C $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/pkg/ecco/Attic/cost_salt0.F,v 1.1 2003/11/06 22:10:08 heimbach Exp $ #include "COST_CPPOPTIONS.h" subroutine cost_salt0( I myiter, I mytime, I mythid & ) c ================================================================== c SUBROUTINE cost_salt0 c ================================================================== c c o Calculate the zonal wind stress contribution to the cost function. c c started: Christian Eckert eckert@mit.edu 30-Jun-1999 c c changed: Christian Eckert eckert@mit.edu 25-Feb-2000 c c - Restructured the code in order to create a package c for the MITgcmUV. c c ================================================================== c SUBROUTINE cost_salt0 c ================================================================== implicit none c == global variables == #include "EEPARAMS.h" #include "SIZE.h" #include "GRID.h" #include "ecco_cost.h" #include "ctrl.h" #include "ctrl_dummy.h" #include "optim.h" c == routine arguments == integer myiter _RL mytime integer mythid c == local variables == integer bi,bj integer i,j,k integer itlo,ithi integer jtlo,jthi integer jmin,jmax integer imin,imax integer nrec integer irec integer ilfld _RL fctile _RL fcthread _RL tmpx logical doglobalread logical ladinit character*(80) fnamefld character*(MAX_LEN_MBUF) msgbuf c == external functions == integer ilnblnk external ilnblnk c == end of interface == jtlo = mybylo(mythid) jthi = mybyhi(mythid) itlo = mybxlo(mythid) ithi = mybxhi(mythid) jmin = 1 jmax = sny imin = 1 imax = snx c-- Read state record from global file. doglobalread = .false. ladinit = .false. irec = 1 #ifdef ALLOW_SALT0_COST_CONTRIBUTION if (optimcycle .ge. 0) then ilfld = ilnblnk( xx_salt_file ) write(fnamefld(1:80),'(2a,i10.10)') & xx_salt_file(1:ilfld),'.',optimcycle endif fcthread = 0. _d 0 call active_read_xyz_loc( fnamefld, tmpfld3d, irec, doglobalread, & ladinit, optimcycle, mythid & , xx_salt_dummy ) c-- Loop over this thread's tiles. do bj = jtlo,jthi do bi = itlo,ithi c-- Determine the weights to be used. fctile = 0. _d 0 do k = 1,nr do j = jmin,jmax do i = imin,imax if (_hFacC(i,j,k,bi,bj) .ne. 0.) then tmpx = tmpfld3d(i,j,k,bi,bj) fctile = fctile & + wsalt(k,bi,bj)*cosphi(i,j,bi,bj) & *tmpx*tmpx endif enddo enddo enddo objf_salt0(bi,bj) = objf_salt0(bi,bj) + fctile fcthread = fcthread + fctile #ifdef ECCO_VERBOSE c-- Print cost function for each tile in each thread. write(msgbuf,'(a)') ' ' call print_message( msgbuf, standardmessageunit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT , mythid) write(msgbuf,'(a,i8.8,1x,i3.3,1x,i3.3)') & ' cost_salt0: irec,bi,bj = ',irec,bi,bj call print_message( msgbuf, standardmessageunit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT , mythid) write(msgbuf,'(a,d22.15)') & ' cost function (dS(0)) = ', & fctile call print_message( msgbuf, standardmessageunit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT , mythid) #endif enddo enddo #ifdef ECCO_VERBOSE c-- Print cost function for all tiles. _GLOBAL_SUM_R8( fcthread , myThid ) write(msgbuf,'(a)') ' ' call print_message( msgbuf, standardmessageunit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT , mythid) write(msgbuf,'(a,i8.8)') & ' cost_zonstress: irec = ',irec call print_message( msgbuf, standardmessageunit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT , mythid) write(msgbuf,'(a,d22.15)') & ' global cost function value = ', & fcthread call print_message( msgbuf, standardmessageunit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT , mythid) write(msgbuf,'(a)') ' ' call print_message( msgbuf, standardmessageunit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT , mythid) #endif #else c-- Do not enter the calculation of the salinity increment c-- contribution to the final cost function. fctile = 0. _d 0 fcthread = 0. _d 0 #ifdef ECCO_VERBOSE _BEGIN_MASTER( mythid ) write(msgbuf,'(a)') ' ' call print_message( msgbuf, standardmessageunit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT , mythid) write(msgbuf,'(a,a)') & ' cost_salt0 : no contribution of the I.C. in temp. ', & ' to cost function.' call print_message( msgbuf, standardmessageunit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT , mythid) write(msgbuf,'(a)') ' ' call print_message( msgbuf, standardmessageunit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT , mythid) _END_MASTER( mythid ) #endif #endif end