C $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/pkg/fizhi/fizhi_mnc_init.F,v 1.2 2004/07/13 23:44:43 molod Exp $ C $Name: $ #include "FIZHI_OPTIONS.h" C---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7-|--+----| CBOP 0 C !ROUTINE: FIZHI_MNC_INIT C !INTERFACE: SUBROUTINE FIZHI_MNC_INIT( I sNx,sNy, OLx,OLy, nSx,nSy, nPx,nPy, NrPhys, I myThid ) C !DESCRIPTION: C Create the pre-defined grid types and variable types. C The grid type is a character string that encodes the presence and C types associated with the four possible dimensions. The character C string follows the format C \begin{center} C \texttt{H0\_H1\_H2\_\_V\_\_T} C \end{center} C where the terms \textit{H0}, \textit{H1}, \textit{H2}, \textit{V}, C \textit{T} can be almost any combination of the following: C \begin{center} C \begin{tabular}[h]{|ccc|c|c|}\hline C \multicolumn{3}{|c|}{Horizontal} & Vertical & Time \\ C \textit{H0}: location & \textit{H1}: dimensions & \textit{H2}: halo C & \textit{V}: location & \textit{T}: level \\\hline C \texttt{-} & xy & Hn & \texttt{-} & \texttt{-} \\ C U & x & Hy & i & t \\ C V & y & & c & \\ C Cen & & & & \\ C Cor & & & & \\\hline C \end{tabular} C \end{center} implicit none C !INPUT PARAMETERS: integer myThid integer sNx,sNy, OLx,OLy, nSx,nSy, nPx,nPy integer NrPhys C !USES: #ifdef ALLOW_MNC #include "mnc_common.h" #endif /* ALLOW_MNC */ #include "EEPARAMS.h" CEOP #ifdef ALLOW_MNC C !LOCAL VARIABLES: integer CW_MAX_LOC parameter ( CW_MAX_LOC = 5 ) integer i, ihorz,ihsub,ivert,itime,ihalo, is,ih, n,ntot integer ndim, ncomb, nvch character*(MNC_MAX_CHAR) name character*(MNC_MAX_CHAR) dn(CW_MAX_LOC) character*(5) horz_dat(CW_MAX_LOC), hsub_dat(CW_MAX_LOC), & vert_dat(CW_MAX_LOC), time_dat(CW_MAX_LOC), & halo_dat(CW_MAX_LOC) integer dim(CW_MAX_LOC), ib(CW_MAX_LOC), ie(CW_MAX_LOC) C Functions integer ILNBLNK external ILNBLNK C ......12345....12345....12345....12345....12345... data horz_dat / & '- ', 'U ', 'V ', 'Cen ', 'Cor ' / data hsub_dat / & 'xy ', 'x ', 'y ', '- ', ' ' / data halo_dat / & 'Hn ', 'Hy ', '-- ', ' ', ' ' / data vert_dat / & 'Zph ', 'Zphi ', ' ', ' ', ' ' / data time_dat / & '- ', 't ', ' ', ' ', ' ' / ncomb = 0 DO ihorz = 1,5 DO is = 1,3 DO ih = 1,2 C Loop just ONCE if the Horiz component is "-" ihsub = is ihalo = ih IF (ihorz .EQ. 1) THEN IF ((is .EQ. 1) .AND. (ih .EQ. 1)) THEN ihsub = 4 ihalo = 3 ELSE GOTO 10 ENDIF ENDIF DO ivert = 1,5 DO itime = 1,2 C horiz and hsub name(1:MNC_MAX_CHAR) = mnc_blank_name(1:MNC_MAX_CHAR) n = ILNBLNK(horz_dat(ihorz)) name(1:n) = horz_dat(ihorz)(1:n) ntot = n + 1 name(ntot:ntot) = '_' n = ILNBLNK(hsub_dat(ihsub)) name((ntot+1):(ntot+n)) = hsub_dat(ihsub)(1:n) ntot = ntot + n C halo, vert, and time write(name((ntot+1):(ntot+5)), '(a1,2a2)') & '_', halo_dat(ihalo)(1:2), '__' nvch = ILNBLNK(vert_dat(ivert)) n = ntot+6+nvch-1 name((ntot+6):(n)) = vert_dat(ivert)(1:nvch) write(name((n+1):(n+3)), '(a2,a1)') & '__', time_dat(itime)(1:1) ndim = 0 DO i = 1,CW_MAX_LOC dn(i)(1:MNC_MAX_CHAR)=mnc_blank_name(1:MNC_MAX_CHAR) dim(i) = 0 ib(i) = 0 ie(i) = 0 ENDDO C Horizontal dimensions IF (halo_dat(ihalo)(1:5) .EQ. 'Hn ') THEN IF (hsub_dat(ihsub)(1:1) .EQ. 'x') THEN ndim = ndim + 1 IF ( (horz_dat(ihorz)(1:3) .EQ. 'Cen') & .OR. (horz_dat(ihorz)(1:1) .EQ. 'V') ) THEN dn(ndim)(1:1) = 'X' dim(ndim) = sNx + 2*OLx ib(ndim) = OLx + 1 ie(ndim) = OLx + sNx ENDIF IF ( (horz_dat(ihorz)(1:3) .EQ. 'Cor') & .OR. (horz_dat(ihorz)(1:1) .EQ. 'U') ) THEN dn(ndim)(1:3) = 'Xp1' dim(ndim) = sNx + 2*OLx ib(ndim) = OLx + 1 ie(ndim) = OLx + sNx + 1 ENDIF ENDIF IF ((hsub_dat(ihsub)(1:1) .EQ. 'y') & .OR. (hsub_dat(ihsub)(2:2) .EQ. 'y')) THEN ndim = ndim + 1 IF ( (horz_dat(ihorz)(1:3) .EQ. 'Cen') & .OR. (horz_dat(ihorz)(1:1) .EQ. 'U') ) THEN dn(ndim)(1:1) = 'Y' dim(ndim) = sNy + 2*OLy ib(ndim) = OLy + 1 ie(ndim) = OLy + sNy ENDIF IF ( (horz_dat(ihorz)(1:3) .EQ. 'Cor') & .OR. (horz_dat(ihorz)(1:1) .EQ. 'V') ) THEN dn(ndim)(1:3) = 'Yp1' dim(ndim) = sNy + 2*OLy ib(ndim) = OLy + 1 ie(ndim) = OLy + sNy + 1 ENDIF ENDIF ELSEIF (halo_dat(ihalo)(1:5) .EQ. 'Hy ') THEN IF (hsub_dat(ihsub)(1:1) .EQ. 'x') THEN ndim = ndim + 1 dn(ndim)(1:3) = 'Xwh' dim(ndim) = sNx + 2*OLx ib(ndim) = 1 ie(ndim) = sNx + 2*OLx ENDIF IF ((hsub_dat(ihsub)(1:1) .EQ. 'y') & .OR. (hsub_dat(ihsub)(2:2) .EQ. 'y')) THEN ndim = ndim + 1 dn(ndim)(1:3) = 'Ywh' dim(ndim) = sNy + 2*OLy ib(ndim) = 1 ie(ndim) = sNy + 2*OLy ENDIF ENDIF C Vertical dimension IF (vert_dat(ivert)(1:5) .EQ. 'Phys ') THEN ndim = ndim + 1 dn(ndim)(1:5) = 'Zphys' dim(ndim) = NrPhys ib(ndim) = 1 ie(ndim) = NrPhys ENDIF IF (vert_dat(ivert)(1:5) .EQ. 'PhysI') THEN ndim = ndim + 1 dn(ndim)(1:7) = 'Zphysm1' dim(ndim) = NrPhys - 1 ib(ndim) = 1 ie(ndim) = NrPhys - 1 ENDIF C Time dimension IF ( (time_dat(itime)(1:1) .EQ. 't') & .and. (ndim .ne. 0) ) THEN ndim = ndim + 1 dn(ndim)(1:1) = 'T' dim(ndim) = -1 ib(ndim) = 1 ie(ndim) = 1 ENDIF IF (ndim .GT. 0) THEN CALL MNC_CW_ADD_GNAME(name, ndim, & dim, dn, ib, ie, myThid) ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO 10 CONTINUE ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO #endif /* ALLOW_MNC */ RETURN END C---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7-|--+----|