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Contents of /MITgcm/pkg/thsice/thsice_calc_thickn.F

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Revision 1.1 - (show annotations) (download)
Wed Apr 7 23:40:34 2004 UTC (20 years, 5 months ago) by jmc
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: checkpoint52m_post
major changes in pkg/thsice: allows atmospheric model (AIM) to use thsice.
- split thsice_therm.F in 2 S/R: thsice_solve4temp.F & thsice_calc_thickn.F
- move most of the ocean & bulk_force interface in thsice_main.F
- add a "slab ocean" component to be used with atmospheric model

1 C $Header: $
2 C $Name: $
4 #include "THSICE_OPTIONS.h"
10 I frzmlt, Tf, oceTs, oceV2s, snowPr,
11 I sHeating, flxCnB, evpAtm,
12 U compact, hi, hs, Tsf, qicen, qleft,
13 O fresh, fsalt, Fbot,
14 I dBugFlag, myThid )
16 C *==========================================================*
18 C | o Calculate ice & snow thickness changes
19 C *==========================================================*
20 C \ev
22 C !USES:
25 C == Global variables ===
26 #include "THSICE_SIZE.h"
27 #include "THSICE_PARAMS.h"
30 C == Routine Arguments ==
31 C frzmlt :: ocean mixed-layer freezing/melting potential [W/m2]
32 C Tf :: sea-water freezing temperature [oC] (function of S)
33 C oceTs :: surface level oceanic temperature [oC]
34 C oceV2s :: square of ocean surface-level velocity [m2/s2]
35 C snowPr :: snow precipitation [kg/m2/s]
36 C sHeating :: surf heating flux left to melt snow or ice (= Atmos-conduction)
37 C flxCnB :: heat flux conducted through the ice to bottom surface
38 C evpAtm :: evaporation to the atmosphere [kg/m2/s] (>0 if evaporate)
39 C compact :: fraction of grid area covered in ice
40 C hi :: ice height
41 C hs :: snow height
42 C Tsf :: surface (ice or snow) temperature
43 C qicen :: ice enthalpy (J m-3)
44 C qleft :: net heat flux to ocean [W/m2] (> 0 downward)
45 C fresh :: Total fresh water flux to ocean [kg/m2/s] (> 0 downward)
46 C fsalt :: salt flux to ocean [g/m2/s] (> 0 downward)
47 C Fbot :: oceanic heat flux used to melt/form ice [W/m2]
48 C dBugFlag :: allow to print debugging stuff (e.g. on 1 grid point).
49 C myThid :: Thread no. that called this routine.
50 _RL frzmlt
51 _RL Tf
52 _RL oceTs, oceV2s, snowPr
53 _RL sHeating
54 _RL flxCnB
55 _RL evpAtm
56 _RL compact
57 _RL hi
58 _RL hs
59 _RL Tsf
60 _RL qicen(nlyr)
