C $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/pkg/mnc/mnc_cw_readwrite.template,v 1.5 2004/02/26 22:31:58 edhill Exp $ C $Name: $ #include "MNC_OPTIONS.h" C---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7-|--+----| SUBROUTINE MNC_CW_RX_W_YY( I myThid, I fbname, bi,bj, I vtype, I indu, I var ) implicit none #include "netcdf.inc" #include "mnc_common.h" #include "EEPARAMS.h" #include "SIZE.h" #define mnc_rtype_YY C Arguments integer myThid, bi,bj, indu character*(*) fbname, vtype _RX var(*) C Functions integer IFNBLNK, ILNBLNK C Local Variables integer i,j,k, indv,nvf,nvl, n1,n2, igrid, ntot integer bis,bie, bjs,bje, uniq_tnum, nfname, fid, idv, indvids integer ndim, indf, err, lbi,lbj, bidim,bjdim, unlim_sz, kr integer p(9),s(9),e(9), dimnc(9), vstart(9),vcount(9), udo(9) integer j1,j2,j3,j4,j5,j6,j7, k1,k2,k3,k4,k5,k6,k7 character*(MAX_LEN_MBUF) msgbuf character*(MNC_MAX_CHAR) fname C Temporary storage for the simultaneous type conversion and C re-shaping before passing to NetCDF #ifdef mnc_rtype_D REAL*8 resh( sNx + 2*OLx + sNy + 2*OLy ) #endif #ifdef mnc_rtype_R REAL*4 resh( sNx + 2*OLx + sNy + 2*OLy ) #endif C Only do I/O if I am the master thread _BEGIN_MASTER( myThid ) C Check that the Variable Type exists nvf = IFNBLNK(vtype) nvl = ILNBLNK(vtype) CALL MNC_GET_IND(myThid, MNC_MAX_ID, vtype, mnc_cw_vname, indv) IF (indv .LT. 1) THEN write(msgbuf,'(3a)') 'MNC_CW_RX_WRITES_YY ERROR: vtype ''', & vtype(nvf:nvl), ''' is not defined' CALL print_error(msgbuf, mythid) STOP 'ABNORMAL END: S/R MNC_CW_RX_WRITES_YY' ENDIF igrid = mnc_cw_vgind(indv) C Set the bi,bj indicies bis = bi bie = bi IF (bi .LT. 1) THEN bis = 1 bie = nSx ENDIF bjs = bj bje = bj IF (bj .LT. 1) THEN bjs = 1 bje = nSy ENDIF DO lbj = bjs,bje DO lbi = bis,bie C Create the file name CALL MNC_CW_GET_TILE_NUM(myThid, lbi,lbj, uniq_tnum) fname(1:MNC_MAX_CHAR) = mnc_blank_name(1:MNC_MAX_CHAR) n1 = IFNBLNK(fbname) n2 = ILNBLNK(fbname) ntot = n2 - n1 + 1 fname(1:ntot) = fbname(n1:n2) ntot = ntot + 1 fname(ntot:ntot) = '.' write(fname((ntot+1):(ntot+9)),'(i6.6,a3)') uniq_tnum, '.nc' nfname = ntot+9 C Append to an existing or create a new file CALL MNC_CW_FILE_AORC(myThid, fname, indf) fid = mnc_f_info(indf,2) C Ensure that all the NetCDF dimensions are defined and create a C local copy of them DO i = 1,9 dimnc(i) = 1 ENDDO DO i = 1,mnc_cw_ndim(igrid) IF (mnc_cw_dims(i,igrid) .EQ. -1) THEN dimnc(i) = -1 ELSE dimnc(i) = mnc_cw_ie(i,igrid) - mnc_cw_is(i,igrid) + 1 ENDIF CALL MNC_DIM_INIT(myThid,fname, & mnc_cw_dn(i,igrid), dimnc(i) ) ENDDO C Ensure that the "grid" is defined CALL