C $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/pkg/ecco/Attic/the_main_loop.F,v 1.7 2004/07/13 18:06:48 jmc Exp $ C $Name: $ #include "PACKAGES_CONFIG.h" #include "CPP_OPTIONS.h" #ifdef ALLOW_OBCS # include "OBCS_OPTIONS.h" #endif #ifdef ALLOW_SEAICE # include "SEAICE_OPTIONS.h" #endif subroutine the_main_loop( myTime, myIter, mythid ) c ================================================================== c SUBROUTINE the_main_loop c ================================================================== c c o Run the ocean model and evaluate the specified cost function. c c *the_main_loop* is the top-level routine for the Tangent Linear and c Adjoint Model Compiler (TAMC). For this purpose, the initialization c of the model was split into two parts. Those parameters that do c not depend on a specific model run are set in *initialise_fixed*, c whereas those that do depend on the specific realization are c initialized in *initialise_varia*. In order to do a so called c checkpointing during the adjoint calculation and to account for the c typical data involved in oceanographic applications a call tree c that is divided into yearly, monthly, daily, and step parts can c be used. c c This routine is to be used in conjuction with the MITgcmuv release c checkpoint 24. c c started: Christian Eckert eckert@mit.edu 30-Jun-1999 c c changed: Christian Eckert eckert@mit.edu 14-Jul-1999 c c - The call to mapping was moved to initialise_varia, c since this routine has to be called before c ini_predictor. c c Christian Eckert eckert@mit.edu 11-Feb-2000 c c - Restructured the code in order to create a package c for the MITgcmUV. c c Patrick Heimbach heimbach@mit.edu 3-Jun-2000 c - corrected computation of ikey_dynamics and c added computation of ikey_dynamics for the case c undef ALLOW_TAMC_CHECKPOINTING c c Patrick Heimbach heimbach@mit.edu 6-Jun-2000 c - corrected initialisation of comlev1 common blocks c c Dimitris Menemenlis menemenlis@jpl.nasa.gov 26-Feb-2003 c - modifications for pkg/seaice c c ================================================================== c SUBROUTINE the_main_loop c ================================================================== implicit none c == global variables == #include "SIZE.h" #include "EEPARAMS.h" #include "PARAMS.h" c************************************** #ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC c These includes are needed for c AD-checkpointing. c They provide the fields to be stored. # include "GRID.h" # include "DYNVARS.h" # include "FFIELDS.h" # include "EOS.h" # include "GAD.h" # ifdef ALLOW_CD_CODE # include "CD_CODE_VARS.h" # endif # ifdef ALLOW_PASSIVE_TRACER # include "TR1.h" # endif # ifdef ALLOW_PTRACERS # include "PTRACERS_SIZE.h" # include "PTRACERS.h" # endif # ifdef ALLOW_NONHYDROSTATIC # include "CG3D.h" # endif # ifdef EXACT_CONSERV # include "SURFACE.h" # endif # ifdef ALLOW_OBCS # include "OBCS.h" # endif # ifdef ALLOW_EXF # include "exf_fields.h" # include "exf_clim_fields.h" # ifdef ALLOW_BULKFORMULAE # include "exf_constants.h" # endif # endif /* ALLOW_EXF */ # ifdef ALLOW_SEAICE # include "SEAICE.h" # endif # ifdef ALLOW_DIVIDED_ADJOINT_MPI # include "mpif.h" # endif # include "tamc.h" # include "ctrl.h" # include "ctrl_dummy.h" # include "cost.h" # include "ecco_cost.h" #endif /* ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC */ c************************************** c == routine arguments == c note: under the multi-threaded model myiter and c mytime are local variables