C $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/pkg/exch2/w2_set_tile2tiles.F,v 1.2 2009/06/19 03:01:24 jmc Exp $ C $Name: $ #include "CPP_EEOPTIONS.h" #include "W2_OPTIONS.h" C---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7-|--+----| CBOP 0 C !ROUTINE: W2_SET_TILE2TILES C !INTERFACE: SUBROUTINE W2_SET_TILE2TILES( myThid ) C !DESCRIPTION: C Set-up tile neighbours and index relations for EXCH2. C !USES: IMPLICIT NONE C Tile toplogy settings data structures #include "SIZE.h" #include "EEPARAMS.h" #include "W2_EXCH2_SIZE.h" #include "W2_EXCH2_PARAMS.h" #include "W2_EXCH2_TOPOLOGY.h" C !INPUT PARAMETERS: C myThid :: my Thread Id number C (Note: not relevant since threading has not yet started) INTEGER myThid C !LOCAL VARIABLES: C === Local variables === C msgBuf :: Informational/error meesage buffer C tile_edge2edge(nId,tId) :: Tile edge to edge connection (of tile "tId" C and neighbour "nId"): C 1rst digit gives local tile Edge (10,20,30,40 <==> N,S,E,W) C 2nd digit gives remote tile Edge (1,2,3,4 <==> N,S,E,W) C corresponding to this neighbour connection. INTEGER tile_edge2edge( W2_maxNeighbours, W2_maxNbTiles ) CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_MBUF) msgBuf INTEGER tNx, tNy, nbTx, nbNeighb INTEGER i, k, ii, nn INTEGER is, js, ns, it, jt, nt, tx, ty INTEGER iLo, iHi, jLo, jHi INTEGER ii1, ii2, jj1, jj2, ddi, ddj INTEGER ibnd1, ibnd2, jbnd1, jbnd2 INTEGER itbd1, itbd2, jtbd1, jtbd2 INTEGER isbd1, isbd2, jsbd1, jsbd2 INTEGER txbnd1, txbnd2, tybnd1, tybnd2 INTEGER errCnt LOGICAL internConnect, prtFlag CEOP WRITE(msgBuf,'(2A)') 'W2_SET_TILE2TILES:', & ' tile neighbours and index connection:' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE( msgBuf, W2_oUnit, SQUEEZE_RIGHT, myThid ) prtFlag = ABS(W2_printMsg).GE.2 & .OR. ( W2_printMsg .NE.0 .AND. myProcId.EQ.0 ) C-- Initialise local arrays DO is=1,W2_maxNbTiles DO ns=1,W2_maxNeighbours tile_edge2edge(ns,is) = 0 ENDDO ENDDO tNx = sNx tNy = sNy DO is=1,nTiles js = exch2_myFace(is) C test "myFace" for blank tile; no need for connection if tile is blank IF ( js.NE.0 ) THEN js = exch2_myFace(is) iLo = exch2_tBasex(is)+1 iHi = exch2_tBasex(is)+exch2_tNx(is) jLo = exch2_tBasey(is)+1 jHi = exch2_tBasey(is)+exch2_tNy(is) nbNeighb = 0 DO i=1,4 ii1 = iLo ii2 = iHi jj1 = jLo jj2 = jHi IF ( i.EQ.1 ) THEN C-- Northern Edge: [iLo:iHi,jHi] jj1 = jHi+1 jj2 = jHi+1 internConnect = jHi.LT.exch2_mydNy(is) IF ( .NOT.internConnect ) exch2_isNedge(is) = 1 ELSEIF ( i.EQ.2 ) THEN C-- Southern Edge: [iLo:iHi,jLo] jj1 = jLo-1 jj2 = jLo-1 internConnect = jLo.GT.1 IF ( .NOT.internConnect ) exch2_isSedge(is) = 1 ELSEIF ( i.EQ.3 ) THEN C-- Eastern Edge: [iHi,jLo:jHi] ii1 = iHi+1 ii2 = iHi+1 internConnect = iHi.LT.exch2_mydNx(is) IF ( .NOT.internConnect ) exch2_isEedge(is) = 1 ELSE C-- Western Edge: [iLo,jLo:jHi] ii1 = iLo-1 ii2 = iLo-1 internConnect = iLo.GT.1 IF ( .NOT.internConnect ) exch2_isWedge(is) = 1 ENDIF ddi = MIN( ii2-ii1, 1) ddj = MIN( jj2-jj1, 1) IF ( internConnect ) THEN C--- Internal (from the same facet) C- N(i=1) -> S(ii=2); S(i=2) -> N(ii=1); E(i=3) -> W(ii=4); W(i=4) -> E(ii=3) C- get tile neighbour Id "it": nbTx = facet_dims(2*js-1)/tNx ii = 1 + MOD(i,2) it = 2*ii - 3 IF ( i.LE.2 ) THEN it = is + it*nbTx ELSE it = is + it ii = ii + 2 ENDIF IF ( exch2_myFace(it).NE.0 ) THEN nbNeighb = nbNeighb + 1 ns = MIN(nbNeighb,W2_maxNeighbours) exch2_neighbourId(ns,is) = it tile_edge2edge(ns,is) = 10*i + ii exch2_pij(1,ns,is) = 1 exch2_pij(2,ns,is) = 0 exch2_pij(3,ns,is) = 0 exch2_pij(4,ns,is) = 1 exch2_oi(ns,is) = 0 exch2_oj(ns,is) = 0 exch2_iLo(ns,is) = ii1 - ddi - exch2_tBasex(is) exch2_iHi(ns,is) = ii2 + ddi - exch2_tBasex(is) exch2_jLo(ns,is) = jj1 - ddj - exch2_tBasey(is) exch2_jHi(ns,is) = jj2 + ddj - exch2_tBasey(is) ENDIF ELSE C--- External (from an other facet) jt = INT(facet_link(i,js)) ii = MOD( NINT(facet_link(i,js)*10.), 10 ) IF ( jt.GT.0 ) THEN C-- needs to find list of tiles in target facet "jt" which connect to "is" C- index range on target facet: ibnd1 = facet_pij(1,ii,jt)*ii1 & + facet_pij(2,ii,jt)*jj1 + facet_oi(ii,jt) ibnd2 = facet_pij(1,ii,jt)*ii2 & + facet_pij(2,ii,jt)*jj2 + facet_oi(ii,jt) jbnd1 = facet_pij(3,ii,jt)*ii1 & + facet_pij(4,ii,jt)*jj1 + facet_oj(ii,jt) jbnd2 = facet_pij(3,ii,jt)*ii2 & + facet_pij(4,ii,jt)*jj2 + facet_oj(ii,jt) C- at least 1 index bnd is common (either ibnd1=ibnd2 or jbnd1=jbnd2) IF ( ibnd1.LE.ibnd2 ) THEN txbnd1 = ( ibnd1 -1 )/tNx txbnd2 = ( ibnd2 -1 )/tNx ELSE txbnd1 = ( ibnd2 -1 )/tNx txbnd2 = ( ibnd1 -1 )/tNx ENDIF IF ( jbnd1.LE.jbnd2 ) THEN tybnd1 = ( jbnd1 -1 )/tNy tybnd2 = ( jbnd2 -1 )/tNy ELSE tybnd1 = ( jbnd2 -1 )/tNy tybnd2 = ( jbnd1 -1 )/tNy ENDIF nbTx = facet_dims(2*jt-1)/tNx DO ty=tybnd1,tybnd2 DO tx=txbnd1,txbnd2 it = facet_owns(1,jt) + tx + ty*nbTx IF ( exch2_myFace(it).NE.0 ) THEN C- Save to common block this neighbour connection : nbNeighb = nbNeighb + 1 ns = MIN(nbNeighb,W2_maxNeighbours) exch2_neighbourId(ns,is) = it tile_edge2edge(ns,is) = 10*i + ii DO k=1,4 exch2_pij(k,ns,is) = facet_pij(k,i,js) ENDDO