C $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/pkg/kl10/kl10_calc.F,v 1.3 2014/08/11 15:31:24 jmc Exp $ C $Name: $ #include "KL10_OPTIONS.h" CBOP C !ROUTINE: KL10_CALC C !INTERFACE: ======================================================= SUBROUTINE KL10_CALC( I bi, bj, sigmaR, myTime, myIter, myThid ) C !DESCRIPTION: \bv C *==========================================================* C | SUBROUTINE KL10_CALC | C | o Compute all KL10 fields defined in KL10.h | C *==========================================================* C | This subroutine is based on SPEM code | C *==========================================================* C \ev C-------------------------------------------------------------------- C JMK C global parameters updated by kl_calc C KLviscAz :: KL eddy viscosity coefficient (m^2/s) C KLdiffKzT :: KL diffusion coefficient for temperature (m^2/s) C !USES: ============================================================ IMPLICIT NONE #include "SIZE.h" #include "EEPARAMS.h" #include "PARAMS.h" #include "EOS.h" #include "DYNVARS.h" #include "KL10.h" #include "FFIELDS.h" #include "GRID.h" c#ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC c# include "tamc.h" c# include "tamc_keys.h" c#endif /* ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC */ C !INPUT PARAMETERS: =================================================== c Routine arguments C bi, bj :: Current tile indices C sigmaR :: Vertical gradient of iso-neutral density C myTime :: Current time in simulation C myIter :: Current time-step number C myThid :: My Thread Id number INTEGER bi, bj _RL sigmaR(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,Nr) _RL myTime INTEGER myIter INTEGER myThid #ifdef ALLOW_KL10 C !LOCAL VARIABLES: ==================================================== c Local constants C iMin, iMax, jMin, jMax :: array computation indices INTEGER I, J, K, Km1, JJ INTEGER iMin ,iMax ,jMin ,jMax,di _RL KLviscTmp, rhot, tempu _RL b0, buoyFreqf, buoyFreqc, KLviscold,zsum,zsums _RL rhoS(1:Nr),RS(1:Nr) _RL dzp,ec,ep,es,epss(-1:0),epsw(-1:0),dz,KTemp c _RL bF(1:Nr) c _RL theta_mcb(1:Nr),theta_mcb3(1:Nr) C === Local variables === C msgBuf :: Informational/error message buffer c CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_MBUF) msgBuf CEOP iMin = 2-OLx iMax = sNx+OLx-1 jMin = 2-OLy jMax = sNy+OLy-1 DO J=jMin,jMax DO I=iMin,iMax K=1 CALL FIND_RHO_SCALAR(theta(I,J,K,bi,bj), salt(I,J,K,bi,bj), & totPhiHyd(I,J,K,bi,bj),rhot,myThid ) rhoS(1)=rhot RS(1)=rC(1) KLeps(I-1,J-1,1,bi,bj)=0.0 c eps(k-1) = (dz(k-1)*eps0(k-1) +dz(k)*eps0(k))/(dz(k-1)+dz(k)) ep = 0.0 dzp = 0.0 KLviscAr(I,J,1,bi,bj) = viscArNr(1) KLviscold = KLviscAr(I,J,1,bi,bj) ! at previous cell center C get sorted densities rhoS, and the array with the depths from which C the density came from, RS. DO K=2,Nr CALL FIND_RHO_SCALAR(theta(I,J,K,bi,bj), salt(I,J,K,bi & ,bj),totPhiHyd(I,J,K,bi,bj),rhot,myThid ) rhoS(K)=rhot RS(K)=rC(K) c$$$ WRITE(msgBuf, '(A,I10.10,A,E10.4,A,E10.4)') 'Hellok ', K c$$$ & -1,' ',theta(I,J,K,bi,bj),' ',rhot c$$$ CALL PRINT_MESSAGE( msgBuf, standardMessageUnit, c$$$ & SQUEEZE_RIGHT, myThid ) IF ( (rhoS(K).LT.rhoS(K-1)).AND.(maskC(I,J,K,bi & ,bj).GT.0)) THEN JJ=K-1 DO WHILE ( (JJ.GT.0).AND.