C $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/pkg/mdsio/Attic/mdsio_writemeta.F,v 1.4 2005/08/19 22:42:02 heimbach Exp $ C $Name: $ #include "MDSIO_OPTIONS.h" subroutine MDSWRITEMETA( I mFileName, I dFileName, I filePrec, I ndims, I dimList, I nrecords, I myIter, I mythid ) C IN: C mFileName string - complete name of meta-file C dFileName string - complete name of data-file C ndims integer - number of dimensions C dimList integer - array of dimensions, etc. C nrecords integer - record number C myIter integer - time-step number C mythid integer - thread id C OUT: C C Created: 03/20/99 adcroft@mit.edu implicit none C Global variables / common blocks #include "SIZE.h" #include "EEPARAMS.h" #include "PARAMS.h" C Arguments character*(*) mFileName character*(*) dFileName integer filePrec integer ndims integer dimList(3,ndims) integer nrecords integer myIter integer mythid C Functions C Local integer i,ii,mUnit logical ex character*(max_len_mbuf) msgbuf C ------------------------------------------------------------------ C We should *read* the met-file if it exists to check C that the information we are writing is consistent C with the current contents inquire( file=mFileName, exist=ex ) C However, it is bloody difficult to parse files C in fortran so someone else can do this. C For now, we will assume everything is ok C and that the last record is written to the C last consecutive record in the file. C Assign a free unit number as the I/O channel for this subroutine call MDSFINDUNIT( mUnit, mythid ) C Open meta-file open( mUnit, file=mFileName, status='unknown', & form='formatted' ) C Write the number of dimensions write(mUnit,'(1x,a,i3,a)') 'nDims = [ ',ndims,' ];' C For each dimension, write the following: C 1 global size (ie. the size of the global dimension of all files) C 2 global start (ie. the global position of the start of this file) C 3 global end (ie. the global position of the end of this file) write(mUnit,'(1x,a)') 'dimList = [' do ii=1,ndims if (ii.lt.ndims) then write(mUnit,'(10x,3(i5,","))') (dimList(i,ii),i=1,3) else write(mUnit,'(10x,i5,",",i5,",",i5)') (dimList(i,ii),i=1,3) endif enddo write(mUnit,'(10x,a)') '];' C Record the precision of the file if (filePrec .EQ. precFloat32) then write(mUnit,'(1x,a)') "format = [ 'float32' ];" elseif (filePrec .EQ. precFloat64) then write(mUnit,'(1x,a)') "format = [ 'float64' ];" else write(msgbuf,'(a)') & ' MDSWRITEMETA: invalid filePrec' call print_error( msgbuf, mythid ) stop 'ABNORMAL END: S/R MDSWRITEMETA' endif C Record the current record number C This is a proxy for the actual number of records in the file. C If we could read the file then we could do this properly. write(mUnit,'(1x,a,i5,a)') 'nrecords = [ ',nrecords,' ];' C Record the file-name for the binary data Cveto ii=ILNBLNK( dFileName ) Cveto write(mUnit,'(1x,3a)') 'binarydatafile = [ ',dFileName(1:ii),' ];' C Write the integer time (integer iteration number) for later record C keeping. If the timestep number is less than 0 then we assume C that the information is superfluous and do not write it. if (myIter .ge. 0) & write(mUnit,'(1x,a,i10,a)') 'timeStepNumber = [ ',myIter,' ];' C Close meta-file close(mUnit) C ------------------------------------------------------------------ return end