C $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/pkg/opps/OPPS.h,v 1.1 2004/09/16 11:28:16 mlosch Exp $ C $Name: checkpoint65o $ #ifdef ALLOW_OPPS CBOP C !ROUTINE: OPPS.h C !DESCRIPTION: \bv C /==========================================================\ C | OPPS.h | C | o Basic header for Paluszkiewicz and Romea (1997) | C | Ocean Penetrative Plume Scheme (OPPS) | C | Contains all OPPS field declarations. | C \==========================================================/ C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C C Parameters that can be set in data.opps C C MAX_ABE_ITERATIONS - maximum for iteration on fractional size C (default=1) C In the present implementation, there is no C iteration and max_abe_iterations should C always be 1 C OPPSdebugLevel - sets internal debug level (default = 0) to C produce some output for debugging C PlumeRadius - default = 100 m C STABILITY_THRESHOLD - threshold of vertical density difference, C beyond which convection starts C (default = -1.e-4 kg/m^3) C FRACTIONAL_AREA - (initial) fractional area that plume(s) C occupies (default = 0.1) C MAX_FRACTIONAL_AREA - maximum of above (default = 0.8), not used C VERTICAL_VELOCITY - initial (positive=downward) vertical C velocity of plume (default=0.03m/s) C ENTRAINMENT_RATE - default = - 0.05 C e2 - 2*ENTRAINMENT_RATE (cannot be set) C useGCMwVel - flag to replace VERTICAL_VELOCITY with C actual vertical velocity of GCM, probably C useless (default = .false.) C OPPSwriteState - flag to turn on ouput (.false.) C OPPSdumpFreq - default = dumpFreq (currently there is no C snap-shot output) C OPPStaveFreq - default = taveFreq C C OPPSconvectCount - counter for freqency of convection events C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C \ev CEOP INTEGER MAX_ABE_ITERATIONS CML default values from original code CML PARAMETER(MAX_ABE_ITERATIONS=1) INTEGER OPPSdebugLevel COMMON /OPPS_PARMS_I/ & MAX_ABE_ITERATIONS, OPPSdebugLevel _RL PlumeRadius _RL STABILITY_THRESHOLD _RL FRACTIONAL_AREA _RL MAX_FRACTIONAL_AREA _RL VERTICAL_VELOCITY _RL ENTRAINMENT_RATE _RL e2 _RL OPPSdumpFreq _RL OPPStaveFreq CML default values from original code CML PARAMETER ( PlumeRadius = 100.D0 ) CML PARAMETER ( STABILITY_THRESHOLD = -1.E-4 ) CML PARAMETER ( FRACTIONAL_AREA = .1E0 ) CML PARAMETER ( MAX_FRACTIONAL_AREA = .8E0 ) CML PARAMETER ( VERTICAL_VELOCITY = .02E0 ) CML PARAMETER ( ENTRAINMENT_RATE = -.05E0 ) CML PARAMETER ( e2 = 2.E0*ENTRAINMENT_RATE ) COMMON /OPPS_PARMS_R/ & PlumeRadius, & STABILITY_THRESHOLD, & FRACTIONAL_AREA, & MAX_FRACTIONAL_AREA, & VERTICAL_VELOCITY, & ENTRAINMENT_RATE, & e2, & OPPSdumpFreq, OPPStaveFreq _RL OPPSconvectCount(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy, & Nr,nSx,nSy) COMMON /OPPS_FIELDS/ OPPSconvectCount LOGICAL OPPSisOn, OPPSwriteState, useGCMwVel CML LOGICAL debug, done COMMON /OPPS_PARMS_L/ & OPPSisOn, OPPSwriteState, useGCMwVel #endif /* ALLOW_OPPS */