passed around as routine c arguments. Although this is fiddly it saves the need to c impose additional synchronisation points when they are c updated. c myiter - iteration counter for this thread c mytime - time counter for this thread c mythid - thread number for this instance of the routine. integer mythid integer myiter _RL mytime c == local variables == integer bi,bj integer iloop integer mydate(4) #ifdef ALLOW_SNAPSHOTS character yprefix*3 #endif #ifdef ALLOW_TAMC_CHECKPOINTING integer ilev_1 integer ilev_2 integer ilev_3 integer max_lev2 integer max_lev3 #endif c-- == end of interface == #ifndef DISABLE_DEBUGMODE IF ( debugLevel .GE. debLevB ) & CALL DEBUG_ENTER('THE_MAIN_LOOP',myThid) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC c-- Initialize storage for the initialisations. CADJ INIT tapelev3 = USER c-- Some more initialisations to please TAMC CADJ INIT tapelev_ini_bibj_k = USER # ifdef ALLOW_DIVIDED_ADJOINT CADJ INIT onetape = user cphCADJ INIT onetape = common, 1 cph We want to avoid common blocks except in the inner loop. cph Reason: the active write and consecutive read may occur cph in separate model executions for which the info cph in common blocks are lost. cph Thus, we can only store real values (no integers) cph because we only have active file handling to real available. # endif # ifdef ALLOW_TAMC_CHECKPOINTING ikey_dynamics = 1 # endif #endif /* ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC */ CALL TIMER_START('ECCO SPIN-UP', mythid) c-- Get the current date. call CAL_TIMESTAMP( myiter, mytime, mydate, mythid ) C-- Set initial conditions (variable arrays) #ifndef DISABLE_DEBUGMODE IF ( debugLevel .GE. debLevB ) & CALL DEBUG_CALL('INITIALISE_VARIA',myThid) #endif CALL TIMER_START('INITIALISE_VARIA [THE_MAIN_LOOP]', mythid) CALL INITIALISE_VARIA( mythid ) CALL TIMER_STOP ('INITIALISE_VARIA [THE_MAIN_LOOP]', mythid) c-- Dump for start state. #ifndef DISABLE_DEBUGMODE IF ( debugLevel .GE. debLevB ) & CALL DEBUG_CALL('WRITE_STATE',myThid) #endif CALL TIMER_START('WRITE_STATE [THE_MAIN_LOOP]', mythid) CALL WRITE_STATE( mytime, myiter, mythid ) CALL TIMER_STOP ('WRITE_STATE [THE_MAIN_LOOP]', mythid) #ifdef ALLOW_MONITOR C-- Check status of solution (statistics, cfl, etc...) #ifndef DISABLE_DEBUGMODE IF ( debugLevel .GE. debLevB ) & CALL DEBUG_CALL('MONITOR',myThid) #endif CALL TIMER_START('MONITOR [THE_MAIN_LOOP]', mythid) CALL MONITOR( myIter, myTime, myThid ) CALL TIMER_STOP ('MONITOR [THE_MAIN_LOOP]', mythid) #endif /* ALLOW_MONITOR */ #ifdef ALLOW_DEBUG IF (debugMode) CALL DEBUG_CALL('DO_THE_MODEL_IO',myThid) #endif CALL TIMER_START('DO_THE_MODEL_IO [THE_MAIN_LOOP]', mythid) CALL DO_THE_MODEL_IO( myTime, myIter, mythid ) CALL TIMER_STOP ('DO_THE_MODEL_IO [THE_MAIN_LOOP]', mythid) #ifdef ALLOW_COST c-- Compute the cost function contribution of the boundary forcing, c-- i.e. heat flux, salt flux, zonal and meridional wind stress. call timer_start('COST_FORCING [ECCO SPIN-UP]', mythid) call cost_forcing( myiter, mytime, mythid ) call timer_stop ('COST_FORCING [ECCO SPIN-UP]', mythid) # ifdef ALLOW_OBCS_COST_CONTRIBUTION call timer_start('cost_obcs [ECCO SPIN-UP]', mythid) call cost_obcs( myiter, mytime, mythid ) call timer_stop ('cost_obcs [ECCO SPIN-UP]', mythid) # endif #endif /* ALLOW_COST */ call timer_stop ('ECCO SPIN-UP', mythid) _BARRIER c-- Do the model integration. call timer_start('ECCO MAIN LOOP',mythid) c >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> LOOP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< c >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> STARTS <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< #ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC #ifdef ALLOW_TAMC_CHECKPOINTING c-- Implement a three level checkpointing. For a two level c-- checkpointing delete the middle loop; for n levels (n > 3) c-- insert more loops. c-- Check the choice of the checkpointing parameters in relation c-- to nTimeSteps: (nchklev_1*nchklev_2*nchklev_3 .ge. nTimeSteps) if (nchklev_1*nchklev_2*nchklev_3 .lt. nTimeSteps) then print* print*, ' the_main_loop: TAMC checkpointing parameters' print*, ' nchklev_1*nchklev_2*nchklev_3 = ', & nchklev_1*nchklev_2*nchklev_3 print*, ' are not consistent with nTimeSteps = ', & nTimeSteps stop ' ... stopped in the_main_loop.' endif max_lev3=nTimeSteps/(nchklev_1*nchklev_2)+1 max_lev2=nTimeSteps/nchklev_1+1 c************************************** #ifdef ALLOW_DIVIDED_ADJOINT CADJ loop = divided #endif c************************************** do ilev_3 = 1,nchklev_3 if(ilev_3.le.max_lev3) then c************************************** #include "checkpoint_lev3_directives.h" c************************************** c-- Initialise storage for the middle loop. CADJ INIT tapelev2 = USER do ilev_2 = 1,nchklev_2 if(ilev_2.le.max_lev2) then c************************************** #include "checkpoint_lev2_directives.h" c************************************** c************************************** #ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC c-- Initialize storage for the innermost loop. c-- Always check common block sizes for the checkpointing! c-- CADJ INIT comlev1 = COMMON,nchklev_1 CADJ INIT comlev1_bibj = COMMON,nchklev_1*nsx*nsy*nthreads_chkpt CADJ INIT comlev1_bibj_k = COMMON,nchklev_1*nsx*nsy*nr*nthreads_chkpt c-- # ifdef ALLOW_KPP CADJ INIT comlev1_kpp = COMMON,nchklev_1*nsx*nsy CADJ INIT comlev1_kpp_k = COMMON,nchklev_1*nsx*nsy*nr # endif /* ALLOW_KPP */ c-- # ifdef ALLOW_GMREDI CADJ INIT comlev1_gmredi_k_gad CADJ & = COMMON,nchklev_1*nsx*nsy*nr*nthreads_chkpt*maxpass # endif /* ALLOW_GMREDI */ c-- # ifdef ALLOW_PTRACERS CADJ INIT comlev1_bibj_ptracers = COMMON, CADJ & nchklev_1*nsx*nsy*nthreads_chkpt*PTRACERS_num # endif /* ALLOW_PTRACERS */ c-- # ifndef DISABLE_MULTIDIM_ADVECTION CADJ INIT comlev1_bibj_k_gad CADJ & = COMMON,nchklev_1*nsx*nsy*nr*nthreads_chkpt*maxpass CADJ INIT comlev1_bibj_k_gad_pass CADJ & = COMMON,nchklev_1*nsx*nsy*nr*nthreads_chkpt*maxpass*maxcube # endif /* DISABLE_MULTIDIM_ADVECTION */ c-- # if (defined (ALLOW_EXF) && defined (ALLOW_BULKFORMULAE)) CADJ INIT comlev1_exf_1 CADJ & = COMMON,nchklev_1*snx*nsx*sny*nsy*nthreads_chkpt CADJ INIT comlev1_exf_2 CADJ & = COMMON,niter_bulk*nchklev_1*snx*nsx*sny*nsy*nthreads_chkpt # endif c-- # ifdef ALLOW_SEAICE # ifdef SEAICE_ALLOW_DYNAMICS CADJ INIT comlev1_lsr = COMMON,nchklev_1*2 # endif # ifdef SEAICE_MULTILEVEL CADJ INIT comlev1_multdim CADJ & = COMMON,nchklev_1*nsx*nsy*nthreads_chkpt*multdim # endif # endif /* ALLOW_SEAICE */ c-- #endif /* ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC */ c************************************** do ilev_1 = 1,nchklev_1 c-- The if-statement below introduces a some flexibility in the c-- choice of the 3-tupel ( nchklev_1, nchklev_2, nchklev_3 ). c-- c-- Requirement: nchklev_1*nchklev_2*nchklev_3 .ge. nTimeSteps . iloop = (ilev_3 - 1)*nchklev_2*nchklev_1 + & (ilev_2 - 1)*nchklev_1 + ilev_1 if ( iloop .le. nTimeSteps ) then #else /* ALLOW_TAMC_CHECKPOINTING