62 _RL qleft
63 _RL fresh
64 _RL fsalt
65 _RL Fbot
66 LOGICAL dBugFlag
67 INTEGER myThid
70 #ifdef ALLOW_THSICE
73 C LANL CICE.v2.0.2
74 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
75 C.. thermodynamics (vertical physics) based on M. Winton 3-layer model
76 C.. See Bitz, C. M. and W. H. Lipscomb, 1999: "An energy-conserving
77 C.. thermodynamic sea ice model for climate study." J. Geophys.
78 C.. Res., 104, 15669 - 15677.
79 C.. Winton, M., 1999: "A reformulated three-layer sea ice model."
80 C.. Submitted to J. Atmos. Ocean. Technol.
81 C.. authors Elizabeth C. Hunke and William Lipscomb
82 C.. Fluid Dynamics Group, Los Alamos National Laboratory
83 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
84 Cc****subroutine thermo_winton(n,fice,fsnow,dqice,dTsfc)
85 C.. Compute temperature change using Winton model with 2 ice layers, of
86 C.. which only the top layer has a variable heat capacity.
88 C == Local Variables ==
91 _RL rnlyr ! maximum number of ice layers (real value)
92 _RL fswocn ! SW passed through ice to ocean (W m-2)
93 C evap :: evaporation over snow/ice [kg/m2/s] (>0 if evaporate)
94 _RL evap
95 _RL etop ! energy for top melting (J m-2)
96 _RL ebot ! energy for bottom melting (J m-2)
97 _RL etope ! energy (from top) for lateral melting (J m-2)
98 _RL ebote ! energy (from bottom) for lateral melting (J m-2)
99 _RL extend ! total energy for lateral melting (J m-2)
100 _RL hnew(nlyr) ! new ice layer thickness (m)
101 _RL hlyr ! individual ice layer thickness (m)
102 _RL dhi ! change in ice thickness
103 _RL dhs ! change in snow thickness
104 _RL rq ! rho * q for a layer
105 _RL rqh ! rho * q * h for a layer
106 _RL qbot ! q for new ice at bottom surf (J m-3)
107 _RL dt ! timestep
108 _RL esurp ! surplus energy from melting (J m-2)
109 _RL mwater0 ! fresh water mass gained/lost (kg/m^2)
110 _RL msalt0 ! salt gained/lost (kg/m^2)
111 _RL freshe ! fresh water gain from extension melting
112 _RL salte ! salt gained from extension melting
114 _RL ustar, cpchr
116 _RL chi, chs
117 _RL frace, rs, hq
118 LOGICAL dBug
120 1010 FORMAT(A,I3,3F8.3)
121 1020 FORMAT(A,1P4E11.3)
123 rnlyr = nlyr
124 dt = thSIce_deltaT
125 dBug = .FALSE.
126 c dBug = dBugFlag
128 C initialize energies
129 esurp = 0. _d 0
131 evap = evpAtm
133 C......................................................................
134 C.. Compute growth and/or melting at the top and bottom surfaces.......
135 C......................................................................
137 if (frzmlt.ge. 0. _d 0) then
138 C !-----------------------------------------------------------------
139 C ! freezing conditions
140 C !-----------------------------------------------------------------
141 C if higher than hihig, use all frzmlt energy to grow extra ice
142 if (hi.gt.hihig.and. compact.le.iceMaskmax) then
143 Fbot=0. _d 0
144 else
145 Fbot=frzmlt
146 endif
147 else
148 C !-----------------------------------------------------------------
149 C ! melting conditions
150 C !-----------------------------------------------------------------
151 ustar = 5. _d -2 !for no currents
152 C frictional velocity between ice and water
153 ustar = sqrt(0.00536 _d 0*oceV2s)
154 ustar=max(5. _d -3,ustar)
