C $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/pkg/fizhi/step_fizhi_fg.F,v 1.9 2004/08/04 22:57:35 molod Exp $ C $Name: $ #include "FIZHI_OPTIONS.h" subroutine step_fizhi_fg (myTime, myIter, myThid, dt) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Subroutine step_fizhi_fg - 'Wrapper' routine to advance c the physics state and make a 'first guess' at the new c value. At this point, increment with the physics c tendency only. c Also: Set up "bi, bj loop" and some timers and clocks here. c Call: step_physics c----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none #include "SIZE.h" #include "fizhi_SIZE.h" #include "fizhi_land_SIZE.h" #include "fizhi_coms.h" #include "gridalt_mapping.h" #include "EEPARAMS.h" #include "DYNVARS.h" #include "GRID.h" integer myTime, myIter, myThid integer bi, bj integer im1, im2, jm1, jm2, idim1, idim2, jdim1, jdim2 _RL dt _RL tempij(sNx,sNy) integer i,j,L _RL psurf(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy) idim1 = 1-OLx idim2 = sNx+OLx jdim1 = 1-OLy jdim2 = sNy+OLy im1 = 1 im2 = sNx jm1 = 1 jm2 = sNy do bj = myByLo(myThid), myByHi(myThid) do bi = myBxLo(myThid), myBxHi(myThid) c Step forward the physics state using physics tendencies call step_physics(uphy,vphy,thphy,sphy,dt,idim1,idim2, . jdim1,jdim2, . Nrphys,Nsx,Nsy,1,sNx,1,sNy,bi,bj,duphy,dvphy,dthphy,dsphy) if(1.eq.1 )then print *,' In step fizhi fg, new fizhi fields ',bi,' dt= ',dt do L = 1,Nrphys do j = jm1,jm2 do i = im1,im2 tempij(i,j) = uphy(i,j,L,bi,bj) enddo enddo c print *,' uphy at level ',l,' ',tempij enddo do L = 1,Nrphys do j = jm1,jm2 do i = im1,im2 tempij(i,j) = vphy(i,j,L,bi,bj) enddo enddo c print *,' vphy at level ',l,' ',tempij enddo do L = 1,Nrphys do j = jm1,jm2 do i = im1,im2 tempij(i,j) = thphy(i,j,L,bi,bj) enddo enddo print *,' thphy at level ',l,' ',tempij enddo do L = 1,Nrphys do j = jm1,jm2 do i = im1,im2 tempij(i,j) = sphy(i,j,L,bi,bj) enddo enddo c print *,' sphy at level ',l,' ',tempij enddo endif do j = jm1,jm2 do i = im1,im2 psurf(i,j)=Ro_surf(i,j,bi,bj) + etaH(i,j,bi,bj) enddo enddo call qcheck (idim1,idim2,jdim1,jdim2,Nrphys,im1,im2,jm1,jm2, . dpphys(1,1,1,bi,bj),psurf,sphy(1,1,1,bi,bj)) enddo enddo return end