C $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/pkg/mdsio/Attic/mdsio_writetile.F,v 1.3 2006/08/07 20:30:28 jmc Exp $ C $Name: checkpoint59h $ #include "MDSIO_OPTIONS.h" SUBROUTINE MDS_WRITETILE( I fName, I filePrec, I globalFile, I arrType, I nNz, I arr, I bi, bj, I irecord, I myIter, I myThid ) C C Arguments: C C fName string base name for file to written C filePrec integer number of bits per word in file (32 or 64) C globalFile logical selects between writing a global or tiled file C arrType char(2) declaration of "arr": either "RS" or "RL" C nNz integer size of third dimension: normally either 1 or Nr C arr RS/RL array to write, arr(:,:,nNz,:,:) C irecord integer record number to read C myIter integer time step number C myThid integer thread identifier C C MDS_WRITETILE creates either a file of the form "fName.data" and C "fName.meta" if the logical flag "globalFile" is set true. Otherwise C it creates MDS tiled files of the form "fName.xxx.yyy.data" and C "fName.xxx.yyy.meta". A meta-file is always created. C Currently, the meta-files are not read because it is difficult C to parse files in fortran. We should read meta information before C adding records to an existing multi-record file. C The precision of the file is decsribed by filePrec, set either C to floatPrec32 or floatPrec64. The precision or declaration of C the array argument must be consistently described by the char*(2) C string arrType, either "RS" or "RL". nNz allows for both 2-D and C 3-D arrays to be handled. nNz=1 implies a 2-D model field and C nNz=Nr implies a 3-D model field. irecord is the record number C to be read and must be >= 1. NOTE: It is currently assumed that C the highest record number in the file was the last record written. C Nor is there a consistency check between the routine arguments and file. C ie. if your write record 2 after record 4 the meta information C will record the number of records to be 2. This, again, is because C we have read the meta information. To be fixed. C C Created: 03/16/99 adcroft@mit.edu C C Changed: 05/31/00 heimbach@mit.edu C open(dUnit, ..., status='old', ... -> status='unknown' implicit none C Global variables / common blocks #include "SIZE.h" #include "EEPARAMS.h" #include "PARAMS.h" C Routine arguments character*(*) fName integer filePrec logical globalFile character*(2) arrType integer nNz _RL arr(1-oLx:sNx+oLx,1-oLy:sNy+oLy,nNz,nSx,nSy) integer bi, bj integer irecord integer myIter integer myThid C Functions integer ILNBLNK integer MDS_RECLEN C Local variables character*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) dataFName,metaFName integer iG,jG,irec,j,k,dUnit,IL Real*4 r4seg(sNx) Real*8 r8seg(sNx) integer dimList(3,3),ndims integer length_of_rec logical fileIsOpen character*(max_len_mbuf) msgbuf C ------------------------------------------------------------------ STOP 'S/R MDS_WRITETILE: not maintained' C Only do I/O if I am the master thread _BEGIN_MASTER( myThid ) C Record number must be >= 1 if (irecord .LT. 1) then write(msgbuf,'(a,i9.8)') & ' MDS_WRITETILE: argument irecord = ',irecord call print_message( msgbuf, standardmessageunit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT , mythid) write(msgbuf,'(a)') & ' MDS_WRITETILE: invalid value for irecord' call print_error( msgbuf, mythid ) stop 'ABNORMAL END: S/R MDS_WRITETILE' endif C Assume nothing fileIsOpen=.FALSE. IL=ILNBLNK( fName ) C Assign a free unit number as the I/O channel for this routine call MDSFINDUNIT( dUnit, mythid ) C If we are writing to a global file then we open it here if (globalFile) then write(dataFname,'(2a)') fName(1:IL),'.data' if (irecord .EQ. 1) then length_of_rec=MDS_RECLEN( filePrec, sNx, mythid ) open( dUnit, file=dataFName, status='unknown', & access='direct', recl=length_of_rec ) fileIsOpen=.TRUE. else length_of_rec=MDS_RECLEN( filePrec, sNx, mythid ) open( dUnit, file=dataFName, status=_OLD_STATUS, & access='direct', recl=length_of_rec ) fileIsOpen=.TRUE. endif endif C Loop over all tiles c do bj=1,nSy c do bi=1,nSx C If we are writing to a tiled MDS file then we open each one here if (.NOT. globalFile) then iG=bi+(myXGlobalLo-1)/sNx ! Kludge until unstructered tiles jG=bj+(myYGlobalLo-1)/sNy ! Kludge until unstructered tiles write(dataFname,'(2a,i3.3,a,i3.3,a)') & fName(1:IL),'.',iG,'.',jG,'.data' if (irecord .EQ. 