exch2_oi(ns,is) = facet_oi(i,js) exch2_oj(ns,is) = facet_oj(i,js) C Edge length to be exchanged between tiles is & it: itbd1 = MIN( MAX( ibnd1, exch2_tBasex(it)+1 ), & exch2_tBasex(it)+tNx ) itbd2 = MIN( MAX( ibnd2, exch2_tBasex(it)+1 ), & exch2_tBasex(it)+tNx ) jtbd1 = MIN( MAX( jbnd1, exch2_tBasey(it)+1 ), & exch2_tBasey(it)+tNy ) jtbd2 = MIN( MAX( jbnd2, exch2_tBasey(it)+1 ), & exch2_tBasey(it)+tNy ) isbd1 = facet_pij(1,i,js)*itbd1 & + facet_pij(2,i,js)*jtbd1 + facet_oi(i,js) isbd2 = facet_pij(1,i,js)*itbd2 & + facet_pij(2,i,js)*jtbd2 + facet_oi(i,js) jsbd1 = facet_pij(3,i,js)*itbd1 & + facet_pij(4,i,js)*jtbd1 + facet_oj(i,js) jsbd2 = facet_pij(3,i,js)*itbd2 & + facet_pij(4,i,js)*jtbd2 + facet_oj(i,js) exch2_iLo(ns,is) = isbd1 - ddi - exch2_tBasex(is) exch2_iHi(ns,is) = isbd2 + ddi - exch2_tBasex(is) exch2_jLo(ns,is) = jsbd1 - ddj - exch2_tBasey(is) exch2_jHi(ns,is) = jsbd2 + ddj - exch2_tBasey(is) C- end active tile "it" ENDIF C- end loops on tile indices tx,ty ENDDO ENDDO C- end active connection (it > 0) ENDIF C- end internal/external Conection ENDIF C- end N,S,E,W Edge loop ENDDO exch2_nNeighbours(is) = nbNeighb IF ( prtFlag ) THEN WRITE(W2_oUnit,'(A,I5,A,I3,A,4(A,I2))') & 'Tile',is,' : nbNeighb=',nbNeighb,' ; is-at-Facet-Edge:', & ' N=', exch2_isNedge(is), ' , S=', exch2_isSedge(is), & ' , E=', exch2_isEedge(is), ' , W=', exch2_isWedge(is) DO ns=1,MIN(nbNeighb,W2_maxNeighbours) WRITE(W2_oUnit,'(A,I3,A,I5,2(A,2I6),A,4I3,A,2I6,A)') & ' ns:',ns,' it=',exch2_neighbourId(ns,is), & ', iLo,iHi=', exch2_iLo(ns,is), exch2_iHi(ns,is), & ', jLo,jHi=', exch2_jLo(ns,is), exch2_jHi(ns,is) c & , ' (pij=',(exch2_pij(k,ns,is),k=1,4), c & ', oi,oj=', exch2_oi(ns,is), exch2_oj(ns,is),')' ENDDO ENDIF C- end active tile "is" ENDIF C- end loop on tile "is" ENDDO C- Check nbNeighb =< W2_maxNeighbours nbNeighb = 0 it = 0 DO is=1,nTiles IF ( exch2_nNeighbours(is).GT.nbNeighb ) THEN nbNeighb = exch2_nNeighbours(is) it = is ENDIF ENDDO WRITE(msgBuf,'(A,I5,A,I3)') & 'current Max.Nb.Neighbours (e.g., on tile',it,' ) =',nbNeighb CALL PRINT_MESSAGE( msgBuf, W2_oUnit, SQUEEZE_RIGHT, myThid ) IF ( nbNeighb.GT.W2_maxNeighbours ) THEN WRITE(msgBuf,'(2(A,I4),A)') & 'W2_SET_TILE2TILES: Max.Nb.Neighbours=', nbNeighb, & ' >', W2_maxNeighbours,' =W2_maxNeighbours' CALL PRINT_ERROR( msgBuf, myThid ) WRITE(msgBuf,'(2A)') 'Must increase "W2_maxNeighbours"', & ' in "W2_EXCH2_SIZE.h" + recompile' CALL PRINT_ERROR( msgBuf, myThid ) STOP 'ABNORMAL END: S/R W2_SET_TILE2TILES (W2_maxNeighbours)' ENDIF C- Set exch2_opposingSend(ns,is) = Neighbour