C $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/pkg/fizhi/fizhi_init_chem.F,v 1.1 2004/06/07 20:26:43 molod Exp $ C $Name: $ subroutine fizhi_init_chem(mythid,nozlats,nozlevs,ozlats,ozlevs, . ozone,nwatlats,nwatlevs,watlats,watlevs,water, . Nrphys,pressure,n20,methane,co2,cfc11,cfc12,cfc22) C*********************************************************************** C Subroutine fizhi_init_chem - routine to read in the ozone and upper C atmosphere water vapor, and set the methane, n2o and cfc values C C INPUT: C C mythid - thread number (processor number) C C OUTPUT: C C chfr - real array in tile space of land surface type fraction for C each tile [nchp,Nsx,Nsy] C C*********************************************************************** implicit none integer mythid,nozlevs,nozlats,nwatlevs,nwatlats,Nrphys _RL oz(nozlats,nozlevs), water(nwatlats,nwatlevs) _RL ozlats(nozlats), ozlevs(nozlevs) _RL watlats(nwatlats), watlevs(nwatlevs) _RL pressure(Nrphys),methane(Nrphys),n2o(Nrphys) _RL co2,cfc11,cfc12,cfc22 real getcon call read_qz (kqz,water,watlats,watlevs,nwatlats,nwatlevs,12) call read_oz (koz,o3,ozlats,ozlevs,nozlats,nozlevs,12) call get_methane_n2o (pressure,Nrphys,n2o,methane) co2 = getcon('CO2' )*1.e-6 cfc11 = getcon('CFC11')*1.e-9 cfc12 = getcon('CFC12')*1.e-9 cfc22 = getcon('CFC22')*1.e-9 RETURN END subroutine read_qz (ku,qz,lats,levs,nlat,nlev,ntime) C*********************************************************************** C PURPOSE C To Read Stratospheric Moisture Data C C ARGUMENTS DESCRIPTION C ku ...... Unit to Read Moisture Data C qz ...... Stratospheric Moisture Data C lats .... Stratospheric Moisture Data Latitudes (degrees) C levs .... Stratospheric Moisture Data Levels (mb) C nlat .... Number of ozone latitudes C nlev .... Number of ozone levels C ntime ... Number of ozone time values C C*********************************************************************** implicit none integer ku,nlat,nlev,ntime _RL qz(nlat,nlev,ntime) real lats(nlat) real levs(nlev) integer time integer lat integer lev real voltomas parameter ( voltomas = 0.622e-6 ) rewind ku c Set Moisture Data Latitudes c --------------------------- do lat = 1,nlat lats(lat) = -85. + (lat-1)*10. enddo c Read Moisture Pressure Levels c ----------------------------- read(ku,1000) (levs(lev),lev=1,nlev) c Read Moisture Amounts by Month and Level c ---------------------------------------- do time=1,ntime read (ku,1001) do lat=1,nlat read(ku,1000) (qz(lat,lev,time),lev=1,nlev) enddo enddo c Convert from Volume Mixing Ratio to Mass Mixing Ratio c ----------------------------------------------------- do time = 1,ntime do lev = 1,nlev do lat = 1,nlat qz(lat,lev,time) = qz(lat,lev,time)*voltomas enddo enddo enddo 1000 format (3(5x,7(2x,f6.1)/)) 1001 format (1x) return end subroutine read_oz (ku,oz,lats,levs,nlat,nlev,ntime) C*********************************************************************** C PURPOSE C To Read Ozone Value C C ARGUMENTS DESCRIPTION C ku ...... Unit to Read Ozone Data C oz ...... Ozone Data C lats .... Ozone Data Latitudes (degrees) C levs .... Ozone Data Levels (mb) C nlat .... Number of ozone latitudes C nlev .... Number of ozone levels C ntime ... Number of ozone time values C C*********************************************************************** implicit none integer ku,nlat,nlev,ntime _RL oz(nlat,nlev,ntime) real*4 o3(nlat) real lats(nlat) real levs(nlev) integer time integer lat integer lev integer nrec real plevs(34) data plevs/ 0.003, 0.005, 0.007, 0.01, 0.015, 0.02, 0.03, 0.05, . 