1) then length_of_rec=MDS_RECLEN( filePrec, sNx, mythid ) open( dUnit, file=dataFName, status=_NEW_STATUS, & access='direct', recl=length_of_rec ) fileIsOpen=.TRUE. else length_of_rec=MDS_RECLEN( filePrec, sNx, mythid ) open( dUnit, file=dataFName, status=_OLD_STATUS, & access='direct', recl=length_of_rec ) fileIsOpen=.TRUE. endif endif if (fileIsOpen) then do k=1,nNz do j=1,sNy if (globalFile) then iG = myXGlobalLo-1+(bi-1)*sNx jG = myYGlobalLo-1+(bj-1)*sNy irec=1+INT(iG/sNx)+nSx*nPx*(jG+j-1)+nSx*nPx*Ny*(k-1) & +nSx*nPx*Ny*nNz*(irecord-1) else iG = 0 jG = 0 irec=j + sNy*(k-1) + sNy*nNz*(irecord-1) endif if (filePrec .eq. precFloat32) then if (arrType .eq. 'RS') then call MDS_SEG4toRS( j,bi,bj,k,nNz, r4seg, .FALSE., arr ) elseif (arrType .eq. 'RL') then call MDS_SEG4toRL( j,bi,bj,k,nNz, r4seg, .FALSE., arr ) else write(msgbuf,'(a)') & ' MDS_WRITETILE: illegal value for arrType' call print_error( msgbuf, mythid ) stop 'ABNORMAL END: S/R MDS_WRITETILE' endif #ifdef _BYTESWAPIO call MDS_BYTESWAPR4( sNx, r4seg ) #endif write(dUnit,rec=irec) r4seg elseif (filePrec .eq. precFloat64) then if (arrType .eq. 'RS') then call MDS_SEG8toRS( j,bi,bj,k,nNz, r8seg, .FALSE., arr ) elseif (arrType .eq. 'RL') then call MDS_SEG8toRL( j,bi,bj,k,nNz, r8seg, .FALSE., arr ) else write(msgbuf,'(a)') & ' MDS_WRITETILE: illegal value for arrType' call print_error( msgbuf, mythid ) stop 'ABNORMAL END: S/R MDS_WRITETILE' endif #ifdef _BYTESWAPIO call MDS_BYTESWAPR8( sNx, r8seg ) #endif write(dUnit,rec=irec) r8seg else write(msgbuf,'(a)') & ' MDS_WRITETILE: illegal value for filePrec' call print_error( msgbuf, mythid ) stop 'ABNORMAL END: S/R MDS_WRITETILE' endif C End of j loop enddo C End of k loop enddo else write(msgbuf,'(a)') & ' MDS_WRITETILE: I should never get to this point' call print_error( msgbuf, mythid ) stop 'ABNORMAL END: S/R MDS_WRITETILE' endif C If we were writing to a tiled MDS file then we close it here if (fileIsOpen .AND. (.NOT. globalFile)) then close( dUnit ) fileIsOpen = .FALSE. endif C Create meta-file for each tile if we are tiling if (.NOT. globalFile) then iG=bi+(myXGlobalLo-1)/sNx ! Kludge until unstructered tiles jG=bj+(myYGlobalLo-1)/sNy ! Kludge until unstructered tiles write(metaFname,'(2a,i3.3,a,i3.3,a)') & fName(1:IL),'.',iG,'.',jG,'.meta' dimList(1,1)=Nx dimList(2,1)=myXGlobalLo+(bi-1)*sNx dimList(3,1)=myXGlobalLo+bi*sNx-1 dimList(1,2)=Ny dimList(2,2)=myYGlobalLo+(bj-1)*sNy dimList(3,2)=myYGlobalLo+bj*sNy-1 dimList(1,3)=Nr dimList(2,3)=1 dimList(3,3)=Nr ndims=3 if (nNz .EQ. 1) ndims=2 call MDSWRITEMETA( metaFName, dataFName, & filePrec, ndims, dimList, irecord, myIter, mythid ) endif C End of bi,bj loops c enddo c enddo C If global file was opened then close it if (fileIsOpen .AND. globalFile) then close( dUnit ) fileIsOpen = .FALSE. endif C Create meta-file for the global-file if (globalFile) then C We can not do this operation using threads (yet) because of the C "barrier" at the next step. The barrier could be removed but C at the cost of "safe" distributed I/O. if (nThreads.NE.1) then write(msgbuf,'(a,a)') & ' MDS_WRITETILE: A threads version of this routine', & ' does not exist.' call print_message( msgbuf, standardmessageunit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT , mythid) write(msgbuf,'(a)') & ' MDS_WRITETILE: This needs to be fixed...' call print_message( msgbuf, standardmessageunit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT , mythid) write(msgbuf,'(a,i3.2)') & ' MDS_WRITETILE: nThreads = ',nThreads call print_message( msgbuf, standardmessageunit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT , mythid) write(msgbuf,'(a)') & ' MDS_WRITETILE: Stopping because you are using threads' call print_error( msgbuf, mythid ) stop 'ABNORMAL END: S/R MDS_WRITETILE' endif C We put a barrier here to ensure that all processes have finished C writing their data before we update the meta-file _BARRIER write(metaFName,'(2a)') fName(1:IL),'.meta' dimList(1,1)=Nx dimList(2,1)=1 dimList(3,1)=Nx dimList(1,2)=Ny dimList(2,2)=1 dimList(3,2)=Ny dimList(1,3)=Nr dimList(2,3)=1 dimList(3,3)=Nr ndims=3 if (nNz .EQ. 1) ndims=2 call MDSWRITEMETA( metaFName, dataFName, & filePrec, ndims, dimList, irecord, myIter, mythid ) fileIsOpen=.TRUE. endif _END_MASTER( myThid ) C ------------------------------------------------------------------ return end