C $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/pkg/exch2/exch2_get_rx1.template,v 1.4 2013/11/29 16:59:33 jmc Exp $ C $Name: $ #include "CPP_EEOPTIONS.h" #include "W2_OPTIONS.h" CBOP 0 C !ROUTINE: EXCH2_GET_RX1 C !INTERFACE: SUBROUTINE EXCH2_GET_RX1( I tIlo, tIhi, tiStride, I tJlo, tJhi, tjStride, I tKlo, tKhi, tkStride, I thisTile, nN, bi, bj, I e2BufrRecSize, sizeNb, sizeBi, sizeBj, I e2Bufr1_RX, U array, I i1Lo, i1Hi, j1Lo, j1Hi, k1Lo, k1Hi, U e2_msgHandles, I commSetting, myThid ) C !DESCRIPTION: C Scalar field (1 component) Exchange: C Get from buffer exchanged data to fill in this tile-egde overlap region. C !USES: IMPLICIT NONE #include "SIZE.h" #include "EEPARAMS.h" #include "W2_EXCH2_SIZE.h" #include "W2_EXCH2_TOPOLOGY.h" C !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: C === Routine arguments === C tIlo,tIhi :: index range in I that will be filled in target "array" C tIstride :: index step in I that will be filled in target "array" C tJlo,tJhi :: index range in J that will be filled in target "array" C tJstride :: index step in J that will be filled in target "array" C tKlo,tKhi :: index range in K that will be filled in target "array" C tKstride :: index step in K that will be filled in target "array" C thisTile :: receiving tile Id. number C bi,bj :: Indices of the receiving tile within this process C :: (used to select buffer slots that are allowed). C nN :: Neighbour entry that we are processing C e2BufrRecSize :: Number of elements in each entry of e2Bufr1_RX C sizeNb :: Second dimension of e2Bufr1_RX C sizeBi :: Third dimension of e2Bufr1_RX C sizeBj :: Fourth dimension of e2Bufr1_RX C e2Bufr1_RX :: Data transport buffer array. This array is used in one of C :: two ways. For PUT communication the entry in the buffer C :: associated with the source for this receive (determined C :: from the opposing_send index) is read. C :: For MSG communication the entry in the buffer associated C :: with this neighbor of this tile is used as a receive C :: location for loading a linear stream of bytes. C array :: Target array that this receive writes to. C i1Lo, i1Hi :: I coordinate bounds of target array C j1Lo, j1Hi :: J coordinate bounds of target array C k1Lo, k1Hi :: K coordinate bounds of target array C e2_msgHandles :: Synchronization and coordination data structure used to C :: coordinate access to e2Bufr1_RX or to regulate message C :: buffering. In PUT communication sender will increment C :: handle entry once data is ready in buffer. Receiver will C :: decrement handle once data is consumed from buffer. C :: For MPI MSG communication MPI_Wait uses handle to check C :: Isend has cleared. This is done in routine after receives. C commSetting :: Mode of communication used to exchange with this neighbor C myThid :: my Thread Id. number INTEGER tILo, tIHi, tiStride INTEGER tJLo, tJHi, tjStride INTEGER tKLo, tKHi, tkStride INTEGER i1Lo, i1Hi, j1Lo, j1Hi, k1Lo, k1Hi INTEGER thisTile, nN, bi, bj INTEGER e2BufrRecSize, sizeNb, sizeBi, sizeBj _RX e2Bufr1_RX( e2BufrRecSize, sizeNb, sizeBi, sizeBj, 2 ) _RX array(i1Lo:i1Hi,j1Lo:j1Hi,k1Lo:k1Hi) INTEGER e2_msgHandles( 2, sizeNb, sizeBi, sizeBj ) CHARACTER commSetting INTEGER myThid CEOP C !LOCAL VARIABLES: C == Local variables == C itl,jtl,ktl :: Loop counters (this tile) C soT :: Source tile Id number C oNb :: Opposing send record number C iBufr :: Buffer counter C sNb :: buffer (source) Neighbour index to get data from C sBi :: buffer (source) Tile index (for this Proc) to get data from C sBj :: buffer (source) Tile index (for this Proc) to get data from C sLv :: buffer (source) level index to get data from C i,j :: Loop counters INTEGER itl, jtl, ktl INTEGER soT INTEGER oNb INTEGER iBufr INTEGER sNb, sBi, sBj, sLv c CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_MBUF) msgBuf soT = exch2_neighbourId( nN, thisTile ) oNb = exch2_opposingSend(nN, thisTile ) C Handle receive end data transport according to communication mechanism C between source and target tile IF ( commSetting .EQ. 'P' ) THEN C 1 Need to check and spin on data ready assertion for multithreaded mode, C for now, ensure global sync using barrier. C 2 get directly data from 1rst level buffer (sLv=1); C find the tile indices (local to this Proc) corresponding to C this source tile Id "soT" (note: this is saved in W2_tileIndex array) sLv = 1 sNb = oNb sBi = W2_tileIndex(soT) sBj = 1 + (sBi-1)/sizeBi sBi = 1 + MOD(sBi-1,sizeBi) #ifdef ALLOW_USE_MPI ELSEIF ( commSetting .EQ. 'M' ) THEN sLv = 2 sBi = bi sBj = bj sNb = nN #endif /* ALLOW_USE_MPI */ ELSE STOP 'EXCH2_GET_RX1:: commSetting VALUE IS INVALID' ENDIF iBufr = 0 DO ktl=tKlo,tKhi,tKStride DO jtl=tJLo, tJHi, tjStride DO itl=tILo, tIHi, tiStride C Read from e2Bufr1_RX(iBufr,sNb,sBi,sBj,sLv) iBufr = iBufr+1 array(itl,jtl,ktl) = e2Bufr1_RX(iBufr,sNb,sBi,sBj,sLv) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO RETURN END C---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7-|--+----| CEH3 ;;; Local Variables: *** CEH3 ;;; mode:fortran *** CEH3 ;;; End: ***