C $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/pkg/fizhi/update_earth_exports.F,v 1.14 2004/07/16 20:08:08 molod Exp $ C $Name: checkpoint54c_post $ subroutine update_earth_exports (myTime, myIter, myThid) c---------------------------------------------------------------------- c Subroutine update_earth_exports - 'Wrapper' routine to update c the fields related to the earth's surface that are needed c by fizhi. c c Call: getlgr (Set the leaf area index and surface greenness, c based on veg type and month) c getalb (Set the 4 albedos based on veg type, snow and time) c getemiss (Set the surface emissivity based on the veg type c and the snow depth) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none #include "CPP_OPTIONS.h" #include "SIZE.h" #include "GRID.h" #include "fizhi_land_SIZE.h" #include "fizhi_SIZE.h" #include "fizhi_coms.h" #include "chronos.h" #include "gridalt_mapping.h" #include "fizhi_land_coms.h" #include "fizhi_earth_coms.h" #include "fizhi_ocean_coms.h" #include "EEPARAMS.h" integer myTime, myIter, myThid logical alarm external alarm real lats(sNx,sNy), lons(sNx,sNy), cosz(sNx,sNy) real fraci(sNx,sNy), fracl(sNx,sNy) real ficetile(nchp) real radius real tmpij(sNx,sNy) real tmpchp(nchp) integer i, j, n, bi, bj integer im1, im2, jm1, jm2, idim1, idim2, jdim1, jdim2 integer sec, day, month integer nmonf,ndayf,nsecf nsecf(n) = n/10000*3600 + mod(n,10000)/100* 60 + mod(n,100) nmonf(n) = mod(n,10000)/100 ndayf(n) = mod(n,100) idim1 = 1-OLx idim2 = sNx+OLx jdim1 = 1-OLy jdim2 = sNy+OLy im1 = 1 im2 = sNx jm1 = 1 jm2 = sNy month = nmonf(nymd) day = ndayf(nymd) sec = nsecf(nhms) do bj = myByLo(myThid), myByHi(myThid) do bi = myBxLo(myThid), myBxHi(myThid) do j = jm1,jm2 do i = im1,im2 lons(i,j) = xC(i,j,bi,bj) lats(i,j) = yC(i,j,bi,bj) enddo enddo call get_landfrac(im2,jm2,nSx,nSy,bi,bj,maxtyp,surftype,tilefrac, . fracl) do j = jm1,jm2 do i = im1,im2 if(sice(i,j,bi,bj).gt.0.) then fraci(i,j) = 1. else fraci(i,j) = 0. endif enddo enddo C*********************************************************************** C* Get Leaf-Area-Index and Greenness Index * C*********************************************************************** if( alarm('turb') .or. alarm('radsw') ) then call getlgr (sec,month,day,chlt,ityp,nchpland,nSx,nSy,bi,bj, . alai,agrn ) endif C ********************************************************************** C Compute Surface Albedo C ********************************************************************** if( alarm('radsw') ) then call astro(nymd,nhms,lats,lons,im2*jm2,cosz,radius) call getalb(sec,month,day,cosz,snodep,fraci,fracl,im2,jm2,nchp, . nchpland,nSx,nSy,bi,bj,igrd,ityp,chfr,chlt,alai,agrn, . albvisdr,albvisdf,albnirdr,albnirdf ) endif C ********************************************************************** C Compute Surface Emissivity C ********************************************************************** if( alarm('radlw') ) then call grd2msc(fraci,im2,jm2,igrd,ficetile,nchp,nchp) call getemiss(fracl,im2,jm2,nchp,nSx,nSy,bi,bj,igrd,ityp,chfr, . snodep,ficetile,emiss) endif C********************************************************************* C Ground Temperature Over Ocean is from SST array, C Over land is from tcanopy C********************************************************************* do j = jm1,jm2 do i = im1,im2 tmpij(i,j) = 0. enddo enddo do i = 1,nchp tmpchp(i) = tcanopy(i,bi,bj) enddo call msc2grd(igrd(1,bi,bj),chfr(1,bi,bj),tmpchp, . nchp,nchp,fracl,tmpij,im2,jm2) do j = jm1,jm2 do i = im1,im2 tgz(i,j,bi,bj) = tmpij(i,j) if(fracl(i,j).lt.0.3.and.sice(i,j,bi,bj).eq.0.0) . tgz(i,j,bi,bj) = sst(i,j,bi,bj) enddo enddo enddo enddo return end SUBROUTINE SIBALB ( AVISDR, ANIRDR, AVISDF, ANIRDF, . VLAI, VGRN, ZTH, SNW, ITYP, IRUN ) C********************************************************************* C The input list is as follows: C VLAI: the leaf area index. C VGRN: the greenness index. C ZTH: The cosine of the solar zenith angle. C SNW: Snow cover in meters water equivalent. C ITYP: The surface type (grass, bare soil, etc.) C IRUN: Number of tiles (same as used for SUBROUTINE TILE). C C The output list is as follows: C C AVISDR: visible, direct albedo. C ANIRDR: near infra-red, direct albedo. C AVISDF: visible, diffuse albedo. C ANIRDF: near infra-red, diffuse albedo. C******************************************************************* IMPLICIT NONE #include "CPP_EEOPTIONS.h" INTEGER IRUN real AVISDR (IRUN), ANIRDR (IRUN), AVISDF (IRUN), ANIRDF (IRUN) _RL VLAI(IRUN),VGRN (IRUN), SNW(IRUN) REAL ZTH(IRUN) INTEGER ITYP (IRUN) _RL ALVDRS, ALIDRS _RL ALVDRDL, ALIDRDL _RL ALVDRDD, ALIDRDD _RL ALVDRI, ALIDRI _RL minval external minval C Albedo of soil for visible direct solar radiation. PARAMETER ( ALVDRS = 0.100 ) C Albedo of soil for infra-red direct solar radiation. PARAMETER ( ALIDRS = 0.200 ) C Albedo of light desert for visible direct solar radiation. PARAMETER ( ALVDRDL = 0.300 ) C Albedo of light desert for infra-red direct solar radiation. PARAMETER ( ALIDRDL = 0.350 ) C Albedo of dark desert for visible direct solar radiation. PARAMETER ( ALVDRDD = 0.250 ) C Albedo of dark desert for infra-red direct solar radiation. PARAMETER ( ALIDRDD = 0.300 ) C Albedo of ice for visible direct solar radiation. PARAMETER ( ALVDRI = 0.800 ) C Albedo of ice for infra-red direct solar radiation. PARAMETER ( ALIDRI = 0.800 ) * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER NTYPS INTEGER NLAI _RL ZERO, ONE _RL EPSLN, BLAI, DLAI _RL ALATRM PARAMETER (NLAI = 14 ) PARAMETER (EPSLN = 1.E-6) PARAMETER (BLAI = 0.5) PARAMETER (DLAI = 0.5) PARAMETER (ZERO=0., ONE=1.0) PARAMETER (ALATRM = BLAI + (NLAI - 1) * DLAI - EPSLN) PARAMETER (NTYPS=10) C ITYP: Vegetation type as follows: C 1: BROADLEAF EVERGREEN TREES C 2: BROADLEAF DECIDUOUS TREES C 3: NEEDLELEAF TREES C 4: GROUND COVER C 5: BROADLEAF SHRUBS C 6: DWARF TREES (TUNDRA) C 7: BARE SOIL C 8: LIGHT DESERT C 9: GLACIER C 10: DARK DESERT C INTEGER I, LAI real FAC,GAMMA,BETA,ALPHA,DX,DY,ALA,GRN (2),SNWALB(4,NTYPS) real COEFF real ALVDR (NLAI, 2, NTYPS) real BTVDR (NLAI, 2, NTYPS) real GMVDR (NLAI, 2, NTYPS) real ALIDR (NLAI, 2, NTYPS) real BTIDR (NLAI, 2, NTYPS) real GMIDR (NLAI, 2, NTYPS) C (Data statements for ALVDR described in full; data statements for C other constants follow same framework.) C BROADLEAF EVERGREEN (ITYP=4); GREEN=0.33; LAI: .5-7 DATA (ALVDR (I, 1, 1), I = 1, 14) ` /0.0808, 0.0796, 0.0792, 0.0790, 10*0.0789/ C BROADLEAF EVERGREEN (ITYP=4); GREEN=0.67; LAI: .5-7 DATA (ALVDR (I, 2, 1), I = 1, 14) ` /0.0788, 0.0775, 0.0771, 0.0769, 10*0.0768/ C BROADLEAF DECIDUOUS (ITYP=1); GREEN=0.33; LAI: .5-7 DATA (ALVDR (I, 1, 2), I = 1, 14) ` /0.0803, 0.0790, 0.0785, 0.0784, 3*0.0783, 7*0.0782/ C BROADLEAF DECIDUOUS (ITYP=1); GREEN=0.67; LAI: .5-7 DATA (ALVDR (I, 2, 2), I = 1, 14) ` /0.0782, 0.0770, 0.0765, 0.0763, 10*0.0762/ C NEEDLELEAF (ITYP=3); GREEN=0.33; LAI=.5-7 DATA (ALVDR (I, 1, 3), I = 1, 14) ` /0.0758, 0.0746, 0.0742, 0.0740, 10*0.0739/ C NEEDLELEAF (ITYP=3); GREEN=0.67; LAI=.5-7 DATA (ALVDR (I, 2, 3), I = 1, 14) ` /0.0683, 0.0672, 0.0667, 2*0.0665, 9*0.0664/ C GROUNDCOVER (ITYP=2); GREEN=0.33; LAI=.5-7 DATA (ALVDR (I, 1, 4), I = 1, 14) ` /0.2436, 0.2470, 0.2486, 0.2494, 0.2498, 0.2500, 2*0.2501, ` 6*0.2502 ` / C GROUNDCOVER (ITYP=2); GREEN=0.67; LAI=.5-7 DATA (ALVDR (I, 2, 4), I = 1, 14) /14*0.1637/ C BROADLEAF SHRUBS (ITYP=5); GREEN=0.33,LAI=.5-7 DATA (ALVDR (I, 1, 5), I = 1, 14) & /0.0807, 0.0798, 0.0794, 0.0792, 0.0792, 9*0.0791/ C BROADLEAF SHRUBS (ITYP=5); GREEN=0.67,LAI=.5-7 DATA (ALVDR (I, 2, 5), I = 1, 14) & /0.0787, 0.0777, 0.0772, 0.0771, 10*0.0770/ C DWARF TREES, OR TUNDRA (ITYP=6); GREEN=0.33,LAI=.5-7 DATA (ALVDR (I, 1, 6), I = 1, 14) & /0.0802, 0.0791, 0.0787, 0.0786, 10*0.0785/ C DWARF TREES, OR TUNDRA (ITYP=6); GREEN=0.67,LAI=.5-7 DATA (ALVDR (I, 2, 6), I = 1, 14) & /0.0781, 0.0771, 0.0767, 0.0765, 0.0765, 9*0.0764/ C BARE SOIL DATA (ALVDR (I, 1, 7), I = 1, 14) /14*ALVDRS/ DATA (ALVDR (I, 2, 7), I = 1, 14) /14*ALVDRS/ C LIGHT DESERT (SAHARA, EG) DATA (ALVDR (I, 1, 8), I = 1, 14) /14*ALVDRDL/ DATA (ALVDR (I, 2, 8), I = 1, 14) /14*ALVDRDL/ C ICE DATA (ALVDR (I, 1, 9), I = 1, 14) /14*ALVDRI/ DATA (ALVDR (I, 2, 9), I = 1, 14) /14*ALVDRI/ C DARK DESERT (AUSTRALIA, EG) DATA (ALVDR (I, 1, 10), I = 1, 14) /14*ALVDRDD/ DATA (ALVDR (I, 2, 10), I = 1, 14) /14*ALVDRDD/ C**** C**** ------------------------------------------------- DATA (BTVDR (I, 1, 1), I = 1, 14) ` /0.0153, 0.0372, 0.0506, 0.0587, 0.0630, 0.0652, 0.0663, ` 0.0668, 0.0671, 0.0672, 4*0.0673 ` / DATA (BTVDR (I, 2, 1), I = 1, 14) * /0.0135, 0.0354, 0.0487, 0.0568, 0.0611, 0.0633, 0.0644, ` 0.0650, 0.0652, 0.0654, 0.0654, 3*0.0655 ` / DATA (BTVDR (I, 1, 2), I = 1, 14) * /0.0148, 0.0357, 0.0462, 0.0524, 0.0554, 0.0569, 0.0576, ` 0.0579, 0.0580, 0.0581, 0.0581, 3*0.0582 ` / DATA (BTVDR (I, 2, 2), I = 1, 14) * /0.0131, 0.0342, 0.0446, 0.0508, 0.0539, 0.0554, 0.0560, ` 0.0564, 0.0565, 5*0.0566 ` / DATA (BTVDR (I, 1, 3), I = 1, 14) * /0.0108, 0.0334, 0.0478, 0.0571, 0.0624, 0.0652, 0.0666, ` 0.0673, 0.0677, 0.0679, 4*0.0680 ` / DATA (BTVDR (I, 2, 3), I = 1, 14) * /0.0034, 0.0272, 0.0408, 0.0501, 0.0554, 0.0582, 