C $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/pkg/dic/car_flux_omega_top.F,v 1.7 2008/04/07 20:31:16 dfer Exp $ C $Name: $ #include "DIC_OPTIONS.h" CBOP C !ROUTINE: CAR_FLUX C !INTERFACE: ========================================================== SUBROUTINE CAR_FLUX_OMEGA_TOP( bioac, cflux, I bi,bj,imin,imax,jmin,jmax, I myIter,myTime,myThid) C !DESCRIPTION: C Calculate carbonate fluxes C HERE ONLY HAVE DISSOLUTION WHEN OMEGA < 1.0 C Karsten Friis and Mick Follows Sep 2004 C !USES: =============================================================== IMPLICIT NONE #include "SIZE.h" #include "DYNVARS.h" #include "EEPARAMS.h" #include "PARAMS.h" #include "GRID.h" #include "DIC_VARS.h" C !INPUT PARAMETERS: =================================================== C myThid :: thread number C myIter :: current timestep C myTime :: current time C bioac :: biological productivity INTEGER myIter _RL myTime INTEGER myThid _RL bioac(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,Nr) INTEGER imin, imax, jmin, jmax, bi, bj C !OUTPUT PARAMETERS: =================================================== C cflux :: carbonate flux _RL cflux(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,Nr) #ifdef ALLOW_PTRACERS #ifdef DIC_BIOTIC C !LOCAL VARIABLES: ==================================================== C i,j,k :: loop indices c ko :: loop-within-loop index c caexport :: flux of carbonate from base each "productive" c layer c depth_u, depth_l :: depths of upper and lower interfaces c flux_u, flux_l :: flux through upper and lower interfaces _RL caexport(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy) INTEGER I,J,k, ko _RL flux_u, flux_l c variables for calcium carbonate dissolution _RL KierRate _RL DissolutionRate _RL WsinkPIC INTEGER iflx _RL dumrate c diagnostics c _RL exp_tot c _RL flx_tot c integer knum c _RL omeg_bot c _RL tmp CEOP c flag to either remineralize in bottom or top layer if flux c reaches bottom layer 0=bottom, 1=top iflx=1 c set some nominal particulate sinking rate c try 100m/day WsinkPIC = 100/86400.0 c calculate carbonate flux from base of each nlev DO j=jmin,jmax DO i=imin,imax c exp_tot=0 do k=1,nR cflux(i,j,k)=0.d0 enddo DO k=1,nLev if (hFacC(i,j,k,bi,bj).gt.0.d0) then caexport(i,j)= R_CP*rain_ratio(i,j,bi,bj)*bioac(i,j,k)* & (1.0-DOPfraction)*drF(k)*hFacC(i,j,k,bi,bj) c exp_tot=exp_tot+caexport(i,j) c calculate flux to each layer from base of k Do ko=k+1,Nr if (hFacC(i,j,ko,bi,bj).gt.0.d0) then if (ko .eq. k+1) then flux_u = caexport(i,j) else flux_u = flux_l endif C flux through lower face of cell if (omegaC(i,j,ko,bi,bj) .gt. 1.0) then flux_l = flux_u c if at bottom, remineralize remaining flux if (ko.eq.Nr.or.hFacC(i,j,ko+1,bi,bj).eq.0.d0) then if (iflx.eq.1) then c ... at surface cflux(i,j,1)=cflux(i,j,1)+ & ( (flux_l)/(drF(1)*hFacC(i,j,1,bi,bj)) ) else c ... at bottom flux_l=0.d0 endif endif else c if dissolution, then use rate from Kier (1980) Geochem. Cosmochem. Acta c Kiers dissolution rate in % per day KierRate = 7.177* ((1.0-omegaC(i,j,ko,bi,bj))**4.54) c convert to per s c Karsten finds Kier value not in 0/0 after all... therefore drop 100 factor c DissolutionRate = KierRate/(100.0*86400.0) DissolutionRate = KierRate/(86400.0) c flux_l = flux_u*(1.0-DissolutionRate*drF(k)/WsinkPIC) c Karstens version c - gives NaNs (because using kierrate, not dissolution rate)??? c flux_l = flux_u*(1.0-KierRate)**(drF(k)/WsinkPIC) c MICKS NEW VERSION... based on vertical sinking/remin balance dumrate = -1.0d0*DissolutionRate*drF(ko)* & hFacC(i,j,ko,bi,bj)/WsinkPIC flux_l = flux_u*exp(dumrate) c TEST ............................ c if(i .eq. 76 .and. j .eq. 36)then c write(6,*)'k,flux_l/flux_u',ko,(flux_l/flux_u) c write(6,*)'K, KierRate, drF(k), drF(ko), WsinkPIC,OmegaC' c write(6,*)ko,KierRate,drF(k),drF(ko),WsinkPIC, c & omegaC(i,j,ko,bi,bj) c endif c TEST ............................ c no flux to ocean bottom if (ko.eq.Nr.or.hFacC(i,j,ko+1,bi,bj).eq.0.d0) & flux_l=0.d0 endif c flux divergence cflux(i,j,ko)=cflux(i,j,ko) + & ( (flux_u-flux_l)/(drF(ko)*hFacC(i,j,ko,bi,bj)) ) c TEST ............................ c if(i .eq. 76 .and. j .eq. 36)then c write(6,*)'k,flux_l/flux_u',ko,(flux_l/flux_u) c write(6,*)'k,flux_l,cflux ',ko,flux_l,cflux(i,j,ko) c endif c TEST ............................ else c if no layer below initial layer, remineralize if (ko.eq.k+1) then if (iflx.eq.1.and.omegaC(i,j,k,bi,bj) .gt. 1.d0) then c ... at surface cflux(i,j,1)=cflux(i,j,1) & +bioac(i,j,k)*(1.0-DOPfraction)* & R_CP*rain_ratio(i,j,bi,bj) & *drF(k)*hFacC(i,j,k,bi,bj)/ & (drF(1)*hFacC(i,j,1,bi,bj) ) else c ... at bottom cflux(i,j,k)=cflux(i,j,k) & +bioac(i,j,k)*(1.0-DOPfraction)* & R_CP*rain_ratio(i,j,bi,bj) endif endif endif ENDDO endif ENDDO c diagnostic c flx_tot=0 c k=0 c do k=1,nR c flx_tot=flx_tot+cflux(i,j,k)*drF(k)*hFacC(i,j,k,bi,bj) c if (hFacC(i,j,k,bi,bj).gt.0) then c knum=k c omeg_bot=omegaC(i,j,k,bi,bj) c endif c enddo c if (hFacC(i,j,k,bi,bj).gt.0) then c tmp=abs(exp_tot-flx_tot) c if (tmp>1e-20) then c print*,'QQ car_flux', knum, c & omeg_bot, exp_tot, flx_tot, exp_tot-flx_tot c endif c endif c end diagnostic ENDDO ENDDO c #endif #endif RETURN END