C $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/pkg/opps/opps_interface.F,v 1.5 2010/01/03 19:11:43 jmc Exp $ C $Name: checkpoint62i $ #include "OPPS_OPTIONS.h" CBOP C !ROUTINE: OPPS_INTERFACE C !INTERFACE: SUBROUTINE OPPS_INTERFACE( I bi, bj, iMin, iMax, jMin, jMax, I myTime, myIter, myThid ) C !DESCRIPTION: \bv C *================================================================* C | SUBROUTINE OPPS_INTERFACE | C | o Driver for OPPS mixing scheme that can be called | C | instead of convective_adjustment. | C | Reference: Paluszkiewicz+Romea, Dynamics of Atmospheres and | C | Oceans (1997) 26, pp. 95-130 | C | o Support for passive tracers by joint treatment of | C | active (theta, salt) and passive tracers. The array | C | tracerLoc(Nr,2+PTRACERS_num) contains | C | theta = tracerLoc(:,1), | C | salt = tracerLoc(:,2), and | C | ptracers = tracerLoc(:,3:PTRACERS_num+2). For this to | C | work, the routine opps_calc had to be modified | C | considerably. opps_calc is based on nlopps.F but there is | C | is little left of the original (see opps_calc.F) | C *================================================================* C \ev C !USES: IMPLICIT NONE C == Global data == #include "SIZE.h" #include "EEPARAMS.h" #include "PARAMS.h" #include "DYNVARS.h" #include "GRID.h" #include "OPPS.h" #ifdef ALLOW_PTRACERS #include "PTRACERS_SIZE.h" #include "PTRACERS_PARAMS.h" #include "PTRACERS_FIELDS.h" #endif C !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: C == Routine arguments == C bi,bj,iMin,iMax,jMin,jMax,K - Loop counters C myTime - Current time in simulation C myIter - Current iteration in simulation C myThid - Thread number of this instance of S/R CONVECT INTEGER bi,bj,iMin,iMax,jMin,jMax _RL myTime INTEGER myIter INTEGER myThid #ifdef ALLOW_OPPS C !LOCAL VARIABLES: C == Local variables == C msgBuf - Informational/error meesage buffer INTEGER nTracer #ifdef ALLOW_PTRACERS PARAMETER( nTracer = 2+PTRACERS_num ) INTEGER itr #else /* not ALLOW_PTRACERS */ PARAMETER( nTracer = 2 ) #endif /* ALLOW_PTRACERS */ INTEGER I, J, K, kMax INTEGER nTracerInUse _RL tMin, tMax, sMin, sMax _RL tMinNew, tMaxNew, sMinNew, sMaxNew _RL wVelLoc(Nr) _RL tracerLoc(Nr,nTracer) CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_MBUF) msgBuf CEOP C initialization #ifdef ALLOW_PTRACERS nTracerInUse = 2+PTRACERS_numInUse #else nTracerInUse = 2 #endif /* ALLOW_PTRACERS */ tMax = -1. _d 23 tMin = 1. _d 23 sMax = -1. _d 23 sMin = 1. _d 23 tMaxNew = -1. _d 23 tMinNew = 1. _d 23 sMaxNew = -1. _d 23 sMinNew = 1. _d 23 tMinNew = 1. _d 23 C re-initialize convection counter DO K=1,Nr DO J=1-Oly,sNy+Oly DO I=1-Olx,sNx+Olx OPPSconvectCount(I,J,K,bi,bj) = 0. _d 0 ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO C DO J=jMin,jMax DO I=iMin,iMax IF ( kSurfC(I,J,bi,bj) .LE. Nr ) THEN IF ( useGCMwVel ) THEN DO K=1,Nr tracerLoc(K,1) = theta(I,J,K,bi,bj) tracerLoc(K,2) = salt(I,J,K,bi,bj) wVelLoc(K) = wVel(I,J,K,bi,bj) ENDDO ELSE DO K=1,Nr tracerLoc(K,1) = theta(I,J,K,bi,bj) tracerLoc(K,2) = salt(I,J,K,bi,bj) wVelLoc(K) = - VERTICAL_VELOCITY ENDDO ENDIF #ifdef ALLOW_PTRACERS DO itr = 3, nTracerInUse DO K=1,Nr tracerLoc(K,itr) = ptracer(I,J,K,bi,bj,itr-2) ENDDO ENDDO #endif /* ALLOW_PTRACERS */ #ifdef ALLOW_OPPS_DEBUG IF ( OPPSdebugLevel .GE. debLevA ) THEN C determine range of temperature and salinity tMax = -1. d 23 tMin = 1. d 23 sMax = -1. d 23 sMin = 1. d 23 DO K=1,Nr tMax = MAX(tracerLoc(K,1),tMax) tMin = MAX(tracerLoc(K,1),tMin) sMax = MAX(tracerLoc(K,2),sMax) sMin = MAX(tracerLoc(K,2),sMin) ENDDO ENDIF #endif /* ALLOW_OPPS_DEBUG */ kMax = kLowC(I,J,bi,bj) CALL OPPS_CALC( U tracerLoc, I wVelLoc,kMax,nTracer,nTracerInUse, I I,J,bi,bj,myTime,myIter,myThid) #ifdef ALLOW_OPPS_DEBUG IF ( OPPSdebugLevel .GE. debLevA ) THEN C determine range of temperature and salinity tMaxNew = -1. d 23 tMinNew = 1. d 23 sMaxNew = -1. d 23 sMinNew = 1. d 23 DO K=1,Nr tMaxNew = MAX(tracerLoc(K,1),tMaxNew) tMinNew = MAX(tracerLoc(K,1),tMinNew) sMaxNew = MAX(tracerLoc(K,2),sMaxNew) sMinNew = MAX(tracerLoc(K,2),sMinNew) ENDDO IF ( tMaxNew.GT.tMax .OR. tMinNew.LT.tMin .OR. & sMaxNew.GT.sMax .OR. sMinNew.LT.sMIN ) THEN WRITE(msgBuf,'(A,A)') 'OPPS_INTERFACE: theta or S-range is', & ' larger than before mixing' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE( msgBuf, standardMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT , myThid ) WRITE(msgBuf,'(A,2I5)') ' for (i,j) = ', I,J CALL PRINT_MESSAGE( msgBuf, standardMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT , myThid ) ENDIF ENDIF #endif /* ALLOW_OPPS_DEBUG */ DO K=1,Nr theta(I,J,K,bi,bj) = tracerLoc(K,1) salt(I,J,K,bi,bj) = tracerLoc(K,2) ENDDO #ifdef ALLOW_PTRACERS DO itr = 3, nTracerInUse DO K=1,Nr ptracer(I,J,K,bi,bj,itr-2) = tracerLoc(K,itr) ENDDO ENDDO #endif /* ALLOW_PTRACERS */ ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO #endif /* ALLOW_OPPS */ RETURN END