undefined */ c-- Initialise storage for the reference trajectory without TAMC check- c-- pointing. CADJ INIT history = USER CADJ INIT comlev1_bibj = COMMON,nchklev_0*nsx*nsy*nthreads_chkpt CADJ INIT comlev1_bibj_k = COMMON,nchklev_0*nsx*nsy*nr*nthreads_chkpt CADJ INIT comlev1_kpp = COMMON,nchklev_0*nsx*nsy c-- Check the choice of the checkpointing parameters in relation c-- to nTimeSteps: (nchklev_0 .ge. nTimeSteps) if (nchklev_0 .lt. nTimeSteps) then print* print*, ' the_main_loop: ', & 'TAMC checkpointing parameter nchklev_0 = ', & nchklev_0 print*, ' is not consistent with nTimeSteps = ', & nTimeSteps stop ' ... stopped in the_main_loop.' endif do iloop = 1, nTimeSteps #endif /* ALLOW_TAMC_CHECKPOINTING */ #else /* ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC undefined */ c-- Start the main loop of ecco_Objfunc. Automatic differentiation is c-- NOT enabled. do iloop = 1, nTimeSteps #endif /* ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC */ #ifdef ALLOW_TAMC_CHECKPOINTING nIter0 = INT( startTime/deltaTClock ) ikey_dynamics = ilev_1 #endif c-- Set the model iteration counter and the model time. myiter = nIter0 + (iloop-1) mytime = startTime + float(iloop-1)*deltaTclock #ifdef ALLOW_COST c-- Accumulate time averages of temperature, salinity, and SSH. call timer_start('COST_AVERAGESFIELDS [ECCO MAIN]', mythid) call cost_averagesFields( mytime, mythid ) call timer_stop ('COST_AVERAGESFIELDS [ECCO MAIN]', mythid) #ifdef ALLOW_COST_ATLANTIC c-- Compute meridional heat transport call timer_start('cost_atlantic [ECCO MAIN]', mythid) call cost_atlantic( mytime, myiter,mythid ) call timer_stop ('cost_atlantic [ECCO MAIN]', mythid) #endif #endif /* ALLOW_COST */ #ifdef EXACT_CONSERV IF (exactConserv) THEN C-- Update etaH(n+1) : CALL TIMER_START('UPDATE_ETAH [FORWARD_STEP]',mythid) CALL UPDATE_ETAH( myTime, myIter, myThid ) CALL TIMER_STOP ('UPDATE_ETAH [FORWARD_STEP]',mythid) ENDIF #endif /* EXACT_CONSERV */ #ifdef NONLIN_FRSURF IF ( select_rStar.NE.0 ) THEN C-- r* : compute the future level thickness according to etaH(n+1) CALL TIMER_START('CALC_R_STAR [FORWARD_STEP]',mythid) CALL CALC_R_STAR(etaH, myTime, myIter, myThid ) CALL TIMER_STOP ('CALC_R_STAR [FORWARD_STEP]',mythid) ELSEIF ( nonlinFreeSurf.GT.0) THEN C-- compute the future surface level thickness according to etaH(n+1) CALL TIMER_START('CALC_SURF_DR [FORWARD_STEP]',mythid) CALL CALC_SURF_DR(etaH, myTime, myIter, myThid ) CALL TIMER_STOP ('CALC_SURF_DR [FORWARD_STEP]',mythid) ENDIF #endif /* NONLIN_FRSURF */ #ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC c************************************** #include "checkpoint_lev1_directives.h" c************************************** #endif #ifndef DISABLE_DEBUGMODE IF ( debugLevel .GE. debLevB ) & CALL DEBUG_CALL('EXF_GETFORCING',myThid) #endif CALL TIMER_START('EXF_GETFORCING [FORWARD_STEP]',mythid) CALL EXF_GETFORCING( mytime, myiter, mythid ) CALL TIMER_STOP ('EXF_GETFORCING [FORWARD_STEP]',mythid) #ifdef ALLOW_SEAICE C-- Call sea ice model to compute forcing/external data fields. In C addition to computing prognostic sea-ice variables and diagnosing the C forcing/external data fields that drive the ocean model, SEAICE_MODEL C also sets theta to the freezing point under sea-ice. The implied C surface heat flux is then stored in variable surfaceTendencyTice, C which is needed by KPP package (kpp_calc.F and kpp_transport_t.F) C to diagnose surface buoyancy fluxes and for the non-local transport C term. Because this call