155 cpchr =cpwater*rhosw*transcoef
156 Fbot = cpchr*(Tf-oceTs)*ustar ! < 0
157 Fbot = max(Fbot,frzmlt) ! frzmlt < Fbot < 0
158 Fbot = min(Fbot,0. _d 0)
159 endif
161 C mass of fresh water and salt initially present in ice
162 mwater0 = rhos*hs + rhoi*hi
163 msalt0 = rhoi*hi*saltice
165 IF (dBug) WRITE(6,1020) 'ThSI_CALC_TH: evpAtm,frzmlt,Fbot=',
166 & evpAtm,frzmlt,Fbot
168 C---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7-|--+----|
170 C Compute energy available for melting/growth.
172 if (hi.lt.himin0) then
173 C below a certain height, all energy goes to changing ice extent
174 frace=1. _d 0
175 else
176 frace=frac_energy
177 endif
178 if (hi.gt.hihig) then
179 C above certain height only melt from top
180 frace=0. _d 0
181 else
182 frace=frac_energy
183 endif
184 C force this when no ice fractionation
185 if (frac_energy.eq.0. _d 0) frace=0. _d 0
187 c if (Tsf .eq. 0. _d 0 .and. sHeating.gt.0. _d 0) then
188 if ( sHeating.gt.0. _d 0 ) then
189 etop = (1. _d 0-frace)*sHeating * dt
190 etope = frace*sHeating * dt
191 else
192 etop = 0. _d 0
193 etope = 0. _d 0
194 C jmc: found few cases where Tsf=0 & sHeating < 0 : add this line to conserv energy:
195 esurp = sHeating * dt
196 endif
197 C-- flux at the base of sea-ice:
198 C conduction H.flx= flxCnB (+ =down); oceanic turbulent H.flx= Fbot (+ =down).
199 C- ==> energy available(+ => melt)= (flxCnB-Fbot)*dt
200 c if (frzmlt.lt.0. _d 0) then
201 c ebot = (1. _d 0-frace)*(flxCnB-Fbot) * dt
202 c ebote = frace*(flxCnB-Fbot) * dt
203 c else
204 c ebot = (flxCnB-Fbot) * dt
205 c ebote = 0. _d 0
206 c endif
207 C- original formulation(above): Loose energy when flxCnB < Fbot < 0
208 ebot = (flxCnB-Fbot) * dt
209 if (ebot.gt.0. _d 0) then
210 ebote = frace*ebot
211 ebot = ebot-ebote
212 else
213 ebote = 0. _d 0
214 endif
215 IF (dBug) WRITE(6,1020) 'ThSI_CALC_TH: etop,etope,ebot,ebote=',
216 & etop,etope,ebot,ebote
218 C Initialize layer thicknesses.
219 C Make sure internal ice temperatures do not exceed Tmlt.
220 C If they do, then eliminate the layer. (Dont think this will happen
221 C for reasonable values of i0.)
223 hlyr = hi / rnlyr
224 do k = 1, nlyr
225 hnew(k) = hlyr
226 enddo
228 C Top melt: snow, then ice.
230 if (etop .gt. 0. _d 0) then
231 if (hs. gt. 0. _d 0) then
232 rq = rhos * qsnow
233 rqh = rq * hs
234 if (etop .lt. rqh) then
235 hs = hs - etop/rq
236 etop = 0. _d 0
237 else
238 etop = etop - rqh
239 hs = 0. _d 0
240 endif
241 endif
243 do k = 1, nlyr
244 if (etop .gt. 0. _d 0) then
245 rq = rhoi * qicen(k)
246 rqh = rq * hnew(k)
247 if (etop .lt. rqh) then
248 hnew(k) = hnew(k) - etop / rq
249 etop = 0. _d 0
250 else
251 etop = etop - rqh
252 hnew(k) = 0. _d 0
253 endif
254 endif
255 enddo
256 else
257 etop=0. _d 0
258 endif
259 C If ice is gone and melting energy remains
260 c if (etop .gt. 0. _d 0) then
261 c write (6,*) 'QQ All ice melts from top ', i,j
262 c hi=0. _d 0
263 c go to 200
264 c endif
267 C Bottom melt/growth.
269 if (ebot .lt. 0. _d 0) then
270 C Compute enthalpy of new ice growing at bottom surface.
271 qbot = -cpice *Tf + Lfresh
272 dhi = -ebot / (qbot * rhoi)
273 ebot = 0. _d 0
274 k = nlyr
275 qicen(k) = (hnew(k)*qicen(k)+dhi*qbot) / (hnew(k)+dhi)
276 hnew(k) = hnew(k) + dhi
277 else
278 do k = nlyr, 1, -1
279 if (ebot.gt.0. _d 0 .and. hnew(k).gt.0. _d 0) then
280 rq = rhoi * qicen(k)
281 rqh = rq * hnew(k)
282 if (ebot .lt. rqh) then
283 hnew(k) = hnew(k) - ebot / rq
284 ebot = 0. _d 0
285 else
286 ebot = ebot - rqh
287 hnew(k) = 0. _d 0
288 endif
289 endif
290 enddo
292 C If ice melts completely and snow is left, remove the snow with
293 C energy from the mixed layer
295 if (ebot.gt.0. _d 0 .and. hs.gt.0. _d 0) then
296 rq = rhos * qsnow
297 rqh = rq * hs
298 if (ebot .lt. rqh) then
299 hs = hs - ebot / rq
300 ebot = 0. _d 0
301 else
302 ebot = ebot - rqh
303 hs = 0. _d 0
304 endif
305 endif
306 c if (ebot .gt. 0. _d 0) then
307 c IF (dBug) WRITE(6,*) 'All ice (& snow) melts from bottom'
308 c hi=0. _d 0
309 c go to 200
310 c endif
311 endif
313 C Compute new total ice thickness.
314 hi = 0. _d 0
315 do k = 1, nlyr
316 hi = hi + hnew(k)
317 enddo
318 IF (dBug) WRITE(6,1020) 'ThSI_CALC_TH: top,bot: etop,ebot,hs,hi=',
319 & etop,ebot,hs,hi
321 C If hi < himin, melt the ice.
322 if ( hi.lt.himin .AND. (hi+hs).gt.0. _d 0 ) then
323 esurp = esurp - rhos*qsnow*hs
324 do k = 1, nlyr
325 esurp = esurp - rhoi*qicen(k)*hnew(k)