Id (in list of neighbours C of tile exch2_neighbourId(ns,is)) which is connected to tile "is" C neighbour Id "ns" with matching edge <-> edge connection (ii==i). errCnt = 0 DO is=1,nTiles DO ns=1,exch2_nNeighbours(is) i = tile_edge2edge(ns,is)/10 c ii = MOD(tile_edge2edge(ns,is),10) it = exch2_neighbourId(ns,is) DO nt=1,exch2_nNeighbours(it) c i = tile_edge2edge(nt,it)/10 ii = MOD(tile_edge2edge(nt,it),10) IF ( exch2_neighbourId(nt,it).EQ.is .AND. ii.EQ.i ) THEN IF ( exch2_opposingSend(ns,is).EQ.0 ) THEN exch2_opposingSend(ns,is) = nt ELSE nn = exch2_opposingSend(ns,is) WRITE(msgBuf,'(A,I5,2(A,I3),A,I5)') 'Tile',is,' neighb:', & ns,' (',tile_edge2edge(ns,is),' ) has multiple connection' CALL PRINT_ERROR( msgBuf, myThid ) WRITE(msgBuf,'(A,I5,5(A,I3))') ' with tile', it, ' :', & nn,' (',tile_edge2edge(nn,it),' ) and', & nt,' (',tile_edge2edge(nt,it),' )' CALL PRINT_ERROR( msgBuf, myThid ) errCnt = errCnt + 1 ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO IF ( exch2_opposingSend(ns,is).EQ.0 ) THEN WRITE(msgBuf,'(A,I5,2(A,I3),A,I5)') 'Tile',is,' neighb:', & ns,' (',tile_edge2edge(ns,is),' ) no connection from',it CALL PRINT_ERROR( msgBuf, myThid ) errCnt = errCnt + 1 ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO IF ( errCnt.GT.0 ) THEN WRITE(msgBuf,'(A,I3,A)') & ' W2_SET_TILE2TILES: found', errCnt, ' Dbl/No connection' CALL PRINT_ERROR( msgBuf, myThid ) STOP 'ABNORMAL END: S/R W2_SET_TILE2TILES (tile connection)' ENDIF C-- Check opposingSend reciprocity: errCnt = 0 DO is=1,nTiles DO ns=1,exch2_nNeighbours(is) it = exch2_neighbourId(ns,is) nt = exch2_opposingSend(ns,is) ii = exch2_neighbourId(nt,it) nn = exch2_opposingSend(nt,it) IF ( ii.NE.is .OR. nn.NE.ns ) THEN WRITE(msgBuf,'(A,I5,2(A,I3),A)') 'Tile',is,' neighb:', & ns,' (',tile_edge2edge(ns,is),' ) connected' CALL PRINT_ERROR( msgBuf, myThid ) WRITE(msgBuf,'(A,I5,5(A,I3))') ' with tile', it, ' :', & nt,' (',tile_edge2edge(nt,it),' )' CALL PRINT_ERROR( msgBuf, myThid ) WRITE(msgBuf,'(A,I5,2(A,I3),A)') ' but',it,' neighb:', & nt,' (',tile_edge2edge(nt,it),' ) connected' CALL PRINT_ERROR( msgBuf, myThid ) WRITE(msgBuf,'(A,I5,3(A,I3))') ' with tile', ii, ' :', & nn,' (',tile_edge2edge(nn,ii),' )' CALL PRINT_ERROR( msgBuf, myThid ) errCnt = errCnt + 1 ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO IF ( errCnt.GT.0 ) THEN WRITE(msgBuf,'(A,I3,A)') & ' W2_SET_TILE2TILES: found', errCnt, ' opposingSend error' CALL PRINT_ERROR( msgBuf, myThid ) STOP 'ABNORMAL END: S/R W2_SET_TILE2TILES (opposingSend)' ENDIF RETURN END