C $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/pkg/exch2/W2_EXCH2_PARAMS.h,v 1.13 2012/09/04 00:43:13 jmc Exp $ C $Name: $ CBOP C !ROUTINE: W2_EXCH2_PARAMS.h C !INTERFACE: C #include W2_EXCH2_PARAMS.h C !DESCRIPTION: C *==========================================================* C | W2_EXCH2_PARAMS.h C | o Header file defining WRAPPER2-EXCH2 topology parameters C *==========================================================* CEOP C-- COMMON /W2_EXCH2_PARM_I/ Integer valued parameters used by W2-EXCH2 C preDefTopol :: pre-defined Topology selector: C :: = 0 : topology defined from processing "data.exch2"; C :: = 1 : simple, single facet topology; C :: = 2 : customized topology (w2_set_myown_facets) C :: = 3 : 6-face Cube (3 face-dims: nRed, nGreen, nBlue). C nFacets :: Number of facets (or domains) in this topology C facet_dims :: facet pair of dimensions (n1x,n1y, n2x,n2y, ...) C nTiles :: Number of tiles in this topology <- moved to W2_EXCH2_TOPOLOGY.h C nBlankTiles :: Number of "Blank-Tiles" C blankList :: List of "Blank-Tiles" (non active) C-- C W2_mapIO :: select option for global-IO mapping: C =-1 :: old format, put facets 1 after the other in the X dir.; C :: this is not necessary "compact". C = 1 :: compact format, 1 facet after the other (mostly in Y dir.) C :: but needs to fold some facet (domain) if too large C = 0 :: compact format (= 1 long line), one facet after the other. C-- C W2_oUnit :: output fortran Unit for printing Std messages C W2_printMsg :: select option for information messages printing C < 0 :: open and print to "w2_tile_topology" log file C = 0 :: print the minimum, to StdOut C = 1 :: no duplicated print from different processes (only Master) C = 2 :: all processes do print (used to check). INTEGER preDefTopol INTEGER nFacets INTEGER facet_dims(2*W2_maxNbFacets) INTEGER nBlankTiles INTEGER blankList(W2_maxNbTiles) INTEGER W2_mapIO INTEGER W2_oUnit, W2_printMsg COMMON /W2_EXCH2_PARM_I/ & preDefTopol, & nFacets, facet_dims, & nBlankTiles, blankList, & W2_mapIO, & W2_oUnit, W2_printMsg C-- COMMON /W2_EXCH2_PARM_L/ Logical valued parameters used by W2-EXCH2 C W2_useE2ioLayOut :: =T: use Exch2 global-IO Layout; =F: use model default LOGICAL W2_useE2ioLayOut COMMON /W2_EXCH2_PARM_L/ & W2_useE2ioLayOut C-- COMMON /W2_EXCH2_BUILD_I/ Integer variables used to build topology C facet_owns :: Range of tiles this facet "owns" C facet_pij \ :: C facet_oi } :: indices correspondence matrix (facet_pij) & offsets: C facet_oj / :: C-with: suffix "so" for indices of source facet j ; C suffix "tg" for indices of target facet jj= INT(facet_link(i,j)) C pij(:,i,j) : matrix which gives so indices when applied to tg indices C iso = pij(1)*itg + pij(2)*jtg + oi C jso = pij(3)*itg + pij(4)*jtg + oj C----- INTEGER facet_owns(2,W2_maxNbFacets) INTEGER facet_pij(4,4,W2_maxNbFacets) INTEGER facet_oi(4,W2_maxNbFacets) INTEGER facet_oj(4,W2_maxNbFacets) COMMON /W2_EXCH2_BUILD_I/ & facet_owns, & facet_pij, facet_oi, facet_oj C-- COMMON /W2_EXCH2_PARM_R/ Real*4 valued parameters used by W2-EXCH2 C-- topology defined from processing "data.exch2" (preDefTopol=0): C facet_link :: Face-Edge connectivity map: C facet_link(i,j)=XX.1 : face(j)-edge(i) (i=1,2,3,4 <==> N,S,E,W) C is connected to Northern edge of face "XX" ; similarly, C = XX.2 : to Southern.E, XX.3 = Eastern.E, XX.4 = Western.E of face "XX". Real*4 facet_link( 4, W2_maxNbFacets ) COMMON /W2_EXCH2_PARM_R/ facet_link C---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7-|--+----|