C $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/pkg/diagnostics/diagstats_mnc_out.F,v 1.7 2005/11/01 01:53:13 jmc Exp $ C $Name: checkpoint59g $ #include "DIAG_OPTIONS.h" C---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7-|--+----| CBOP 0 C !ROUTINE: DIAGSTATS_MNC_OUT C !INTERFACE: SUBROUTINE DIAGSTATS_MNC_OUT( I statGlob, nLev, ndId, I mId, listId, myTime, myIter, myThid ) C !DESCRIPTION: C Write Global statistics to a netCDF file C !USES: IMPLICIT NONE #include "SIZE.h" #include "EEPARAMS.h" #include "EESUPPORT.h" #include "PARAMS.h" #include "GRID.h" #include "DIAGNOSTICS_SIZE.h" #include "DIAGNOSTICS.h" #ifdef ALLOW_FIZHI #include "fizhi_SIZE.h" #else INTEGER Nrphys PARAMETER (Nrphys=0) #endif C !INPUT PARAMETERS: C statGlob :: AVERAGED DIAGNOSTIC QUANTITY C nLev :: 2nd Dimension (max Nb of levels) of statGlob array C ndId :: diagnostic Id number (in diagnostics long list) C mId :: field rank in list "listId" C listId :: current output Stream list C myIter :: current Iteration Number C myTime :: current time of simulation (s) C myThid :: my thread Id number INTEGER nLev _RL statGlob(0:nStats,0:nLev,0:nRegions) _RL myTime INTEGER ndId, mId, listId INTEGER myIter, myThid CEOP C !LOCAL VARIABLES: #ifdef ALLOW_MNC INTEGER im, ix, iv, ist PARAMETER ( iv = nStats - 2 , im = nStats - 1 , ix = nStats ) INTEGER i, j, k CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_MBUF) tnam CHARACTER*(3) stat_typ(5) INTEGER ILNBLNK EXTERNAL ILNBLNK INTEGER ii, ilen CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) diag_mnc_bn INTEGER CW_DIMS, NLEN PARAMETER ( CW_DIMS = 10 ) PARAMETER ( NLEN = 80 ) INTEGER dim(CW_DIMS), ib(CW_DIMS), ie(CW_DIMS) CHARACTER*(NLEN) dn(CW_DIMS) CHARACTER*(NLEN) d_cw_gname CHARACTER*(NLEN) d_cw_gname0 CHARACTER*(NLEN) dn_blnk #ifdef DIAGST_MNC_NEEDSWORK CHARACTER*(5) ctmp _RS ztmp(Nr+Nrphys) #endif _RL stmp(Nr+Nrphys+1,nRegions+1) #endif /* ALLOW_MNC */ C---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7-|--+----| #ifdef ALLOW_MNC _BEGIN_MASTER( myThid) stat_typ(1) = 'vol' stat_typ(2) = 'ave' stat_typ(3) = 'std' stat_typ(4) = 'min' stat_typ(5) = 'max' #ifdef ALLOW_USE_MPI IF ( diagSt_MNC .AND. mpiMyId.EQ.0 ) THEN #else IF ( diagSt_MNC ) THEN #endif DO i = 1,MAX_LEN_FNAM diag_mnc_bn(i:i) = ' ' ENDDO DO i = 1,NLEN dn_blnk(i:i) = ' ' ENDDO ilen = ILNBLNK(diagSt_Fname(listId)) WRITE(diag_mnc_bn, '(a)') diagSt_Fname(listId)(1:ilen) IF (mId .EQ. 1) THEN C Update the record dimension by writing the iteration number CALL MNC_CW_SET_UDIM(diag_mnc_bn, -1, myThid) CALL MNC_CW_RL_W_S('D',diag_mnc_bn,1,1,'T',myTime,myThid) CALL MNC_CW_SET_UDIM(diag_mnc_bn, 0, myThid) CALL MNC_CW_I_W_S('I',diag_mnc_bn,1,1,'iter',myIter,myThid) ENDIF #ifdef DIAGST_MNC_NEEDSWORK C This is turned off for the time being but it should eventually C be re-worked