326 enddo
327 hi = 0. _d 0
328 hs = 0. _d 0
329 Tsf=0. _d 0
330 compact = 0. _d 0
331 do k = 1, nlyr
332 qicen(k) = 0. _d 0
333 enddo
334 IF (dBug) WRITE(6,1020) 'ThSI_CALC_TH: -1 : esurp=',esurp
335 endif
337 C-- do a mass-budget of sea-ice to compute "fresh" = the fresh-water flux
338 C that is returned to the ocean ; needs to be done before snow/evap
339 fresh = (mwater0 - (rhos*hs + rhoi*hi))/dt
341 C- note : was not supposed to modify snowPr in THSICE_CALC_TH ;
342 C but to reproduce old results, reset to zero if Tsf >= 0
343 IF ( Tsf.ge.0. _d 0 ) snowPr = 0.
345 IF ( hi .LE. 0. _d 0 ) THEN
346 C- return snow to the ocean (account for Latent heat of freezing)
347 fresh = fresh + snowPr
348 qleft = qleft - snowPr*Lfresh
349 GOTO 200
352 C Let it snow
354 hs = hs + dt*snowPr/rhos
356 C If ice evap is used to sublimate surface snow/ice or
357 C if no ice pass on to ocean
358 if (hs.gt.0. _d 0) then
359 if (evap/rhos *dt.gt.hs) then
360 evap=evap-hs*rhos/dt
361 hs=0. _d 0
362 else
363 hs = hs - evap/rhos *dt
364 evap=0. _d 0
365 endif
366 endif
367 if (hi.gt.0. _d 0.and.evap.gt.0. _d 0) then
368 do k = 1, nlyr
369 if (evap .gt. 0. _d 0) then
370 C-- original scheme, does not care about ice temp.
371 C- this can produce small error (< 1.W/m2) in the Energy budget
372 c if (evap/rhoi *dt.gt.hnew(k)) then
373 c evap=evap-hnew(k)*rhoi/dt
374 c hnew(k)=0. _d 0
375 c else
376 c hnew(k) = hnew(k) - evap/rhoi *dt
377 c evap=0. _d 0
378 c endif
379 C-- modified scheme. taking into account Ice enthalpy
380 dhi = evap/rhoi*dt
381 if (dhi.ge.hnew(k)) then
382 evap=evap-hnew(k)*rhoi/dt
383 esurp = esurp - hnew(k)*rhoi*(qicen(k)-Lfresh)
384 hnew(k)=0. _d 0
385 else
386 hq = hnew(k)*qicen(k)-dhi*Lfresh
387 hnew(k) = hnew(k) - dhi
388 qicen(k)=hq/hnew(k)
389 evap=0. _d 0
390 endif
391 C-------
392 endif
393 enddo
394 endif
395 c if (evap .gt. 0. _d 0) then
396 c write (6,*) 'BB All ice sublimates', i,j
397 c hi=0. _d 0
398 c go to 200
399 c endif
401 C Compute new total ice thickness.
403 hi = 0. _d 0
404 do k = 1, nlyr
405 hi = hi + hnew(k)
406 enddo
408 C If hi < himin, melt the ice.
409 if ( hi.gt.0. _d 0 .AND. hi.lt.himin ) then
410 fresh = fresh + (rhos*hs + rhoi*hi)/dt
411 esurp = esurp - rhos*qsnow*hs
412 do k = 1, nlyr
413 esurp = esurp - rhoi*qicen(k)*hnew(k)
414 enddo
415 hi = 0. _d 0
416 hs = 0. _d 0
417 Tsf=0. _d 0
418 compact = 0. _d 0
419 do k = 1, nlyr
420 qicen(k) = 0. _d 0
421 enddo
422 IF (dBug) WRITE(6,1020) 'ThSI_CALC_TH: -2 : esurp,fresh=',
423 & esurp, fresh
424 endif
425 IF ( hi .le. 0. _d 0 ) GOTO 200
427 C If there is enough snow to lower the ice/snow interface below
428 C freeboard, convert enough snow to ice to bring the interface back
429 C to sea-level. Adjust enthalpy of top ice layer accordingly.
431 if ( hs .gt. hi*rhoiw/rhos ) then
432 cBB write (6,*) 'Freeboard adjusts'
433 dhi = (hs * rhos - hi * rhoiw) / rhosw
434 dhs = dhi * rhoi / rhos
435 rqh = rhoi*qicen(1)*hnew(1) + rhos*qsnow*dhs
436 hnew(1) = hnew(1) + dhi
437 qicen(1) = rqh / (rhoi*hnew(1))