0.0597, * 0.0604, 0.0608, 0.0610, 4*0.0611 ` / DATA (BTVDR (I, 1, 4), I = 1, 14) * /0.2050, 0.2524, 0.2799, 0.2947, 0.3022, 0.3059, 0.3076, * 0.3085, 0.3088, 0.3090, 4*0.3091 ` / DATA (BTVDR (I, 2, 4), I = 1, 14) * /0.1084, 0.1404, 0.1617, 0.1754, 0.1837, 0.1887, 0.1915, * 0.1931, 0.1940, 0.1946, 0.1948, 0.1950, 2*0.1951 ` / DATA (BTVDR (I, 1, 5), I = 1, 14) & /0.0203, 0.0406, 0.0548, 0.0632, 0.0679, 0.0703, 0.0716, & 0.0722, 0.0726, 0.0727, 0.0728, 0.0728, 0.0728, 0.0729 ` / DATA (BTVDR (I, 2, 5), I = 1, 14) & /0.0184, 0.0385, 0.0526, 0.0611, 0.0658, 0.0683, 0.0696, & 0.0702, 0.0705, 0.0707, 4*0.0708 ` / DATA (BTVDR (I, 1, 6), I = 1, 14) & /0.0199, 0.0388, 0.0494, 0.0554, 0.0584, 0.0599, 0.0606, & 0.0609, 0.0611, 5*0.0612 ` / DATA (BTVDR (I, 2, 6), I = 1, 14) & /0.0181, 0.0371, 0.0476, 0.0537, 0.0568, 0.0583, 0.0590, & 0.0593, 0.0595, 0.0595, 4*0.0596 ` / DATA (BTVDR (I, 1, 7), I = 1, 14) /14*0./ DATA (BTVDR (I, 2, 7), I = 1, 14) /14*0./ DATA (BTVDR (I, 1, 8), I = 1, 14) /14*0./ DATA (BTVDR (I, 2, 8), I = 1, 14) /14*0./ DATA (BTVDR (I, 1, 9), I = 1, 14) /14*0./ DATA (BTVDR (I, 2, 9), I = 1, 14) /14*0./ DATA (BTVDR (I, 1, 10), I = 1, 14) /14*0./ DATA (BTVDR (I, 2, 10), I = 1, 14) /14*0./ C**** C**** ----------------------------------------------------------- DATA (GMVDR (I, 1, 1), I = 1, 14) ` /0.0814, 0.1361, 0.2078, 0.2650, 0.2986, 0.3169, 0.3265, * 0.3313, 0.3337, 0.3348, 0.3354, 0.3357, 2*0.3358 ` / DATA (GMVDR (I, 2, 1), I = 1, 14) * /0.0760, 0.1336, 0.2034, 0.2622, 0.2969, 0.3159, 0.3259, * 0.3309, 0.3333, 0.3346, 0.3352, 0.3354, 2*0.3356 ` / DATA (GMVDR (I, 1, 2), I = 1, 14) * /0.0834, 0.1252, 0.1558, 0.1927, 0.2131, 0.2237, 0.2290, * 0.2315, 0.2327, 0.2332, 0.2335, 2*0.2336, 0.2337 ` / DATA (GMVDR (I, 2, 2), I = 1, 14) * /0.0789, 0.1235, 0.1531, 0.1912, 0.2122, 0.2232, 0.2286, * 0.2312, 0.2324, 0.2330, 0.2333, 0.2334, 2*0.2335 ` / DATA (GMVDR (I, 1, 3), I = 1, 14) * /0.0647, 0.1342, 0.2215, 0.2968, 0.3432, 0.3696, 0.3838, * 0.3912, 0.3950, 0.3968, 0.3978, 0.3982, 0.3984, 0.3985 ` / DATA (GMVDR (I, 2, 3), I = 1, 14) * /0.0258, 0.1227, 0.1999, 0.2825, 0.3339, 0.3634, 0.3794, * 0.3877, 0.3919, 0.3940, 0.3950, 0.3956, 0.3958, 0.3959 ` / DATA (GMVDR (I, 1, 4), I = 1, 14) * /0.3371, 0.5762, 0.7159, 0.7927, 0.8324, 0.8526, 0.8624, * 0.8671, 0.8693, 0.8704, 0.8709, 0.8710, 2*0.8712 ` / DATA (GMVDR (I, 2, 4), I = 1, 14) * /0.2634, 0.4375, 0.5532, 0.6291, 0.6763, 0.7048, 0.7213, * 0.7310, 0.7363, 0.7395, 0.7411, 0.7420, 0.7426, 0.7428 ` / DATA (GMVDR (I, 1, 5), I = 1, 14) & /0.0971, 0.1544, 0.2511, 0.3157, 0.3548, 0.3768, 0.3886, & 0.3948, 0.3978, 0.3994, 0.4001, 0.4006, 0.4007, 0.4008 ` / DATA (GMVDR (I, 2, 5), I = 1, 14) & /0.0924, 0.1470, 0.2458, 0.3123, 0.3527, 0.3756, 0.3877, & 0.3942, 0.3974, 0.3990, 0.3998, 0.4002, 0.4004, 0.4005 ` / DATA (GMVDR (I, 1, 6), I = 1, 14) & /0.0970, 0.1355, 0.1841, 0.2230, 0.2447, 0.2561, 0.2617, & 0.2645, 0.2658, 0.2664, 0.2667, 3*0.2669 ` / DATA (GMVDR (I, 2, 6), I = 1, 14) & /0.0934, 0.1337, 0.1812, 0.2213, 0.2437, 0.2554, 0.2613, & 0.2642, 0.2656, 0.2662, 0.2665, 0.2667, 0.2667, 0.2668 ` / DATA (GMVDR (I, 1, 7), I = 1, 14) /14*1./ DATA (GMVDR (I, 2, 7), I = 1, 14) /14*1./ DATA (GMVDR (I, 1, 8), I = 1, 14) /14*1./ DATA (GMVDR (I, 2, 8), I = 1, 14) /14*1./ DATA (GMVDR (I, 1, 9), I = 1, 14) /14*1./ DATA (GMVDR (I, 2, 9), I = 1, 14) /14*1./ DATA (GMVDR (I, 1, 10), I = 1, 14) /14*1./ DATA (GMVDR (I, 2, 10), I = 1, 14) /14*1./ C**** C**** ----------------------------------------------------------- DATA (ALIDR (I, 1, 1), I = 1, 14) * /0.2867, 0.2840, 0.2828, 0.2822, 0.2819, 0.2818, 2*0.2817, * 6*0.2816 ` / DATA (ALIDR (I, 2, 1), I = 1, 14) * /0.3564, 0.3573, 0.3577, 0.3580, 2*0.3581, 8*0.3582/ DATA (ALIDR (I, 1, 2), I = 1, 14) * /0.2848, 0.2819, 0.2804, 0.2798, 0.2795, 2*0.2793, 7*0.2792/ DATA (ALIDR (I, 2, 2), I = 1, 14) * /0.3544, 0.3550, 0.3553, 2*0.3555, 9*0.3556/ DATA (ALIDR (I, 1, 3), I = 1, 14) * /0.2350, 0.2311, 0.2293, 0.2285, 0.2281, 0.2280, 8*0.2279/ DATA (ALIDR (I, 2, 3), I = 1, 14) * /0.2474, 0.2436, 0.2418, 0.2410, 0.2406, 0.2405, 3*0.2404, * 5*0.2403 ` / DATA (ALIDR (I, 1, 4), I = 1, 14) * /0.5816, 0.6157, 0.6391, 0.6556, 0.6673, 0.6758, 0.6820, * 0.6866, 0.6899, 0.6924, 0.6943, 0.6956, 0.6966, 0.6974 ` / DATA (ALIDR (I, 2, 4), I = 1, 14) * /0.5489, 0.5770, 0.5955, 0.6079, 0.6163, 0.6221, 0.6261, * 0.6288, 0.6308, 0.6321, 0.6330, 0.6337, 0.6341, 0.6344 ` / DATA (ALIDR (I, 1, 5), I = 1, 14) & /0.2845, 0.2837, 0.2832, 0.2831, 0.2830, 9*0.2829/ DATA (ALIDR (I, 2, 5), I = 1, 14) & /0.3532, 0.3562, 0.3578, 0.3586, 0.3590, 0.3592, 0.3594, & 