C $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/pkg/ecco/cost_forcing.F,v 1.13 2007/10/09 00:02:50 jmc Exp $ C $Name: $ #include "COST_CPPOPTIONS.h" subroutine cost_forcing( myiter, mytime, mythid ) c ================================================================== c SUBROUTINE cost_forcing c ================================================================== c c o Evaluate cost function contributions of surface flux forcing. c Now, these are heat flux, salt flux, zonal and meridional wind c stress. c c started: Christian Eckert eckert@mit.edu 30-Jun-1999 c c changed: Christian Eckert eckert@mit.edu 25-Feb-2000 c c - Restructured the code in order to create a package c for the MITgcmUV. c c ================================================================== c SUBROUTINE cost_forcing c ================================================================== implicit none c == global variables == #include "SIZE.h" #include "EEPARAMS.h" #include "PARAMS.h" #include "GRID.h" #include "cal.h" #include "ctrl.h" #include "ctrl_dummy.h" #include "ecco_cost.h" c == routine arguments == integer mythid integer myiter _RL mytime c == local variables == integer startrec integer endrec c == end of interface == c-- Evaluate the individual cost function contributions. #if (defined (ALLOW_HFLUX_COST_CONTRIBUTION) && \ defined (ALLOW_HFLUX_CONTROL)) c-- Heat flux contribution to the cost function. startrec = ncvarrecstart(3) endrec = ncvarrecsend(3) call cost_forcing_gen ( & myiter, mytime, startrec, endrec, & xx_hflux_file, xx_hflux_dummy, xx_hfluxperiod, & wmean_hflux, whflux, & num_hflux, num_hfluxm, & objf_hflux, objf_hfluxm, objf_hfluxsmoo, & xx_hflux_remo_intercept, xx_hflux_remo_slope, & maskC, mythid ) #elif (defined (ALLOW_ATEMP_COST_CONTRIBUTION) && \ defined (ALLOW_ATEMP_CONTROL)) c-- Atmos. temp. contribution to the cost function. startrec = ncvarrecstart(7) endrec = ncvarrecsend(7) call cost_forcing_gen ( & myiter, mytime, startrec, endrec, & xx_atemp_file, xx_atemp_dummy, xx_atempperiod, & wmean_atemp, watemp, & num_atemp, num_atempm, & objf_atemp, objf_atempm, objf_atempsmoo, & xx_atemp_remo_intercept, xx_atemp_remo_slope, & maskC, mythid ) #endif #if (defined (ALLOW_SFLUX_COST_CONTRIBUTION) && \ defined (ALLOW_SFLUX_CONTROL)) c-- Salt flux contribution to the cost function. startrec = ncvarrecstart(4) endrec = ncvarrecsend(4) call cost_forcing_gen ( & myiter, mytime, startrec, endrec, & xx_sflux_file, xx_sflux_dummy, xx_sfluxperiod, & wmean_sflux, wsflux, & num_sflux, num_sfluxm, & objf_sflux, objf_sfluxm, objf_sfluxsmoo, & xx_sflux_remo_intercept, xx_sflux_remo_slope, & maskC, mythid ) #elif (defined (ALLOW_AQH_COST_CONTRIBUTION) && \ defined (ALLOW_AQH_CONTROL)) c-- Specific humidity contribution to the cost function. startrec = ncvarrecstart(8) endrec = ncvarrecsend(8) call cost_forcing_gen ( & myiter, mytime, startrec, endrec, & xx_aqh_file, xx_aqh_dummy, xx_aqhperiod, & wmean_aqh, waqh, & num_aqh, num_aqhm, & objf_aqh, objf_aqhm, objf_aqhsmoo, & xx_aqh_remo_intercept, xx_aqh_remo_slope, & maskC, mythid ) #endif #if (defined (ALLOW_USTRESS_COST_CONTRIBUTION )&& \ defined (ALLOW_USTRESS_CONTROL)) c-- Zonal wind stress contribution to the cost function. startrec = ncvarrecstart(5) endrec = ncvarrecsend(5) call cost_forcing_gen ( & myiter, mytime, startrec, endrec, & xx_tauu_file, xx_tauu_dummy, xx_tauuperiod, & wmean_tau, wtauu, & num_tauu, num_tauum, & objf_tauu, objf_tauum, objf_tauusmoo, & xx_tauu_remo_intercept, xx_tauu_remo_slope, & maskW, mythid ) #elif (defined (ALLOW_UWIND_COST_CONTRIBUTION )&& \ defined (ALLOW_UWIND_CONTROL)) c-- Zonal wind speed contribution to the cost function. startrec = ncvarrecstart(9) endrec = ncvarrecsend(9) call cost_forcing_gen ( & myiter, mytime, startrec, endrec, & xx_uwind_file, xx_uwind_dummy, xx_uwindperiod, & wmean_wind, wuwind, & num_uwind, num_uwindm, & objf_uwind, objf_uwindm, objf_uwindsmoo, & xx_uwind_remo_intercept, xx_uwind_remo_slope, & maskC, mythid ) #endif #if (defined (ALLOW_VSTRESS_COST_CONTRIBUTION) && \ defined (ALLOW_VSTRESS_CONTROL)) c-- Meridional wind stress contribution to the cost function. startrec = ncvarrecstart(6) endrec = ncvarrecsend(6) call cost_forcing_gen ( & myiter, mytime, startrec, endrec, & xx_tauv_file, xx_tauv_dummy, xx_tauvperiod, & wmean_tau, wtauv, & num_tauv, num_tauvm, & objf_tauv, objf_tauvm, objf_tauvsmoo, & xx_tauv_remo_intercept, xx_tauv_remo_slope, & maskS, mythid ) #elif (defined (ALLOW_VWIND_COST_CONTRIBUTION) && \ defined (ALLOW_VWIND_CONTROL)) c-- Meridional wind speed contribution to the cost function. startrec = ncvarrecstart(10) endrec = ncvarrecsend(10) call cost_forcing_gen ( & myiter, mytime, startrec, endrec, & xx_vwind_file, xx_vwind_dummy, xx_vwindperiod, & wmean_wind, wvwind, & num_vwind, num_vwindm, & objf_vwind, objf_vwindm, objf_vwindsmoo, & xx_vwind_remo_intercept, xx_vwind_remo_slope, & maskC, mythid ) #endif #if (defined (ALLOW_PRECIP_COST_CONTRIBUTION) && \ defined (ALLOW_PRECIP_CONTROL)) c-- Atmos. precip. contribution to the cost function. startrec = ncvarrecstart(32) endrec = ncvarrecsend(32) call cost_forcing_gen ( & myiter, mytime, startrec, endrec, & xx_precip_file, xx_precip_dummy, xx_precipperiod, & wmean_precip, wprecip, & num_precip, num_precipm, & objf_precip, objf_precipm, objf_precipsmoo, & xx_precip_remo_intercept, xx_precip_remo_slope, & maskC, mythid ) #endif #if (defined (ALLOW_SWFLUX_COST_CONTRIBUTION) && \ defined (ALLOW_SWFLUX_CONTROL)) c-- Atmos. swflux. contribution to the cost function. startrec = ncvarrecstart(33) endrec = ncvarrecsend(33) call cost_forcing_gen ( & myiter, mytime, startrec, endrec, & xx_swflux_file, xx_swflux_dummy, xx_swfluxperiod, & wmean_swflux, wswflux, & num_swflux, num_swfluxm, & objf_swflux, objf_swfluxm, objf_swfluxsmoo, & xx_swflux_remo_intercept, xx_swflux_remo_slope, & maskC, mythid ) #endif #if (defined (ALLOW_SWDOWN_COST_CONTRIBUTION) && \ defined (ALLOW_SWDOWN_CONTROL)) c-- Atmos. swdown. contribution to the cost function. startrec = ncvarrecstart(34) endrec = ncvarrecsend(34) call cost_forcing_gen ( & myiter, mytime, startrec, endrec, & xx_swdown_file, xx_swdown_dummy, xx_swdownperiod, & wmean_swdown, wswdown, & num_swdown, num_swdownm, & objf_swdown, objf_swdownm, objf_swdownsmoo, & xx_swdown_remo_intercept, xx_swdown_remo_slope, & maskC, mythid ) #endif #if (defined (ALLOW_LWFLUX_COST_CONTRIBUTION) && \ defined (ALLOW_LWFLUX_CONTROL)) c-- Atmos. lwflux. contribution to the cost function. startrec = ncvarrecstart(35) endrec = ncvarrecsend(35) call cost_forcing_gen ( & myiter, mytime, startrec, endrec, & xx_lwflux_file, xx_lwflux_dummy, xx_lwfluxperiod, & wmean_lwflux, wlwflux, & num_lwflux, num_lwfluxm, & objf_lwflux, objf_lwfluxm, objf_lwfluxsmoo, & xx_lwflux_remo_intercept, xx_lwflux_remo_slope, & maskC, mythid ) #endif #if (defined (ALLOW_LWDOWN_COST_CONTRIBUTION) && \ defined (ALLOW_LWDOWN_CONTROL)) c-- Atmos. lwdown. contribution to the cost function. startrec = ncvarrecstart(36) endrec = ncvarrecsend(36) call cost_forcing_gen ( & myiter, mytime, startrec, endrec, & xx_lwdown_file, xx_lwdown_dummy, xx_lwdownperiod, & wmean_lwdown, wlwdown, & num_lwdown, num_lwdownm, & objf_lwdown, objf_lwdownm, objf_lwdownsmoo, & xx_lwdown_remo_intercept, xx_lwdown_remo_slope, & maskC, mythid ) #endif #if (defined (ALLOW_EVAP_COST_CONTRIBUTION) && \ defined (ALLOW_EVAP_CONTROL)) c-- Atmos. evap. contribution to the cost function. startrec = ncvarrecstart(36) endrec = ncvarrecsend(36) call cost_forcing_gen ( & myiter, mytime, startrec, endrec, & xx_evap_file, xx_evap_dummy, xx_evapperiod, & wmean_evap, wevap, & num_evap, num_evapm, & objf_evap, objf_evapm, objf_evapsmoo, & xx_evap_remo_intercept, xx_evap_remo_slope, & maskC, mythid ) #endif #if (defined (ALLOW_SNOWPRECIP_COST_CONTRIBUTION) && \ defined (ALLOW_SNOWPRECIP_CONTROL)) c-- Atmos. snowprecip. contribution to the cost function. startrec = ncvarrecstart(36) endrec = ncvarrecsend(36) call cost_forcing_gen ( & myiter, mytime, startrec, endrec, & xx_snowprecip_file, xx_snowprecip_dummy, xx_snowprecipperiod, & wmean_snowprecip, wsnowprecip, & num_snowprecip, num_snowprecipm, & objf_snowprecip, objf_snowprecipm, objf_snowprecipsmoo, & xx_snowprecip_remo_intercept, xx_snowprecip_remo_slope, & maskC, mythid ) #endif #if (defined (ALLOW_APRESSURE_COST_CONTRIBUTION) && \ defined (ALLOW_APRESSURE_CONTROL)) c-- Atmos. apressure. contribution to the cost function. startrec = ncvarrecstart(36) endrec = ncvarrecsend(36) call cost_forcing_gen ( & myiter, mytime, startrec, endrec, & xx_apressure_file, xx_apressure_dummy, xx_apressureperiod, & wmean_apressure, wapressure, & num_apressure, num_apressurem, & objf_apressure, objf_apressurem, objf_apressuresmoo, & xx_apressure_remo_intercept, xx_apressure_remo_slope, & maskC, mythid ) #endif #if (defined (ALLOW_RUNOFF_COST_CONTRIBUTION) && \ defined (ALLOW_RUNOFF_CONTROL)) c-- Atmos. runoff. contribution to the cost function. startrec = ncvarrecstart(36) endrec = ncvarrecsend(36) call cost_forcing_gen ( & myiter, mytime, startrec, endrec, & xx_runoff_file, xx_runoff_dummy, xx_runoffperiod, & wmean_runoff, wrunoff, & num_runoff, num_runoffm, & objf_runoff, objf_runoffm, objf_runoffsmoo, & xx_runoff_remo_intercept, xx_runoff_remo_slope, & maskC, mythid ) #endif end