C $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/pkg/exf/exf_readparms.F,v 1.13 2003/10/20 06:25:16 dimitri Exp $ C $Name: checkpoint51u_post $ #include "EXF_OPTIONS.h" #ifdef ALLOW_OBCS # include "OBCS_OPTIONS.h" #endif subroutine exf_readparms( mythid ) c ================================================================== c SUBROUTINE exf_readparms c ================================================================== c c o This routine initialises the package that calculates external c forcing fields for a given timestep of the MITgcmUV. Parameters c for this package are set in "data.externalforcing". Some additional c precompiler switches have to be specified in "EXF_OPTIONS.h". c c started: Christian Eckert eckert@mit.edu 30-Jun-1999 c c changed: Christian Eckert eckert@mit.edu 11-Jan-2000 c - Restructured the code in order to create a package c for the MITgcmUV. c Christian Eckert eckert@mit.edu 12-Feb-2000 c - Changed Routine names (package prefix: exf_) c changed: Patrick Heimbach, heimbach@mit.edu 04-May-2000 c - changed the handling of precip and sflux with respect c to CPP options ALLOW_BULKFORMULAE and ALLOW_ATM_TEMP c changed: Ralf.Giering@FastOpt.de 25-Mai-20000 c - moved relaxation and climatology to extra routines c Patrick Heimbach, heimbach@mit.edu 04-May-2000 c - added obcs parameters c changed: Virginie Thierry, vthierry@ucsd.edu 04-June-2001 c - added new obcs parameters (for each boundaries) c included runoff D. Stammer, Nov. 25, 2001 c included pressure forcing. heimbach@mit.edu 05-Nov-2002 c added "repeatPeriod" for cycling of forcing datasets 19-Dec-2002 c mods for pkg/seaice: menemenlis@jpl.nasa.gov 20-Dec-2002 c c ================================================================== c SUBROUTINE exf_readparms c ================================================================== implicit none c == global variables == #include "EEPARAMS.h" #include "SIZE.h" #include "cal.h" #include "exf.h" #include "exf_param.h" #include "exf_constants.h" c == routine arguments == integer mythid c == local variables == integer i integer date_array(4), difftime(4) c == external == integer ilnblnk external ilnblnk c == end of interface == c Surface flux data. namelist /exf_nml/ & repeatPeriod, & hfluxstartdate1, hfluxstartdate2, hfluxperiod, & atempstartdate1, atempstartdate2, atempperiod, & aqhstartdate1, aqhstartdate2, aqhperiod, & sfluxstartdate1, sfluxstartdate2, sfluxperiod, & evapstartdate1, evapstartdate2, evapperiod, & precipstartdate1, precipstartdate2, precipperiod, & runoffstartdate1, runoffstartdate2, runoffperiod, & ustressstartdate1, ustressstartdate2, ustressperiod, & vstressstartdate1, vstressstartdate2, vstressperiod, & uwindstartdate1, uwindstartdate2, uwindperiod, & vwindstartdate1, vwindstartdate2, vwindperiod, & swfluxstartdate1, swfluxstartdate2, swfluxperiod, & lwfluxstartdate1, lwfluxstartdate2, lwfluxperiod, & swdownstartdate1, swdownstartdate2, swdownperiod, & lwdownstartdate1, lwdownstartdate2, lwdownperiod, & obcsNstartdate1, obcsNstartdate2, obcsNperiod, & obcsSstartdate1, obcsSstartdate2, obcsSperiod, & obcsEstartdate1, obcsEstartdate2, obcsEperiod, & obcsWstartdate1, obcsWstartdate2, obcsWperiod, &apressurestartdate1,apressurestartdate2,apressureperiod, & hfluxfile, atempfile, aqhfile, & sfluxfile, precipfile, runofffile, & ustressfile, vstressfile, evapfile, & uwindfile, vwindfile, & swfluxfile, lwfluxfile, apressurefile, & swdownfile, lwdownfile, & exf_iprec, exf_yftype, & exf_inscal_hflux, exf_inscal_sflux, & exf_inscal_ustress, exf_inscal_vstress, & exf_inscal_uwind, exf_inscal_vwind, & exf_inscal_evap, exf_inscal_atemp, exf_inscal_aqh, & exf_inscal_sst, exf_inscal_sss, & exf_inscal_swflux, exf_inscal_lwflux, exf_inscal_precip, & exf_inscal_runoff, exf_inscal_apressure, & exf_inscal_swdown, exf_inscal_lwdown, & exf_outscal_hflux, exf_outscal_ustress, exf_outscal_vstress, & exf_outscal_swflux, exf_outscal_sst,exf_outscal_sss, & exf_outscal_sflux, exf_outscal_apressure, & hfluxconst, & atempconst, & aqhconst, & sfluxconst, & evapconst, & precipconst, & runoffconst, & ustressconst, & vstressconst, & uwindconst, & vwindconst, & swfluxconst, & lwfluxconst, & swdownconst, & lwdownconst, & apressureconst #ifdef USE_EXF_INTERPOLATION & ,ustress_lon0, ustress_lon_inc, ustress_lat0, ustress_lat_inc, & ustress_nlon, ustress_nlat, & vstress_lon0, vstress_lon_inc, vstress_lat0, vstress_lat_inc, & vstress_nlon, vstress_nlat, & hflux_lon0, hflux_lon_inc, hflux_lat0, hflux_lat_inc, & hflux_nlon, hflux_nlat, & sflux_lon0, sflux_lon_inc, sflux_lat0, sflux_lat_inc, & sflux_nlon, sflux_nlat, & swflux_lon0, swflux_lon_inc, swflux_lat0, swflux_lat_inc, & swflux_nlon, swflux_nlat, & runoff_lon0, runoff_lon_inc, runoff_lat0, runoff_lat_inc, & runoff_nlon, runoff_nlat, & atemp_lon0, atemp_lon_inc, atemp_lat0, atemp_lat_inc, & atemp_nlon, atemp_nlat, & aqh_lon0, aqh_lon_inc, aqh_lat0, aqh_lat_inc, & aqh_nlon, aqh_nlat, & evap_lon0, evap_lon_inc, evap_lat0, evap_lat_inc, & evap_nlon, evap_nlat, & precip_lon0, precip_lon_inc, precip_lat0, precip_lat_inc, & precip_nlon, precip_nlat, & uwind_lon0, uwind_lon_inc, uwind_lat0, uwind_lat_inc, & uwind_nlon, uwind_nlat, & vwind_lon0, vwind_lon_inc, vwind_lat0, vwind_lat_inc, & vwind_nlon, vwind_nlat, & lwflux_lon0, lwflux_lon_inc, lwflux_lat0, lwflux_lat_inc, & lwflux_nlon, lwflux_nlat, & swdown_lon0, swdown_lon_inc, swdown_lat0, swdown_lat_inc, & swdown_nlon, swdown_nlat, & lwdown_lon0, lwdown_lon_inc, lwdown_lat0, lwdown_lat_inc, & lwdown_nlon, lwdown_nlat, & apressure_lon0,apressure_lon_inc, & apressure_lat0,apressure_lat_inc, & apressure_nlon,apressure_nlat #endif _BEGIN_MASTER(mythid) c Set default values. c Calendar data. hfluxstartdate1 = 0 hfluxstartdate2 = 0 hfluxperiod = 0.0 _d 0 hfluxconst = 0.0 _d 0 atempstartdate1 = 0 atempstartdate2 = 0 atempperiod = 0.0 _d 0 atempconst = 0.0 _d 0 aqhstartdate1 = 0 aqhstartdate2 = 0 aqhperiod = 0.0 _d 0 aqhconst = 0.0 _d 0 sfluxstartdate1 = 0 sfluxstartdate2 = 0 sfluxperiod = 0.0 _d 0 sfluxconst = 0.0 _d 0 evapstartdate1 = 0 evapstartdate2 = 0 evapperiod = 0.0 _d 0 evapconst = 0.0 _d 0 precipstartdate1 = 0 precipstartdate2 = 0 precipperiod = 0.0 _d 0 precipconst = 0.0 _d 0 runoffstartdate1 = 0 runoffstartdate2 = 0 runoffperiod = 0.0 _d 0 runoffconst = 0.0 _d 0 ustressstartdate1 = 0 ustressstartdate2 = 0 ustressperiod = 0.0 _d 0 ustressconst = 0.0 _d 0 vstressstartdate1 = 0 vstressstartdate2 = 0 vstressperiod = 0.0 _d 0 vstressconst = 0.0 _d 0 uwindstartdate1 = 0 uwindstartdate2 = 0 uwindperiod = 0.0 _d 0 uwindconst = 0.0 _d 0 vwindstartdate1 = 0 vwindstartdate2 = 0 vwindperiod = 0.0 _d 0 vwindconst = 0.0 _d 0 swfluxstartdate1 = 0 swfluxstartdate2 = 0 swfluxperiod = 0.0 _d 0 swfluxconst = 0.0 _d 0 lwfluxstartdate1 = 0 lwfluxstartdate2 = 0 lwfluxperiod = 0.0 _d 0 lwfluxconst = 0.0 _d 0 swdownstartdate1 = 0 swdownstartdate2 = 0 swdownperiod = 0.0 _d 0 swdownconst = 0.0 _d 0 lwdownstartdate1 = 0 lwdownstartdate2 = 0 lwdownperiod = 0.0 _d 0 lwdownconst = 0.0 _d 0 obcsNstartdate1 = 0 obcsNstartdate2 = 0 obcsNperiod = 0.0 _d 0 obcsSstartdate1 = 0 obcsSstartdate2 = 0 obcsSperiod = 0.0 _d 0 obcsEstartdate1 = 0 obcsEstartdate2 = 0 obcsEperiod = 0.0 _d 0 obcsWstartdate1 = 0 obcsWstartdate2 = 0 obcsWperiod = 0.0 _d 0 apressurestartdate1 = 0 apressurestartdate2 = 0 apressureperiod = 0.0 _d 0 apressureconst = 0.0 _d 0 repeatPeriod = 0.0 _d 0 c Data files. hfluxfile = ' ' atempfile = ' ' aqhfile = ' ' evapfile = ' ' precipfile = ' ' sfluxfile = ' ' runofffile = ' ' ustressfile = ' ' vstressfile = ' ' uwindfile = ' ' vwindfile = ' ' swfluxfile = ' ' lwfluxfile = ' ' swdownfile = ' ' lwdownfile = ' ' apressurefile = ' ' c Start dates. hfluxstartdate = 0 atempstartdate = 0 aqhstartdate = 0 evapstartdate = 0 precipstartdate = 0 sfluxstartdate = 0 runoffstartdate = 0 ustressstartdate = 0 vstressstartdate = 0 uwindstartdate = 0 vwindstartdate = 0 swfluxstartdate = 0 lwfluxstartdate = 0 swdownstartdate = 0 lwdownstartdate = 0 obcsNstartdate = 0 obcsSstartdate = 0 obcsEstartdate = 0 obcsWstartdate = 0 apressurestartdate = 0 c Initialise file type and field precision exf_iprec = 32 exf_yftype = 'RL' c Input scaling factors. exf_inscal_hflux = 1. _d 0 exf_inscal_sflux = 1. _d 0 exf_inscal_ustress = 1. _d 0 exf_inscal_vstress = 1. _d 0 exf_inscal_uwind = 1. _d 0 exf_inscal_vwind = 1. _d 0 exf_inscal_swflux = 1. _d 0 exf_inscal_lwflux = 1. _d 0 exf_inscal_precip = 1. _d 0 exf_inscal_sst = 1. _d 0 exf_inscal_sss = 1. _d 0 exf_inscal_atemp = 1. _d 0 exf_inscal_aqh = 1. _d 0 exf_inscal_evap = 1. _d 0 exf_inscal_apressure = 1. _d 0 cds convert runoff from m/yr to m/s and change sign. exf_inscal_runoff = -1.0/(86400.*365.0) exf_inscal_swdown = 1. _d 0 exf_inscal_lwdown = 1. _d 0 c Output scaling factors. exf_outscal_hflux = 1. _d 0 exf_outscal_sflux = 1. _d 0 exf_outscal_ustress = 1. _d 0 exf_outscal_vstress = 1. _d 0 exf_outscal_swflux = 1. _d 0 exf_outscal_sst = 1. _d 0 exf_outscal_sss = 1. _d 0 exf_outscal_apressure= 1. _d 0 c Check for the availability of the right calendar version. if ( calendarversion .ne. usescalendarversion ) then print*,' exf_readparms: You are not using the appropriate' print*,' version of the calendar package.' print* print*,' You are using Calendar version: ', calendarversion print*,' Please use Calendar version: ', usescalendarversion stop ' stopped in exf_readparms.' endif