precedes model thermodynamics, temperature C under sea-ice may not be "exactly" at the freezing point by the time C theta is dumped or time-averaged. cph this simple runtime flag causes a lot of recomp. cph IF ( useSEAICE ) THEN #ifndef DISABLE_DEBUGMODE IF ( debugLevel .GE. debLevB ) & CALL DEBUG_CALL('SEAICE_MODEL',myThid) #endif CALL TIMER_START('SEAICE_MODEL [FORWARD_STEP]',myThid) CALL SEAICE_MODEL( myTime, myIter, myThid ) CALL TIMER_STOP ('SEAICE_MODEL [FORWARD_STEP]',myThid) #ifdef ALLOW_COST_ICE CALL COST_ICE ( myTime, myIter, myThid ) #endif cph ENDIF #endif /* ALLOW_SEAICE */ #if (defined (ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC) && \ defined (ALLOW_AUTODIFF_MONITOR)) C Include call to a dummy routine. Its adjoint will be C called at the proper place in the adjoint code. C The adjoint routine will print out adjoint values C if requested. The location of the call is important, C it has to be after the adjoint of the exchanges C (DO_GTERM_BLOCKING_EXCHANGES). myiter = niter0 + iloop mytime = starttime + float(iloop)*deltaTClock CALL DUMMY_IN_STEPPING( myTime, myIter, myThid ) CALL DO_FIELDS_BLOCKING_EXCHANGES( myThid ) myiter = nIter0 + (iloop-1) mytime = startTime + float(iloop-1)*deltaTclock #endif cph( #ifdef ALLOW_SNAPSHOTS yprefix = 'kf_' call ecco_check_exp( mythid, myiter, mytime, yprefix ) #endif cph) C-- Step forward fields and calculate time tendency terms. #ifndef DISABLE_DEBUGMODE IF ( debugLevel .GE. debLevB ) & CALL DEBUG_CALL('THERMODYNAMICS',myThid) #endif CALL TIMER_START('THERMODYNAMICS [FORWARD_STEP]',mythid) CALL THERMODYNAMICS( myTime, myIter, myThid ) CALL TIMER_STOP ('THERMODYNAMICS [FORWARD_STEP]',mythid) C-- do exchanges (needed for DYNAMICS) when using stagger time-step : #ifndef DISABLE_DEBUGMODE IF ( debugLevel .GE. debLevB ) & CALL DEBUG_CALL('DO_STAGGER_FIELDS_EXCH.',myThid) #endif CALL TIMER_START('BLOCKING_EXCHANGES [FORWARD_STEP]',myThid) CALL DO_STAGGER_FIELDS_EXCHANGES( myTime, myIter, myThid ) CALL TIMER_STOP ('BLOCKING_EXCHANGES [FORWARD_STEP]',myThid) #ifdef ALLOW_SHAP_FILT IF (useSHAP_FILT .AND. & staggerTimeStep .AND. shap_filt_TrStagg ) THEN #ifndef DISABLE_DEBUGMODE IF ( debugLevel .GE. debLevB ) & CALL DEBUG_CALL('SHAP_FILT_APPLY_TS',myThid) #endif CALL TIMER_START('SHAP_FILT [FORWARD_STEP]',myThid) CALL SHAP_FILT_APPLY_TS( gT, gS, myTime, myIter, myThid ) CALL TIMER_STOP ('SHAP_FILT [FORWARD_STEP]',myThid) ENDIF #endif #ifdef ALLOW_ZONAL_FILT IF (useZONAL_FILT .AND. & staggerTimeStep .AND. zonal_filt_TrStagg ) THEN #ifndef DISABLE_DEBUGMODE IF ( debugLevel .GE. debLevB ) & CALL DEBUG_CALL('ZONAL_FILT_APPLY_TS',myThid) #endif CALL TIMER_START('ZONAL_FILT_APPLY [FORWARD_STEP]',myThid) CALL ZONAL_FILT_APPLY_TS( gT, gS, myThid ) CALL TIMER_STOP ('ZONAL_FILT_APPLY [FORWARD_STEP]',myThid) ENDIF #endif C-- Step forward fields and calculate time tendency terms. #ifndef ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC IF ( momStepping ) THEN #endif #ifndef DISABLE_DEBUGMODE IF ( debugLevel .GE. debLevB ) & CALL DEBUG_CALL('DYNAMICS',myThid) #endif CALL TIMER_START('DYNAMICS [FORWARD_STEP]',mythid) CALL DYNAMICS( myTime, myIter, myThid ) CALL TIMER_STOP ('DYNAMICS [FORWARD_STEP]',mythid) #ifndef ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC ENDIF #endif #ifdef ALLOW_NONHYDROSTATIC C-- Step forward W field in N-H algorithm IF ( momStepping .AND. nonHydrostatic ) THEN #ifndef DISABLE_DEBUGMODE IF ( debugLevel .GE. debLevB ) & CALL DEBUG_CALL('CALC_GW',myThid) #endif CALL