438 hi = hi + dhi
439 hs = hs - dhs
440 end if
443 C limit ice height
444 C- NOTE: this part does not conserve Energy ;
445 C but surplus of fresh water and salt are taken into account.
446 if (hi.gt.hiMax) then
447 cBB print*,'BBerr, hi>hiMax',i,j,hi
448 chi=hi-hiMax
449 do k=1,nlyr
450 hnew(k)=hnew(k)-chi/2. _d 0
451 enddo
452 fresh = fresh + chi*rhoi/dt
453 endif
454 if (hs.gt.hsMax) then
455 c print*,'BBerr, hs>hsMax',i,j,hs
456 chs=hs-hsMax
457 hs=hsMax
458 fresh = fresh + chs*rhos/dt
459 endif
461 C Compute new total ice thickness.
463 hi = 0. _d 0
464 do k = 1, nlyr
465 hi = hi + hnew(k)
466 enddo
468 IF (dBug) WRITE(6,1020) 'ThSI_CALC_TH: b-Winton: hnew,qice=',
469 & hnew,qicen
471 hlyr = hi/rnlyr
473 U qicen,
474 I hlyr, hnew, myThid )
476 IF (dBug) WRITE(6,1020) 'ThSI_CALC_TH: compact,hi,qtot,hs=',
477 & compact,hi,(qicen(1)+qicen(2))*0.5, hs
479 200 continue
481 C- Compute surplus energy left over from melting.
483 if (hi.le.0. _d 0) compact=0. _d 0
485 C.. heat fluxes left over for ocean
486 c qleft = fswocn
487 qleft = qleft + (Fbot+(esurp+etop+ebot)/dt)
488 IF(dBug) WRITE(6,1020)'ThSI_CALC_TH: fswOc,[esurp,etop+ebot]/dt='
489 & ,fswocn,esurp/dt,etop/dt,ebot/dt
491 C-- Evaporation left to the ocean :
492 fresh = fresh - evap
493 C- Correct Atmos. fluxes for this different latent heat:
494 C evap was computed over freezing surf.(Tsf<0), latent heat = Lvap+Lfresh
495 C but should be Lvap only for the fraction "evap" that is left to the ocean.
496 qleft = qleft + evap*Lfresh
498 C fresh and salt fluxes
499 c fresh = (mwater0 - (rhos*(hs) + rhoi*(hi)))/dt-evap
500 c fsalt = (msalt0 - rhoi*hi*saltice)/35. _d 0/dt ! for same units as fresh
501 C note (jmc): fresh is computed from a sea-ice mass budget that already
502 C contains, at this point, snow & evaporation (of snow & ice)
503 C but are not meant to be part of ice/ocean fresh-water flux.
504 C fix: a) like below or b) by making the budget before snow/evap is added
505 c fresh = (mwater0 - (rhos*(hs) + rhoi*(hi)))/dt
506 c & + snow(i,j,bi,bj)*rhos - evpAtm
507 fsalt = (msalt0 - rhoi*hi*saltice)/dt
509 IF (dBug) WRITE(6,1020)'ThSI_CALC_TH: dH2O,Evap[kg],fresh,fsalt',
510 & (mwater0-(rhos*hs+rhoi*hi))/dt,evap,fresh,fsalt
511 IF (dBug) WRITE(6,1020)'ThSI_CALC_TH: Qleft,Fbot,extend/dt=',
512 & Qleft,Fbot,(etope+ebote)/dt
514 C-- note: at this point, compact has not been changed (unless reset to zero)
515 C and it can only be reduced by lateral melting in the following part:
517 C calculate extent changes
518 extend=etope+ebote
519 if (compact.gt.0. _d 0.and.extend.gt.0. _d 0) then
520 rq = rhoi * 0.5 _d 0*(qicen(1)+qicen(2))
521 rs = rhos * qsnow
522 rqh = rq * hi + rs * hs
523 freshe=(rhos*hs+rhoi*hi)/dt
524 salte=(rhoi*hi*saltice)/dt
525 if (extend .lt. rqh) then
526 compact=(1. _d 0-extend/rqh)*compact
527 fresh=fresh+extend/rqh*freshe
528 fsalt=fsalt+extend/rqh*salte
529 else
530 compact=0. _d 0
531 hi=0. _d 0
532 hs=0. _d 0
533 qleft=qleft+(extend-rqh)/dt
534 fresh=fresh+freshe
535 fsalt=fsalt+salte
536 endif
537 elseif (extend.gt.0. _d 0) then
538 qleft=qleft+extend/dt
539 endif
541 #endif /* ALLOW_THSICE */
543 C---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7-|--+----|
546 END

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