c Next, read the forcing data file. call nml_filter( 'data.exf', scrunit1, myThid ) if (scrunit1 .eq. 0) then stop 'exf_readparms: reading namelist failed' end if read( scrunit1, nml = exf_nml ) close( scrunit1 ) c Complete the start date specifications for the forcing c fields to get a complete calendar date array. c check for consistency if (.NOT. & (exf_iprec .EQ. 32 .OR. exf_iprec .EQ. 64) & ) then stop 'stop in exf_readparms: value of exf_iprec not allowed' else if (.NOT. & (exf_yftype .EQ. 'RS' .OR. & exf_yftype .EQ. 'RL') & ) then stop 'stop in exf_readparms: value of exf_yftype not allowed' end if #ifdef ALLOW_ATM_WIND call cal_FullDate ( uwindstartdate1 , uwindstartdate2, & date_array ,mythid ) call cal_TimePassed( modelstartdate,date_array,difftime,mythid ) call cal_ToSeconds ( difftime, uwindstartdate ,mythid ) uwindstartdate = modelstart + uwindstartdate call cal_FullDate ( vwindstartdate1 , vwindstartdate2, & date_array ,mythid ) call cal_TimePassed( modelstartdate,date_array,difftime,mythid ) call cal_ToSeconds ( difftime, vwindstartdate ,mythid ) vwindstartdate = modelstart + vwindstartdate #else call cal_FullDate ( ustressstartdate1 , ustressstartdate2, & date_array ,mythid ) call cal_TimePassed( modelstartdate,date_array,difftime,mythid ) call cal_ToSeconds ( difftime, ustressstartdate ,mythid ) ustressstartdate = modelstart + ustressstartdate call cal_FullDate ( vstressstartdate1 , vstressstartdate2, & date_array ,mythid ) call cal_TimePassed( modelstartdate,date_array,difftime,mythid ) call cal_ToSeconds ( difftime, vstressstartdate ,mythid ) vstressstartdate = modelstart + vstressstartdate #endif #ifdef ALLOW_ATM_TEMP call cal_FullDate ( atempstartdate1 , atempstartdate2, & date_array ,mythid ) call cal_TimePassed( modelstartdate,date_array,difftime,mythid ) call cal_ToSeconds ( difftime, atempstartdate ,mythid ) atempstartdate = modelstart + atempstartdate call cal_FullDate ( aqhstartdate1 , aqhstartdate2, & date_array ,mythid ) call cal_TimePassed( modelstartdate,date_array,difftime,mythid ) call cal_ToSeconds ( difftime, aqhstartdate ,mythid ) aqhstartdate = modelstart + aqhstartdate call cal_FullDate ( lwfluxstartdate1 , lwfluxstartdate2, & date_array ,mythid ) call cal_TimePassed( modelstartdate,date_array,difftime,mythid ) call cal_ToSeconds ( difftime, lwfluxstartdate ,mythid ) lwfluxstartdate = modelstart + lwfluxstartdate call cal_FullDate ( precipstartdate1 , precipstartdate2, & date_array ,mythid ) call cal_TimePassed( modelstartdate,date_array,difftime,mythid ) call cal_ToSeconds ( difftime, precipstartdate ,mythid ) precipstartdate = modelstart + precipstartdate #else call cal_FullDate ( hfluxstartdate1 , hfluxstartdate2, & date_array ,mythid ) call cal_TimePassed( modelstartdate,date_array,difftime,mythid ) call cal_ToSeconds ( difftime, hfluxstartdate ,mythid ) hfluxstartdate = modelstart + hfluxstartdate call cal_FullDate ( sfluxstartdate1 , sfluxstartdate2, & date_array ,mythid ) call cal_TimePassed( modelstartdate,date_array,difftime,mythid ) call cal_ToSeconds ( difftime, sfluxstartdate ,mythid ) sfluxstartdate = modelstart + sfluxstartdate #endif #if defined(ALLOW_ATM_TEMP) || defined(SHORTWAVE_HEATING) call cal_FullDate ( swfluxstartdate1 , swfluxstartdate2, & date_array ,mythid ) call cal_TimePassed( modelstartdate,date_array,difftime,mythid ) call cal_ToSeconds ( difftime, swfluxstartdate ,mythid ) swfluxstartdate = modelstart + swfluxstartdate #endif #ifdef EXF_READ_EVAP call cal_FullDate ( evapstartdate1 , evapstartdate2, & date_array ,mythid ) call cal_TimePassed( modelstartdate,date_array,difftime,mythid ) call cal_ToSeconds ( difftime, evapstartdate ,mythid ) evapstartdate = modelstart + evapstartdate #endif #ifdef ALLOW_RUNOFF call cal_FullDate ( runoffstartdate1 , runoffstartdate2, & date_array ,mythid ) call cal_TimePassed( modelstartdate,date_array,difftime,mythid ) call cal_ToSeconds ( difftime, runoffstartdate ,mythid ) runoffstartdate = modelstart + runoffstartdate #endif #ifdef ALLOW_DOWNWARD_RADIATION call cal_FullDate ( swdownstartdate1 , swdownstartdate2, & date_array ,mythid ) call cal_TimePassed( modelstartdate,date_array,difftime,mythid ) call cal_ToSeconds ( difftime, swdownstartdate ,mythid ) swdownstartdate = modelstart + swdownstartdate call cal_FullDate ( lwdownstartdate1 , lwdownstartdate2, & date_array ,mythid ) call cal_TimePassed( modelstartdate,date_array,difftime,mythid ) call cal_ToSeconds ( difftime, lwdownstartdate ,mythid ) lwdownstartdate = modelstart + lwdownstartdate #endif #ifdef ALLOW_OBCS #ifdef ALLOW_OBCS_NORTH call cal_FullDate ( obcsNstartdate1 , obcsNstartdate2, & date_array ,mythid ) call cal_TimePassed( modelstartdate,date_array,difftime,mythid ) call cal_ToSeconds ( difftime, obcsNstartdate ,mythid ) obcsNstartdate = modelstart + obcsNstartdate #endif #ifdef ALLOW_OBCS_SOUTH call cal_FullDate ( obcsSstartdate1 , obcsSstartdate2, & date_array ,mythid ) call cal_TimePassed( modelstartdate,date_array,difftime,mythid ) call cal_ToSeconds ( difftime, obcsSstartdate ,mythid ) obcsSstartdate = modelstart + obcsSstartdate #endif #ifdef ALLOW_OBCS_EAST call cal_FullDate ( obcsEstartdate1 , obcsEstartdate2, & date_array ,mythid ) call cal_TimePassed( modelstartdate,date_array,difftime,mythid ) call cal_ToSeconds ( difftime, obcsEstartdate ,mythid ) obcsEstartdate = modelstart + obcsEstartdate #endif #ifdef ALLOW_OBCS_WEST call cal_FullDate ( obcsWstartdate1 , obcsWstartdate2, & date_array ,mythid ) call cal_TimePassed( modelstartdate,date_array,difftime,mythid ) call cal_ToSeconds ( difftime, obcsWstartdate ,mythid ) obcsWstartdate = modelstart + obcsWstartdate #endif #endif /* ALLOW_OBCS */ #ifdef ATMOSPHERIC_LOADING call cal_FullDate ( apressurestartdate1, apressurestartdate2, & date_array ,mythid ) call cal_TimePassed( modelstartdate,date_array,difftime,mythid ) call cal_ToSeconds ( difftime, apressurestartdate ,mythid ) apressurestartdate = modelstart + apressurestartdate #endif _END_MASTER( mythid ) _BARRIER c-- Summarize the External forcing's setup. call exf_summary( mythid ) c-- set climatology parameters call exf_clim_readparms( mythid ) c-- summarize climatologic forcing configuration call exf_clim_summary( mythid ) end