C $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/pkg/obcs/obcs_prescribe_read.F,v 1.2 2004/09/24 12:32:09 mlosch Exp $ C $Name: $ # include "OBCS_OPTIONS.h" subroutine obcs_prescribe_read ( I mycurrenttime I , mycurrentiter I , mythid & ) c |==================================================================| c | SUBROUTINE obcs_prescribe_read | c |==================================================================| c | read open boundary conditions from file | c | N.B.: * uses exf and cal routines for file/record handling | c | * uses ctrl routines for control variable handling | c |==================================================================| implicit none c == global variables == #include "EEPARAMS.h" #include "SIZE.h" #include "GRID.h" #include "OBCS.h" #ifdef ALLOW_EXF # include "exf_param.h" #endif c == routine arguments == _RL mycurrenttime integer mycurrentiter integer mythid #if (defined (ALLOW_OBCS) && defined (ALLOW_OBCS_PRESCRIBE)) c == local variables == logical first, changed integer count0, count1 _RL fac c == end of interface == #ifdef ALLOW_EXF #ifdef ALLOW_OBCS_NORTH call exf_getffieldrec( I obcsNstartdate, obcsNperiod O , fac, first, changed, count0, count1 I , mycurrenttime, mycurrentiter, mythid & ) call exf_set_obcs_xz( OBNu, OBNu0, OBNu1, OBNufile, 'u' I , fac, first, changed, count0, count1 I , mycurrenttime, mycurrentiter, mythid ) call exf_set_obcs_xz( OBNv, OBNv0, OBNv1, OBNvfile, 'v' I , fac, first, changed, count0, count1 I , mycurrenttime, mycurrentiter, mythid ) call exf_set_obcs_xz( OBNt, OBNt0, OBNt1, OBNtfile, 's' I , fac, first, changed, count0, count1 I , mycurrenttime, mycurrentiter, mythid ) call exf_set_obcs_xz( OBNs, OBNs0, OBNs1, OBNsfile, 's' I , fac, first, changed, count0, count1 I , mycurrenttime, mycurrentiter, mythid ) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_OBCS_SOUTH call exf_getffieldrec( I obcsSstartdate, obcsSperiod O , fac, first, changed, count0, count1 I , mycurrenttime, mycurrentiter, mythid & ) call exf_set_obcs_xz( OBSu, OBSu0, OBSu1, OBSufile, 'u' I , fac, first, changed, count0, count1 I , mycurrenttime, mycurrentiter, mythid ) call exf_set_obcs_xz( OBSv, OBSv0, OBSv1, OBSvfile, 'v' I , fac, first, changed, count0, count1 I , mycurrenttime, mycurrentiter, mythid ) call exf_set_obcs_xz( OBSt, OBSt0, OBSt1, OBStfile, 's' I , fac, first, changed, count0, count1 I , mycurrenttime, mycurrentiter, mythid ) call exf_set_obcs_xz( OBSs, OBSs0, OBSs1, OBSsfile, 's' I , fac, first, changed, count0, count1 I , mycurrenttime, mycurrentiter, mythid ) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_OBCS_EAST call exf_getffieldrec( I obcsEstartdate, obcsEperiod O , fac, first, changed, count0, count1 I , mycurrenttime, mycurrentiter, mythid & ) call exf_set_obcs_yz( OBEu, OBEu0, OBEu1, OBEufile, 'u' I , fac, first, changed, count0, count1 I , mycurrenttime, mycurrentiter, mythid ) call exf_set_obcs_yz( OBEv, OBEv0, OBEv1, OBEvfile, 'v' I , fac, first, changed, count0, count1 I , mycurrenttime, mycurrentiter, mythid ) call exf_set_obcs_yz( OBEt, OBEt0, OBEt1, OBEtfile, 's' I , fac, first, changed, count0, count1 I , mycurrenttime, mycurrentiter, mythid ) call exf_set_obcs_yz( OBEs, OBEs0, OBEs1, OBEsfile, 's' I , fac, first, changed, count0, count1 I , mycurrenttime, mycurrentiter, mythid ) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_OBCS_WEST call exf_getffieldrec( I obcsWstartdate, obcsWperiod O , fac, first, changed, count0, count1 I , mycurrenttime, mycurrentiter, mythid & ) call exf_set_obcs_yz( OBWu, OBWu0, OBWu1, OBWufile, 'u' I , fac, first, changed, count0, count1 I , mycurrenttime, mycurrentiter, mythid ) call exf_set_obcs_yz( OBWv, OBWv0, OBWv1, OBWvfile, 'v' I , fac, first, changed, count0, count1 I , mycurrenttime, mycurrentiter, mythid ) call exf_set_obcs_yz( OBWt, OBWt0, OBWt1, OBWtfile, 's' I , fac, first, changed, count0, count1 I , mycurrenttime, mycurrentiter, mythid ) call exf_set_obcs_yz( OBWs, OBWs0, OBWs1, OBWsfile, 's' I , fac, first, changed, count0, count1 I , mycurrenttime, mycurrentiter, mythid ) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_OBCS_CONTROL cgg WARNING: Assuming North Open Boundary exists and has same cgg calendar information as other boundaries. call ctrl_obcsbal ( mycurrenttime,mycurrentiter,mythid ) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_OBCSN_CONTROL call ctrl_getobcsn ( mycurrenttime, mycurrentiter, mythid ) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_OBCSS_CONTROL call ctrl_getobcss ( mycurrenttime, mycurrentiter, mythid ) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_OBCSW_CONTROL call ctrl_getobcsw ( mycurrenttime, mycurrentiter, mythid ) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_OBCSE_CONTROL call ctrl_getobcse ( mycurrenttime, mycurrentiter, mythid ) #endif #else /* not ALLOW_EXF */ CALL OBCS_EXTERNAL_FIELDS_LOAD( & myCurrentTime, myCurrentIter, myThid ) #endif /* ALLOw_EXF */ #endif /* ALLOW_OBCS */ end