and turned on so that coordinate dimensions are C supplied along with the data. Unfortunately, the current C diagnostics system has **NO** way of telling us whether a C quantity is defined on a typical vertical grid (eg. the dynamics C grid), a gridalt--style grid, or a single-level field that has C no specified vertical location. dn(1)(1:NLEN) = dn_blnk(1:NLEN) WRITE(dn(1),'(a,i6.6)') 'Zmd', kdiag(ndId) dim(1) = kdiag(ndId) ib(1) = 1 ie(1) = kdiag(ndId) CALL MNC_CW_ADD_GNAME('diag_levels', 1, & dim, dn, ib, ie, myThid) CALL MNC_CW_ADD_VNAME('diag_levels', 'diag_levels', & 0,0, myThid) CALL MNC_CW_ADD_VATTR_TEXT('diag_levels','description', & 'Idicies of vertical levels within the source arrays', & myThid) CALL MNC_CW_RL_W('D',diag_mnc_bn,1,1, & 'diag_levels', levs(1,listId), myThid) CALL MNC_CW_DEL_VNAME('diag_levels', myThid) CALL MNC_CW_DEL_GNAME('diag_levels', myThid) C Now define: Zmdxxxxxx, Zudxxxxxx, Zldxxxxxx ctmp(1:5) = 'mul ' DO i = 1,3 dn(1)(1:NLEN) = dn_blnk(1:NLEN) WRITE(dn(1),'(3a,i6.6)') 'Z',ctmp(i:i),'d',nlevels(listId) CALL MNC_CW_ADD_GNAME(dn(1), 1, dim, dn, ib, ie, myThid) CALL MNC_CW_ADD_VNAME(dn(1), dn(1), 0,0, myThid) C The following three ztmp() loops should eventually be modified C to reflect the fractional nature of levs(j,l) -- they should C do something like: C ztmp(j) = rC(INT(FLOOR(levs(j,l)))) C + ( rC(INT(FLOOR(levs(j,l)))) C + rC(INT(CEIL(levs(j,l)))) ) C / ( levs(j,l) - FLOOR(levs(j,l)) ) C for averaged levels. IF (i .EQ. 1) THEN DO j = 1,nlevels(listId) ztmp(j) = rC(NINT(levs(j,listId))) ENDDO CALL MNC_CW_ADD_VATTR_TEXT(dn(1),'description', & 'Dimensional coordinate value at the mid point', & myThid) ELSEIF (i .EQ. 2) THEN DO j = 1,nlevels(listId) ztmp(j) = rF(NINT(levs(j,listId)) + 1) ENDDO CALL MNC_CW_ADD_VATTR_TEXT(dn(1),'description', & 'Dimensional coordinate value at the upper point', & myThid) ELSEIF (i .EQ. 3) THEN DO j = 1,nlevels(listId) ztmp(j) = rF(NINT(levs(j,listId))) ENDDO CALL MNC_CW_ADD_VATTR_TEXT(dn(1),'description', & 'Dimensional coordinate value at the lower point', & myThid) ENDIF CALL MNC_CW_RS_W('D',diag_mnc_bn,1,1, dn(1), ztmp, myThid) CALL MNC_CW_DEL_VNAME(dn(1), myThid) CALL MNC_CW_DEL_GNAME(dn(1), myThid) ENDDO #endif /* DIAGST_MNC_NEEDSWORK */ DO ii = 1,CW_DIMS d_cw_gname(1:NLEN) = dn_blnk(1:NLEN) dn(ii)(1:NLEN) = dn_blnk(1:NLEN) ENDDO C Z is special since it varies WRITE(dn(1),'(a,i6.6)') 'Zd', kdiag(ndId) IF ( (gdiag(ndId)(10:10) .EQ. 'R') & .AND. (gdiag(ndId)(9:9) .EQ. 'M') ) THEN WRITE(dn(1),'(a,i6.6)') 'Zmd', kdiag(ndId) ENDIF IF ( (gdiag(ndId)(10:10) .EQ. 'R') & .AND. (gdiag(ndId)(9:9) .EQ. 'L') ) THEN WRITE(dn(1),'(a,i6.6)') 'Zld', kdiag(ndId) ENDIF IF ( (gdiag(ndId)(10:10) .EQ. 'R') & .AND. (gdiag(ndId)(9:9) .EQ. 