C $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/pkg/ecco/cost_internal_params.F,v 1.10 2015/10/29 03:41:06 gforget Exp $ C $Name: $ #include "ECCO_OPTIONS.h" subroutine cost_internal_params( myiter, mytime, mythid ) c ================================================================== c SUBROUTINE cost_internal_params c ================================================================== c c o Evaluate cost function contributions of internal parameters adjustments. c c started: Gael Forget 17-Aug-2007 c c ================================================================== c SUBROUTINE cost_internal_params c ================================================================== implicit none c == global variables == #ifdef ECCO_CTRL_DEPRECATED #include "EEPARAMS.h" #include "SIZE.h" #include "PARAMS.h" #include "GRID.h" #ifdef ALLOW_CAL # include "cal.h" #endif #ifdef ALLOW_ECCO # include "ecco_cost.h" #endif #ifdef ALLOW_CTRL # include "CTRL_SIZE.h" # include "ctrl.h" # include "ctrl_dummy.h" #endif #endif c == routine arguments == integer myiter _RL mytime integer mythid #ifdef ECCO_CTRL_DEPRECATED logical dodimensionalcost2D, dodimensionalcost3D c == end of interface == dodimensionalcost2D=.NOT.ctrlSmoothCorrel2D dodimensionalcost3D=.NOT.ctrlSmoothCorrel3D c-- Eddy stress penalty term #ifdef ALLOW_EDDYPSI_COST_CONTRIBUTION call timer_start('cost_tau_eddy [ECCO SPIN-DOWN]', mythid) call ctrl_cost_gen3d ( xx_edtaux_file, & xx_edtaux_dummy, wedtauxFld, dodimensionalcost3D, & num_zero_mean, objf_eddytau, maskC, myThid ) call ctrl_cost_gen3d ( & xx_edtauy_file,xx_edtauy_dummy, wedtauyFld, & num_zero_mean, objf_eddytau, maskC, myThid ) call timer_stop ('cost_tau_eddy [ECCO SPIN-DOWN]', mythid) #endif _BARRIER if (.NOT.ctrlUseGen) then c-- GM coeffs penalty term #ifdef ALLOW_diffkr_COST_CONTRIBUTION call timer_start('cost_kapgm [ECCO SPIN-DOWN]', mythid) call ctrl_cost_gen3d ( xx_kapgm_file, & xx_kapgm_dummy, wkapgmFld, dodimensionalcost3D, & num_kapgm, objf_kapgm, maskC, myThid ) call timer_stop ('cost_kapgm [ECCO SPIN-DOWN]', mythid) #endif _BARRIER c-- REDI coeffs penalty term #ifdef ALLOW_KAPREDI_COST_CONTRIBUTION call timer_start('cost_kapredi [ECCO SPIN-DOWN]', mythid) call ctrl_cost_gen3d ( xx_kapredi_file, & xx_kapredi_dummy, wkaprediFld, dodimensionalcost3D, & num_kapredi, objf_kapredi, maskC, myThid ) call timer_stop ('cost_kapredi [ECCO SPIN-DOWN]', mythid) #endif _BARRIER c-- DIFFKR coeffs penalty term #ifdef ALLOW_DIFFKR_COST_CONTRIBUTION call timer_start('cost_diffkr [ECCO SPIN-DOWN]', mythid) call ctrl_cost_gen3d ( xx_diffkr_file, & xx_diffkr_dummy, wdiffkrFld, dodimensionalcost3D, & num_diffkr, objf_diffkr, maskC, myThid ) call timer_stop ('cost_diffkr [ECCO SPIN-DOWN]', mythid) #endif _BARRIER endif !if (.NOT.ctrlUseGen) then c-- Bottom Drag penalty term #ifdef ALLOW_BOTTOMDRAG_COST_CONTRIBUTION call timer_start('cost_bottomdrag [ECCO SPIN-DOWN]', mythid) call ctrl_cost_gen2d ( 1, 1, xx_bottomdrag_file, & xx_bottomdrag_dummy, zeroRL, wbottomdrag, & dodimensionalcost2D, num_bottomdrag, objf_bottomdrag, #ifdef ECCO_CTRL_DEPRECATED & zeroRL, num_zero_mean, objf_zero_mean, & objf_zero_smoo, zeroRL, zeroRL, #endif /* ECCO_CTRL_DEPRECATED */ & maskC, myThid ) call timer_stop ('cost_bottomdrag [ECCO SPIN-DOWN]', mythid) #endif _BARRIER #endif end