0.3594, 0.3594, 5*0.3595 ` / DATA (ALIDR (I, 1, 6), I = 1, 14) & /0.2825, 0.2812, 0.2806, 0.2803, 0.2802, 9*0.2801/ DATA (ALIDR (I, 2, 6), I = 1, 14) & /0.3512, 0.3538, 0.3552, 0.3559, 0.3562, 0.3564, 0.3565, & 0.3565, 6*0.3566 ` / DATA (ALIDR (I, 1, 7), I = 1, 14) /14*ALIDRS/ DATA (ALIDR (I, 2, 7), I = 1, 14) /14*ALIDRS/ DATA (ALIDR (I, 1, 8), I = 1, 14) /14*ALIDRDL/ DATA (ALIDR (I, 2, 8), I = 1, 14) /14*ALIDRDL/ DATA (ALIDR (I, 1, 9), I = 1, 14) /14*ALIDRI/ DATA (ALIDR (I, 2, 9), I = 1, 14) /14*ALIDRI/ DATA (ALIDR (I, 1, 10), I = 1, 14) /14*ALIDRDD/ DATA (ALIDR (I, 2, 10), I = 1, 14) /14*ALIDRDD/ C**** C**** ----------------------------------------------------------- DATA (BTIDR (I, 1, 1), I = 1, 14) * /0.1291, 0.1707, 0.1969, 0.2125, 0.2216, 0.2267, 0.2295, * 0.2311, 0.2319, 0.2323, 0.2326, 2*0.2327, 0.2328 ` / DATA (BTIDR (I, 2, 1), I = 1, 14) * /0.1939, 0.2357, 0.2598, 0.2735, 0.2810, 0.2851, 0.2874, * 0.2885, 0.2892, 0.2895, 0.2897, 3*0.2898 ` / DATA (BTIDR (I, 1, 2), I = 1, 14) * /0.1217, 0.1522, 0.1713, 0.1820, 0.1879, 0.1910, 0.1926, * 0.1935, 0.1939, 0.1942, 2*0.1943, 2*0.1944 ` / DATA (BTIDR (I, 2, 2), I = 1, 14) * /0.1781, 0.2067, 0.2221, 0.2301, 0.2342, 0.2363, 0.2374, * 0.2379, 0.2382, 0.2383, 2*0.2384, 2*0.2385 ` / DATA (BTIDR (I, 1, 3), I = 1, 14) * /0.0846, 0.1299, 0.1614, 0.1814, 0.1935, 0.2004, 0.2043, * 0.2064, 0.2076, 0.2082, 0.2085, 2*0.2087, 0.2088 ` / DATA (BTIDR (I, 2, 3), I = 1, 14) * /0.0950, 0.1410, 0.1722, 0.1921, 0.2042, 0.2111, 0.2151, * 0.2172, 0.2184, 0.2191, 0.2194, 0.2196, 2*0.2197 ` / DATA (BTIDR (I, 1, 4), I = 1, 14) * /0.5256, 0.7444, 0.9908, 1.2700, 1.5680, 1.8505, 2.0767, * 2.2211, 2.2808, 2.2774, 2.2362, 2.1779, 2.1160, 2.0564 ` / DATA (BTIDR (I, 2, 4), I = 1, 14) * /0.4843, 0.6714, 0.8577, 1.0335, 1.1812, 1.2858, 1.3458, * 1.3688, 1.3685, 1.3546, 1.3360, 1.3168, 1.2989, 1.2838 ` / DATA (BTIDR (I, 1, 5), I = 1, 14) & /0.1498, 0.1930, 0.2201, 0.2364, 0.2460, 0.2514, 0.2544, & 0.2560, 0.2569, 0.2574, 0.2577, 0.2578, 0.2579, 0.2579 ` / DATA (BTIDR (I, 2, 5), I = 1, 14) & /0.2184, 0.2656, 0.2927, 0.3078, 0.3159, 0.3202, 0.3224, & 0.3235, 0.3241, 0.3244, 0.3245, 3*0.3246 ` / DATA (BTIDR (I, 1, 6), I = 1, 14) & /0.1369, 0.1681, 0.1860, 0.1958, 0.2010, 0.2038, 0.2053, & 0.2060, 0.2064, 0.2066, 0.2067, 3*0.2068 ` / DATA (BTIDR (I, 2, 6), I = 1, 14) & /0.1969, 0.2268, 0.2416, 0.2488, 0.2521, 0.2537, 0.2544, & 0.2547, 0.2548, 5*0.2549 ` / DATA (BTIDR (I, 1, 7), I = 1, 14) /14*0./ DATA (BTIDR (I, 2, 7), I = 1, 14) /14*0./ DATA (BTIDR (I, 1, 8), I = 1, 14) /14*0./ DATA (BTIDR (I, 2, 8), I = 1, 14) /14*0./ DATA (BTIDR (I, 1, 9), I = 1, 14) /14*0./ DATA (BTIDR (I, 2, 9), I = 1, 14) /14*0./ DATA (BTIDR (I, 1, 10), I = 1, 14) /14*0./ DATA (BTIDR (I, 2, 10), I = 1, 14) /14*0./ C**** C**** -------------------------------------------------------------- DATA (GMIDR (I, 1, 1), I = 1, 14) * /0.1582, 0.2581, 0.3227, 0.3635, 0.3882, 0.4026, 0.4108, * 0.4154, 0.4179, 0.4193, 0.4200, 0.4204, 0.4206, 0.4207 ` / DATA (GMIDR (I, 2, 1), I = 1, 14) * /0.1934, 0.3141, 0.3818, 0.4200, 0.4415, 0.4533, 0.4598, * 0.4633, 0.4651, 0.4662, 0.4667, 0.4671, 2*0.4672 ` / DATA (GMIDR (I, 1, 2), I = 1, 14) * /0.1347, 0.1871, 0.2277, 0.2515, 0.2651, 0.2727, 0.2768, * 0.2790, 0.2801, 0.2808, 0.2811, 0.2812, 0.2813, 0.2814 ` / DATA (GMIDR (I, 2, 2), I = 1, 14) * /0.1440, 0.2217, 0.2629, 0.2839, 0.2947, 0.3003, 0.3031, * 0.3046, 0.3054, 0.3058, 0.3060, 2*0.3061, 0.3062 ` / DATA (GMIDR (I, 1, 3), I = 1, 14) * /0.1372, 0.2368, 0.3235, 0.3839, 0.4229, 0.4465, 0.4602, * 0.4679, 0.4722, 0.4745, 0.4758, 0.4764, 0.4768, 0.4770 ` / DATA (GMIDR (I, 2, 3), I = 1, 14) * /0.1435, 0.2524, 0.3370, 0.3955, 0.4332, 0.4563, 0.4697, * 0.4773, 0.4815, 0.4839, 0.4851, 0.4858, 0.4861, 0.4863 ` / DATA (GMIDR (I, 1, 4), I = 1, 14) * /0.4298, 0.9651, 1.6189, 2.4084, 3.2992, 4.1928, 4.9611, * 5.5095, 5.8085, 5.9069, 5.8726, 5.7674, 5.6346, 5.4944 ` / DATA (GMIDR (I, 2, 4), I = 1, 14) * /0.4167, 0.8974, 1.4160, 1.9414, 2.4147, 2.7803, 3.0202, * 3.1468, 3.1954, 3.1932, 3.1676, 3.1328, 3.0958, 3.0625 ` / DATA (GMIDR (I, 1, 5), I = 1, 14) & /0.1959, 0.3203, 0.3985, 0.4472, 0.4766, 0.4937, 0.5034, & 0.5088, 0.5117, 0.5134, 0.5143, 0.5147, 0.5150, 0.5152 ` / DATA (GMIDR (I, 2, 5), I = 1, 14) & /0.2328, 0.3859, 0.4734, 0.5227, 0.5498, 0.5644, 0.5720, & 0.5761, 0.5781, 0.5792, 0.5797, 0.5800, 0.5802, 0.5802 ` / DATA (GMIDR (I, 1, 6), I = 1, 14) & /0.1447, 0.2244, 0.2698, 0.2953, 0.3094, 0.3170, 0.3211, & 0.3233, 0.3244, 0.3250, 0.3253, 0.3255, 0.3256, 0.3256 ` / DATA (GMIDR (I, 2, 6), I = 1, 14) & /0.1643, 0.2624, 0.3110, 