C $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/pkg/flt/flt_runga2.F,v 1.5 2004/09/13 16:13:42 edhill Exp $ C $Name: checkpoint56 $ #include "FLT_CPPOPTIONS.h" subroutine flt_runga2 ( I myCurrentIter, I myCurrentTime, I myThid & ) c ================================================================== c SUBROUTINE flt_runga2 c ================================================================== c c o This routine steps floats forward with second order Runge-Kutta c c started: Arne Biastoch c c changed: 2004.06.10 Antti Westerlund (antti.westerlund@helsinki.fi) c and Sergio Jaramillo (sju@eos.ubc.ca) c c ================================================================== c SUBROUTINE flt_runga2 c ================================================================== c == global variables == #include "EEPARAMS.h" #include "SIZE.h" #include "DYNVARS.h" #include "PARAMS.h" #include "GRID.h" #include "FLT.h" #ifdef ALLOW_3D_FLT #include "GW.h" #endif c == routine arguments == INTEGER myCurrentIter, myThid _RL myCurrentTime INTEGER bi, bj _RL global2local_i _RL global2local_j _RL global2local_k c == local variables == integer ip, kp, iG, jG _RL phi, uu, vv, u1, v1 #ifdef ALLOW_3D_FLT _RL ww, w1, zt, zz, scalez #endif _RL xx, yy, xt, yt _RL scalex, scaley character*(max_len_mbuf) msgbuf _RL npart_dist #ifdef USE_FLT_ALT_NOISE Real*8 PORT_RAND_NORM #else Real*8 PORT_RAND #undef _USE_INTEGERS #ifdef _USE_INTEGERS integer seed #else Real*8 seed #endif #endif c == end of interface == DO bj=myByLo(myThid),myByHi(myThid) DO bi=myBxLo(myThid),myBxHi(myThid) do ip=1,npart_tile(bi,bj) c If float has died move to level 0 c if( & (tend(ip,bi,bj).ne.-1. .and. myCurrentTime.gt. tend(ip,bi,bj))) & then kpart(ip,bi,bj) = 0. else c Start integration between tstart and tend (individual for each float) c if( & (tstart(ip,bi,bj).eq.-1. .or. myCurrentTime.ge.tstart(ip,bi,bj)) & .and. & ( tend(ip,bi,bj).eq.-1. .or. myCurrentTime.le. tend(ip,bi,bj)) & .and. & ( iup(ip,bi,bj).ne. -3.) & ) then c Convert to local indices c C Note: global2local_i and global2local_j use delX and delY. C This may be a problem, especially if you are using a curvilinear C grid. More information below. xx=global2local_i(xpart(ip,bi,bj),bi,bj,mythid) yy=global2local_j(ypart(ip,bi,bj),bi,bj,mythid) kp=INT(kpart(ip,bi,bj)) scalex=recip_dxF(INT(xx),INT(yy),bi,bj) scaley=recip_dyF(INT(xx),INT(yy),bi,bj) iG = myXGlobalLo + (bi-1)*sNx jG = myYGlobalLo + (bj-1)*sNy #ifdef ALLOW_3D_FLT if (iup(ip,bi,bj).eq.-1.) then c zz=global2local_k(kpart(ip,bi,bj),bi,bj,mythid) c recip_drF is in units 1/r (so if r is in m this is in 1/m) scalez=recip_drF(kp) c We should not do any special conversions for zz, since flt_trilinear c expects it to be just a normal kpart type variable. zz=kpart(ip,bi,bj) call flt_trilinear(xx,yy,zz,uu,uVel,2,bi,bj) call flt_trilinear(xx,yy,zz,vv,vVel,3,bi,bj) call flt_trilinear(zz,yy,zz,ww,wVel,4,bi,bj) zt=zz+0.5*deltaTmom*ww*scalez else #endif call flt_bilinear(xx,yy,uu,kp,uVel,2,bi,bj) call flt_bilinear(xx,yy,vv,kp,vVel,3,bi,bj) #ifdef ALLOW_3D_FLT endif #endif #ifdef USE_FLT_ALT_NOISE c When using this alternative scheme the noise probably should not be added twice. #else if (iup(ip,bi,bj).ne.-2.) then uu = uu + uu*(PORT_RAND(seed)-0.5)*flt_noise vv = vv + vv*(PORT_RAND(seed)-0.5)*flt_noise #ifdef ALLOW_3D_FLT #ifdef ALLOW_FLT_3D_NOISE if (iup(ip,bi,bj).eq.-1.) then ww = ww + ww*(PORT_RAND(seed)-0.5)*flt_noise endif #endif #endif endif #endif c xx and xt are in indices. Therefore it is necessary to multiply c with a grid scale factor. c xt=xx+0.5*deltaTmom*uu*scalex yt=yy+0.5*deltaTmom*vv*scaley c Second step c #ifdef ALLOW_3D_FLT if (iup(ip,bi,bj).eq.-1.) then call flt_trilinear(xt,yt,zt,u1,uVel,2,bi,bj) call flt_trilinear(xt,yt,zt,v1,vVel,3,bi,bj) call flt_trilinear(xt,yt,zt,w1,wVel,4,bi,bj) else #endif call flt_bilinear(xt,yt,u1,kp,uVel,2,bi,bj) call flt_bilinear(xt,yt,v1,kp,vVel,3,bi,bj) #ifdef ALLOW_3D_FLT endif #endif if (iup(ip,bi,bj).ne.-2.) then #ifdef USE_FLT_ALT_NOISE u1 = u1 + port_rand_norm()*flt_noise v1 = v1 + port_rand_norm()*flt_noise #ifdef ALLOW_3D_FLT #ifdef ALLOW_FLT_3D_NOISE if (iup(ip,bi,bj).eq.-1.) then w1 = w1 + port_rand_norm()*flt_noise endif #endif #endif #else u1 = u1 + u1*(PORT_RAND(seed)-0.5)*flt_noise v1 = v1 + v1*(PORT_RAND(seed)-0.5)*flt_noise #ifdef ALLOW_3D_FLT #ifdef ALLOW_FLT_3D_NOISE if (iup(ip,bi,bj).eq.-1.) then w1 = w1 + w1*(PORT_RAND(seed)-0.5)*flt_noise endif #endif #endif #endif endif c xpart is in coordinates. Therefore it is necessary to multiply c with a grid scale factor divided by the number grid points per c geographical coordinate. c C This will only work if delX & delY are available. C This may be a problem, especially if you are using a curvilinear C grid. In that case you have to replace them for the values of C your grid, which can be troublesome. xpart(ip,bi,bj) = xpart(ip,bi,bj) & + deltaTmom*u1*scalex*delX(iG) ypart(ip,bi,bj) = ypart(ip,bi,bj) & + deltaTmom*v1*scaley*delY(jG) #ifdef ALLOW_3D_FLT if (iup(ip,bi,bj).eq.-1.) then kpart(ip,bi,bj) = kpart(ip,bi,bj) & + deltaTmom*w1*scalez endif #endif #ifdef ALLOW_3D_FLT c If float is 3D, make sure that it remains in water if (iup(ip,bi,bj).eq.-1.) then c reflect on surface if(kpart(ip,bi,bj).lt.1.0) & kpart(ip,bi,bj)=1.0 & +abs(1.0-kpart(ip,bi,bj)) c stop at bottom if(kpart(ip,bi,bj).gt.Nr) & kpart(ip,bi,bj)=Nr endif #endif endif endif enddo ENDDO ENDDO c return end