(rhoS(K).LT.rhoS(JJ)) ) c write(*,*) K,JJ,rhoS(K),rhoS(JJ) JJ=JJ-1 ENDDO rhoS(JJ+1:K)=cshift(rhoS(JJ+1:K),-1) RS(JJ+1:K)=cshift(RS(JJ+1:K),-1) ENDIF ENDDO C RS-R is dz.... C recip_drC=inverse distanance between centers, C first is between surface and first center C diffKrNrT(K) = viscArNr(K) = background value KLdiffKr(I,J,1,bi,bj) = MAX(KLviscAr(I,J,1,bi,bj), & diffKrNrT(1)) C N at surface = zero or uses gradient b0 = MAX(-gravity*mass2rUnit* & (rhoS(1) - rhoS(2))*recip_drC(2),0. _d 0) c b0 = 0. DO di=-1,0 epss(di)=0.0 epsw(di)=0.0 ENDDO DO K=1,Nr IF (K.LT.Nr) THEN buoyFreqf = -gravity*mass2rUnit* & (rhoS(K) - rhoS(K+1))*recip_drC(K+1) ELSE C N zero OR not zero near bottom (at the end of array) buoyFreqf = -gravity*mass2rUnit* & (rhoS(K-1) - rhoS(K))*recip_drC(K) C buoyFreqf = 0. ENDIF buoyFreqf = MAX(buoyFreqf,0. _d 0) ! not < 0 buoyFreqc = (buoyFreqf + b0)*0.5 ! mean at cell center C viscosity at cell center at K C = 0.2*dz^2*N. 0.2 is mixing efficiency. C to derive, note K = 0.2\epsilon/N^2. Then note that C \epsilon = dz^2N^3 (Ozmidov scale) KLviscTmp = MAX( viscArNr(K), 0.2*(RS(K)-rC(K))* & (RS(K)-rC(K))*sqrt(buoyFreqc)) IF (K.GT.1) THEN Km1=K-1 C viscosity at cell face above center at K KTemp = 0.5*(KLviscTmp+KLviscold) C Put an upper limit on viscosity to prevent instability when C explicit viscosity is C used (e.g. for nonhydrostatic case) SAL KTemp = MIN(KLviscMax,KTemp) KLviscAr(I,J,K,bi,bj) = MAX(KTemp,viscArNr(K)) KLdiffKr(I,J,K,bi,bj) = MAX(KTemp,diffKrNrT(K)) C Compute Epsilon for diagnostics: C C need to caclulate Im1 and Jm1 epsilon unfortunately... Here at C i-1,j-1 we average the west nu(du/dz)^2 at i-1 and i, and the south C nu(dv/dv)^2 at j-1 and j, and then add them C C dz is calculated from the face distances, with the cells assumed to be C half way. Note the use of hfacW and hfacS to make these correct near C bathy. zsum=0. ec=0.0 zsums=0. es=0. DO di=-1,0 IF (hfacW(I+di,J-1,K,bi,bj).GT.0.000001) THEN dz = 0.5*(drF(K)*hfacW(I+di,J-1,K,bi,bj) & +drF(Km1)*hfacW(I+di,J-1,Km1,bi,bj)) IF (dz.GT.0.00001) THEN tempu = (uVel(I+di,J-1,Km1,bi,bj)-uVel(I+di,J & -1,K,bi,bj))/dz epsw(di)=tempu*tempu*KLviscAr(I+di,J-1,K,bi & ,bj) ec=ec+epsw(di)*dz zsum = zsum+dz ENDIF ELSE C This face is on the seafloor. set epsilon=the C previous and dz = half the face. dz=0.5*(drF(Km1)*hfacW(I+di,J-1,Km1,bi ,bj)) ec=ec+epsw(di)*dz zsum = zsum+dz ENDIF C Now do the v-component IF (hfacS(I-1,J+di,K,bi,bj).GT.0.000001) THEN dz = 0.5*(drF(K)*hfacS(I-1,J+di,K,bi,bj) & +drF(Km1)*hfacS(I-1,J+di,Km1,bi,bj)) IF (dz.GT.0.00001) THEN tempu = (vVel(I-1,J+di,Km1,bi,bj)-vVel(I-1,J & +di,K,bi,bj))/dz epss(di)=tempu*tempu*KLviscAr(I-1,J+di,K,bi & ,bj) es = es+epss(di)*dz zsums = zsums+dz ENDIF ELSE C This face is on the seafloor. set epsilon=the C previous and dz = half the face. dz=+0.5*(drF(Km1)*hfacS(I-1,J+di,Km1 ,bi,bj)) es = es+epss(di)*dz zsums = zsums+dz ENDIF ENDDO C take the average of the du/dz terms IF (zsum.GT.0.00001) THEN ec=ec/zsum ENDIF C take the average of the dv/dz terms IF (zsums.GT.0.00001) THEN es=es/zsums ENDIF C add the u and v dissipations: ec=es+ec C Note this ec is defined on cell faces K=2..NR at the center of the C cells (i.e. at XC), so its above the density variables. C C So to get at the center of the cells, just average this one and the previous one. C And its a true average because the KLeps(I-1,J-1,Km1,bi,bj) = 0.5*(ep+ec) IF (Km1.EQ.1) THEN KLeps(I-1,J-1,Km1,bi,bj) = ec ENDIF ep=ec ENDIF c$$$ WRITE(msgBuf, '(A,I10.10,A,E10.4,A,E10.4)') 'Hellok ', K c$$$ & -1,' ',theta(I,J,K,bi,bj),' ',KLeps(I-1,J-1,Km1,bi c$$$ & ,bj) c$$$ CALL PRINT_MESSAGE( msgBuf, standardMessageUnit, c$$$ & SQUEEZE_RIGHT, myThid ) b0 = buoyFreqf ! at previous cell face KLviscold = KLviscTmp ! at previous cell center ENDDO C ENDDO K C set on K=Nr KLeps(I-1,J-1,Nr,bi,bj) =ep ENDDO C ENDDO J ENDDO C ENDDO I #endif /* ALLOW_KL10 */ RETURN END