr) call oad_it_grow() oad_it(oad_it_ptr) = iRec oad_it_ptr = oad_it_ptr+1 call ACTIVE_READ_3D_RL( & active_var_file, active_var_p, doglobalread, & useCurrentDir, lAdInit, iRec, myNr, & FORWARD_SIMULATION, myOptimIter, myThid ) our_rev_mode=our_orig_mode ! copy back active_var%v = active_var_p end if if (our_rev_mode%adjoint) then ! adjoint oad_st_ptr = oad_st_ptr-1 active_var_file = oad_st(oad_st_ptr) oad_it_ptr = oad_it_ptr-1 iRec = oad_it(oad_it_ptr) adpref = 'ad' il = ILNBLNK( active_var_file ) WRITE(fname(1:80),'(A)') ' ' WRITE(fname(1:2+il),'(2A)') adpref, active_var_file(1:il) ! WRITE(fname(1:2+il),'(2A)') adpref, active_var_file active_var_p = active_var%d ! set up for plain execution our_orig_mode=our_rev_mode our_rev_mode%arg_store=.FALSE. our_rev_mode%arg_restore=.FALSE. our_rev_mode%plain=.TRUE. our_rev_mode%tape=.FALSE. our_rev_mode%adjoint=.FALSE. call ACTIVE_READ_3D_RL( & fname, active_var_p, doglobalread, & useCurrentDir, lAdInit, iRec, myNr, & REVERSE_SIMULATION, myOptimIter, myThid ) ! reset the mode our_rev_mode=our_orig_mode ! copy back active_var%d = active_var_p end if #endif /* ALLOW_OPENAD_ACTIVE_READ_XY */ end