TIMER_START('CALC_GW [FORWARD_STEP]',myThid) CALL CALC_GW(myThid) CALL TIMER_STOP ('CALC_GW [FORWARD_STEP]',myThid) ENDIF #endif #ifdef NONLIN_FRSURF C-- update hfacC,W,S and recip_hFac according to etaH(n+1) : IF ( nonlinFreeSurf.GT.0) THEN IF ( select_rStar.GT.0 ) THEN CALL TIMER_START('UPDATE_R_STAR [FORWARD_STEP]',myThid) CALL UPDATE_R_STAR( myTime, myIter, myThid ) CALL TIMER_STOP ('UPDATE_R_STAR [FORWARD_STEP]',myThid) ELSE CALL TIMER_START('UPDATE_SURF_DR [FORWARD_STEP]',myThid) CALL UPDATE_SURF_DR( myTime, myIter, myThid ) CALL TIMER_STOP ('UPDATE_SURF_DR [FORWARD_STEP]',myThid) ENDIF ENDIF C- update also CG2D matrix (and preconditioner) IF ( momStepping .AND. nonlinFreeSurf.GT.2 ) THEN CALL TIMER_START('UPDATE_CG2D [FORWARD_STEP]',myThid) CALL UPDATE_CG2D( myTime, myIter, myThid ) CALL TIMER_STOP ('UPDATE_CG2D [FORWARD_STEP]',myThid) ENDIF #endif C-- Apply Filters to u*,v* before SOLVE_FOR_PRESSURE #ifdef ALLOW_SHAP_FILT IF (useSHAP_FILT .AND. shap_filt_uvStar) THEN CALL TIMER_START('SHAP_FILT [FORWARD_STEP]',myThid) IF (implicDiv2Dflow.LT.1.) THEN C-- Explicit+Implicit part of the Barotropic Flow Divergence C => Filtering of uVel,vVel is necessary CALL SHAP_FILT_APPLY_UV( uVel,vVel, & myTime+deltaT, myIter+1, myThid ) ENDIF CALL SHAP_FILT_APPLY_UV( gU,gV,myTime+deltaT,myIter+1,myThid) CALL TIMER_STOP ('SHAP_FILT [FORWARD_STEP]',myThid) ENDIF #endif #ifdef ALLOW_ZONAL_FILT IF (useZONAL_FILT .AND. zonal_filt_uvStar) THEN CALL TIMER_START('ZONAL_FILT_APPLY [FORWARD_STEP]',myThid) IF (implicDiv2Dflow.LT.1.) THEN C-- Explicit+Implicit part of the Barotropic Flow Divergence C => Filtering of uVel,vVel is necessary CALL ZONAL_FILT_APPLY_UV( uVel, vVel, myThid ) ENDIF CALL ZONAL_FILT_APPLY_UV( gU, gV, myThid ) CALL TIMER_STOP ('ZONAL_FILT_APPLY [FORWARD_STEP]',myThid) ENDIF #endif C-- Solve elliptic equation(s). C Two-dimensional only for conventional hydrostatic or C three-dimensional for non-hydrostatic and/or IGW scheme. IF ( momStepping ) THEN CALL TIMER_START('SOLVE_FOR_PRESSURE [FORWARD_STEP]',myThid) CALL SOLVE_FOR_PRESSURE(myTime, myIter, myThid) CALL TIMER_STOP ('SOLVE_FOR_PRESSURE [FORWARD_STEP]',myThid) ENDIF #ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC cph This is needed because convective_adjustment calls cph find_rho which may use pressure() CADJ STORE totphihyd = comlev1, key = ikey_dynamics #endif C-- Correct divergence in flow field and cycle time-stepping C arrays (for all fields) ; update time-counter myIter = nIter0 + iLoop myTime = startTime + deltaTClock * float(iLoop) CALL TIMER_START('THE_CORRECTION_STEP [FORWARD_STEP]',myThid) CALL THE_CORRECTION_STEP(myTime, myIter, myThid) CALL TIMER_STOP ('THE_CORRECTION_STEP [FORWARD_STEP]',myThid) C-- Do "blocking" sends and receives for tendency "overlap" terms c CALL TIMER_START('BLOCKING_EXCHANGES [FORWARD_STEP]',myThid) c CALL DO_GTERM_BLOCKING_EXCHANGES( myThid ) c CALL TIMER_STOP ('BLOCKING_EXCHANGES [FORWARD_STEP]',myThid) C-- Do "blocking" sends and receives for field "overlap" terms CALL TIMER_START('BLOCKING_EXCHANGES [FORWARD_STEP]',myThid) CALL DO_FIELDS_BLOCKING_EXCHANGES( myThid ) CALL TIMER_STOP ('BLOCKING_EXCHANGES [FORWARD_STEP]',myThid) #ifdef ALLOW_FLT C-- Calculate float trajectories IF (useFLT) THEN CALL TIMER_START('FLOATS [FORWARD_STEP]',myThid) CALL FLT_MAIN(myIter,myTime, myThid) CALL TIMER_STOP ('FLOATS [FORWARD_STEP]',myThid) ENDIF #endif #ifdef ALLOW_MONITOR C-- Check status of solution (statistics, cfl, etc...) CALL TIMER_START('MONITOR [FORWARD_STEP]',myThid) CALL MONITOR( myIter, myTime, myThid ) CALL TIMER_STOP ('MONITOR [FORWARD_STEP]',myThid) #endif /* ALLOW_MONITOR */ C-- Do IO if needed. CALL TIMER_START('DO_THE_MODEL_IO [FORWARD_STEP]',myThid) CALL DO_THE_MODEL_IO( myTime, myIter, myThid ) CALL TIMER_STOP ('DO_THE_MODEL_IO [FORWARD_STEP]',myThid) C-- Save state for restarts C Note: (jmc: is it still the case after ckp35 ?) C ===== C Because of the ordering of the timestepping code and C tendency term code at end of loop model arrays hold C U,V,T,S at "time-level" N but gu, gv, gs, gt, guNM1,... C at "time-level" N+1/2 (guNM1 at "time-level" N+1/2 is C gu at "time-level" N-1/2) and etaN at "time-level" N+1/2. C where N = I+timeLevBase-1 C Thus a checkpoint contains U.0000000000, GU.0000000001 and C etaN.0000000001 in the indexing scheme used for the model C "state" files. This example is referred to as a checkpoint C at time level 1 CALL TIMER_START('WRITE_CHECKPOINT [FORWARD_STEP]',myThid) CALL PACKAGES_WRITE_PICKUP( I .FALSE., myTime, myIter, myThid ) CALL WRITE_CHECKPOINT( & .FALSE., myTime, myIter, myThid ) CALL TIMER_STOP ('PACKAGES_WRITE_PICK [FORWARD_STEP]',myThid) ctest myiter = niter0 + iloop ctest mytime = starttime + float(iloop)*deltaTClock c Calculate current date. ctest call cal_TimeStamp( myiter, mytime, mydate, mythid ) #ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC #ifdef ALLOW_TAMC_CHECKPOINTING endif enddo endif enddo endif enddo #else enddo #endif #else enddo #endif /* ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC */ _BARRIER call timer_stop ('ECCO MAIN LOOP', mythid) call timer_start('ECCO SPIN-DOWN', mythid) #ifdef ALLOW_COST #ifdef ALLOW_DIVIDED_ADJOINT CADJ STORE mytime = onetape #endif c-- Accumulate time averages of temperature, salinity, and SSH. #ifndef DISABLE_DEBUGMODE IF ( debugLevel .GE. debLevB ) & CALL DEBUG_CALL('cost_averagesfields',myThid) #endif call timer_start('cost_averagesfields [ECCO SPIN-DOWN]', mythid) call cost_averagesfields( mytime, mythid ) call timer_stop ('cost_averagesfields [ECCO SPIN-DOWN]', mythid) #ifdef ALLOW_DIVIDED_ADJOINT c************************************** #include "cost_averages_bar_directives.h" c************************************** #endif #ifdef ALLOW_COST_ATLANTIC c-- Compute meridional heat transport #ifndef DISABLE_DEBUGMODE IF ( debugLevel .GE. debLevB ) & CALL DEBUG_CALL('cost_atlantic',myThid) #endif call timer_start('cost_atlantic [ECCO SPIN-DOWN]', mythid) call cost_atlantic( mytime, myiter,mythid ) call timer_stop ('cost_atlantic [ECCO SPIN-DOWN]', mythid) #endif c-- Compute cost function contribution of Temperature and Salinity. #ifndef DISABLE_DEBUGMODE IF ( debugLevel .GE. debLevB ) & CALL DEBUG_CALL('cost_hyd',myThid) #endif call timer_start('cost_hyd [ECCO SPIN-DOWN]', mythid) call cost_hyd( myiter, mytime, mythid ) call timer_stop ('cost_hyd [ECCO SPIN-DOWN]', mythid) #ifdef ALLOW_CURMTR_COST_CONTRIBUTION #ifndef DISABLE_DEBUGMODE IF ( debugLevel .GE. debLevB ) & CALL DEBUG_CALL('cost_curmtr',myThid) #endif call timer_start('cost_curmtr [ECCO SPIN-DOWN]', mythid) call cost_curmtr( myiter, mytime, mythid ) call timer_stop ('cost_curmtr [ECCO SPIN-DOWN]', mythid) #endif c-- Compute cost function contribution of SSH. #ifdef ALLOW_SSH_COST_CONTRIBUTION #ifndef DISABLE_DEBUGMODE IF ( debugLevel .GE. debLevB ) & CALL DEBUG_CALL('cost_ssh',myThid) #endif call timer_start('cost_ssh [ECCO SPIN-DOWN]', mythid) call cost_ssh( myiter, mytime, mythid ) call timer_stop ('cost_ssh [ECCO