C $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/pkg/exch2/exch2_send_rx1.template,v 1.10 2009/05/20 21:01:45 jmc Exp $ C $Name: $ #include "CPP_EEOPTIONS.h" #include "W2_OPTIONS.h" SUBROUTINE EXCH2_SEND_RX1 ( I tIlo, tIhi, tiStride, I tJlo, tJhi, tjStride, I tKlo, tKhi, tkStride, I thisTile, nN, I e2Bufr1_RX, e2BufrRecSize, I array, I i1Lo, i1Hi, j1Lo, j1Hi, k1Lo, k1Hi, O e2_msgHandle, I commSetting, myThid ) IMPLICIT NONE #include "SIZE.h" #include "EEPARAMS.h" #include "EESUPPORT.h" #include "W2_EXCH2_SIZE.h" #include "W2_EXCH2_TOPOLOGY.h" C === Routine arguments === INTEGER tILo, tIHi, tiStride INTEGER tJLo, tJHi, tjStride INTEGER tKLo, tKHi, tkStride INTEGER i1Lo, i1Hi, j1Lo, j1Hi, k1Lo, k1Hi INTEGER thisTile, nN INTEGER e2BufrRecSize _RX e2Bufr1_RX( e2BufrRecSize ) _RX array(i1Lo:i1Hi,j1Lo:j1Hi,k1Lo:k1Hi) INTEGER e2_msgHandle(1) INTEGER myThid CHARACTER commSetting C == Local variables == C itl, jtl, ktl :: Loop counters C :: itl etc... target local C :: itc etc... target canonical C :: isl etc... source local C :: isc etc... source canonical INTEGER itl, jtl, ktl INTEGER itc, jtc INTEGER isc, jsc INTEGER isl, jsl c INTEGER ktc, ksc, ksl C tt :: Target tile C itb, jtb :: Target local to canonical offsets C INTEGER tt INTEGER itb, jtb INTEGER isb, jsb INTEGER pi(2), pj(2), oi, oj INTEGER iBufr C MPI setup #ifdef ALLOW_USE_MPI INTEGER theTag, theType, theHandle INTEGER sProc, tProc, mpiRc #endif #ifdef W2_E2_DEBUG_ON CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_MBUF) messageBuffer #endif IF ( commSetting .EQ. 'P' ) THEN C Need to check that buffer synchronisation token is decremented C before filling buffer. ENDIF tt=exch2_neighbourId(nN, thisTile ) itb=exch2_tBasex(tt) jtb=exch2_tBasey(tt) isb=exch2_tBasex(thisTile) jsb=exch2_tBasey(thisTile) pi(1)=exch2_pij(1,nN,thisTile) pi(2)=exch2_pij(2,nN,thisTile) pj(1)=exch2_pij(3,nN,thisTile) pj(2)=exch2_pij(4,nN,thisTile) oi=exch2_oi(nN,thisTile) oj=exch2_oj(nN,thisTile) iBufr=0 #ifdef W2_E2_DEBUG_ON WRITE(messageBuffer,'(A,I4,A,I4)') 'EXCH2_SEND_RX1 sourceTile= ', & thisTile, & 'targetTile= ',tt CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(messageBuffer, I standardMessageUnit,SQUEEZE_BOTH, I myThid) #endif /* W2_E2_DEBUG_ON */ DO ktl=tKlo,tKhi,tKStride DO jtl=tJLo, tJHi, tjStride DO itl=tILo, tIHi, tiStride iBufr=iBufr+1 itc=itl+itb jtc=jtl+jtb isc=pi(1)*itc+pi(2)*jtc+oi jsc=pj(1)*itc+pj(2)*jtc+oj isl=isc-isb jsl=jsc-jsb e2Bufr1_RX(iBufr)=array(isl,jsl,ktl) #ifdef W2_E2_DEBUG_ON WRITE(messageBuffer,'(A,2I4)') & 'EXCH2_SEND_RX1 target t(itl,jtl) = ', itl, jtl CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(messageBuffer, I standardMessageUnit,SQUEEZE_RIGHT, I myThid) WRITE(messageBuffer,'(A,2I4)') & ' source (isl,jsl) = ', isl, jsl CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(messageBuffer, I standardMessageUnit,SQUEEZE_RIGHT, I