0.3347, 0.3461, 0.3517, 0.3543, & 0.3556, 0.3562, 0.3564, 0.3565, 0.3566, 0.3566, 0.3566 ` / DATA (GMIDR (I, 1, 7), I = 1, 14) /14*1./ DATA (GMIDR (I, 2, 7), I = 1, 14) /14*1./ DATA (GMIDR (I, 1, 8), I = 1, 14) /14*1./ DATA (GMIDR (I, 2, 8), I = 1, 14) /14*1./ DATA (GMIDR (I, 1, 9), I = 1, 14) /14*1./ DATA (GMIDR (I, 2, 9), I = 1, 14) /14*1./ DATA (GMIDR (I, 1, 10), I = 1, 14) /14*1./ DATA (GMIDR (I, 2, 10), I = 1, 14) /14*1./ C**** ----------------------------------------------------------- DATA GRN /0.33, 0.67/ #include "snwmid.h" DATA SNWALB /.65, .38, .65, .38, * .65, .38, .65, .38, * .65, .38, .65, .38, * .65, .38, .65, .38, * .65, .38, .65, .38, & .65, .38, .65, .38, & .65, .38, .65, .38, & .65, .38, .65, .38, & .80, .60, .80, .60, & .65, .38, .65, .38 ` / #ifdef CRAY #ifdef f77 cfpp$ expand (coeff) #endif #endif DO 100 I=1,IRUN ALA = MIN (MAX (ZERO, VLAI(I)), ALATRM) LAI = 1 + MAX(0, INT((ALA-BLAI)/DLAI) ) DX = (ALA - (BLAI+(LAI-1)*DLAI)) * (ONE/DLAI) DY = (VGRN(I)- GRN(1)) * (ONE/(GRN(2) - GRN(1))) ALPHA = COEFF (ALVDR (1, 1, ITYP (I)), NLAI, LAI ,DX, DY) BETA = COEFF (BTVDR (1, 1, ITYP (I)), NLAI, LAI ,DX, DY) GAMMA = COEFF (GMVDR (1, 1, ITYP (I)), NLAI, LAI ,DX, DY) AVISDR(I) = ALPHA - ZTH(I)*BETA / (GAMMA+ZTH(I)) AVISDF(I) = ALPHA-BETA * + 2.*BETA*GAMMA*(1.-GAMMA*LOG((1.+GAMMA)/GAMMA)) ALPHA = COEFF (ALIDR (1, 1, ITYP (I)), NLAI, LAI ,DX, DY) BETA = COEFF (BTIDR (1, 1, ITYP (I)), NLAI, LAI ,DX, DY) GAMMA = COEFF (GMIDR (1, 1, ITYP (I)), NLAI, LAI ,DX, DY) ANIRDR(I) = ALPHA - ZTH(I)*BETA / (GAMMA+ZTH(I)) ANIRDF(I) = ALPHA-BETA * + 2.*BETA*GAMMA*(1.-GAMMA*LOG((1.+GAMMA)/GAMMA)) IF (SNW (I) .GT. ZERO) THEN FAC = SNW(I) / (SNW(I) + SNWMID(ITYP(I))) AVISDR(I) = AVISDR(I) + (SNWALB(1,ITYP(I)) - AVISDR(I)) * FAC ANIRDR(I) = ANIRDR(I) + (SNWALB(2,ITYP(I)) - ANIRDR(I)) * FAC AVISDF(I) = AVISDF(I) + (SNWALB(3,ITYP(I)) - AVISDF(I)) * FAC ANIRDF(I) = ANIRDF(I) + (SNWALB(4,ITYP(I)) - ANIRDF(I)) * FAC ENDIF 100 CONTINUE RETURN END FUNCTION COEFF(TABLE, NTABL, LAI ,DX, DY) #include "CPP_EEOPTIONS.h" INTEGER NTABL, LAI real coeff real TABLE (NTABL, 2), DX, DY COEFF = (TABLE(LAI, 1) * + (TABLE(LAI ,2) - TABLE(LAI ,1)) * DY ) * (1.0-DX) * + (TABLE(LAI+1,1) * + (TABLE(LAI+1,2) - TABLE(LAI+1,1)) * DY ) * DX RETURN END SUBROUTINE GETLGR(sec,IMON,IDAY,ALAT,ITYP,NCHPS,nSx,nSy,bi,bj, . ALAI,AGRN) C********************************************************************* implicit none #include "CPP_EEOPTIONS.h" integer ntyps _RL one,daylen PARAMETER (NTYPS=10) parameter (one = 1.) parameter (daylen = 86400.) integer sec, imon, iday, nchps, nSx, nSy, bi, bj _RL ALAI(NCHPS,nSx,nSy), AGRN(NCHPS,nSx,nSy) _RL ALAT(NCHPS) integer ITYP(NCHPS,nSx,nSy) integer i,midmon,midm,midp,id,k1,k2,kk1,kk2 _RL fac INTEGER DAYS(12) DATA DAYS/31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31/ _RL VGLA(12,NTYPS), VGGR(12,NTYPS) DATA VGLA / 1 5.117, 5.117, 5.117, 5.117, 5.117, 5.117, 5.117, 5.117, 1 5.117, 5.117, 5.117, 5.117, 2 0.520, 0.520, 0.867, 2.107, 4.507, 6.773, 7.173, 6.507, 2 5.040, 2.173, 0.867, 0.520, 3 8.760, 9.160, 9.827,10.093,10.360,10.760,10.493,10.227, 3 10.093, 9.827, 9.160, 8.760, 4 0.782, 0.893, 1.004, 1.116, 1.782, 3.671, 4.782, 4.227, 4 2.004, 1.227, 1.004, 0.893, 5 3.760, 3.760, 2.760, 1.760, 1.760, 1.760, 1.760, 5.760, 5 10.760, 7.760, 4.760, 3.760, 6 0.739, 0.739, 0.739, 0.739, 0.739, 1.072, 5.072, 5.739, 6 4.405, 0.739, 0.739, 0.739, 7 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 7 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 8 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 8 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 9 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 9 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 1 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 1 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001 & / DATA VGGR 1 /0.905, 0.905, 0.905, 0.905, 0.905, 0.905, 0.905, 0.905, 1 0.905, 0.905, 0.905, 0.905, 2 0.026, 0.026, 0.415, 0.759, 0.888, 0.925, 0.836, 0.697, 2 0.331, 0.166, 0.015, 0.026, 3 0.913, 0.917, 0.923, 0.925, 0.927, 0.905, 0.902, 0.913, 3 0.898, 0.855, 0.873, 0.913, 4 0.568, 0.622, 0.664, 0.697, 0.810, 0.908, 0.813, 0.394, 4 0.443, 0.543, 0.553, 0.498, 5 0.798, 0.532, 0.362, 0.568, 0.568, 0.568, 0.568, 0.868, 5 0.651, 0.515, 0.630, 0.798, 6 0.451, 0.451, 0.451, 0.451, 0.451, 0.622, 0.920, 0.697, 6 0.076, 0.451, 0.451, 0.451, 7 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 7 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 8 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 8 