MNC_GRID_INIT(myThid,fname, mnc_cw_gname(igrid), & mnc_cw_ndim(igrid), mnc_cw_dn(1,igrid)) C Ensure that the variable is defined #ifdef mnc_rtype_D CALL MNC_VAR_INIT_DBL(myThid,fname,mnc_cw_gname(igrid),vtype) #endif #ifdef mnc_rtype_R CALL MNC_VAR_INIT_REAL(myThid,fname,mnc_cw_gname(igrid),vtype) #endif DO i = 1,mnc_fv_ids(indf,1) j = 2 + 3*(i - 1) IF (mnc_v_names(mnc_fv_ids(indf,j)) .EQ. vtype) THEN idv = mnc_fv_ids(indf,j+1) indvids = mnc_fd_ind(indf, mnc_f_info(indf, & (mnc_fv_ids(indf,j+2) + 1)) ) GOTO 10 ENDIF ENDDO write(msgbuf,'(4a)') 'MNC_MNC_CW_RX_WRITES_YY ERROR: ', & 'cannot reference variable ''', vtype, '''' CALL print_error(msgbuf, mythid) STOP 'ABNORMAL END: package MNC' 10 CONTINUE C Check for bi,bj indicies bidim = mnc_cw_vbij(1,indv) bjdim = mnc_cw_vbij(2,indv) CEH3 write(*,*) 'bidim,bjdim = ', bidim,bjdim C Set the dimensions for the in-memory array ndim = mnc_cw_ndim(igrid) k = mnc_cw_dims(1,igrid) IF (k .GT. 0) THEN p(1) = k ELSE p(1) = 1 ENDIF DO i = 2,9 k = mnc_cw_dims(i,igrid) IF (k .LT. 1) THEN k = 1 ENDIF IF ((bidim .GT. 0) .AND. (i .EQ. bidim)) THEN p(i) = nSx * p(i-1) ELSEIF ((bjdim .GT. 0) .AND. (i .EQ. bjdim)) THEN p(i) = nSy * p(i-1) ELSE p(i) = k * p(i-1) ENDIF ENDDO C Set starting and ending indicies for the in-memory array and C the unlimited dimension offset for the NetCDF array DO i = 1,9 udo(i) = 0 s(i) = 1 e(i) = 1 IF (i .LE. ndim) THEN s(i) = mnc_cw_is(i,igrid) e(i) = mnc_cw_ie(i,igrid) ENDIF C Check for the unlimited dimension IF ((i .EQ. ndim) & .AND. (mnc_cw_dims(i,igrid) .EQ. -1)) THEN IF (indu .GT. 0) THEN C Use the indu value udo(i) = indu - 1 ELSEIF (indu .EQ. -1) THEN C Append one to the current unlimited dim size CALL MNC_DIM_UNLIM_SIZE(myThid, fname, unlim_sz) udo(i) = unlim_sz ELSE C Use the current unlimited dim size CALL MNC_DIM_UNLIM_SIZE(myThid, fname, unlim_sz) udo(i) = unlim_sz - 1 ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO IF (bidim .GT. 0) THEN s(bidim) = lbi e(bidim) = lbi ENDIF IF (bjdim .GT. 0) THEN s(bjdim) = lbj e(bjdim) = lbj ENDIF CEH3 DO i = 1,9 CEH3 write(*,*) 'i,p(i),s(i),e(i) = ', i,p(i),s(i),e(i) CEH3 ENDDO C Add the global attributes CALL MNC_CW_SET_GATTR(myThid, fname, lbi,lbj, uniq_tnum) C Add the per-variable attributes DO i = 1,mnc_cw_vnat(1,indv) CALL MNC_VAR_ADD_ATTR_STR(myThid, fname, vtype, & mnc_cw_vtnm(i,indv), mnc_cw_vtat(i,indv)) ENDDO DO i = 1,mnc_cw_vnat(2,indv) CALL MNC_VAR_ADD_ATTR_INT(myThid, fname, vtype, & mnc_cw_vinm(i,indv), 1, mnc_cw_viat(i,indv)) ENDDO DO i = 1,mnc_cw_vnat(3,indv) CALL MNC_VAR_ADD_ATTR_DBL(myThid, fname, vtype, & mnc_cw_vdnm(i,indv), 