C $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/pkg/grdchk/grdchk_main.F,v 1.39 2012/08/21 19:49:41 gforget Exp $ C $Name: $ #include "GRDCHK_OPTIONS.h" #include "AD_CONFIG.h" CBOI C C !TITLE: GRADIENT CHECK C !AUTHORS: mitgcm developers ( support@mitgcm.org ) C !AFFILIATION: Massachussetts Institute of Technology C !DATE: C !INTRODUCTION: gradient check package c \bv c Compare the gradients calculated by the adjoint model with c finite difference approximations. c C !CALLING SEQUENCE: c c the_model_main c | c |-- ctrl_unpack c |-- adthe_main_loop - unperturbed cost function and c |-- ctrl_pack adjoint gradient are computed here c | c |-- grdchk_main c | c |-- grdchk_init c |-- do icomp=... - loop over control vector elements c | c |-- grdchk_loc - determine location of icomp on grid c | c |-- grdchk_getxx - get control vector component from file c | perturb it and write back to file c |-- grdchk_getadxx - get gradient component calculated c | via adjoint c |-- the_main_loop - forward run and cost evaluation c | with perturbed control vector element c |-- calculate ratio of adj. vs. finite difference gradient c | c |-- grdchk_setxx - Reset control vector element c | c |-- grdchk_print - print results c \ev CEOI CBOP C !ROUTINE: grdchk_main C !INTERFACE: subroutine grdchk_main( mythid ) C !DESCRIPTION: \bv c ================================================================== c SUBROUTINE grdchk_main c ================================================================== c o Compare the gradients calculated by the adjoint model with c finite difference approximations. c started: Christian Eckert eckert@mit.edu 24-Feb-2000 c continued&finished: heimbach@mit.edu: 13-Jun-2001 c changed: mlosch@ocean.mit.edu: 09-May-2002 c - added centered difference vs. 1-sided difference option c - improved output format for readability c - added control variable hFacC c heimbach@mit.edu 24-Feb-2003 c - added tangent linear gradient checks c - fixes for multiproc. gradient checks c - added more control variables c c ================================================================== c SUBROUTINE grdchk_main c ================================================================== C \ev C !USES: implicit none c == global variables == #include "SIZE.h" #include "EEPARAMS.h" #include "PARAMS.h" #include "grdchk.h" #include "cost.h" #include "ctrl.h" #ifdef ALLOW_TANGENTLINEAR_RUN #include "g_cost.h" #endif C !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: c == routine arguments == integer mythid #ifdef ALLOW_GRDCHK C !LOCAL VARIABLES: c == local variables == integer myiter _RL mytime integer bi, itlo, ithi integer bj, jtlo, jthi integer i, imin, imax integer j, jmin, jmax integer k integer icomp integer ichknum integer icvrec integer jtile integer itile integer layer integer obcspos integer itilepos integer jtilepos integer icglo integer itest integer ierr integer ierr_grdchk _RL gfd _RL fcref _RL fcpertplus, fcpertminus _RL ratio_ad _RL ratio_ftl _RL xxmemo_ref _RL xxmemo_pert _RL adxxmemo _RL ftlxxmemo _RL localEps _RL grdchk_epsfac _RL tmpplot1(1-olx:snx+olx,1-oly:sny+oly,nr,nsx,nsy) _RL tmpplot2(1-olx:snx+olx,1-oly:sny+oly,nr,nsx,nsy) _RL