C $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/pkg/mdsio/mdsio_write_whalos.F,v 1.1 2010/09/24 18:39:35 gforget Exp $ C $fName: $ #include "MDSIO_OPTIONS.h" CBOP C !ROUTINE: mds_write_whalos C !INTERFACE: subroutine mds_write_whalos( I fName, I len, I filePrec, I fid, I n2d, I fldRL, I irec, I mythid & ) C !DESCRIPTION: \bv c ================================================================== c SUBROUTINE mds_write_whalos c ================================================================== c o Write file that includes halos. The main purpose is for c adjoint related "tape I/O". The secondary purpose is debugging. c ================================================================== c SUBROUTINE mds_write_whalos c ================================================================== C \ev C !USES: implicit none c == global variables == #include "EEPARAMS.h" #include "SIZE.h" #include "PARAMS.h" #ifdef ALLOW_WHIO # include "MDSIO_BUFF_WH.h" #endif C !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: c == routine arguments == c fName - extended tape fName. c len - number of characters in fName. c filePrec - number of bits per word in file (32 or 64). c fid - file unit (its use is not implemented yet). C n2d - size of the fldRL third dimension. c fldRL - array to read. c irec - record number to be written. c mythid - number of the thread or instance of the program. integer mythid character*(*) fName integer len integer fid integer filePrec integer n2d integer length integer irec _RL fldRL(1-Olx:sNx+Olx,1-Oly:sNy+Oly,n2d,nSx,nSy) CEOP #ifdef ALLOW_WHIO C !LOCAL VARIABLES: c == local variables == C sNxWh :: x tile size with halo included C sNyWh :: y tile size with halo included C pocNyWh :: processor sum of sNyWh C gloNyWh :: global sum of sNyWh INTEGER sNxWh INTEGER sNyWh INTEGER procNyWh INTEGER gloNyWh PARAMETER ( sNxWh = sNx+2*Olx ) PARAMETER ( sNyWh = sNy+2*Oly ) PARAMETER ( procNyWh = sNyWh*nSy*nSx ) PARAMETER ( gloNyWh = procNyWh*nPy*nPx ) C !LOCAL VARIABLES: c == local variables == character*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) pfName character*(MAX_LEN_MBUF) msgBuf integer IL,pIL integer bx,by integer length2d, length3d, length_of_rec integer i2d, i3d integer i,j,k,bi,bj,ii integer dUnit, irec2d LOGICAL iAmDoingIO _RL fld2d(1:sNxWh,1:sNyWh,nSx,nSy) c global buffers Real*4 fld2d_globuff_r4(sNxWh,gloNyWh) Real*8 fld2d_globuff_r8(sNxWh,gloNyWh) c The corresponding proc buffers are in common blocks c (in MDSIO_BUFF_WH.h) which is needed for multi-threads. c Eventually we could want to also put global buffers in common c blocks in .h (to save memory) but local is fine for now. c == functions == INTEGER ILNBLNK INTEGER MDS_RECLEN LOGICAL MASTER_CPU_IO EXTERNAL ILNBLNK EXTERNAL MDS_RECLEN EXTERNAL MASTER_CPU_IO c == end of interface == length2d=sNxWh*procNyWh length3d=length2d*nr C Only do I/O if I am the master thread (and mpi process 0 IF useSingleCpuIO): iAmDoingIO = MASTER_CPU_IO(myThid) IF ( iAmDoingIO ) THEN c get the unit and open file CALL MDSFINDUNIT( dUnit, myThid ) IL = ILNBLNK( fName ) pIL = ILNBLNK( mdsioLocalDir ) IF ( pIL.EQ.0 ) THEN pfName = fName ELSE WRITE(pfName,'(2A)') mdsioLocalDir(1:pIL), fName(1:IL) ENDIF pIL=ILNBLNK( pfName ) IF ( .NOT.useSingleCpuIO ) THEN WRITE(pfName,'(2A,I3.3,A)') pfName(1:pIL),'.',myProcId,'.data' length_of_rec = MDS_RECLEN( filePrec,sNxWh*procNyWh,myThid ) ELSE WRITE(pfName,'(2A)') pfName(1:pIL),'.data' length_of_rec = MDS_RECLEN( filePrec,sNxWh*gloNyWh,myThid) ENDIF OPEN( dUnit, file=pfName, status='unknown', & access='direct', recl=length_of_rec ) ENDIF do i2d=1,n2d IF (filePrec .EQ. precFloat32) THEN CALL MDS_PASS_WH_R4toRL( fld2d_procbuff_r4, fldRL, & 1, i2d, n2d, 0, 0, .FALSE., myThid ) IF ( useSingleCpuIO ) then CALL BAR2( myThid ) CALL GATHER_2D_WH_R4( fld2d_globuff_r4, & fld2d_procbuff_r4,myThid) ENDIF ELSE CALL MDS_PASS_WH_R8toRL( fld2d_procbuff_r8, fldRL, & 1, i2d, n2d, 0, 0, .FALSE., myThid ) IF ( useSingleCpuIO ) then CALL BAR2( myThid ) CALL GATHER_2D_WH_R8( fld2d_globuff_r8, & fld2d_procbuff_r8,myThid) ENDIF ENDIF _BARRIER IF ( iAmDoingIO ) THEN irec2d=i2d+n2d*(irec-1) IF ( .NOT.useSingleCpuIO ) then IF (filePrec .EQ. precFloat32) THEN WRITE(dUnit,rec=irec2d) fld2d_procbuff_r4 ELSE WRITE(dUnit,rec=irec2d) fld2d_procbuff_r8 ENDIF ELSE IF (filePrec .EQ. precFloat32) THEN WRITE(dUnit,rec=irec2d) fld2d_globuff_r4 ELSE WRITE(dUnit,rec=irec2d) fld2d_globuff_r8 ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF _BARRIER enddo IF ( iAmDoingIO ) THEN CLOSE( dUnit ) ENDIF #endif return end