C $Header: /home/ubuntu/mnt/e9_copy/MITgcm/pkg/diagnostics/Attic/diagnostics_setunits.F,v 1.4 2004/07/06 03:55:53 edhill Exp $ C $Name: $ #include "DIAG_OPTIONS.h" subroutine diagnostics_setunits (myThid, chardiag, diagunits) C*********************************************************************** C Purpose C ------- C Wrapper routine to set the units of an active diagnostic C C Arguments Description C ---------------------- C myThid ..... Current Process(or) C chardiag ... Character *8 expression for diag to fill C diagunits .. Character *16 expression for diag units C*********************************************************************** implicit none #include "SIZE.h" #include "diagnostics_SIZE.h" #include "diagnostics.h" integer myThid character *8 chardiag character *16 diagunits c Local variables c =============== integer n, ndiagnum, ipointer C Run through list of active diagnostics to make sure C we are trying to fill a valid diagnostic ndiagnum = 0 ipointer = 0 do n = 1,ndiagt if(chardiag.eq.cdiag(n)) then ndiagnum = n ipointer = idiag(n) endif enddo if( ndiagnum.ne.0 .and. ipointer.ne.0 ) then udiag(ndiagnum)=diagunits else write(6,1000)chardiag endif 1000 format(' ',' Warning: Trying to set units of diagnostic ',a8, . ' But it is not a valid (or active) name ') return end