tmpplot3(1-olx:snx+olx,1-oly:sny+oly,nr,nsx,nsy) CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_MBUF) msgBuf c == end of interface == CEOP c-- Set the loop ranges. jtlo = mybylo(mythid) jthi = mybyhi(mythid) itlo = mybxlo(mythid) ithi = mybxhi(mythid) jmin = 1 jmax = sny imin = 1 imax = snx print *, 'ph-check entering grdchk_main ' c-- initialise variables call grdchk_init( mythid ) c-- Compute the adjoint model gradients. c-- Compute the unperturbed cost function. cph Gradient via adjoint has already been computed, cph and so has unperturbed cost function, cph assuming all xx_ fields are initialised to zero. ierr = 0 ierr_grdchk = 0 adxxmemo = 0. ftlxxmemo = 0. #ifdef ALLOW_ADMTLM fcref = objf_state_final(idep,jdep,1,1,1) #else fcref = fc #endif print *, 'ph-check fcref = ', fcref do bj = jtlo, jthi do bi = itlo, ithi do k = 1, nr do j = jmin, jmax do i = imin, imax tmpplot1(i,j,k,bi,bj) = 0. _d 0 tmpplot2(i,j,k,bi,bj) = 0. _d 0 tmpplot3(i,j,k,bi,bj) = 0. _d 0 end do end do end do end do end do if ( useCentralDiff ) then grdchk_epsfac = 2. _d 0 else grdchk_epsfac = 1. _d 0 end if WRITE(standardmessageunit,'(A)') & 'grad-res -------------------------------' WRITE(standardmessageunit,'(2a)') & ' grad-res proc # i j k bi bj iobc', & ' fc ref fc + eps fc - eps' #ifdef ALLOW_TANGENTLINEAR_RUN WRITE(standardmessageunit,'(2a)') & ' grad-res proc # i j k bi bj iobc', & ' tlm grad fd grad 1 - fd/tlm' #else WRITE(standardmessageunit,'(2a)') & ' grad-res proc # i j k bi bj iobc', & ' adj grad fd grad 1 - fd/adj' #endif c-- Compute the finite difference approximations. c-- Cycle through all processes doing NINT(nend-nbeg+1)/nstep c-- gradient checks. if ( nbeg .EQ. 0 ) & call grdchk_get_position( mythid ) do icomp = nbeg, nend, nstep ichknum = (icomp - nbeg)/nstep + 1 adxxmemo = 0. cph( cph-print print *, 'ph-grd _main: nbeg, icomp, ichknum ', cph-print & nbeg, icomp, ichknum cph) if (ichknum .le. maxgrdchecks ) then c-- Determine the location of icomp on the grid. if ( myProcId .EQ. grdchkwhichproc ) then call grdchk_loc( icomp, ichknum, & icvrec, itile, jtile, layer, obcspos, & itilepos, jtilepos, icglo, itest, ierr, & mythid ) cph( cph-print print *, 'ph-grd ----- back from loc -----', cph-print & icvrec, itilepos, jtilepos, layer, obcspos cph) else icvrec = 0 itile = 0 jtile = 0 layer = 0 obcspos = 0 itilepos = 0 jtilepos = 0 icglo = 0 itest = 0 endif c make sure that all procs have correct file records, so that useSingleCpuIO works CALL GLOBAL_SUM_INT( icvrec , myThid ) CALL GLOBAL_SUM_INT( layer , myThid ) CALL GLOBAL_SUM_INT( ierr , myThid ) c****************************************************** c-- (A): get gradient component calculated via adjoint c****************************************************** c-- get gradient component calculated via adjoint call grdchk_getadxx( icvrec, & itile, jtile, layer, & itilepos, jtilepos, & adxxmemo, ierr, mythid ) C-- Add a global-sum call so that all proc will get the adjoint gradient _GLOBAL_SUM_RL( adxxmemo, myThid ) #ifdef ALLOW_TANGENTLINEAR_RUN c****************************************************** c-- (B): Get gradient component g_fc from tangent linear run: c****************************************************** c-- c-- 1. perturb