'U') ) THEN WRITE(dn(1),'(a,i6.6)') 'Zud', kdiag(ndId) ENDIF dim(1) = Nr+Nrphys+1 ib(1) = 1 ie(1) = kdiag(ndId) C "region" dimension dim(2) = nRegions + 1 ib(2) = 1 dn(2)(1:6) = 'region' ie(2) = nRegions + 1 C Time dimension dn(3)(1:1) = 'T' dim(3) = -1 ib(3) = 1 ie(3) = 1 C Note that the "d_cw_gname" variable is a hack that hides a C subtlety within MNC. Basically, each MNC-wrapped file is C caching its own concept of what each "grid name" (that is, a C dimension group name) means. So one cannot re-use the same C "grid" name for different collections of dimensions within a C given file. By appending the "ndId" values to each name, we C guarantee uniqueness within each MNC-produced file. WRITE(d_cw_gname,'(a7,i6.6)') 'dst_cw_', ndId CALL MNC_CW_ADD_GNAME(d_cw_gname, 3, & dim, dn, ib, ie, myThid) WRITE(dn(1),'(a3)') 'Zd0' ie(1) = 1 WRITE(d_cw_gname0,'(a9,i6.6)') 'dst_cw_0_', ndId CALL MNC_CW_ADD_GNAME(d_cw_gname0, 3, & dim, dn, ib, ie, myThid) DO ist = 0,nStats DO i = 1,MAX_LEN_FNAM tnam(i:i) = ' ' ENDDO c IF ( kdiag(ndId) .GT. 1 ) THEN ilen = ILNBLNK(cdiag(ndId)) WRITE(tnam,'(a,a1,a3)') & cdiag(ndId)(1:ilen),'_',stat_typ(ist+1) CALL MNC_CW_ADD_VNAME(tnam, d_cw_gname0, & 0,0, myThid) CALL MNC_CW_ADD_VATTR_TEXT(tnam,'description', & tdiag(ndId),myThid) CALL MNC_CW_ADD_VATTR_TEXT(tnam,'units', & udiag(ndId),myThid) C Copy the data into a temporary with the necessary shape DO j = 0,nRegions stmp(1,j+1) = statGlob(ist,0,j) ENDDO C-jmc: fflags is not for Statistics-Diagnostics, can be unset, and since C- size of the output file will not be an issue here: Always write real*8 c IF ((fflags(listId)(1:1) .EQ. ' ') c & .OR. (fflags(listId)(1:1) .EQ. 'R')) THEN c c CALL MNC_CW_RL_W('R',diag_mnc_bn,1,1, c & tnam, stmp, myThid) c c ELSEIF (fflags(listId)(1:1) .EQ. 'D') THEN CALL MNC_CW_RL_W('D',diag_mnc_bn,1,1, & tnam, stmp, myThid) c else c write(0,*) myIter, ndId, listId c write(0,'(3A)') '>',cdiag(ndId),'<' c write(0,'(3A)') '>',fflags(listId),'<' c STOP ' in DIAGSTATS_MNC_OUT' c ENDIF CALL MNC_CW_DEL_VNAME(tnam, myThid) c ENDIF IF ( kdiag(ndId) .GT. 1 ) THEN ilen = ILNBLNK(cdiag(ndId)) WRITE(tnam,'(a,a4,a3)') & cdiag(ndId)(1:ilen),'_lv_',stat_typ(ist+1) CALL MNC_CW_ADD_VNAME(tnam, d_cw_gname, & 0,0, myThid) CALL MNC_CW_ADD_VATTR_TEXT(tnam,'description', & tdiag(ndId),myThid) CALL MNC_CW_ADD_VATTR_TEXT(tnam,'units', & udiag(ndId),myThid) C Copy the data into a temporary with the necessary shape DO j = 0,nRegions DO k = 1,kdiag(ndId) stmp(k,j+1) = statGlob(ist,k,j) ENDDO ENDDO C-jmc: Always write real*8 (size of the output file will not be an issue here) CALL MNC_CW_RL_W('D',diag_mnc_bn,1,1, & tnam, stmp, myThid) CALL MNC_CW_DEL_VNAME(tnam, myThid) ENDIF ENDDO CALL MNC_CW_DEL_GNAME(d_cw_gname, myThid) CALL MNC_CW_DEL_GNAME(d_cw_gname0, myThid) ENDIF _END_MASTER( myThid ) #endif /* ALLOW_MNC */ RETURN END C---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7-|--+----|