1, mnc_cw_vdat(i,indv)) ENDDO CALL MNC_FILE_ENDDEF(myThid,fname) C Write the variable one vector at a time DO j7 = s(7),e(7) k7 = (j7 - 1)*p(6) vstart(7) = udo(7) + j7 - s(7) + 1 vcount(7) = 1 DO j6 = s(6),e(6) k6 = (j6 - 1)*p(5) + k7 vstart(6) = udo(6) + j6 - s(6) + 1 vcount(6) = 1 DO j5 = s(5),e(5) k5 = (j5 - 1)*p(4) + k6 vstart(5) = udo(5) + j5 - s(5) + 1 vcount(5) = 1 DO j4 = s(4),e(4) k4 = (j4 - 1)*p(3) + k5 vstart(4) = udo(4) + j4 - s(4) + 1 vcount(4) = 1 DO j3 = s(3),e(3) k3 = (j3 - 1)*p(2) + k4 vstart(3) = udo(3) + j3 - s(3) + 1 vcount(3) = 1 DO j2 = s(2),e(2) k2 = (j2 - 1)*p(1) + k3 vstart(2) = udo(2) + j2 - s(2) + 1 vcount(2) = 1 kr = 0 DO j1 = s(1),e(1) k1 = k2 + j1 kr = kr + 1 resh(kr) = var(k1) ENDDO vstart(1) = udo(1) + 1 vcount(1) = e(1) - s(1) + 1 #ifdef mnc_rtype_D err = NF_PUT_VARA_DOUBLE(fid, idv, vstart, vcount, resh) #endif #ifdef mnc_rtype_R err = NF_PUT_VARA_REAL(fid, idv, vstart, vcount, resh) #endif ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO C Sync the file err = NF_SYNC(fid) write(msgbuf,'(3a)') 'sync for file ''', fname, & ''' in S/R MNC_CW_RX_WRITES_YY' CALL MNC_HANDLE_ERR(myThid, err, msgbuf) ENDDO ENDDO _END_MASTER( myThid ) RETURN END C---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7-|--+----| SUBROUTINE MNC_CW_RX_R_YY( I myThid, I fbname, bi,bj, I vtype, I indu, I var ) implicit none #include "netcdf.inc" #include "mnc_common.h" #include "EEPARAMS.h" #include "SIZE.h" #define mnc_rtype_YY C Arguments integer myThid, bi,bj, indu character*(*) fbname, vtype _RX var(*) C Functions integer IFNBLNK, ILNBLNK C Local Variables integer i,j,k, indv,nvf,nvl, n1,n2, igrid, ntot integer bis,bie, bjs,bje, uniq_tnum, nfname, fid, idv, indvids integer ndim, indf, err, lbi,lbj, bidim,bjdim, unlim_sz, kr integer ind_fv_ids, ind_vt integer f_sNx,f_sNy,f_OLx,f_OLy, ires character*(MAX_LEN_MBUF) msgbuf character*(MNC_MAX_CHAR) fname C Temporary storage for the simultaneous type conversion and C re-shaping before passing to NetCDF #ifdef mnc_rtype_D REAL*8 resh( sNx + 2*OLx + sNy + 2*OLy ) #endif #ifdef mnc_rtype_R REAL*4 resh( sNx + 2*OLx + sNy + 2*OLy ) #endif C Only do I/O if I am the master thread _BEGIN_MASTER( myThid ) C Check that the Variable Type exists nvf = IFNBLNK(vtype) nvl = ILNBLNK(vtype) CALL MNC_GET_IND(myThid, MNC_MAX_ID, vtype, mnc_cw_vname, ind_vt) IF (indv .LT. 1) THEN write(msgbuf,'(3a)') 'MNC_CW_RX_R_YY ERROR: vtype ''', & vtype(nvf:nvl), ''' is not defined' CALL print_error(msgbuf, mythid) STOP 'ABNORMAL END: S/R MNC_CW_RX_R_YY' ENDIF igrid = mnc_cw_vgind(ind_vt) C Check for bi,bj indicies bidim = mnc_cw_vbij(1,indv) bjdim = mnc_cw_vbij(2,indv) C Set the bi,bj indicies bis = bi bie = bi IF (bi .LT. 1) THEN bis = 1 bie = nSx ENDIF bjs = bj bje = bj IF (bj .LT. 1) THEN bjs = 1 bje = nSy ENDIF DO lbj = bjs,bje DO lbi = bis,bie C Create the file name CALL MNC_CW_GET_TILE_NUM(myThid, lbi,lbj, uniq_tnum) fname(1:MNC_MAX_CHAR) = mnc_blank_name(1:MNC_MAX_CHAR) n1 = IFNBLNK(fbname) n2 = ILNBLNK(fbname) ntot = n2 - n1 + 1 fname(1:ntot) = fbname(n1:n2) ntot = ntot + 1 fname(ntot:ntot) = '.' write(fname((ntot+1):(ntot+9)),'(i6.6,a3)') uniq_tnum, '.nc' nfname = ntot+9 C Open the existing file CALL MNC_FILE_OPEN(myThid, fname, 1, indf) C Check that the variable (VType) is defined within the file CALL MNC_GET_FVINDS(myThid, fname, vtype, indf, ind_fv_ids) IF ((indf .LT. 1) .OR. (ind_fv_ids .LT. 1)) THEN write(msgbuf,'(4a)') 'MNC_CW_RX_R_YY ERROR: vtype ''', & vtype(nvf:nvl), ''' is not defined within file ''', & fname(1:nfname) CALL print_error(msgbuf, mythid) STOP 'ABNORMAL END: S/R MNC_CW_RX_R_YY' ENDIF fid = mnc_f_info(indf,2) C Check that the VType sizes and in-file sizes match err = NF_GET_ATT_INT(fid, NF_GLOBAL, 'sNx', NF_INT, 1, f_sNx) CALL MNC_HANDLE_ERR(myThid, err, & 'reading attribute ''sNx'' in S/R MNC_CW_RX_R_YY') err = NF_GET_ATT_INT(fid, NF_GLOBAL, 'sNy', NF_INT, 1, f_sNy) CALL MNC_HANDLE_ERR(myThid, err, & 'reading attribute ''sNy'' in S/R MNC_CW_RX_R_YY') err = NF_GET_ATT_INT(fid, NF_GLOBAL, 'OLx', NF_INT, 1, f_OLx) CALL MNC_HANDLE_ERR(myThid, err, & 'reading attribute ''OLx'' in S/R MNC_CW_RX_R_YY') err = NF_GET_ATT_INT(fid, NF_GLOBAL, 'OLy', NF_INT, 1, f_OLy) CALL MNC_HANDLE_ERR(myThid, err, & 'reading attribute ''OLy'' in S/R MNC_CW_RX_R_YY') IF ((f_sNx .NE. sNx) .OR. (f_sNy .NE. sNy)) THEN write(msgbuf,'(5a)') 'MNC_CW_RX_R_YY ERROR: the sizes of ', & '''sNx'' and ''sNy'' within the file ''', & fname(1:nfname), ''' do not match the current sizes', & ' within the model' CALL print_error(msgbuf, mythid) STOP 'ABNORMAL END: S/R MNC_CW_RX_R_YY' ENDIF CALL MNC_COMP_VTYPE_VAR(myThid,ind_vt, indf,ind_fv_ids, ires) IF (ires .LT. 0) THEN write(msgbuf,'(7a)') 'MNC_CW_RX_R_YY ERROR: the sizes of ', & ' the in-program variable ''', vtype(nvf:nvl), & ''' and the corresponding variable within file ''', & fname(1:nfname), ''' are not compatible -- please ', & 'check the sizes!' CALL print_error(msgbuf, mythid) STOP 'ABNORMAL END: S/R MNC_CW_RX_R_YY' ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO _END_MASTER( myThid ) RETURN END C---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7-|--+----| CEH3 ;;; Local Variables: *** CEH3 ;;; mode:fortran *** CEH3 ;;; End: ***