# $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/pkg/exf/Attic/data.exf,v 1.3 2003/02/18 05:33:54 dimitri Exp $ # # ********************* # External Forcing Data # ********************* &EXF_NML hfluxstartdate1 = 19920601, hfluxstartdate2 = 60000, hfluxperiod = 86400.0, # sfluxstartdate1 = 19920601, sfluxstartdate2 = 60000, sfluxperiod = 86400.0, # ustressstartdate1 = 19920601, ustressstartdate2 = 30000, ustressperiod = 43200.0, # vstressstartdate1 = 19920601, vstressstartdate2 = 30000, vstressperiod = 43200.0, # atempstartdate1 = 19920601, atempstartdate2 = 60000, atempperiod = 86400.0, # aqhstartdate1 = 19920601, aqhstartdate2 = 60000, aqhperiod = 86400.0, # evapstartdate1 = 19920601, evapstartdate2 = 60000, evapperiod = 86400.0, # precipstartdate1 = 19920601, precipstartdate2 = 60000, precipperiod = 86400.0, # uwindstartdate1 = 19920601, uwindstartdate2 = 30000, uwindperiod = 43200.0, # vwindstartdate1 = 19920601, vwindstartdate2 = 30000, vwindperiod = 43200.0, # swfluxstartdate1 = 19920601, swfluxstartdate2 = 60000, swfluxperiod = 86400.0, # lwfluxstartdate1 = 19920601, lwfluxstartdate2 = 60000, lwfluxperiod = 86400.0, # hfluxfile = 'PH_c_totflsfc_020_016_23', sfluxfile = 'PH_pratesfc_020_016_23', ustressfile = 'PH_ustress_020_016_23', vstressfile = 'PH_vstress_020_016_23', atempfile = 'PH_atm_atemp_020_016_23', aqhfile = 'PH_atm_humid_020_016_23', uwindfile = 'PH_atm_uwind_020_016_23', vwindfile = 'PH_atm_vwind_020_016_23', evapfile = ' ', precipfile = 'PH_pratesfc_020_016_23', lwfluxfile = 'PH_lwflsfc_020_016_23', swfluxfile = 'PH_swflsfc_020_016_23', runoffFile = ' ' # exf_iprec = 32, exf_yftype = 'RL', # # input scaling factors exf_inscalhfl = 1. _d 0 exf_inscalust = 1. _d 0 exf_inscalvst = 1. _d 0 exf_inscalswf = 1. _d 0 exf_inscalsst = 1. _d 0 exf_inscalsss = 1. _d 0 exf_inscalapressure = 1. _d 0 exf_inscalsfl = 1. _d 0 # convert runoff from m/yr to m/s and change sign. exf_inscalrunoff = -1.0/(86400.*365.0) # output scaling factors exf_outscalhfl = 1. _d 0 exf_outscalust = 1. _d 0 exf_outscalvst = 1. _d 0 exf_outscalswf = 1. _d 0 exf_outscalsst = 1. _d 0 exf_outscalsss = 1. _d 0 exf_outscalapressure= 1. _d 0 exf_outscalsfl = 1. _d 0 exf_outscalrunoff = 1. _d 0 &