control vector component: xx(i)=1. localEps = 1. _d 0 call grdchk_getxx( icvrec, TANGENT_SIMULATION, & itile, jtile, layer, & itilepos, jtilepos, & xxmemo_ref, xxmemo_pert, localEps, & ierr, mythid ) c-- c-- 2. perform tangent linear run mytime = starttime myiter = niter0 #ifdef ALLOW_ADMTLM do k=1,4*Nr+1 do j=1,sny do i=1,snx g_objf_state_final(i,j,1,1,k) = 0. enddo enddo enddo #else g_fc = 0. #endif call g_the_main_loop( mytime, myiter, mythid ) #ifdef ALLOW_ADMTLM ftlxxmemo = g_objf_state_final(idep,jdep,1,1,1) #else ftlxxmemo = g_fc #endif c-- c-- 3. reset control vector call grdchk_setxx( icvrec, TANGENT_SIMULATION, & itile, jtile, layer, & itilepos, jtilepos, & xxmemo_ref, ierr, mythid ) #endif /* ALLOW_TANGENTLINEAR_RUN */ c****************************************************** c-- (C): Get gradient via finite difference perturbation c****************************************************** c-- get control vector component from file c-- perturb it and write back to file c-- positive perturbation localEps = abs(grdchk_eps) call grdchk_getxx( icvrec, FORWARD_SIMULATION, & itile, jtile, layer, & itilepos, jtilepos, & xxmemo_ref, xxmemo_pert, localEps, & ierr, mythid ) c-- forward run with perturbed control vector mytime = starttime myiter = niter0 call the_main_loop( mytime, myiter, mythid ) #ifdef ALLOW_ADMTLM fcpertplus = objf_state_final(idep,jdep,1,1,1) #else fcpertplus = fc #endif print *, 'ph-check fcpertplus = ', fcpertplus c-- Reset control vector. call grdchk_setxx( icvrec, FORWARD_SIMULATION, & itile, jtile, layer, & itilepos, jtilepos, & xxmemo_ref, ierr, mythid ) fcpertminus = fcref print *, 'ph-check fcpertminus = ', fcpertminus if ( useCentralDiff ) then c-- get control vector component from file c-- perturb it and write back to file c-- repeat the proceedure for a negative perturbation localEps = - abs(grdchk_eps) call grdchk_getxx( icvrec, FORWARD_SIMULATION, & itile, jtile, layer, & itilepos, jtilepos, & xxmemo_ref, xxmemo_pert, localEps, & ierr, mythid ) c-- forward run with perturbed control vector mytime = starttime myiter = niter0 call the_main_loop( mytime, myiter, mythid ) #ifdef ALLOW_ADMTLM fcpertminus = objf_state_final(idep,jdep,1,1,1) #else fcpertminus = fc #endif c-- Reset control vector. call grdchk_setxx( icvrec, FORWARD_SIMULATION, & itile, jtile, layer, & itilepos, jtilepos, & xxmemo_ref, ierr, mythid ) c-- end of if useCentralDiff ... end if c****************************************************** c-- (D): calculate relative differences between gradients c****************************************************** if ( grdchk_eps .eq. 0. ) then gfd = (fcpertplus-fcpertminus) else gfd = (fcpertplus-fcpertminus) & /(grdchk_epsfac*grdchk_eps) endif if ( adxxmemo .eq. 0. ) then ratio_ad = abs( adxxmemo - gfd ) else ratio_ad = 1. - gfd/adxxmemo endif if ( ftlxxmemo .eq. 0. ) then ratio_ftl = abs( ftlxxmemo - gfd ) else ratio_ftl = 1. - gfd/ftlxxmemo endif if ( myProcId .EQ. grdchkwhichproc .AND. & ierr .EQ. 0 ) then tmpplot1(itilepos,jtilepos,layer,itile,jtile) & = gfd tmpplot2(itilepos,jtilepos,layer,itile,jtile) & = ratio_ad tmpplot3(itilepos,jtilepos,layer,itile,jtile) & = ratio_ftl endif if ( ierr .EQ. 0 ) then fcrmem ( ichknum ) = fcref fcppmem ( ichknum ) = fcpertplus fcpmmem ( ichknum ) = fcpertminus xxmemref ( ichknum ) = xxmemo_ref xxmempert ( ichknum ) = xxmemo_pert gfdmem ( ichknum ) = gfd adxxmem ( ichknum ) = adxxmemo ftlxxmem ( ichknum ) = ftlxxmemo ratioadmem ( ichknum ) = ratio_ad ratioftlmem ( ichknum ) = ratio_ftl irecmem ( ichknum ) = icvrec bimem ( ichknum ) = itile bjmem ( ichknum ) = jtile ilocmem ( ichknum ) = itilepos jlocmem ( ichknum ) = jtilepos klocmem ( ichknum ) = layer iobcsmem ( ichknum ) = obcspos icompmem ( ichknum ) = icomp ichkmem ( ichknum ) = ichknum itestmem ( ichknum ) = itest ierrmem ( ichknum ) = ierr icglomem ( ichknum ) = icglo endif if ( myProcId .EQ. grdchkwhichproc .AND. & ierr .EQ. 0 ) then WRITE(standardmessageunit,'(A)') & 'grad-res -------------------------------' WRITE(standardmessageunit,'(A,8I5,1x,1P3E19.11)') & ' grad-res ',myprocid,ichknum,itilepos,jtilepos, & layer,itile,jtile,obcspos, & fcref, fcpertplus, fcpertminus #ifdef ALLOW_TANGENTLINEAR_RUN WRITE(standardmessageunit,'(A,8I5,1x,1P3E19.11)') & ' grad-res ',myprocid,ichknum,ichkmem(ichknum), & icompmem(ichknum),itestmem(ichknum), & bimem(ichknum),bjmem(ichknum),iobcsmem(ichknum), & ftlxxmemo, gfd, ratio_ftl #else WRITE(standardmessageunit,'(A,8I5,1x,1P3E19.11)') & ' grad-res ',myprocid,ichknum,ichkmem(ichknum), & icompmem(ichknum),itestmem(ichknum), & bimem(ichknum),bjmem(ichknum),obcspos, & adxxmemo, gfd, ratio_ad #endif endif #ifdef ALLOW_TANGENTLINEAR_RUN WRITE(msgBuf,'(A30,1PE22.14)') & ' TLM ref_cost_function =', fcref CALL PRINT_MESSAGE( msgBuf, standardMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT, myThid ) WRITE(msgBuf,'(A30,1PE22.14)') & ' TLM tangent-lin_grad =', ftlxxmemo CALL PRINT_MESSAGE( msgBuf, standardMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT, myThid ) WRITE(msgBuf,'(A30,1PE22.14)') & ' TLM finite-diff_grad =', gfd CALL PRINT_MESSAGE( msgBuf, standardMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT, myThid ) #else WRITE(msgBuf,'(A30,1PE22.14)') & ' ADM ref_cost_function =', fcref CALL PRINT_MESSAGE( msgBuf, standardMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT, myThid ) WRITE(msgBuf,'(A30,1PE22.14)') & ' ADM adjoint_gradient =', adxxmemo CALL PRINT_MESSAGE( msgBuf, standardMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT, myThid ) WRITE(msgBuf,'(A30,1PE22.14)') & ' ADM finite-diff_grad =', gfd CALL PRINT_MESSAGE( msgBuf, standardMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT, myThid ) #endif print *, 'ph-grd ierr ---------------------------' print *, 'ph-grd ierr = ', ierr, ', icomp = ', icomp, & ', ichknum = ', ichknum c-- else of if ( ichknum ... else ierr_grdchk = -1 c-- end of if ( ichknum ... endif c-- end of do icomp = ... enddo if (myProcId .EQ. grdchkwhichproc .AND. .NOT.useSingleCpuIO) then CALL WRITE_REC_XYZ_RL( & 'grd_findiff' , tmpplot1, 1, 0, myThid) CALL WRITE_REC_XYZ_RL( & 'grd_ratio_ad' , tmpplot2, 1, 0, myThid) CALL WRITE_REC_XYZ_RL( & 'grd_ratio_ftl' , tmpplot3, 1, 0, myThid) endif c-- Everyone has to wait for the component to be reset. c _BARRIER c-- Print the results of the gradient check. call grdchk_print( ichknum, ierr_grdchk, mythid ) #endif /* ALLOW_GRDCHK */ return end