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 9 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 9 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 1 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 1 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001 & / MIDMON = DAYS(IMON)/2 + 1 IF (IDAY .LT. MIDMON) THEN K2 = IMON K1 = MOD(IMON+10,12) + 1 ELSE K1 = IMON K2 = MOD(IMON,12) + 1 ENDIF IF (IDAY .LT. MIDMON) THEN MIDM = DAYS(K1)/2 + 1 MIDP = DAYS(K1) + MIDMON ID = IDAY + DAYS(K1) ELSE MIDM = MIDMON MIDP = DAYS(K2)/2 + 1 + DAYS(K1) ID = IDAY ENDIF FAC = (float(ID -MIDM)*DAYLEN + SEC) / * (float(MIDP-MIDM)*DAYLEN ) DO 220 I=1,NCHPS IF(ALAT(I).GT.0.) THEN KK1 = K1 KK2 = K2 ELSE KK1 = MOD(K1+5,12) + 1 KK2 = MOD(K2+5,12) + 1 ENDIF ALAI(I,bi,bj) = VGLA(KK2,ITYP(I,bi,bj))*FAC+ . VGLA(KK1,ITYP(I,bi,bj))*(ONE-FAC) AGRN(I,bi,bj) = VGGR(KK2,ITYP(I,bi,bj))*FAC+ . VGGR(KK1,ITYP(I,bi,bj))*(ONE-FAC) 220 CONTINUE RETURN END subroutine getalb(sec,month,day,cosz,snodep,fraci,fracg,im,jm, . nchp,nchpland,nSx,nSy,bi,bj,igrd,ityp,chfr,chlt, . alai,agrn,albvr,albvf,albnr,albnf) C*********************************************************************** C PURPOSE C To act as an interface to routine sibalb, which calculates C the four albedos for use by the shortwave radiation routine C C INPUT: C sec - number of seconds into the day of current time C month - month of the year of current time C day - day of the month of current time C cosz - local cosine of the zenith angle [im,jm] C snodep - snow cover in meters [nchp,nSx,nSy] C fraci - real array in grid space of total sea ice fraction [im,jm] C fracg - real array in grid space of total land fraction [im,jm] C im - model grid longitude dimension C jm - model grid latitude dimension (number of lat. points) C nchp - integer actual number of tiles in tile space C nchpland - integer number of land tiles C nSx - number of processors in x-direction C nSy - number of processors in y-direction C bi - processors index in x-direction C bj - processors index in y-direction C igrd - integer array in tile space of grid point number for each C tile [nchp,nSx,nSy] C ityp - integer array in tile space of land surface type for each C tile [nchp,nSx,nSy] C chfr - real array in tile space of land surface type fraction for C each tile [nchp,nSx,nSy] C chlt - real array in tile space of latitude value for each tile C [nchp,nSx,nSy] C C OUTPUT: C albvr - real array [im,jm] of visible direct beam albedo C albvf - real array [im,jm] of visible diffuse beam albedo C albnr - real array [im,jm] of near-ir direct beam albedo C albnf - real array [im,jm] of near-ir diffuse beam albedo C C*********************************************************************** implicit none #include "CPP_EEOPTIONS.h" integer sec,month,day,im,jm,nchp,nchpland,nSx,nSy,bi,bj real cosz(im,jm),fraci(im,jm),fracg(im,jm) _RL snodep(nchp,nSx,nSy),chfr(nchp,nSx,nSy),chlt(nchp,nSx,nSy) integer igrd(nchp,nSx,nSy),ityp(nchp,nSx,nSy) _RL alai(nchp,nSx,nSy),agrn(nchp,nSx,nSy) _RL albvr(im,jm,nSx,nSy),albvf(im,jm,nSx,nSy) _RL albnr(im,jm,nSx,nSy),albnf(im,jm,nSx,nSy) _RL one,a0,a1,a2,a3,ocnalb,albsi PARAMETER (one = 1.) PARAMETER (A0= 0.40670980) PARAMETER (A1=-1.2523634 ) PARAMETER (A2= 1.4224051 ) PARAMETER (A3=-0.55573341) PARAMETER (OCNALB=0.08) PARAMETER (ALBSI=0.7) real alboc(im,jm) real AVISDR(nchp),ANIRDR(nchp),AVISDF(nchp) real ANIRDF(nchp) real zenith(nchp) real tmpij(im,jm) integer i,j DO I=1,IM DO J=1,JM ALBOC(I,J) = A0 + (A1 + (A2 + A3*cosz(I,J))*cosz(I,J))*cosz(I,J) ALBVR(I,J,bi,bj) = ALBSI*FRACI(I,J) + ALBOC(I,J)*(ONE-FRACI(I,J)) ALBNR(I,J,bi,bj) = ALBVR(I,J,bi,bj) ALBVF(I,J,bi,bj) = ALBSI * FRACI(I,J) + OCNALB * (ONE-FRACI(I,J)) ALBNF(I,J,bi,bj) = ALBVF(I,J,bi,bj) ENDDO ENDDO C and now some conversions from grid space to tile space before sibalb call grd2msc(cosz,im,jm,igrd,zenith,nchp,nchpland) C and now call sibalb call sibalb(avisdr,anirdr,avisdf,anirdf,alai(1,bi,bj), . agrn(1,bi,bj),zenith,snodep(1,bi,bj),ityp(1,bi,bj),nchpland) C finally some transformations back to grid space for albedos DO I=1,IM DO J=1,JM tmpij(i,j) = 0. ENDDO ENDDO call msc2grd(igrd(1,bi,bj),chfr(1,bi,bj),avisdr,nchp,nchpland, . fracg,tmpij,im,jm) DO I=1,IM DO J=1,JM albvr(i,j,bi,bj) = tmpij(i,j) ENDDO ENDDO DO I=1,IM DO J=1,JM tmpij(i,j) = 0. ENDDO ENDDO call msc2grd(igrd(1,bi,bj),chfr(1,bi,bj),avisdf,nchp,nchpland, . fracg,tmpij,im,jm) DO I=1,IM DO J=1,JM albvf(i,j,bi,bj) = tmpij(i,j) ENDDO ENDDO DO I=1,IM DO J=1,JM tmpij(i,j) = 0. ENDDO ENDDO call msc2grd(igrd(1,bi,bj),chfr(1,bi,bj),anirdr,nchp,nchpland, . fracg,tmpij,im,jm) DO