myThid) IF ( isl .LT. i1Lo .OR. isl .GT. i1Hi ) THEN WRITE(messageBuffer,'(A,2I4)') & ' *** isl is out of bounds' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(messageBuffer, I standardMessageUnit,SQUEEZE_RIGHT, I myThid) ENDIF IF ( jsl .LT. j1Lo .OR. jsl .GT. j1Hi ) THEN WRITE(messageBuffer,'(A,2I4)') & ' *** jsl is out of bounds' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(messageBuffer, I standardMessageUnit,SQUEEZE_RIGHT, I myThid) ENDIF #endif /* W2_E2_DEBUG_ON */ #ifdef W2_USE_E2_SAFEMODE IF ( iBufr .GT. e2BufrRecSize ) THEN C Ran off end of buffer. This should not happen STOP 'EXCH2_SEND_RX1:: E2BUFR LIMIT EXCEEDED' ENDIF IF ( isl .LT. i1Lo .OR. isl .GT. i1Hi ) THEN C Forward mode send getting from points outside of the C tiles exclusive domain bounds in X. This should not happen STOP 'EXCH2_SEND_RX1:: ISL OUTSIDE TILE EXCLUSIVE DOMAIN' ENDIF IF ( jsl .LT. j1Lo .OR. jsl .GT. j1Hi ) THEN C Forward mode send getting from points outside of the C tiles exclusive domain bounds in Y. This should not happen STOP 'EXCH2_SEND_RX1:: JSL OUTSIDE TILE EXCLUSIVE DOMAIN' ENDIF #endif /* W2_USE_E2_SAFEMODE */ ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO C Do data transport depending on communication mechanism between source and target tile IF ( commSetting .EQ. 'P' ) THEN C Need to set data ready assertion (increment buffer synchronisation token) C for multithreaded mode, for now do nothing i.e. assume only one thread per process. ELSEIF ( commSetting .EQ. 'M' ) THEN #ifdef ALLOW_USE_MPI C Setup MPI stuff here theTag = (thisTile-1)*W2_maxNeighbours + nN tProc = exch2_tProc(tt)-1 sProc = exch2_tProc(thisTile)-1 theType = _MPI_TYPE_RX #ifdef W2_E2_DEBUG_ON WRITE(messageBuffer,'(A,I4,A,I4,A)') ' SEND FROM TILE=', & thisTile, ' (proc = ',sProc,')' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(messageBuffer, I standardMessageUnit,SQUEEZE_RIGHT, I myThid) WRITE(messageBuffer,'(A,I4,A,I4,A)') ' TO TILE=', tt, & ' (proc = ',tProc,')' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(messageBuffer, I standardMessageUnit,SQUEEZE_RIGHT, I myThid) WRITE(messageBuffer,'(A,I10)') ' TAG=', theTag CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(messageBuffer, I standardMessageUnit,SQUEEZE_RIGHT, I myThid) WRITE(messageBuffer,'(A,I4)') ' NEL=', iBufr CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(messageBuffer, I standardMessageUnit,SQUEEZE_RIGHT, I myThid) #endif /* W2_E2_DEBUG_ON */ CALL MPI_Isend( e2Bufr1_RX, iBufr, theType, I tProc, theTag, MPI_COMM_MODEL, O theHandle, mpiRc ) C Store MPI_Wait token in messageHandle. e2_msgHandle(1) = theHandle #endif ELSE STOP 'EXCH2_SEND_RX1:: commSetting VALUE IS INVALID' ENDIF RETURN END C---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7-|--+----| CEH3 ;;; Local Variables: *** CEH3 ;;; mode:fortran *** CEH3 ;;; End: ***