SPIN-DOWN]', mythid) #endif c-- Compute cost function contribution of SSS. #ifdef ALLOW_SST_COST_CONTRIBUTION #ifndef DISABLE_DEBUGMODE IF ( debugLevel .GE. debLevB ) & CALL DEBUG_CALL('cost_sst',myThid) #endif call timer_start('cost_sst [ECCO SPIN-DOWN]', mythid) call cost_sst( myiter, mytime, mythid ) call timer_stop ('cost_sst [ECCO SPIN-DOWN]', mythid) #endif c-- Compute cost function contribution of SSS. #ifdef ALLOW_SSS_COST_CONTRIBUTION #ifndef DISABLE_DEBUGMODE IF ( debugLevel .GE. debLevB ) & CALL DEBUG_CALL('cost_sss',myThid) #endif call timer_start('cost_sss [ECCO SPIN-DOWN]', mythid) call cost_sss( myiter, mytime, mythid ) call timer_stop ('cost_sss [ECCO SPIN-DOWN]', mythid) #endif c-- Compute cost function contribution of drifter's velocities. #ifdef ALLOW_DRIFTER_COST_CONTRIBUTION #ifndef DISABLE_DEBUGMODE IF ( debugLevel .GE. debLevB ) & CALL DEBUG_CALL('cost_drifter',myThid) #endif call timer_start('cost_drifter [ECCO SPIN-DOWN]', mythid) call cost_drifter( myiter, mytime, mythid ) call timer_stop ('cost_drifter [ECCO SPIN-DOWN]', mythid) #endif c-- Compute cost function contribution of wind stress observations. #ifdef ALLOW_SCAT_COST_CONTRIBUTION #ifndef DISABLE_DEBUGMODE IF ( debugLevel .GE. debLevB ) & CALL DEBUG_CALL('cost_scat',myThid) #endif call timer_start('cost_scat [ECCO SPIN-DOWN]', mythid) call cost_scat( myiter, mytime, mythid ) call timer_stop ('cost_scat [ECCO SPIN-DOWN]', mythid) #endif c-- Compute cost function contribution of wind stress observations. #ifdef ALLOW_MEAN_HFLUX_COST_CONTRIBUTION call timer_start('cost_mean_heatflux [ECCO SPIN-DOWN]', mythid) call cost_mean_heatflux( myiter, mytime, mythid ) call timer_stop ('cost_mean_heatflux [ECCO SPIN-DOWN]', mythid) #endif c-- Compute cost function contribution of wind stress observations. #ifdef ALLOW_MEAN_SFLUX_COST_CONTRIBUTION call timer_start('cost_mean_saltflux [ECCO SPIN-DOWN]', mythid) call cost_mean_saltflux( myiter, mytime, mythid ) call timer_stop ('cost_mean_saltflux [ECCO SPIN-DOWN]', mythid) #endif c-- Compute cost function contribution of drift between the first c and the last year. #ifdef ALLOW_DRIFT_COST_CONTRIBUTION #ifndef DISABLE_DEBUGMODE IF ( debugLevel .GE. debLevB ) & CALL DEBUG_CALL('cost_drift',myThid) #endif call timer_start('cost_drift [ECCO SPIN-DOWN]', mythid) call cost_drift( myiter, mytime, mythid ) call timer_stop ('cost_drift [ECCO SPIN-DOWN]', mythid) #endif #ifdef ALLOW_DRIFTW_COST_CONTRIBUTION #ifndef DISABLE_DEBUGMODE IF ( debugLevel .GE. debLevB ) & CALL DEBUG_CALL('cost_driftw',myThid) #endif call timer_start('cost_driftw [ECCO SPIN-DOWN]', mythid) call cost_driftw( myiter, mytime, mythid ) call timer_stop ('cost_driftw [ECCO SPIN-DOWN]', mythid) #endif _BARRIER c-- Compute initial vs. final T/S deviation #ifdef ALLOW_COST_INI_FIN call timer_start('cost_ini_fin [ECCO SPIN-DOWN]', mythid) call cost_theta_ini_fin( myiter, mytime, mythid ) call cost_salt_ini_fin( myiter, mytime, mythid ) call timer_stop ('cost_ini_fin [ECCO SPIN-DOWN]', mythid) #endif _BARRIER c-- Sum all cost function contributions. #ifndef DISABLE_DEBUGMODE IF ( debugLevel .GE. debLevB ) & CALL DEBUG_CALL('cost_final',myThid) #endif call timer_start('COST_FINAL [ECCO SPIN-DOWN]', mythid) call cost_final( mythid ) call timer_stop ('COST_FINAL [ECCO SPIN-DOWN]', mythid) #endif /* ALLOW_COST */ call timer_stop ('ECCO SPIN-DOWN', mythid) #ifndef DISABLE_DEBUGMODE IF ( debugLevel .GE. debLevB ) & CALL DEBUG_LEAVE('THE_MAIN_LOOP',myThid) #endif return end