I=1,IM DO J=1,JM albnr(i,j,bi,bj) = tmpij(i,j) ENDDO ENDDO DO I=1,IM DO J=1,JM tmpij(i,j) = 0. ENDDO ENDDO call msc2grd(igrd(1,bi,bj),chfr(1,bi,bj),anirdf,nchp,nchpland, . fracg,tmpij,im,jm) DO I=1,IM DO J=1,JM albnf(i,j,bi,bj) = tmpij(i,j) ENDDO ENDDO return end subroutine getemiss(fracg,im,jm,nchp,nSx,nSy,bi,bj,igrd,ityp, . chfr,snowdep,fraci,emiss) C*********************************************************************** C PURPOSE C To act as an interface to routine to emissivity, which calculates C ten bands of surface emissivities for use by the longwave radiation C C INPUT: C fracg - real array in grid space of total land fraction [im,jm] C im - model grid longitude dimension C jm - model grid latitude dimension (number of lat. points) C nchp - integer actual number of tiles in tile space C nSx - number of processors in x-direction C nSy - number of processors in y-direction C bi - processors index in x-direction C bj - processors index in y-direction C igrd - integer array in tile space of grid point number for each C tile [nchp] C ityp - integer array in tile space of land surface type for each C tile [nchp] C chfr - real array in tile space of land surface type fraction for C each tile [nchp] C snowdep - real array in tile space of snow depth (liquid water equiv) C in mm [nchp] C fraci - real array in tile space of sea ice fraction [nchp] C C OUTPUT: C emiss - real array [im,jm,10,nSx,nSy] - surface emissivity (frac) C C*********************************************************************** implicit none #include "CPP_EEOPTIONS.h" integer im,jm,nchp,nSx,nSy,bi,bj real fracg(im,jm) _RL chfr(nchp,nSx,nSy) integer igrd(nchp,nSx,nSy), ityp(nchp,nSx,nSy) _RL snowdep(nchp,nSx,nSy) real fraci(nchp) _RL emiss(im,jm,10,nSx,nSy) real emisstile(nchp,10) real tmpij(im,jm) integer i,j,k,n do i = 1,10 do n = 1,nchp emisstile(n,i) = 1. enddo enddo c call emissivity to get values in tile space c ------------------------------------------- call emissivity(snowdep(1,bi,bj),fraci,nchp,ityp(1,bi,bj), . emisstile) c transform back to grid space for emissivities c --------------------------------------------- do k = 1,10 do j = 1,jm do i = 1,im tmpij(i,j) = 0.0 enddo enddo call msc2grd(igrd(1,bi,bj),chfr(1,bi,bj),emisstile(1,k),nchp,nchp, . fracg,tmpij,im,jm) do j = 1,jm do i = 1,im emiss(i,j,k,bi,bj) = tmpij(i,j) enddo enddo enddo return end subroutine emissivity (snowdepth,fraci,numpts,ityp,newemis) implicit none #include "CPP_EEOPTIONS.h" integer numpts integer ityp(numpts) _RL snowdepth(numpts) real fraci(numpts) real newemis(numpts,10) real emis(12,11) real fac integer i,j c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c NOTE: Emissivities were obtained for the following surface types: c ( 1) evergreen needleleaf = conifer c ( 2) evergreen broadleaf = conifer c ( 3) deciduous needleleaf = deciduous c ( 4) deciduous broadleaf = deciduous c ( 5) mixed forests = 1/2 conifer + 1/2 deciduous = tree c ( 6) closed shrublands = 3/4 tree + 1/4 quartz c ( 7) open shrubland = 1/4 tree + 3/4 quartz c ( 8) woody savannas = grass c ( 9) savannas = grass c (10) grasslands = grass c (11) permanent wetlands = 1/2 grass + 1/2 water c (12) croplands = grass c (13) urban = black body c (14) mosaic = 1/2 grass + 1/2 mixed forest c (15) snow/ice c (16) barren/sparsely vegetated = desert(quartz) c (17) water c (18) tundra = frost c c NOTE: Translation to Koster-Suarez surface types was as follows: c ( 1) broadleaf evergreen FROM above type 1 (conifer) c ( 2) broadleaf deciduous FROM above type 2 (deciduous) c ( 3) needleleaf evergreen FROM above type 1 (conifer) c ( 4) groundcover FROM above type 10 (grass) c ( 5) broadleaf shrubs FROM above type 6 (closed shrublands) c ( 6) dwarf trees (tundra) FROM above type 18 (tundra) c ( 7) bare soil FROM above type 16 (desert) c ( 8) light desert FROM above type 16 (desert) c ( 9) glacier FROM above type 15 (snow/ice) c ( 10) dark desert FROM above type 16 (desert) c (100) ocean FROM above type 17 (water) c c NOTE: snow-covered ground uses interpolated emissivities based on snow depth c ============================================================================= c ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- c Emmissivities for 12 bands in Fu/Liou c band 1: 4.5 - 5.3 um c band 2: 5.3 - 5.9 um c band 3: 5.9 - 7.1 um c band 4: 7.1 - 8.0 um c band 5: 8.0 - 9.1 um c band 6: 9.1 - 10.2 um c band 7: 10.2 - 12.5 um c band 8: 12.5 - 14.9 um c band 9: 14.9 - 18.5 um c band 10: 18.5 - 25.0 um c band 11: 25.0 - 35.7 um c band 12: 35.7 - oo um c