0.07, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, . 3.0, 5.0, 7.0, 10.0, 15.0, 20.0, 30.0, 50.0, 70.0, . 100.0, 150.0, 200.0, 300.0, 500.0, 700.0, 1000.0 / rewind ku c Set Ozone Data Latitudes c ------------------------ do lat = 1,nlat lats(lat) = -90. + (lat-1)*5. enddo c Set Ozone Data Levels c ------------------------ do lev = 1,nlev levs(lev) = plevs(lev) enddo c Read Ozone Amounts by Month and Level c ------------------------------------- close (ku) open (ku, form='unformatted', access='direct', recl=nlat*4) do time=1,ntime do lev=1,nlev nrec = lev+(time-1)*nlev*2 ! Note: 2 quantities in Ozone Dataset read(ku,rec=nrec) o3 do lat=1,nlat oz(lat,nlev-lev+1,time) = o3(lat) enddo enddo enddo close (ku) return end subroutine get_methane_n2o (pres,Nrphys,n2o,methane) C*********************************************************************** C PURPOSE C Compute methane and n2o C C ARGUMENTS DESCRIPTION C C*********************************************************************** C* Climatological Annual and Global Mean Height Data * C*********************************************************************** implicit none _RL n2o(Nrphys),methane(Nrphys) integer Nrphys _RL pres(Nrphys) real hght(Nrphys), slope,pr1,pr2,hpr1,hpr2 integer L,L1,L2,lup,ldn real plevc (46), plevz(46) real hghtc (46), hghtz(46) data plevc /1000.00, 975.00, 950.00, 925.00, 900.00, . 875.00, 850.00, 825.00, 800.00, 750.00, . 700.00, 650.00, 600.00, 550.00, 500.00, . 450.00, 400.00, 350.00, 300.00, 250.00, . 200.00, 150.00, 100.00, 70.00, 50.00, . 40.00, 30.00, 20.00, 10.00, 7.00, . 5.00, 4.00, 3.00, 2.00, 1.00, . 0.70, 0.50, 0.40, 0.30, 0.20, . 0.10, 0.07, 0.05, 0.04, 0.03, . 0.02 / data hghtc/ 0.128733 , 0.316985 , 0.528275 , 0.749515 , 0.976471 , . 1.208910 , 1.446800 , 1.690980 , 1.941630 , 2.463530 , . 3.016200 , 3.603490 , 4.229410 , 4.899870 , 5.622320 , . 6.405940 , 7.263450 , 8.211920 , 9.275540 , 10.49150 , . 11.92420 , 13.70200 , 16.12980 , 18.24120 , 20.26480 , . 21.63100 , 23.41250 , 25.96570 , 30.45890 , 32.85240 , . 35.17360 , 36.75040 , 38.82900 , 41.84600 , 47.15580 , . 49.90100 , 52.46230 , 54.13890 , 56.26340 , 59.17640 , . 63.89980 , 66.20240 , 68.29210 , 69.63550 , 71.32330 , . 73.62110 / do L=1,46 plevz(L) = plevc(47-L) hghtz(L) = hghtc(47-L) enddo C ********************************************************************** C Interpolate Heights to Model Pressures **** C ********************************************************************** do L2 = 1,Nrphys do L1 = 1,46 if( plevz(L1).gt.pres(L2) ) then if( L1.eq.1 ) then lup = 1 ldn = 2 else lup = L1-1 ldn = L1 endif goto 10 endif enddo lup = 45 ldn = 46 10 continue pr1 = plevz(lup) pr2 = plevz(ldn) hpr1 = hghtz(lup) hpr2 = hghtz(ldn) slope = ( hpr1-hpr2 )/( pr1-pr2 ) hght(L2) = hpr2 + ( pres(L2)-pr2 )*slope enddo C ********************************************************************** C Set the profiles of N2O and CH4 based on Bresser and Pawson 1996 **** C ********************************************************************** do L = 1,Nrphys if( hght(L).gt.26. ) then n2o(L) = 120.* exp( (26.- hght(L)) / 5.69 ) * 1.e-9 else if( hght(L).gt.16. ) then n2o(L) = 307.* exp( (16.- hght(L)) /10.47 ) * 1.e-9 else n2o(L) = 307.e-9 endif enddo do L = 1,Nrphys if( hght(L).gt.55. ) then methane(L) = 0.2e-6 else if( hght(L).gt.14. ) then methane(L) = 1.7* exp( (14.- hght(L)) /19.16 ) * 1.e-6 else methane(L) = 1.7e-6 endif enddo return end