C $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/pkg/salt_plume/SALT_PLUME.h,v 1.5 2007/12/21 22:49:09 atn Exp $ C $Name: checkpoint61p $ #ifdef ALLOW_SALT_PLUME C-- SALT_PLUME parameters C Find surface where the potential density (ref.lev=surface) is C larger than surface density plus SaltPlumeCriterion. C CriterionType: 1=delta_rho, 2=drhodz, default is 1 C PlumeMethod: method of distributing salt plume vertically C 1=power, 2=exp, 3=overshoot, 5=dump_at_top, 6=reverse of 1 C default is 1 C Npower: choices of distributing salt uniformly (0), linear (1), C or higher power (Npower>1); default is 0 when PlumeMethod = 1 INTEGER CriterionType, PlumeMethod, Npower COMMON /SALT_PLUME_PARAMS_I/ CriterionType, PlumeMethod, Npower C SaltPlumeCriterion C for CriterionType=1, default is 0.4 kg/m^3 of Duffy et al 1999 C for CriterionType=2, default is 0.005 kg/m^3/m C SPovershoot: overshooting depth of penetrating salt plume, C so that 1.0 = no-overshoot, 1.2 = 20% overshoot. C default is 1.0 _RL SaltPlumeCriterion, SPovershoot COMMON /SALT_PLUME_PARAMS_R/ SaltPlumeCriterion, SPovershoot C-- SALT_PLUME 2-dim. fields C SaltPlumeDepth :: depth of penetration of salt plumes C rejected during sea ice growth C saltPlumeFlux :: Net downward salt flux in psu.kg/m^2/s C Note: a) only used when salty sea-ice forms. C b) units: when salinity (unit= psu) is expressed C in g/kg, saltPlumeFlux unit becomes g/m^2/s. C > 0 for increasing in SSS. C Southwest C-grid tracer point _RL SaltPlumeDepth (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy) _RL saltPlumeFlux (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy) COMMON /DYNVARS_SALT_PLUME/ SaltPlumeDepth COMMON /FFIELDS_saltPlumeFlux/ saltPlumeFlux #endif /* ALLOW_SALT_PLUME */