c------------------------------------------------------------------------- data ((emis(i,j),i=1,12),j=1,11) / C evergreen needleleaf & 0.9891, 0.9892, 0.9900, 0.9914, 0.9908, 0.9903, & 0.9898, 0.9948, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, C deciduous needleleaf & 0.9849, 0.9856, 0.9841, 0.9831, 0.9789, 0.9805, & 0.9733, 0.9869, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, C evergreen needleleaf & 0.9891, 0.9892, 0.9900, 0.9914, 0.9908, 0.9903, & 0.9898, 0.9948, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, C grasslands & 0.9867, 0.9897, 0.9920, 0.9933, 0.9830, 0.9752, & 0.9853, 0.9928, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, C closed shrublands & 0.9490, 0.9697, 0.9738, 0.9712, 0.9474, 0.9582, & 0.9663, 0.9747, 0.9836, 0.9836, 0.9836, 0.9836, C tundra & 0.9469, 0.9670, 0.9883, 0.9795, 0.9751, 0.9767, & 0.9920, 0.9888, 0.9888, 0.9888, 0.9888, 0.9888, C barren & 0.8353, 0.9163, 0.9342, 0.9229, 0.8354, 0.8766, & 0.9210, 0.9262, 0.9345, 0.9345, 0.9345, 0.9345, C barren & 0.8353, 0.9163, 0.9342, 0.9229, 0.8354, 0.8766, & 0.9210, 0.9262, 0.9345, 0.9345, 0.9345, 0.9345, C snow/ice & 0.9998, 0.9998, 0.9998, 0.9998, 0.9998, 0.9999, & 0.9997, 0.9994, 0.9995, 0.9995, 0.9995, 0.9995, C barren & 0.8353, 0.9163, 0.9342, 0.9229, 0.8354, 0.8766, & 0.9210, 0.9262, 0.9345, 0.9345, 0.9345, 0.9345, C water & 0.9788, 0.9833, 0.9819, 0.9820, 0.9835, 0.9865, & 0.9886, 0.9719, 0.9719, 0.9719, 0.9719, 0.9719/ #include "snwmid.h" c Convert to the 10 bands needed by Chou Radiation c ------------------------------------------------ do i=1,numpts c land points c------------ if(ityp(i).le.10)then newemis(i, 1) = (emis( 1,ityp(i))+emis(2,ityp(i)))/2. newemis(i, 2) = (emis( 2,ityp(i))+emis(3,ityp(i)))/2. newemis(i, 3) = (emis( 4,ityp(i))+emis(5,ityp(i)))/2. newemis(i, 4) = emis( 6,ityp(i)) newemis(i, 5) = emis( 7,ityp(i)) newemis(i, 6) = emis( 8,ityp(i)) newemis(i, 7) = emis( 9,ityp(i)) newemis(i, 8) = (emis(10,ityp(i))+emis(11,ityp(i)))/2. newemis(i, 9) = emis(12,ityp(i)) newemis(i,10) = emis( 4,ityp(i)) c modify emissivity for snow based on snow depth (like albedo) c------------------------------------------------------------- if(snowdepth (i).gt.0.) then fac = snowdepth(i) / (snowdepth(i) + snwmid(ityp(i))) newemis(i, 1) = newemis(i, 1) + (((emis( 1,9)+emis( 2,9))/2.) . - newemis(i, 1)) * fac newemis(i, 2) = newemis(i, 2) + (((emis( 2,9)+emis( 3,9))/2.) . - newemis(i, 2)) * fac newemis(i, 3) = newemis(i, 3) + (((emis( 4,9)+emis( 5,9))/2.) . - newemis(i, 3)) * fac newemis(i, 4) = newemis(i, 4) + (emis( 6,9) . - newemis(i, 4)) * fac newemis(i, 5) = newemis(i, 5) + (emis( 7,9) . - newemis(i, 5)) * fac newemis(i, 6) = newemis(i, 6) + (emis( 8,9) . - newemis(i, 6)) * fac newemis(i, 7) = newemis(i, 7) + (emis( 9,9) . - newemis(i, 7)) * fac newemis(i, 8) = newemis(i, 8) + (((emis(10,9)+emis(11,9))/2.) . - newemis(i, 8)) * fac newemis(i, 9) = newemis(i, 9) + (emis(12,9) . - newemis(i, 9)) * fac newemis(i,10) = newemis(i,10) + (emis( 4,9) . - newemis(i,10)) * fac endif c open water c----------- else if(fraci(i).eq.0.)then newemis(i, 1) = (emis( 1,11)+emis(2,11))/2. newemis(i, 2) = (emis( 2,11)+emis(3,11))/2. newemis(i, 3) = (emis( 4,11)+emis(5,11))/2. newemis(i, 4) = emis( 6,11) newemis(i, 5) = emis( 7,11) newemis(i, 6) = emis( 8,11) newemis(i, 7) = emis( 9,11) newemis(i, 8) = (emis(10,11)+emis(11,11))/2. newemis(i, 9) = emis(12,11) newemis(i,10) = emis( 4,11) c sea ice (like glacier and snow) c-------------------------------- else newemis(i, 1) = (emis( 1,9)+emis(2,9))/2. newemis(i, 2) = (emis( 2,9)+emis(3,9))/2. newemis(i, 3) = (emis( 4,9)+emis(5,9))/2. newemis(i, 4) = emis( 6,9) newemis(i, 5) = emis( 7,9) newemis(i, 6) = emis( 8,9) newemis(i, 7) = emis( 9,9) newemis(i, 8) = (emis(10,9)+emis(11,9))/2. newemis(i, 9) = emis(12,9) newemis(i,10) = emis( 4,9) endif endif enddo return end subroutine get_landfrac(im,jm,nSx,nSy,bi,bj,maxtyp,surftype, . tilefrac,frac) C*********************************************************************** C Purpose C To compute the total fraction of land within a model grid-box C C*********************************************************************** implicit none #include "CPP_EEOPTIONS.h" integer im,jm,nSx,nSy,bi,bj,maxtyp integer surftype(im,jm,maxtyp,nSx,nSy) _RL tilefrac(im,jm,maxtyp,nSx,nSy) real frac(im,jm) integer i,j,k do j=1,jm do i=1,im frac(i,j) = 0.0 enddo enddo do k=1,maxtyp do j=1,jm do i=1,im if( (surftype(i,j,k,bi,bj).lt.100.).and. . (tilefrac(i,j,k,bi,bj).gt.0.0))then frac(i,j) = frac(i,j) + tilefrac(i,j,k,bi,bj) endif enddo enddo enddo return end