C $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/pkg/fizhi/fizhi_diagalarms.F,v 1.3 2005/06/02 22:56:52 molod Exp $ C $Name: $ #include "FIZHI_OPTIONS.h" subroutine fizhi_diagalarms (myThid) C*********************************************************************** C Purpose C ------- C Routine to Set Alarms for diagnostic output C C Argument Description C -------------------- C myThid .... Process ID C C NOTE: This routine ASSUMES that fizhi_init_fixed has been called C IT WILL NOT WORK OTHERWISE C*********************************************************************** implicit none #include "SIZE.h" #include "EEPARAMS.h" #include "PARAMS.h" #include "DIAGNOSTICS_SIZE.h" #include "DIAGNOSTICS.h" #include "chronos.h" c Input Parameters c ---------------- integer myThid c Local variables c ------------------- integer nhmsf, n, nincr integer mmdd,hhmmss,nsecf2 character *9 tagname integer nymdb,nhmsb c Set Alarm Clocks c ---------------- c To Set Begin Time for Alarm Clocks: c Increment < 1 month - counting starts at model start time c Increment >= 1 month - counting starts at beginning of start month c ---------------------------------------------------------------------- C- 2D/3D field diagnostics: do n = 1,nlists if(freq(n).lt.100.) then nymdb = nymd nhmsb = nhms else nymdb = int(nymd/100) * 100 + 1 nhmsb = 0 endif write(tagname,'(A,I2.2)')'diagtag',n mmdd = int(freq(n)) hhmmss = int((freq(n) - int(freq(n)))*1.e6) nincr = mmdd * 1.e6 + hhmmss call set_alarm(tagname,nymdb,nhmsb,nincr) enddo C- Global/Regional statistics diagnostics: do n = 1,diagSt_nbLists if(freq(n).lt.100.) then nymdb = nymd nhmsb = nhms else nymdb = int(nymd/100) * 100 + 1 nhmsb = 0 endif write(tagname,'(A,I2.2)')'diagStg',n mmdd = int(diagSt_freq(n)) hhmmss = int((diagSt_freq(n) - int(diagSt_freq(n)))*1.e6) nincr = mmdd * 1.e6 + hhmmss call set_alarm(tagname,nymdb,nhmsb,nincr) enddo return end