C $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/pkg/grdchk/grdchk_readparms.F,v 1.6 2003/06/24 16:08:45 heimbach Exp $ #include "CPP_OPTIONS.h" subroutine grdchk_readparms( mythid ) c ================================================================== c SUBROUTINE grdchk_readparms c ================================================================== c c o Initialize the ECCO gradient check. c c started: Christian Eckert eckert@mit.edu 03-Mar-2000 c continued: heimbach@mit.edu: 13-Jun-2001 c c ================================================================== c SUBROUTINE grdchk_readparms c ================================================================== implicit none c == global variables == #include "EEPARAMS.h" #include "SIZE.h" #include "ctrl.h" #include "grdchk.h" c == routine arguments == integer mythid #ifdef ALLOW_GRADIENT_CHECK c == local variables == integer i,j,k integer bi,bj integer itlo,ithi integer jtlo,jthi integer jmin,jmax integer imin,imax integer errio integer il character*(max_len_prec) record c == external == integer ilnblnk external ilnblnk c == end of interface == c-- Optimization parameters. namelist /grdchk_nml/ & grdchk_eps, & nbeg, & nstep, & nend, & grdchkvarindex, & useCentralDiff, & grdchkwhichproc jtlo = mybylo(mythid) jthi = mybyhi(mythid) itlo = mybxlo(mythid) ithi = mybxhi(mythid) jmin = 1-oly jmax = sny+oly imin = 1-olx imax = snx+olx _BEGIN_MASTER( mythid ) c-- Set default values. grdchk_eps = 1. _d 0 nbeg = 1 nend = 1 nstep = 1 useCentralDiff = .TRUE. grdchkwhichproc = 0 c-- Check versions. open(unit=scrunit1,status='scratch') c-- Next, read the forcing data file. open(unit = modeldataunit,file = 'data.grdchk', & status = 'old', iostat = errio) if ( errio .lt. 0 ) then stop ' ... stopped in grdchk_readparms.' endif do while ( .true. ) read(modeldataunit, fmt='(a)', end=1001) record il = max(ilnblnk(record),1) if ( record(1:1) .ne. commentcharacter ) & write(unit=scrunit1, fmt='(a)') record(:il) enddo 1001 continue close( modeldataunit ) rewind( scrunit1 ) read(unit = scrunit1, nml = grdchk_nml) close( scrunit1 ) c-- Summarize the gradient check's setup. call grdchk_Summary( mythid ) _END_MASTER( mythid ) _BARRIER #endif /* ALLOW_GRADIENT_CHECK */ end